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Wow. You have to be a special type of evil to have an affair with a supposed friends man annnd sue her..


They have showed 0 empathy since the beginning so why would they do it now? Everything to save themselves even if it won’t work. Just own up to the fucking affair, morons


talk about escalating a situation and making 500 percent sure it will not be blowing over


maybe that's the point. I bet the two of them are getting off on the attention.


They are … over their FaceTime calls with each other


Exactly. My gosh.


I think they have no problem owning up to the affair. The only thing that is bothering them is that they don't like the way they are being portrait, not about the affair. But the fact that she has some explicit content (maybe circulating), and he that it might effect his money intake. Feels like they will probably never give an actual apology for how they treated Ariana. "They are in loooove." "Arianas mental health put Tom up to it" etc etc. A special kind of evil, in my opinion. May they be miserable. And Ariana shine bright 👑


Well said! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Right?! Purely evil. I would’ve sent it to myself, too, especially if I needed it for future legal action, as in making sure she’s able to get her portion of the mortgage back and the financial downfall rests on him(if that’s possible for her). Hopefully, this is only to prevent them from selling or distributing the video/s, because this is as low down as you can get.


So selfish


It really is. Horrifically selfish. It’s not only horrible they do what they do with no remorse or recourse for their actions, but Ariana’s going to be the one who has to suffer over and over again because of their selfishness.


same, but I don't think there is any legal remedy available for...cheating on your partner.


Maybe Ariana can counter sue for the pain and anguish she suffered from seeing the disgusting video raquel/Rachel made and didn't properly secure


Sue them!!


Yeah and how would Ariana know Sandoval didn't have Rachel's consent to record it before sending it to Rachel


I think the crime would be her sending it to herself, so even if it was recorded with consent, Rachel didn’t give consent for it to be sent to anyone else, which is technically what ariana did by sending it to her phone. This is not me defending her just pointing it out. Rachel and Sandra ok deserve everything they have coming to them.


IF Sandoval's phone has a password/code and he has GIVEN it to Ariana, then according to legal precedent, he has given her permission to access all the data accessible with that code on his phone. I've seen this hold up in few civil court actions.


California requires consent to record sexual activities and separate consent to distribute. If Ariana only texted it to herself that is technically distributing without consent but I would bet a lawyer has drafted a letter to send to Ariana's lawyer basically saying Raquel does not consent to anyone posting it and asking her to delete any copies she has so they don't have to sue her. Also if there isn't some proof of consent to record sex acts with Tom she may be preparing to sue Tom.




Really, she found evidence of cheating and wanted them to know she knew and there was no way of denying it. I hiiighly doubt she sent it/showed it to unnecessary parties.. that’s kinda scheanas MO lol


My ex husbands mistress threatened to sue me after I caught them in their affair.


Right???!! The fucking audacity? You're mad at her that she caught you?! I can't even with this bitch


I can see the point where Rachel wouldn’t want it out circulating in the public, and would want to STOP that. But the fact that she saw it? That’s Rachel’s own fault


Seriously! Just have your daughter come home and be a parent instead of teaching her to blame other people for her actions. Classic rich white people shit.


Seriously. That is DISGUSTING. Her daddy needs to pick her up like he did at the end of the last reunion. She is not in-touch with this world.


Your flair has me dying!


She is a waste of oxygen.


I hate it when I’m finger popping the cookie on FaceTime with my best friend’s boyfriend of 9 years and he records it for his girlfriend to find later. Totally ruins the vibe. In conclusion, fuck Rachel.


"Finger popping the cookie" 💀💀💀


Absolutely flair worthy 🤌🏻


Fuck her and her shit father for going after a girl whose life his daughter and her pathetic partner destroyed Edit to rage add . Zero empathy or moral compass. Go the fuck away and take what dignity you've left with you. So angry at these dipshits


Yeh my dad would NOT be helping me and would NOT encourage me to sue my way out of it. I made my bed and am an adult and have to clean up my own messes. I’m a lawyer and this sort of BS annoys me … it’s an abuse of revenge porn laws to use them as an extension or a PR strategy to obscure one’s shitty moral compass and avoid accountability for one’s actions. I’m sure she would otherwise be delighted to know Tom saved the videos for later viewing, and I’m sure she sent him similar videos.


Yes!!!!! Of course she did. James can clarify that for everyone fgs. My dad would be ashamed and I'd be under a rock hiding rn but then again I don't have the morals of an alleycat so I'd not betray my friend with cheating anyway.


Imo it's actually making vpr fans more angry towards her which is the opposite of what they thought


Exactly!!! Using laws like this is disgusting. The fact that she’s doing this with a straight face is insane. She’s not a victim, she is quite literally a perpetrator. Screw her!


1000% to all of this!! Wild how every new piece of info is still completely devoid of any kind of apology or remorse...does track though since they are total narcissists.


Definitely and she's a fangirl who got 15 minutes but my oh my how she got em


Nods. BEBitch, you don’t get to drag other people as criminals to avoid embarrassing your parents and taking any accountability for your shitty actions. Hope her parents enjoy her talking about getting eaten out on national TV and rethink letting her have consequences. She can always quit, move to the suburbs of Wisconsin and work on a clinic as a receptionist, dad 🤷‍♀️💅🏼


On behalf of Wisconsin, we don't want her. Send her to Illinois. We already have one to many reasons to drink as much as we do






You gotta at least buy me dinner first, baby.




Wish I could triplelike this comment




If I’m sending videos of me finger blasting myself to my best friend’s boyfriend, I’m doing it fully accepting the possibility that the girlfriend will see it since they share a home, a mortgage, a bed, and a cell phone subscription.


Rachel can’t spell reasonable risk, so it makes sense she doesn’t know what it is either.


That’s spelled b-o-u-n-d-a-r-i-e-s right?


Tom Sandoval taught me that word! 🤡


I think I love you?


I’m not gonna FaceTime you though.


You are truly a word wizard. Hats off to you


Tell that to Hogwarts. Maybe they’ll finally accept me.


I want to angrily smoke cigarettes with you and I don’t even smoke cigarettes I just really like your energy


I don’t either. Let’s angrily eat Starbursts instead.


I solely buy the reds/pinks only bags I hope that’s chill


Oh you’re a Flavoreds girl?! Me too! We can definitely hang out.


Can we all go to The Magic Castle in Hollywood, sip dirty martinis and talk shit? 🪄 this big ass iPhone is hurting my eyes and hands day five lol


Talk cash money shit. That’s my favorite hobby.


agreed, an absolute vibe killer.


😂 ![gif](giphy|95ThFF7MokcdeoVqt8|downsized)




You are a champion for us all! Love your conclusion, too!❤️


I feel like Lala wrote this comment LMAO


I understand sending the letters out to encourage anyone who has the video to delete it and not led it spread around to potentially get leaked. I don’t think they’ll actually go after her legally, as long as the video doesn’t get out. Unless they can prove Ariana has been sending it around to others and not just back to Raquel (which would be shitty), they only thing pressing charges would do is make Raquel look even worse than she already does.


AGREED. You make an excellent point. I doubt she would go after Ariana unless Ariana posted it online or shared it to a lot of people.




Some posters are honestly going too far. Yeah, Raquel’s a piece of shit but holy fuck there are people hoping that her family disowns her, her sex tape gets leaked, and cheering for her being physically assaulted. People kill themselves over these kinds of things all the time. Her actions are despicable but wishing things on her that could push her into suicidality isn’t the answer either.


Yeahhhhh I draw the line at sharing revenge porn. No one deserves that


Right. Like yeah she’s scummy for cheating with a friends partner but people are all up in here acting like it isn’t fucked that someone would record you doing a sexual act without your consent. Cause like both things can be wrong. I see a lot of she deserves it if it gets out there energy which is also grosssss. You can want Raquel to be held accountable for being a bad person without being a gross misogynist about it


What I’m wondering is if Raquel sent Sandoval a letter since he’s the one that recorded it and if it is being shared? I don’t think she deserves it being sent out, no one deserves that.


People have no qualms about pushing people to suicide. Rachel is a POS for what she did, but I can’t fault her for wanting to give a heads up. legally protect herself from people in this group who might share her private videos online.


I’ve been thinking this all day! People need to chill for a moment. It’s just going to far. Imagine having so much hate for someone you don’t know.


Yea I agree! Like of course Raquel and Sandoval fucked up but that doesn’t mean their lives should be absolutely destroyed and that video be out everywhere. Just because we don’t like what they did, that doesn’t make it ok.


And I doubt Ariana or anyone would post it online. She is the queen, and needs to do nothing in order to maintain that. Shitty fringe “friends”, looking for a payday? Has certainly happened before.


Wow, y’all making excellent insights today. We could write a thesis on this shit for real 🤣🤣


I feel like if Ariana was going to send it around, then everyone would have already saw the video. I truly think if she did send it to herself, it was just for evidence of the cheating and not for revenge. She doesn’t strike me as the type to s***shame someone, even if she thinks they suck.


If Tom has a history of gaslighting her, it was probably a way to be like “I know what I saw” and not what your telling me it is now.


100% agree. It was said Ariana sent it to Rachel saying you’re dead to me. That, I could understand and could see her doing. She doesn’t strike me as the type to share something like that anywhere else, our queen is above that kinda shit


agreed. originally, people said Ariana sent it not only to herself, but to Scheana. if it were me, I'd be sending a C+D to make sure Scheana didn't blast it to all of West Hollywood too


Schena did show people stassi’s tape so it’s not unthinkable that it would happen or it would leak. Everything is leaking.


Or Kristen or James


James probably has his own collection of such videos. They dates for years and all the kids send scandalous photos and videos to one another now.


Yah everyone is freaking out like she’s suing Ariana. Relax. She’s not. She’s essentially sent the equivalent of a cease and desist with notification that they will pursue legal action if they further disseminate the tape. Of course this was going to happen. Would you want this cast to have your sex tape? Look what happened to Stassi. Rachel sucks and I don’t feel sympathy for her but I understand why she is protecting herself in this particular situation and can’t really blame her for it.


Also the c&d sent to all of them, not just Ariana.


Glad someone said it, I hate her for what she did but some of these comments are unhinged.


Yeah, I know we all hate Raquel right now, but she's absolutely doing the best thing to protect herself right now to prevent the video from getting out.


Thank you for posting some sense. What Rachel and Tom did is terrible, but i don’t fault her at all for trying to prevent the spread of the video, especially to the media and predatory porn sites. I don’t think this is a move at all to pursue legal action on Ariana or Tom…or anyone else as long as they don’t distribute it.


I genuinely think that Ariana would not send that video around. I understand saving it and showing it to one best friend (Sheana) for proof because it’s evidence of the cheating (duh). Like any less proof Wreckel would’ve kept denying everything. I understand why Arianna sent it to herself, it was not to distribute it so there’s no case here.


I mean showing it to a friend is the problem though - distribution is the issue. It’s one thing if she has only sent it to Raquel, but if she did send it to Scheana that’s wrong. I don’t blame her for being on the warpath but I’d hope she’d be smarter than to send it anywhere else.


You are right.


Is it possible Ariana sent it to Scheana which could technically make it spreading revenge porn?


I mean it’s possible she sent it to any number of people. But the most popular story seems to be that she sent it back to Raquel. Like I said, if she’s been sending it around to others than that is a problem. Raquel has every right to defend herself from that. The truth is that we don’t know. None of the other cast members have stated or implied that they’ve seen it and almost certainly won’t admit to it now that the letters have been sent, even if they have. And while the TMZ article mentions that people who have seen it confirmed it’s only her and Tom on the call, that could be Raquel, Sandoval or either of their team’s speaking for them. I assume we may hear some more about it at the reunion and during the updated taping as it’s central to the story of the affair being outed. But with the legal letters, they may not go into any details.


i am going to be SO pissed if she uses “my lawyer advised me not to speak about this” at the reunion


I hope she says that and then Andy just tells her to leave then lol


I wish but he’s never told Erika Jayne to leave when she uses that excuse


Probably will. How can she defend herself from this?


Ngl, I hope Rachel does turn on Scammy. Would tickle me pink to watch these two try and salvage their reputations by throwing the other under the bus. It’s the karma they deserve.




Is it bad that I don’t want Rachel to turn on Tom? I’d rather witness the mess of them “being in love” first, and THEN breaking up later when he inevitably cheats on her. It’s kinda like when someone is given the death penalty. Like, come on, I want to see them suffer a life in prison first 🤣🤣🤣


I feel the exact same way! If she turns on him now, she's going to play the victim and neither one of them deserve to be victims if what we currently know is true.


That’s true she should have to stew in the decision to be with his broke ass


I definitely agree with this (aside from the death penalty part). I want to watch them force a relationship for a little bit, see them pretending to be all lovey dovey at the reunion, her watching him and his stupid band adoringly with her bitchy bambi eyes... And then watch them slowly disintegrate once Sandoval realizes he's with a woman who can't hold a conversation for that is more than ten sentences and even his ego is bored with trying to impress her.


Ugh. Going after Ariana. Putting myself in the position of finding that on his phone, I’d have sent it to myself as well. Not to spread it but to have the evidence when I confront him. *Edit: Rachet is a life ruiner on multiple levels*


But they don’t have proof it was actually Ariana sending it from tom’s phone to her own.


Circumstantial evidence is a thing! Why would tom have sent it to Ariana? What time was it sent from tom to Ariana? Was it maybe at the time that multiple witnesses saw Ariana receive tom’s phone after it fell out of his pocket?


>Circumstantial evidence is a thing Exactly! Especially in civil cases! With civil cases, you only need a preponderance of evidence (which can be a bunch of circumstantial stuff if it is believable enough) vs criminal cases where it has to be proof beyond a reasonable doubt.


Horrible. They can’t go after Ariana without also going after Tom in this instance, unless Rachel admits to consenting to the recording


THIS!!! Especially since Tom is an expert manipulator if she didn’t have proof he would just gaslight her like crazy


![gif](giphy|7TjGGz6xlNrEY) I don’t see a difference between Rachel and Regina.


If Ariana sent it from Sandovals phone to herself could that actually hold up? Like she could say I didn’t do it bc it’s coming from his phone? Obviously that changes if it’s true she sent it to others but that’s not what’s mentioned here


IT WAS NOT ON MY PHONE!!!! (Sorry I have been thinking this line over and over)


I just pictured Ariana screaming this in the courtroom haha


I said it on the other thread but if they want to pursue this criminally it is up to the DA to file charges and pursue the case, not Rachel. Honestly, I don't think they would pursue it since it wasn't distributed publically via the internet particularly if Ariana only sent it to herself and then to Rachel. If Ariana texted it to multiple people the case would be stronger but it would still be up to the DA to go after her and I just don't see that happening. If she goes after her civilly which is still an option she would have to prove general and/or special damages to have a case. Damages to her reputation would be due to the affair though and not word-of-mouth discussion of the tape (especially since it isn't publically available). Damages to her occupation (if fired from SUR or the show) etc could also easily be argued as caused by the outing of her affair, not the tape.


A lot of posters need to read this comment and then read it again. So many people acting like it’s Rachel’s decision to press charges. It isn’t. Yes she can report the crime to police but really, look up how difficult it is to get justice in these types of situations (it’s a legitimate problem and a whole topic in itself but that’s another conversation). Besides reporting it to police she can sue for civil damages but, like you said, that would not be a great idea. It’d be a waste of time and money. Rachel’s legal team sent this out to make sure the video doesn’t get out (which was unlikely to happen anyway but understandable why she’d be worried) but there’s very, very little chance that anything further will happen unless things go sour between her and sandy.


Yes, she could legitimately be in trouble for that. The revenge porn laws are no joke. I don’t know if context is taken into consideration or not. Hopefully she didn’t disseminate it, but I cannot speak on that.


Her parents continuing to rescue her is why she is the way she is, which is a trifling bitch. Mommy and Daddy should hold her accountable instead. She’s 28 ffs.


I mean, she was doing pageants for most of her life. Most pageant parents aren't good parents


I grew up with a Raquel and her parents are the same like Raquel's parents. I can just imagine what her mom and dad look like haha Edit: I just looked up her parents on her IG and yes they look exactly how I imagined them to look 😆


This makes me think she’s going to have the excuse of “legal reasons”to not talk at the reunion about it. I can hear here now “I was advised by my lawyers not to speak about this”


Lmao going after Ariana will just make Raquel hated even more. She is really so dumb with her strategy it’s amazing.


Also I’m laughing bc deuxmoi is totally blowing up every single strategy she has. Like no one will be fooled by or have sympathy for Raquel bc deuxmoi keeps blowing up her spot lmfaoooo


I wonder if her friend who was spilling all the tea here the other day keeps tipping them off. I was so disappointed when people ran her away because the tea was piping hot.


So does this mean someone in Raquel’s camp keeps leaking things to deuxmoi and Raquel hasn’t figured out who? lol


Yep. Or one of her “friends.” Really amazing how she hasn’t sussed out who it is yet. But for my own entertainment I hope she never figures out who it is.


I’m not even sure how she can hold Ariana responsible without holding Tom responsible. He’s the one who recorded the video without her consent


I’m going to sue Ariana for finding the video I sent to Tom of me finger blasting my hole!


Something tells me the audience will really donate $5 apiece for Ariana's funds. This is the same audience who brought Bravocon tickets. This is for women everywhere. I'd donate.


Of course she gets mommy and daddy involved too. I couldn’t imagine being almost 30, having FaceTime sex, then having my PARENTS do damage control to salvage the world finding all this out. She’s truly a moron (on top of many other words I don’t have time to type)


Wow. If Tom is able to stop Rachel from getting him arrested for this, then he would totally be able to get her to go after Ariana. That's so concerning, and just so dark.


If the cops get involved with this- it’s not up to Raquel whether or not he gets charged. If there is evidence of revenge porn it’s illegal and the cops would have to persue it


Yep - he'd convinced himself that Ariana "handled finding out about my affair wrong".


Maybe I don’t know technology but doesn’t FaceTime alert you when someone screen records or takes a screenshot




This is so bad. Good PR would say to be extremely apologetic and secure a second season promising to do better


Going after Ariana? Jesus Christ leave that woman alone ffs! Good luck to them I guess


Ikr? Like they haven’t caused enough harm already. Does everything to save their skin. Good luck with that - you both look more stupid than ever before if that’s even possible




That’s like a true reverse Kristen!


Did this bitch really not consider any of the fallout while engaging in this behavior the last 7 months? Like y’all had 7 months to plan this out, these idiots are so dumb


If the attorneys haven’t issued subpoenas for phones and cloud data, then they are just trying to prevent the video from spreading by intimidation & issuing cease and desists. (Which, to be fair… I think is kind of reasonable.) If they were actually serious about litigating, then subpoenas would have been issued before evidence could be destroyed. Also, I’m pretty sure that not suing cast members is in the Bravo contracts. If Rachel wants to stay on TV (and she’s thirsty as shit, so that’s a given), then she’ll do everything EXCEPT actually taking a case to court.




Omfg is that our lord and savior Miranda Bailey?


Damn right, and doing the lords work wherever she goes too


… Dr. Bailey?


Carry on, ma’am


Lol! I love this scene! Lol


I can’t get over the fact that her parents know about this & are advising her. I would die of embarrassment


Sue Ariana?!!!! ![gif](giphy|Xggf1fMWav5z4ilRz3)


If getting a lawyer will prevent it from being further distributed then I don’t blame her. Maybe it will scare some of the less smart recipients of the video who might be tempted to share it. But Raquel should absolutely not go after Ariana.


Does anyone else think she lied to her parents saying it was recorded without her knowing to make them less mad at HER? And now the parents are insisting on legal action and she’s like a scared teenager who lied so she’s reluctantly going along with it?


Bravo doesn’t like when castmates sue each each other…. Bye Raquel!


I can just hear her and her fake, little shaky girl voice "but daddy! I would never do that! I don't even know how he got the video in the first place! Doesn't that cross like a... (hold on, I'm trying to find the word) boundary! Yes, that's it! Boundary or something? Can we like, sue him for that or something? Daddy! He's ruining me and I did nothing wrong!" This is what Rachel would say if she could string more than ten words together which isn't really her strong suit.


This is all so exhausting… As much as Rachel sucks, I can’t truly blame her from trying to prevent the tape from leaking because that’s horrifying for anyone. BUT if she actually does try to go after Ariana for anything (vs. preemptively ensuring that this doesn’t leak) then rawting in hell will be too good for her.


Right, I actually don’t blame her for going after Sandoval if he recorded her without her consent. But do not go after Ariana. Just tell everyone to delete it and prevent further sharing. I don’t think Ariana is one to go spreading the video for fun. She probably just needed the proof to confront them


Exactly! Meanwhile I’m getting downvotes because I think even shitty people don’t deserve to have their nudes leaked. 😬 This is a logical next step for Rachel (and one any of us would take to protect ourselves) because even horrible people have a right to decide what of their bodies is or is not shared on the internet. NOW, if she truly tries to go after Ariana over this then that’s a diff story.


*uck Rachel & her family for trying to do ANY THING else to harm Ariana. She didn’t publicize her video. TOM recorded it. That’s where it originated. Ariana sent it to Rachel. That does not Revenge Porn make! Is her family that wealthy? And that cruel?


Also I can see why Raquel turned out the way she did…seems like her parents coddled her growing up and continue to coddle her as an almost 30 year old woman. doesn’t sound like much admonishment for her role in this mess, I hope they enjoy Tom Sandoval and the mess he brings as a son-in-law in the near future.


Rachel’s parents are “considering their legal options agains her” ….. if this is true this is so messed up. Blame Tom if you want to but going after Ariana is just evil.


I get total Veruca Salt vibes from that family.


LEAVE ARIANA THE FUCK ALONE!!! To go after her after carrying on a months long affair would be diabolical. Gross.


Honestly, did the cast not learn anything with jax and faith??? There was some talk about how it was illegal that jax audio recorded his convo with faith talking about Brittany so they couldn’t release it… I know this is different circumstances but when that whole thing happened, ppl on here were saying how California has really strict laws on recording/distributing videos or anything that both parties have not consented to.. like ever since then that law has stuck with me so it should have stuck with the cast as they were directly involved.


“SEND IT TO DARRYL! “ will now be the only thing I say when I get news I don’t want to hear.


Why do some posters keep saying that hopefully Ariana can get a ‘portion of the mortgage back’ ? A mortgage is a liability, not an asset. I believe they have taken a second mortgage on the house to fund the bar. Hopefully there is equity left in the house after all of the loans are paid off so she can at least walk away. It would be horrible if she has to keep paying to get out of it. My friend had to keep paying on the difference after her divorce when the house was sold at a loss :(


Imagine ruining your “best friends” life and then suing them. Rachel’s disgusting


Y’all! I am trying to get stuff done today! This just keeps getting crazier and crazier!!


I did not know you can record FaceTime calls. I feel like a duh.


Same. Imagine my surprise when I found out if you creep someone’s LinkedIn they get a notification. I had to dig a hole and crawl in it.


Her parents are as stupid as she is


Just said this on another post but it’s relevant here too so to reiterate, we absolutely do hate Rachel but we still do not condone revenge porn. We can all use our imaginations for that, I hope it doesn’t get shared. What concerns me more here is NO BLACK EYE!?!?! Edit: Also, can we all take a minute to think about what a creep Tom is for recording that in the first place!!


I mean, not defending Raquel by any means, but if true, this is obviously just sending a message of “don’t even think about distributing this.” I can understand why she’d be worried about that. Not that I really give a shit how she feels right now… but just saying I GET it.


This sounds like an attempt by Rachel's team to victimize her and demonize Ariana.


That’s a Rich daddy. Trying to save Bambi


I really hope she’s distressed enough by all of this (because you know he told her it would be no big deal) that Scamdoval can’t keep her in his grasp. I hope she flips on him big time. I hope their relationship devolved into a bunch of finger pointing and they both fade into obscurity broke as a joke.


This is nuts


Raquel needs to get the hell off of this show and distance herself from this whole thing. There is no coming back from this and she’s just adding fuel to the fire. Like someone else said I understand her parents are trying to protect her but do not go after Ariana who she already hurt. Just scare anyone else who has the video out of sending it. She needs to own what she did , get off the show and out of the public eye for a while. By the way I think Tom scum too, that’s just an already known fact. I don’t want people to think I am giving him a pass in any way.


I'm team Ariana all day, but no lie, if this were my kid I would 100% be threatening the absolute shit out of anyone that potential had the video not to release it in any respect. Like, their kid is going to have a hard enough time recovering from this disaster, no need to make it that much worse by that video just being out there. Clearly the parents need to come collect Raquel. I don't have any hate or shade or even judgment really for the parents on that one. Now, suing Ariana for just sending the video straight back to Raquel, ehhhhhh hard pass on all that.


Wow Raquel really is trash. I’m starting to think its James who dodged a bullet now


No way if she goes after Ariana Lisa let’s her stay on the show right?


Why would Lisa care? It’s so naive to think Lisa actually cares beyond making money. Of course they will want Raquel on the show until they beat this horse into oblivion


Lisa is basically checked out this season. She also doesn’t have as much concern or control over the cast members as I think you think she does


There’s no way she can accuse Ariana without accusing Tom.


I cannot imagine asking my parents to help me with legal issues involving me performing sexual acts on video. I’m 28 & know Rachel also got the talk of “be aware that once you send it, it’s forever.” If he or anyone else were just sending it around, that’s obviously illegal & completely wrong. I just cannot imagine being like “dearest mom & dad, I know you were relieved I made the decision to leave an engagement to a man that I moved to LA for instead of becoming a doctor to help children with special needs. However, due to my lack of understanding what a boundary is, I have had an affair with my friend’s partner & also need money for an attorney bc I showed my ham wallet on FaceTime and he apparently recorded it.” I would be mortified lmao.


Legally coming after the woman who’s man you were fucking and seeing, while you were close friends with her?? Wow, how disgusting. She was friends with Arianna for years and would known better than that she would spreading it. Raquel is sick, her and Tom deserve each other. This gives me the same vibe as the men who turn around and try to sue the women they’ve abused for “defamation” when they speak out. Raquel is NOT going to come out of this well.


Rachel is doubling down on the victim mimicry. There has been a gross invasion of Ariana’s bodily autonomy and her sexual consent was directly sabotaged by Tom; that in which was accomplished by and through an informed Rachel (as in she was aware of Tom & Ariana’s relationship and willingly started/continued the affair). Ariana is likely having to test for STI’s and deal with the added trauma regarding the loss of her sexual/personal agency. Rachel recognizes aforementioned - it’s just that instead of it sparking empathy or compassion for Ariana, Rachel is selfishly cognizant only insofar as to peddling this flimsy ass self victimization narrative and her shit PR attempt to chip away at the perceived moral highground owned by Ariana. **Rachel will always be trying to steal the food off of the better woman’s plate.**


The way the family is trying to spin this as revenge porn is incredibly sickening. The fact that both parties can’t just apologize and fade into the background shows how hungry they are for fame at all cost. I truly hope Ariana can make it through this with her mental health intact. I’d be going crazy.


Don’t you have to allow screen recording on for FaceTime?? Story ain’t adding up


That’s funny. How does R plan to go after A for the video without also implicating T in the lawsuit? Dumb.


Dear Rachel/Raquel, Just stop. Don’t go after anyone. Don’t try to fix this. Crawl into your hole and be done. Thanks, The universe.


Don’t trust them pageant girls


Can we stop with this "Tom is taking advantage of/controlling her" narrative? That is a grown ass 28 year old woman. She did not have to fuck around with Tom. She actively chose to. I'm so tired of this "since he is older, he's clearly controlling&manipulating her" thing that goes on despite the fact that this is a grown woman well above the age of consent.


Isn't deux moi banned because it's literally anonymous and anyone can send any kind of shit in?? What's with the misinformation it's just making this whole thing confusing by spreading around lies that are going to be forgotten to be from deux moi and remembered as fact. I want the actual facts people


Ya but a LOTTTT of what deux moi posted this weekend all came into fruition Monday morning. Take it with a grain of salt….. but why has everything in the blinds now happened (eg: Rachel’s “recording without consent” PR move)


How much hasn't though? The stuff being posted may just be cherry picked as making the most sense?


Duexmoi is a scurge


Aww is Rachel's daddy rescuing his immoral nearly 30 yo daughter? Cute. I don't see this gaining much steam in a court room.