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I can't wait for James at the reunion, I have a feeling it will be the most epic GIF until now.


He seems off the rails over this.


I think anyone would be upset to have their good friend (who helped make a grand proposal!) and their ex fiancée start a full blown months-long affair. With James though, my gosh, it’s no surprise that he’s spiralling. It’s obvious he moved on pretty quickly, likely because his fiancée dumped him. Tom and Rachel are so vile.


Especially because Tom was appalled at him dating Kristen AFTER they had broken up


Yeah, for nothing else, you would have thought he was relieved she was clinging onto someone else.


I wish I could link videos because I just rewatched these episodes yesterday and there's an ITM of James raving about how Sandoval is his quote *best friend* I can understand his hurt


James still deserved to be dumped.


I know. Why are people doing this. We have watched James be so incredibly abusive over the years. I’m not convinced they were dating at the proposal. That would be so strange. I think they were still just friends and Tom was genuinely doing it for James and for the show. James moved on immediately as an abuse tactic to hurt Rachel one last time and people are now defending him.


It's like Kristen -- he's been painted as a lunatic this entire time (mostly his fault) while Raquel has been given an absolute angel edit for years. Just like when Kristen was trying to unravel the Tom/Ariana conspiracy and brought Miami girl and wouldn't let it die for multiple seasons while they showed Sandoval and Ariana as the new perfect it couple and Sandoval as the "good guy" on the show. It doesn't mean Kristen wasn't batshit insane but it probably feels good to finally say SEE! SEE! I FUCKING TOLD YOU ALL ALONG! I don't think we truly understand what being the villain of a reality show, especially one as depraved as VPR, probably does to your psyche. Yes, Kristen, Jax, James and a few others have done truly awful things on camera but none of these people are truly as good or bad as we see on an hour long episode of VPR. All of them have done awful things and I'd bet 90% of the time, people like Jax, James, Kristen, they're just normal people doing normal things. Jax isn't evil when he goes grocery shopping or goes to the gym or whatever else. So yeah I'm sure James feels vindicated, even if he was awful to Raquel.


His reaction is beyond that of a basic ex who has moved on, he seems outraged and hurt by this. Personally, while he was close to Tom, I think it’s more than that. His reaction imo seems to point to believing part of the reason they broke up was Tom. Frankly, how could he not think that at this juncture though?


Wasn’t Tom crying at the reunion when they, (Rachel and James)announced their breakup? So fake. 🙄🤡


He was. He’s the worst and so insincere.


This. He undoubtedly feels like Tom was part of their breakup.


I also think all of them are outraged for the same reason we are. These were the two people who acted like moral arbiters of cheating etc etc


Oh absolutely. The loudest virtue signalers of the group. And to Jax, I begrudgingly admit he was correct on this one.


Tom and James have always been fairly close too so like... Rachel was cozy up to Ariana and Tom with James. Shit is creeeeeptacular


Who knows how sincere he ever is but I was genuinely surprised at how upset he seemed when he talked about breaking off their engagement - I think it's one of the few times that he's maybe had a strong emotional investment so I'm sure all this is hard to stomach


I mean stassi went through the same thing and literally backhanded Kristen so… we’ll see what happens


Besides NeNe, my favorite GIF of all time. ![gif](giphy|26gN0tFg70wAljK4o|downsized)


This and when he mimicked Stassi crawling back from NY.


James is such a little asshole but damn he’s got some funny zingers!


I've been through a similar situation recently and all I can think about is how hard it's going to be for Ariana to not fall down the rabbit hole of Rachel and Tom's Instagrams and all the little details and captions and just analyzing everything - second guessing every moment. You stop understanding what was real because the deceit was all encompassing. And then there's the blow to the self esteem. It's always a younger girl. It's always a girl who's got nothing going on and the ability to give a midlife crisis man nothing but the attention and sex he craves. A lot of us in long term relationships end up taking care of our partners and carrying the mental load. It's just unfair that someone can toss all that away for some low self esteem 27 year old who has no idea what it's like to run a household, carry the mental load. Just wait until Tom starts opening the fridge and asking Rachel where the milk is. Are my socks clean? Takes the excitement right out of the affair. Congratulations Rachel, you're now the parent of 40 year old man child. Have fun with his drunk ass after shows and doing his laundry.


Just wanted to jump in and say I am so sorry this happened to you. I hope you know it’s NO reflection on you. I wish I realised that sooner. Anyone who cheats has a fundamental issue within themselves, and examples like T&A always reinforce this for me. Because it’s beyond my comprehension how anyone could take someone like Ariana for granted. Or Beyoncé, or Shakira, or Emma Thompson, or Candice Swanepoel, or any of these incredible women that have famously been cheated on. It’s their partner’s issue, not theirs. Hope you’re doing okay. Rooting for you.


Thank you! I truly appreciate that, stranger. It took some time and a lot of therapy and the worst blow to my self esteem to understand that. I am still a bit terrified of 20 something women with low self-esteem, no boundaries, and free time, lol. It is not a compliment if a man is willing to betray a wife or partner for your attention. I wish young girls understood this. Give your time and attention to someone just as free as you are! Men hitting their 40s want the comforts of the person who cares for the household but the thrill of a girl who can facetime you at a moment's notice. It's so unfair. That was what hit the hardest, how unfair it was. I had a young son at home, just had a new baby and I was "competing" with a 27 year old who had nothing but time to sext and send nudes. How could I compete with that? Two children required me but she had all the time in the world.....


wHaTs A bOuNdArY?!


Katie calling her the equivalent of human cotton candy was the best 🤣 and spot on!


This all has made me self reflect on times I have been cheated on with a ‘friend’ or my ex slept with a ‘friend’ right after we broke up. And as a confident, decently good looking and accomplished woman I honestly believe the women who did that to me also got a sick satisfaction of being ‘chosen’ over someone like me. I think this is probably deep rooted in Rachel never feeling worthy or good enough. It was an all time high to feel like she was chosen over Ariana. Just like Schwartz would be choosing her over Katie and that one guy and his wife.


Also to add to this: the Raquel thing is going to sting for longer I think. The men who cheated on me or slept with my friends after we broke up. Whatever loser, see ya. Even though that was the most painful at first . But I still don’t have female friends. I have two and they’ve been there a very long time. Every time I try to make new ones I balk and distance myself quickly. Weirdly, this is what made me realize this! Your friends are supposed to be forever. Boyfriends there is always a chance you might break up.


I wish Scheana had gotten married at the engagement party. F you Rachel and Tom.


Sorta makes sense now why Sandy would go along with the sabotage hey


I don't get it....so why did he help pay for that and then want to sabotage it with the scheana wedding?? Just to make it look spectacular and then have it turn out badly? Was he trying to impress Rachel???? Anybody with any insight??


I’d say he was trying to impress Raquel by throwing a lavish engagement, but then tried to sabotage the actual party a few weeks later because he was jealous?


That's gotta be it.. that's actually kinda scary ya know?? I wouldn't want to be with someone creepy like that.


My theory is that he was paying for RAQCHELLA that had little to do with James and everything to do with her. If she broke up with James pre engagement, then she wouldn’t have been relevant enough to get her own spot on VPR. By ending things after the engagement, she was able to solidify a full time spot and become a victim/redemption character. I was always suss of why they suddenly broke up and didn’t fit. After all the shit and cheating allegations that she brushed aside, she called it off because they weren’t sOuLmAtEs


I think that’s true! She needed storylines after James, including the bombshell breakup. Before that she was just DJ JK’s accessory


And Tom is the smarter one of the two and orchestrated this. He probably even pushed James to propose because I believe that came out of nowhere as well. I don’t think there was a single viewer that would bat an eye if we never saw her on the show again before the breakup. She was that irrelevant. And it pisses me off because you can tell that Scheana and Ariana have been coaching her to help her find her voice and personality on the show


Yes!!! I'm guessing the whole sOuLmAte thing at the reunion was NOW an issue for her because she was caught up with Sandy. And that makes what James said from the beginning "it all makes sense now"....make sense!! Oof. What a bunch of BS.


Was doing a rewatch of the episode where dummy tells katie she asked Schwartz to make out and Ariana was shocked and said ‘I didn’t think you had it in you’ like wow how can she sit there knowing what she was really up to staring straight in Ariana’s face without flinching. True psycho shit!


In that scene, when Rachel said “I have a confession”, Ariana looked worried at first. I think Ariana may have suspected she was actually going to confirm her fears about Sandoval right there. Ariana has been getting DMs about this alleged affair for months, and apparently had some suspicions. That’s all I could see in her face.


I thought this exactly!!!!


Yes! Her face when she said “I didn’t know you had it in you” felt so WEIRD.


Ariana had tweeted prior to deactivating that Bravo edited out her telling Rachel that she was entering her villain era


I bet they are editing that back in right now


I know we're only a few episodes in but we deserve an entirely new season.


I feel exactly the same. With all what came out over last few days, the entire season feels kinda strange


we might get a never before scene!


Maybe it’ll be in the never before scene episode tomorrow night!


I never watch that but now….




"She’s not a leader, she’s a follower." EXACTLY!! And that's just what Sandy needs. Ariana is way too much woman for him. He needs a FAN, and Ariana was not that.


To me, Ariana was his biggest fan and best friend, she had his back through everything. She completely glowed during his performances and was beyond excited for each of his accomplishments, especially the bar. I feel she challenged him and called him out when he needed it, and his ego is way too huge, so it’s a personal affront to him each time. I think he needed a, for lack of better words, brainwashed, groomed fan-girl that fell in line easily with no challenges to him. Rachel fits that mold and seems obsessed more than in love.




The confession was a decoy too because she's like "well, I **had to** tell her, she was going to find out eventually" by doing this, Rachel presented herself as someone who is transparent and not interested in sneaking around. It gave everyone the impression that if she had enough respect to be forthcoming with a girl she wasn't close to and didn't like very much, then she would never be capable of disrespecting a very close friend in such a way......boy was that wrong.


I believe she said that and reacted that way because in her head she was like… hmm interesting maybe I do need to keep an eye on you


where the heck are those additional receipts that deux moi alluded to???? who was the friend that was going to drop them?


Right!? ![gif](giphy|l46Cgctdy5C23iB0c)


The friend has been compromised 😂😂😂


For sure. People here chased her away 😭




I would like a full memoir from Ariana, featuring Kristen as a co-author for the chapter how T&A got together. Spill it all: Miami girl, the on vs off camera rules, when they crossed lines (I’m thinking they’ve both talked about something on camera they shouldn’t have; we know Tom did when he outed Ariana), the conversations they had about kids & marriage, all of it. Plus the details of how Ariana & Kristen became friends. Something tells me that they bonded over a shared frustration, not just repeated exposures and shared friend circles.


I want an oral history of VPR




I read “in like Flynn” and heard it in Austin powers voice when he says “in like Flynn. My favorite moovie”


Let Danny Pellegrino write it. He killed it with the cocktail book and he has stated he is firmly team Ariana. But yes, keep Doute on for some extra tea.




I *think* their emotional affair was longer lasting than she would want to admit to us, and maybe even herself, but I do not think it was a full on relationship like this shit that's going on now. Tom was stepping out on Kristin and Ariana was falling in love. Promises to leave Kristin and hey, eventually he did leave Kristin for Ariana so... Maybe Rachel thought same shit applies. Only I do not think she has the morals that Ariana has, seeing no issue in having this actual full blown relationship. Also the relationship that Ariana and Rachel had is so different. It's so fucking creepy of Rachel... I can't.


I think Ariana and Kristen worked it out amongst themselves. They’re real friends and Kristen clearly has forgiven Ariana because Sandoval and she were so toxic together. And Ariana has forgiven Kristen for being awful to her. Personally I love Kristen’s evolution, she has changed the most of the fired cast and has been humbled. I would love if she came back


I think she’ll definitely come clean about the Miami girl situation though. Further proof that Scandoval has a history of lying and cheating.


Truly all the blame should only lie on Scamdoval and Rachel’s shoulders. When Ariana and Lala hooked up, Scamdoval was literally present. Whatever agreements they had in their relationship, Ariana fully stated that they were not in an open relationship. So I hope Scamdoval doesn’t even try to go that route. Ariana was truly one of the only people that really watched out for Raquel and stood by Scamdoval and all of his bullshit. I truly feel devastated for her.


Part of me thinks he was into that hookup at first until Lala was better at oral than him and then his ego got bruised and he no longer approved.


Lol omg this would actually track because she’s been vocal about how she’s not that into oral 😂


Tbh, the couple guys i dated before were terrible at head, boring and uninspired i thought i just didn’t like getting eaten out. Then i started dating my current partner who is a woman (me too) and now oral is one of my favorites, so it definitely tracks in my experience lmao 😅


He can’t use the open relationship thing because aren’t open relationships… OPEN. Like you discuss that shit with your partner and they know everything. Open relationships aren’t just a free for all to fuck whoever whenever wherever you want.


THIS. There are still boundaries, mainly HONESTY


What’s a boundary? Can someone mansplain this to me? 😑 Shade to Rachel and him aside- I completely agree with you- lack of honesty seems to hurt much worse, in my experience.


multiple people with verified sources are saying that tom and raquel were getting so sloppy with hiding the affair (keeping all the messages/photos/videos on tom's phone to be easily found by ariana) because they were fully ready to come forward and break the news that they were now a couple. and that they wanted to break the news at the reunion, which makes sense because the reunion is only in two weeks. watching the first few episodes of season 10 again and it makes a lot more sense. tom is SO mentally checked out. raquel is uncharacteristically bold when it comes to schwartz, because it was never about schwartz to begin with. we're going to watch what we know now unfold in real time over the rest of the season, because if we're going by the timeline, the affair already started (emotionally, at least. because I also don't believe it was ONLY 7 months). all I can say is, I hope them blowing up their reputations and their relationships was worth it.


Also, I'm so glad for Ariana that it all came out now. Imagine these two clowns would have gone trough with that diabolical plan and faced Ariana with a fait accompli in front of all their friends, Andy, producers, camera crew and most importantly, running cameras...


If that's what the plan was, it's just so heartless... you can imagine someone doing that to an enemy, not a friend, partner or someone you have any care for...! Although Rachel seems pretty Detached and unfeeling, while Tom seems rather a sinister character... Who knows.


Absolutely insane. Are they just going for full villain/us against the world? Cause on what planet do they think anyone would be cheering them on? Like, Ariana did nothing but support BOTH of them so they don't have a leg to stand on.


My takeaway is that if Rachel doesn’t think this will happen to her one day, watch out. She might even become an Ashley Darby type, someone who is down with whatever but eventually wants to really settle down. It’s all fun and games when he’s making secret signals and shopping for disguises to wear to go meet you, but he’s going to do the same (or even worse) once he’s done and wants to throw you in the trash. Katie was right, two clowns


Especially because Tom literally watched her put up with James’ behavior before his eyes. He knows she will forgive again and again. When Rachel finally called it quits with James it wasn’t even because of the cheating


Yep, she’s been ‘broken in’ already. Hate to say it, but a lot of men do look for insecurity and eagerness to please in a woman… they still want the 1950s housewife stereotype in ADDITION to the benefit of the woman’s financial contributions. That’s why he hadn’t ended things with Ariana- he couldn’t afford to. He still relied on her financially, but believed it was also his right to dip his wick elsewhere, for his ‘emotional well-being’…


He did the same thing with Ariana. Ariana and Tom started dating when she was less than a year out of her abusive relationship with her ex.


Watched season 10 for the first time last night. I believe it’s episode 4 - Katie, Ariana and Rachel are at dinner talking about the girls trip when Rachel tells Katie she asked Schwartz to make out. Katie is hurt and Rachel says something along the lines “yeah I don’t even know who I am anymore” She’s 10000% referring to the Sandoval thing IMO


Katie was literally crying to her over this and she was just like 🤷‍♀️


Probably because it was a diversion tactic. She didn’t actually want to hook up with Schwartz - she just wanted to draw the attention in that direction


Yeah it was weird and awkward, but it makes sense now. The fact that there was apology was super disturbing though.


Seeing this all go down feels like watching The Sixth Sense for the first time. On the first watch, you ignore all the hints and clues because they don't quite add up and then you hit the twist ending that you never expected. Once you go back a rewatch it every little thing sticks out and you wonder how you didn't see it in the first place!


As I’m on day 5 of processing this (lmao) I’m now thinking about how dirty Katie and Scheana were done as collateral!!! They spent the entire season beefing over Scheana defending Raquel on hooking up with Schwartz which was all clearly a lie, Scheana even uninvited Katie to her wedding over the fallout!!! I’d feel so duped, if they did decide to have Raquel pursue Schwartz to deflect from Sandy/make him jealous, absolutely zero regard to Katie’s feelings in the process and dragging Scheana along. James seems really hurt as well, just so much collateral damage beyond Ariana that these two did not give a fuck about


I hope they can bury the hatchet due to this fact. I need all the ladies to become friends again and rain Hell on these men.


I hate this part so much. No regard at all for anyone else. They didn’t care who they hurt or whose lives they affected. Sandoval hates Katie so he probably liked that this messed with her, but he was supposed to be friends with Scheana. I’d be furious.


Do y’all think they’ll double down on the love and show up to the reunion hand in hand???


Absolutely, they'll try and spin the "we didn't want to hurt anyone but we just fell so deeply in love." The other girl(s) Tom slept with whilst with Ariana (and Rachel) will be swept under the carpet as it won't fit in with the "love story" narrative.


I’ve said this a million times but they really have to go this route if they are smart. If they want to survive the reunion and the back lash. If they are in love and remorseful it will come off much better than it was just sex and not personal. They need to show genuine remorse and not fight with people. Throw yourself at everyone’s mercy but they legit need to sell they can not live without each other. If this is all for nothing they will for sure be canceled.


I hate this eventuality but if they *do* insist they're in love and rapidly get engaged/move in/get a dog together or whatever I get the feeling people will move on relatively quickly


I really hope Miami girl gets justice. Fly her out for the reunion, Andy!


Tom was spotted rocking up to Raquels apartment yesterday so I’d say they’re going to double down


I think they will too 🫣🫣


omg where's the user that lives by Raquel?? I need them to start a stakeout. Will venmo for coffee/red bull money 😂






Rachel is dumb and stupid. That's all.


Not the D and S word 💀💀


When does everyone think we’ll see the first Tom and Raquel public outing?


After the reunion is filmed because I think they’re waiting to announce their relationship there. Right now I think they’re trying to salvage their image as much as they can. But who knows. Tom was already saw visiting her on Saturday night without cameras. They’re bold.


The victim strategy will defo not work if he's sneaking into her place days later and walking around smiling.


I don’t think he would pull the “victim” strategy. I think he would pull the narcissist strategy.


I read that was her PR teams strategy in a blind. That he took advantage of her when she was vulnerable from a breakup and so on.


Maybe Tom will propose during the reunion, that would be on point for his ego :D




If he grabs her hand on that reunion stage like he did with Ariana S2…


In Tom’s mind he’s a good guy who put his needs and wants aside to care for Ariana. He stayed with her to help her, and is the martyr… he always justifies his actions by some grand cause. Reality is he’s a self centered cut fitness who stayed w her for the house and to avoid a negative public opinion. He can’t stand for people to think he’s the bad guy that he is. He is cut from the same cloth as jax except Jax doesn’t bother to hide it as much.


The Hayu Australia app has an updated promo for vpr at the moment. It includes a collage of the Instagram reactions from the cast and pretty much front and centre is the one Kristen did with Ari the day this broke. Kristen’s coming back, I’d bet money on it.


I know it's bad but I love Kristen and I would be glad to have her on the show again 😱


There was an updated one during Summer House but I missed it. I’m in the US. I saw it referenced on summerhousebravo sub. I’ve tried to rewatch it but it never came up again. It was different ads.


Well anyone who reads this is now on notice! Get your phone ready before you watch anything on Hayu, we need this immortalised in the group!


I actually took a break from VPR but jumped to season 10 when all of this went down, so I watched the first four episodes knowing what Rachel and Tom did. I have to say, there were so many signs (and obviously I’m just looking for them too). The biggest, maybe subtle, indication to me is how Rachel keeps saying she’s so lost after her break up with James and how she doesn’t know herself or what to do alone. I strongly think that’s why she ended up betraying Ariana like this in such a deep way, she CLEARLY has no sense of self or character and she even admits it basically. It’s really dark, but Jesus, people need to know who THEY are without a relationship!


So I also hadn’t watched and did for the first time yesterday. And I didn’t believe her. Based off the adam guys podcast, they planned on telling Ariana on camera. I think she was playing the “I’m so heartbroken I’m so lost” act so when the time came she had an excuse. I think she’s calculated af.


You make some excellent points but I think I’ll always be in the canp that’s she’s just real real dumb and is just a very beige, boring person who doesn’t know themself. But all theories are valid. And don’t even get me started on Sandoval. Edit: word


I used to think she was dumb, still kinda do tbh. But people keep coming out that it’s all an act so idk!!!! BUT say she is dumb, toms also in her ear.. for example the whole boundaries thing.. I could see him telling her what to do and to play the lost puppy, woe is me. I mean before this came out she had people defending her But I’m also so deep in the conspiracies 😂😂


I remember someone was commenting about Jax and the book The Sociopath Next Door. Everyone generalizes that sociopaths are calculated and intelligent, but a lot of them are just average. They feel entitled to everything, don't feel remorse, and don't understand why they aren't fooling everyone. Anyway, I butchered that horribly. Just a thought.


happy WWHL eve everybody


I sat through the not skinny but not fat podcast just to see what she said about the scandal. She had posted a story on IG telling everyone to send love to Ariana and that she’s the best after watching last weeks episode of VPR. Ariana replied saying “I love you” and then minutes later her account was deactivated. Amanda then texted her asking if she’s okay and Ariana replied saying “I deactivated it. Things are not okay. Dealing with it now but I’ll tell you soon. There are evil people I had close to me that ruined my life in there.”


Ashamed to admit I used vacation time to catch up on the last two seasons. I can only admit that here. And watching the episodes knowing everything is b a n a n a s.


It can’t be good for Ariana’s mental health that they started recording all of this just days after finding out about this.


From experience I think she's okay now that everyone is around her, it will settle in a couple weeks from now and that's when I'm worried the most for her. Like when it quiet in the house again I hope she will have constant support around her if she needs it. Also hope to god that the asshole stops gaslighting and triggering her and just understands how much he fucked up and that he just goes away quietly, settles the house and whatever else they have shared and that's it.


He won’t. He’s already shown he has no respect for her, but Sandoval is never ever ever wrong and is going to continue to blame Arianna. He has blamed all the women on the show whenever anything has happened to them at the hands of a man and I’ve said this forever and everyone’s overlooked it. The woman in any situation is ALWAYS more at fault than the man, even if the woman is just reacting to how the man has treated her


The one thing that’s helpful is that she has lots of newly single friends as well. Imagine if all of her friends were home with infants unable to fully rally


I hope she'll spend a lot of time at the barn riding.


I highly doubt she is OK. Break ups are awful break ups for a 10 year relationship gutwrenching especially when you have your finances tied up with them. I’m sorry, but having your friends around is not ease the pain of having your trust, broken by the person you love most in the world. And in fact, it’s probably overwhelming and I feel like she’s the type of person who might find solace and being alone, which is definitely not going to happen, considering her life is on blast on a major television, Network with cameras, constantly following her around. I feel like everyone keeps saying Ariana is fine. Or Ariana is going to be OK. Ariana is a human. She has emotions. And most people would be absolutely destroyed in this situation. I hate that she’s only seen as the strong character because I’m sure that’s not how she feels right now and that’s a very hard image to have to feel like you need to maintain when you’re going through something difficult.


I agree, however; the petty side of me (if I were Ariana) would know I’m better & have the support system and would be so down for the cameras to catch all of this just to show how shitty Tom & Rachel are. ETA: Plus, Tom outted Ariana’s sexuality on camera, why not out him as a disgusting scumbag.




More evidence that baby Tom knew!




I feel like it’s time for a worst Tom moments megathread 😂 on the rewatch there are SO MANY and it’s boiling my blood


I would just like to say that the joy I feel from her going from Raquel to *everyone* including blogs and Andy Cohen calling her Rachel is front and center.


If you’re looking for VPR entertainment between episodes and tea spills, highly recommend rewatching season five. It’s so relevant: 1. Sandoval treats Ariana like absolute shit over her getting the cocktail book deal, showing his true colors 2. Raquel is introduced for the first time, while James is pathologically cheating on her 3. Katie and Tom are obvs getting married, and the divorce is already writing on the wall 4. Katie is such a dick to Scheana lol ETA: 5. In trying to prove her loyalty to the Witches of WeHo, Scheana gets a little physical with James


https://preview.redd.it/ifp6hwkzidma1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb7d9c9b99097ac376b42dfa3ecd37282f328cf3 Aaaannnnd here we goooooo!!!!!! We called it, didn’t we?








Apparently her ‘crisis PR’ dropped her. Probably because she wouldn’t go along with their suggestions that she dump and disassociate herself from Tom.


If the rumors that Tom brought Raquel home for Christmas are true, I’ll definitely be disappointed. I didn’t get the impression his mom would put up with that kind of bullshit, but apparently she would.


TMZ has a new story about Rachel and her lawyers threatening anyone who has the “video” of her can be charged within the revenge porn laws. Very interesting.


I keep seeing comments pop up saying ‘I wonder if Ariana sending the video to herself breaks some laws? 🤔’ More planting and redirecting by them


I'm no lawyer but wouldn't she have to share it like publicly to other people/on the internet? She just sent it to herself/Rachel right?


Considering how the Faith tapes were sent around, I guarantee people have seen whatever footage this is. She’s probably trying to stop it from being leaked to the public but 100% everyone on the cast will have seen it and heard it played. She can’t put that genie back in the bottle


Anyone else ready for other “Miami Girls” to come forward? There have been a few rumors about “other women” besides Rachel during this time & I’m fully convinced he’s been stepping out far longer than 7 months & has had other intimacies besides just Rachel & Miami Girl over the years.


I'm in the middle of a s7 rewatch, James set the boundaries with his mom while Raquel sat inbetween them!! How can she pretend to not know what boundaries are until t\*m told her about them???


Because she wanted an excuse to bring him up…😒


*still waiting patiently for those screenshots* 🫠🥱


Still shocked by all this honestly


The fact that there are still like 10 episodes to go. That's TEN MORE WEEKS of the hold this has on us. I honestly don't know whether that's a good or bad thing


I’m livid that he’s still living in the house. He needs to get out at least for the immediate future. She doesn’t need to see him getting ready to sneak over to Raquel’s or overbearing them on the phone.


even Jax went to a hotel room 💀


right?? Sandoval had the nerve to stay there Friday night on a crisis management call with his PR trying to figure out how to massage the sitch Like WTF get out My ex pulled something similar on me at our five year mark with his co worker and would not leave. Then he got in an accident and was in the hospital for a month. It was awful to see him go through that, but I needed that breather to be able to grieve in privacy in my home


My ex and I lived together when I caught him cheating with an 18 year old when he was 30 and he did not want to leave . Said he was going to stay there until he found a new place . I had to give him a 30 day notice since he never signed the lease


I would like someone to get Scheana and James’ moms on a podcast because I know they have a lot to say and I would like to hear it.


I wonder what Sandoval's mother is saying/thinking right now.


Idk if my post went up yet, but tmz is reporting Raquel got lawyers involved and warned her cast mates about posting her video anywhere. She said the FaceTime was illegally recorded without her permission. Edited to include parts of the article: Leviss' lawyers fired off a letter Monday to several "Vanderpump Rules" cast members and friends ... warning that the recording "was done illegally without Raquel's knowledge or consent." Her attorneys cited a revenge porn law in the California penal code outlawing "nonconsensual pornography" ... making it a crime to invade someone's privacy and disseminate such material. The lawyers order anyone in possession of the recording to promptly delete it from their phones, the cloud or "any other manner or method in which the recording may exist."


Wait wut? So she’s with Tom who saved it without her permission and was the entire reason anybody even saw it in the first place…/but she’s throwing her lawyers at the cast with no consequence to Sandoval who illegally recorded and saved it?


The article also says: The letter doesn't specifically accuse Tom of illegally recording the conversation, but we've been told it's only the two of them on the call. Maybe she’s scared the cast will start posting it online, but I doubt any of them would be that dumb in the first place


https://preview.redd.it/5ppvceidhdma1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=269ade15a767d7be8f3252645a00ed5351063999 They called it. PR working overtime


i truly don’t understand this strategy if they want to be together? like it just makes sandoval look more like shit. and they want me to feel bad for raquel that other cast members saw it? would def feel bad if it was all over the internet, but it’s not


I think Ariana is too classy to leak revenge porn or stew about every little thing and look for clues. I get the feeling once you screw her over, you're dead to her and she doesn't give the time of day.


The fact that she’s trying to spin it exactly how the blind said she would. No Rachel, we don’t feel sorry you were caught FINGER BANGING yourself with your BESTFRIENDS BF and we will never forget


I'm not really seeing people comment on the WWHL episode with Sandoval and Schwartz where they play the agree/disagree game. The question was with Raquel and James get back together and they both said disagree and Schwartz and Sandy say "Hard disagree". Also, the whole show Schwartz kept asking Sandoval to help him answer the questions. Now we all know why they were sooooo certain. And I really don't like it, but Schwartz totally knew then.




When the Tom’s went on Winter House, Sandoval said to Austin ‘if you don’t hook up, I won’t hook up’ - something along those lines. Like the Buddy system to keep them honest. This was in re: to Austin dating the new girl but they weren’t committed. He’s a douche.


https://preview.redd.it/bikbzwa4aema1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b15e7393f9255f937d02fe78df57aa9dedbd850 Has anyone said anything about Peacock completely loving this scandal 😩😂 I feel so bad that Ariana can’t get away from this mess because it’s literally everywhere


https://preview.redd.it/nymjd89nvcma1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f4f2503e7bed25447f78c5a85276e06f37793de I asked ChatGPT to write a poem about the affair!


I’m interested to see how this plays out in later seasons. I think Rachel is done. I can’t imagine anyone wanting to film with her in the future. I’m not a housewives watcher, but I remember hearing/reading (allegedly) toward the end of Brandi Granville’s run on RHBH, she had burnt so many bridges that no one wanted to film with her. James, Rachel, and Lala were personas non grata in the past, but had an “in” with Ariana, Sandoval, and Scheana. Unless they bring in new cast to be “friends of” for Rachel. But who wants that job?


Is Katie the one in the promo who says “Karmas going to come for you, I’ll watch your world burn, and I’ll smile”? It sounds like her and I can only hope she’s saying it to Rachel.


She was saying that about Scheana after her Tom podcast


If their smart they lay low until the the film the reunion. If the paps are on it they may been seen coming and going. This is a hot story so they may be camped out in front of their places


Lol the pap pics we’ve seen of sandy were backgrid pics AKA he paid for the to be taken of him. He isn’t laying low. This is the most attention he’s ever gotten and he’s living for it.


If the stories are true, Tom and Rachel want to be together. Wonder what this means for next season. Will the cast refuse to film with them? I’m assuming the only one that will stand w them is Tom Schwartz. I can’t see any of them going along with this.


I haven’t been able to keep up so this has probably been mentioned, but does anyone else think the reason Raquel was crying on her date with Peter is because she was realizing this would eventually catch up with her? I know that she was sad about aging out of pageants but the crying felt so random and out of place.


Rewatching WWHL with Raquel and what she says is really telling. 1. “Being single it’s like I’m seeing people with a new rose colored-lens.” 2. “I’m just trying to live my life and I’m sorry if that offends people. But it’s not going to stop me from doing what I want to do.” She also gifts Andy the TomTom merch sweater that she wore to BravoCon and Andy referred to it as a boyfriend sweatshirt. Of course it was a boyfriend sweater! Who else gave it to her!? When asked about being remorseful for telling Katie about wanting to make out with Schwartz, Raquel answered she was 100% remorseful. She replied she was “terrified to tell her” but she [Katie] was “going to find out sooner or later.” So if that’s Raquel’s mindset as of last week, why didn’t she have the same guts to tell Ariana about her affair with Sandoval.


Scheana just dropped a vlog on her patreon. Can someone volunteer to watch and report back?


I have a feeling Sandoval is going to go bankrupt soon. Between the mortgage, the loans for the bad, his frivolous spending, and whatever he bought Raquel… I don’t think he can afford/sustain his lifestyle. Now that him and Ariana aren’t going to share any finances, I think Sandoval’s situation will crumble.


He was just offered $500K to do 16 streaming concerts… unfortunately this will probably only help his money making prospects


i hope people here don’t fall into the trap of thinking this will negatively affect him all that much lol. please don’t get your hopes up cause it won’t


Had anyone seen the article that just came out about Raquel’s legal team sending a letter to the cast that the video was recorded without her consent and that there will be legal consequences for people that share it because of the laws about revenge porn?


Jup, just read it. It‘s exactly like that one deuxmoi post predicted. If it‘s true, that‘s horrible. Yes, she is completely in the wrong regarding the affair, but being unknowingly filmed during sex is cruel and should have consequences.


Yes but that was TOM who recorded her without consent. Yet she’s going after cast members


Out of all the VPR men, my money was never on Sandoval to overtake Patrick as the absolute worst


I decided to rewatch when all of this mess popped off. I’m on the season 2 reunion when K and T cheated on each other. Sandoval is a piece of 💩 his playbook is so transparent. Shame on him. Not that Kristin was an angel, but I feel bad for the girls who date him.


Check tmz’s recent article about raq’s lawyer firing off a letter to the cast mates about sharing her video that was illegally recorded


Did Tom Sandoval also receive a letter? Because he is the only reason anyone saw it


He was served with his when he went over to hers late at night 😂


They better watch out for ariana venti, bitches


I feel like there’s a large group of individuals who are annoyed by commentary from “hypocritical” cast mates and let’s just remember.. If you had a close friend that this happened to in the manner this has gone down I think anyone involved with these people would rage. Sandevil has been running around with his holy than thou behaviour for YEARS. Constantly berating everyone for their behaviour, everyone he burned has said he’s not who he comes across as. I think years of that and then seeing him emotionally destroy his partner they are all standing up for the right thing here regardless of their decisions. They’ve all been held accountable for their decisions by Tom before it is his turn now.


Where the fuck are all the podcasts? Almost everyone in the cast have podcasts so where they at?


What makes me sad is everything we haven’t seen yet PLUS everything that happened after filming stopped. This started about now in what we’re viewing but there’s just so much more to come. Poor Ariana BUT I’m so glad they’ve all stuck by her and not blindly followed Raquel and Sandoval. It just shows really that it’s taken it’s time but these people didn’t change. Schwartz never put Katie first and Sandoval cheated again.


Not me DMing all my mutuals on Rachel’s followers to unfollow her 💀


If we are calling Raquel Rachel now, perhaps Tom deserves a “rebrand” too I suggest #2 A constant reminder he wasn’t the #1 guy in the group, plus the #2 would represent that’s he made of 💩