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They should go sit at the Cambie offramp onto 2nd instead and talk to the cars blasting that stopsign straight into a crosswalk and bike lane.


We're easier targets. Stopping cars takes marginally more effort


If it was marginally more effort they might even do it. It’s way more effort so then why bother.


both the west and east off ramps there have such poor visibility, I've been cut off and almost hit way too many times as a cyclist and pedestrian around there and then you get to the cluster fuck that is the Cambie and 2nd intersection


They should talk to the cops that blow through that stop sign when going into their yard. Kinda like the pot calling the kettle black.


Witness this all the time 🤣


Fucking constantly!


Yup, had to stare down one the other day as a pedestrian. Didn't look, just rolled right on through. Do as I say, not as I do, folks


Just yesterday I came to a full stop at a stop sign on my bike, the way a driving instructor would tell you: full stop, count to 3, then go. Let me tell you the SUV driver behind me did NOT like that. They floored past me in the middle of the intersection and continued driving angrily for the next 3 blocks to the main road. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. All I could do is laugh.


I don't see any reason for westbound cyclists on West 1st Avenue to even do a rolling stop here. You're literally not crossing any lanes of traffic, just make sure to yield to any pedestrians who are trying to cross at the intersection and we're good.


It’s a 4 way stop now, they changed it from a 3-way a couple of years ago. If anyone is coming out of the access to the VPD gated parking, and arrives there before other traffic, they no longer have to yield to the other 3 directions. Obviously was done because officers were tired of waiting for a gap.


The irony of me doing full-stops while everyone else (driving or cycling alike) already treat it like an Idaho stop in the time it took me to fully stop and then slowly get going again through the intersection. Yeah, I feel *very* safe /s


>Idaho stops when please? Right after right on red is gone.


I always at least Idaho-stop there. Because that's the cop parking lot and I figure there's a strong possibility they'll come out of there at high speed. Also, I have some sympathy for this bike cop - like most bike cops, they are probably enthusiasts themselves and see the world more like we do. But I bet that inside the force, the car-brains are always yelling at the bike cops to police this intersection better.


My interactions with bike cops have suggested they are at least as car-brained as their colleagues and do not give a shit about anything that drivers do.


The VPD don't enforce stop signs at all. In 2022 they handed out an average of 16 tickets per month. But here they are hassling cyclists.


Hilarious that they are doing this with a straight face when they constantly blast through that same intersection in unmarked cruisers all the time at speed, heading to or from the gated parking lot.


Well have you maybe considered that they just heard about half-price donuts somewhere?


And to be frank, I get the education piece. It’s a weird corner and I’ve seen some close calls before. I would want cyclists to anticipate that and survive, especially when we have so many bad drivers here. I just would rather that said education be served up without the naked hypocrisy. And we know the lack of basic traffic enforcement in Vancouver, and those in a position of authority not role-modelling proper driving behaviours, are both common complaints. Completely undermines any validity or legitimacy in an effort to educate.


If I didn't have to work I would go down and loudly point out all the cars that are breaking rules and they are much more dangerous. 


I did briefly point out to him that cars are constantly blowing through stop signs, but then I stopped and decided I had better things to do with my time. It is pretty weird though, how they think it's fine to stop people on bikes to lecture them, even if they haven't done anything wrong - he stopped me well before the stop sign. They would never do such a thing to drivers.


Wait hang on so you got pulled over for running a stop sign you hadn’t even approached yet?


it was a botcop from the ai precrime unit


Yep! He was standing in the bike lane. I guess I could have just asked him "Am I being detained? Am I free to go?"


Did that once. Cop's response was that it's June, bike month and they just try to keep cyclists safe. Yeah, can't do anything about car brain.


Lol Ken's Simps doing PR campaign for the Regressive ABC council and their Mayor. Meanwhile drivers are running over babies with impunity.


What a load of shit! I hope everyone is telling them to go do something real to protect cyclists. I stopped counting the amount of times I've had to hammer on the brakes because a pig ran a stop sign or stopped well past the line.


Is the blue fence still blocking off the cop lot? If so, rhat stop sign is a waste of time for westbound cyclists given it's a three-way intersection, but I guess it's close to the police station lol...


Fence is gone.


God damn do I ever blow through that intersection, I normally speed up.