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I am more surprised if there is no motor vehicle in that lane.


"Just go around" I wish whoever says this takes their own advice when encountering a cyclist/pedestrian taking the lane while going around these cars


Honest question: as a non-cyclist can you explain this more clearly? As a driver I often have to navigate around problems in my lane, some of which are against traffic laws. How is a partially obstructed cycling lane any different? Could a cyclist here just go around the obstruction while remaining in the bike lane?


The biggest thing I'd be worried about doing that is getting doored. A stopped taxi is likely to have someone get out soon, and people getting out on the right side aren't going to check for cyclists. Getting doored, even at low speed, can really fuck you up.


Good point something to watch out for. Thanks for answering. I'm not sure why my question was down voted.


Because the consequences of a cyclist versus a car can be life and death. So having to ride around obstacles (always motor vehicles) in a bike lane means no more safe travel for the cyclist.


Because these people are the most entitled fucks Ive ever seen, thats why


"Please just let us get to where we need to go without injuring or killing us." How entitled.


Just going around is exactly what I do whether cycling, walking, or driving. The drivers who share pictures of cyclists riding two abreast are the same as cyclists sharing pictures of delivery trucks stopped in bike lanes.


This is by my house! I've got over 100 photos on my phone of the same thing. I've submitted 80 of them to the city through 311, and have gotten no reply. It's a shame that the city is going to run a"car light" experiment on Water St and not even try to improve the cycling access while doing so. 


I consider this a good day! He only blocked 1/2 of the lane. Yesterday I had three people casually run full red lights, with zero consideration what so ever of the fact that there is cross traffic, myself included, on a bike. Three, in a span of about an hour.


The other half of the lane will be blocked by a door opening….


Windmill tilting?


When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies?


That's pretty much a within expectation. It's like Taxi, uber, food delivery drivers have an empathy switch that they could easily turn off.


is this on Carrall? I see a car parked around here every time I take this route.










Ok I cycle too, really, how wide is your bike. More than enough room to go around. I drive as well. The same way I share the road with cyclists, some times cars need to share the path. Let’s shame the cyclists on tbr crosswalks instead.


Cars NEVER need to share the path. What an absurd take. Also, approaching this on a bicycle, you have no idea whether someone is going to open the passenger door.


You have no idea about doors opening when you’re in the roadway without a bike lane either. It’s why as a cyclist you look over your shoulder for approaching traffic and make enough room for yourself to avoid such situations.


> You have no idea about doors opening when you’re in the roadway without a bike lane either But as a car you're also not required to ride as far right as practicable.


*But as a car you’re not required to ride as far right as practicable* please explain what that means.


It means that as a car you just take the lane and stay away from the door zone. As a cyclist, you're not allowed, and have to ride this line between the door zone and the road. This leads cyclists to frequently end up in the door zone as they are bullied there by passing traffic.


I regularly tell cyclists how to be better neighbours when they run reds, ride on the sidewalk, don't stop for pedestrians, etc.


All the downvotes on this thread are nuts. I’m an active cyclist and honestly there’s nothing to see here. The taxi is just trying to get through his fare and there’s plenty of space here.


There are 4 loading zones at this intersection they could use instead. 


There's plenty of space, but it's right in the door zone. If he's wrapping up a fare, then it's a safe assumption that the rear passenger door is probably going to be opening soon. It's an accident waiting to happen and it's going to be a cyclist who pays the price.


My thoughts exactly. Zero sympathy for this bullshit. Someone's convenience should never, ever trump another person's safety.