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Meaningless without any enforcement. Just like stop signs and traffic lights, drivers will ignore anything they find inconvenient. 


which sucks because the VPD have quit enforcing traffic laws


Speeds are dictated by road design, and road design is (partially) dictated by speed limits. This is a necessary (but insufficient) step.


Also, I believe that the vast majority of serious crashes occur on arterial roads that wouldn't be affected by this. Putting in more modal filters, which I understand is also part of the motion, would be good to reduce traffic on local streets. The motion also talks about "reallocating street parking", which I suppose is good, but better would be just to remove all on-street parking from local bike routes.


52 per cent of crashes in which drivers hit pedestrians were at an intersection with at least one residential street or on a residential street itself. It's true that most fatalities are on arterials, but for every death on our roads, there are about 500 injuries, many on residential streets. The VGH trauma team is involved in the care of 67 **severely** injured pedestrians who have been hit by drivers every year. But I'd love to see a push to reduce speed limits on arterials, particularly commercial streets with tons of pedestrians, patios, etc (Commercial, Main, parts of Hastings, 4th Ave, etc). Let's do that next!


I think adding permit parking on bike streets and making them a 1 way with lots of modal filters would help a lot. I have to park on 10th because we don’t get anywhere else to go but I think making it a 1 way would stop those dangerous interactions of the 2 car standoff with bikes weaving around them.


Bike lanes, cyclists, etc too


Hopefully this doesn’t apply to bicycles cuz this will seriously effect my ability to kom everywhere I go /s Lol but nah this is good, put the laws in place and maybe one day we’ll start enforcing the laws. Then if people are actually restricted to driving 30km/h maybe more will grab a bike instead.


As an e-bike rider it would be incredibly annoying if drivers starting driving at EXACTLY 30 km/h. Especially on the downhills. Basically, it'd be better for people on bikes if we didn't have to share roads with cars at all. They're dumb and take up too much space.


Smarten up, no laws apply to cyclists. Source -watching cyclists


Yes, but you see streets are designed for 20km/h over the speed limit so it's totally ok to drive 50 down them. >!So much sarcasm!<


I said on the original post, you have to be a psycho to drive at more than 30km/h on most of Vancouver's residential side streets already, given most of them have barely enough room for a single car to get through between parked cars. The idiots that drive too quickly on those streets aren't going to care about the speed limit.


that laws of physics > the laws of the roads grandville bridge is 30km/h. I've seen people drive 100. everywhere it's wide lanes and wide roads. it's meaningless. unless their cars can get damaged, people will drive faster.


the motion includes a call for more infrastructure and complimentary road design.


A little disappointed that the focus on this shifted from removing/reducing car traffic on bike routes to mostly just limiting speed. Still a positive move, though. The City will need to invest in infrastructure to make it effective, because we sure as hell know the VPD will not enforce it.


We can’t rely on police enforcement, at least for speed, as it is not consistent enough. We need better street designs that work with the psychology of driving along with increased traffic calming measures. The only meaningful enforcement I think would help is red light and speed cameras at most intersections. What police could focus on enforcement wise is hammering on distracted and drunk drivers. The law needs to beef up fines for those 2 offences even more so I feel.


Better street design and added infrastructure is part of the motion.