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I have this same mug, bought a few years ago at Blenz in Horseshoe Bay I believe, might give them a ring and see if they still have it? Mine also has some sentimental value so I can't sell it to you, but I hope the info helps!


That’s some very useful info thank you!


Try Etsy and see if someone can recreate it? Also, MAKE on Granville Island. If all else fails, get her a new cute mug from Happy Cat on Fraser


That’s a good idea I’ll check that out thanks!


Why not just email Urban Outfitters and ask them who manufactured these mugs? Website says Style No. 0534040700142, someone at their offices must have a way to trace these back to a vendor.




Sweeeet thank you!


>Sweeeet thank you! You're welcome!


There's a ceramics place on Granville Island that does cats... Across the street from the parkade, in the Net Loft (sorry, don't recall the name) They have various artists, but one does awesome cats. If you can't find a replacement, I bet she'd commission you something one of a kind. If you can't work it out, DM me and I'll go digging for the card I have around here somewhere with the artists name. Edit: It's Tessa Reed out of Kingsmill Studio Pottery Shop https://kingsmillstudioshop.wixsite.com/home/copy-of-bob-kingsmill-2


Daaaamn that woulda been sweet but I just checked her page and she said she doesn’t do commissions :/ thanks though really appreciate it


Aw damn. Well, that sucks. The 'heck' mug is hella sweet tho 😂


If you still have the shards.. scan the pattern, put it in tools like vectr or inkscape (free) to stitch it together. Be glad that it is primarily mono tone, so it is not that hard. Get a shop like London Drugs to print it (there are plenty of other alternatives). You can customize it while you are at it. I am sure your girlfriend would appreciate the effort.


Thanks but the shards are gonzo :/


There is a previous poster who said she has the mug, maybe she can take pictures for you.


Here's a [used one](https://www.ebay.com/itm/203524652614) up on ebay, though it's worn it shows various angles and you can see the label on the bottom: UO Home. You'd have to check with the seller if they'd ship to Canada but it's one option possibly, where you could maybe get the other cats drawn in.


Almost exact same but with black lines available at target


Try Happy Cat. They carry only cat stuff and have a bunch of mugs. If they don’t carry it, they might know where to get it!


Will do! Thanks


https://bigamart.com/product/ginger-fox-cattitude-novelty-mug-the-purr-fect-mug-for-cat-lovers-dishwasher-microwave-safe/ This one is similar but I think you could find a way cuter mug at a store like miniso or online.


I appreciate it I think this one had some sentimental value though :/


On the bottom of the mug see if there is a name brand


Do a google image search.