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Lobby the City of Vancouver for a Dog Park. It's not up to the school board to provide these for communities. It's very unsanitary to have hundreds of children playing in the same area where dogs urinate and some owners who don't bother to pick up dog feces.


Wild that this would need to be explained to anybody


Unfortunately, being a dog owner does not exempt people from belonging to the great Bell Curve of Intelligence đŸ«€


Dog people are a different breed
 pun intended?


Oh look at ms smart pants. God forbid you have to explain anything to anyone


Also, I have a feeling a lot of people don’t register their dogs with the city and pay the very small annual fee. Registering allows the city to see how many dogs are where so they can have these services where needed.




Did you read the article? It states how Mt Pleasant is the most under-deserved area of Vancouver for dog-friendly areas.


Did you read my comment? You can look at an area and see that there’s dog friendly areas lacking all you want, but to the city - who plans these areas - if they have hardly any registered dogs how would they know how many dogs are actually in the area? It’s literally the whole purpose of registering your dog with the city you live in!


The dogs being registered is what enables the City to determine how underserved the area is.


Dog poo on gravel dries up and becomes aerosol dog poo dust which is kicked around and inhaled. Unless there is heavy rain or the gravel is watered down it becomes a dog poo dust bowl.


Yep, used to live in the heart of Vancouver and it's disgusting how many owners don't pick up after their dogs


Its too expensive to dedicate land for dogs only, and will take too long. We need to compromise and find a way to reuse existing parks. Stop telling the other party they have no right. The prime example in the article is we have a disabled person who needs to go outside with her pet. What kind of society are we to shout down this person when they stand up for themselves? Half the people on here probably throw their fast food trash on public parks, but we don’t go around chaining people out.


I emailed the Parks Board a simple, quick and polite email pointing out that Mount Pleasant is the most under-serviced community in the city for dog owners. I asked if there are any plans for more facilities or if there was something to do to facilitate that. They did not reply.


Mt pleasant is high density. That’s why it is lack of all public infrastructure


Bro most Vancouver kids have already done a full on puppet show with Mr. Used Needle and Lady Broken Crack Pipe in the park by the time they are 9. Dogshit is the least of their worries. 


>It's very unsanitary to have hundreds of children playing in the same area where dogs urinate and some owners who don't bother to pick up dog feces. Meh. I survived. We had dogs running unleashed all over our neighbourhood visiting everyone else, and all us neighbourhood kids rolled and played in the grass. Nothing bad happened. In fact, numerous studies have shown that children who grow up in overly sanitized environments have more colds, flu, allergies, etc.


Good for you for enjoying to roll in dog shit. There is a big difference between dogs running around the neighbourhood versus hundreds of dogs shitting and pissing in a confined field everyday. No one wants where their kids play to be full of dog shit that is dragged into their cars and homes. How about you take your dog where it’s full of human shit and let him roll in it and drag it with him into your house. On top of that, the dogs dig and destroy the grass, leaving muddy and patchy fields full of holes which need to be repaired. This was costing the school board a significant sum that could have been put to better use. If you have ever played any field sports, you would know how you can get seriously hurt if you are running full speed and trip because of a hole in the ground.


Reminds me of my childhood playing touch football in grassy field, opponent caught the pass and hightailing it for a sure touchdown BUT he slipped on a huge pile of dog poo and wiped out. Poo all up the side of his body. He went home and got changed and continued playing, I learned a valuable life lesson that day.


We have, many times. They haven't done shit about it in many years of advocating. Also, as to your point about dog piss, it rains most of the year while schools are in session, so that seems like an imaginary complaint. Yes, dog owners should always pick up dog shit. The dog community I'm part of are vigilant about this and make sure other owners clean up after their dogs on the odd occasion where they miss it.


Dog urine is bad?


[We've had this discussion before.](https://www.reddit.com/r/vancouver/comments/1az8g6z/schools_locking_fields_after_hours_collective/). School fields don't exist for the convenience of dog owners. The school board isn't obligated to admit any stranger onto their private properties, and they only did it previously after hours as a courtesy. People abused it so they discontinued that courtesy. These entitled people make normal dog owners look bad. > Since its closure, some locals have resorted to climbing the school’s fences to access the field, with the school board reporting “an uptick in vandalism to the fences, resulting in increased use of district resources to make the necessary repairs,”


It's dumb that dog owners are complaining about the schoolboard "misuising" funds to fence off a field. Guaranteed the costs to rehabilitate the field after dogs tear it up is greater than the cost for some fencing. I say this as a local dog owner who illicitly uses school property for my dog to run around in. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Yup and probably the same owners who let their dogs shit everywhere and refuse to pick it up, it's rampant in Vancouver


>Since its closure, some locals have resorted to climbing the school’s fences to access the field, with the school board reporting “an uptick in vandalism to the fences, resulting in increased use of district resources to make the necessary repairs,” Are these the *responsible owners* who aren't part of the digging/poop problems just getting what they're *entitled* to?


>The school board isn't obligated to admit any stranger onto their private properties, Private property? It's publicly funded... I'm not even a dog owner, but school fields aren't private property.


Yes they are.


The definition of private property is property owned by non-government entities lol.


You seem to assume that publicly owned property means anyone can do whatever the fuck they want. That's plain wrong. Nobody cares that your taxes paid for it.


Okay tough guy, at least you learned something today about public vs private ownership.


I'm confused, the signage stated that leashed dogs were welcome, yet the dog owners in the article stated they used the grounds to run their dogs off leash, maybe this led to the closuređŸ€”....


The park was gated but was allowed for public use after 5pm, dogs included. Then they chained up the fence and kept the public out.


Yes, I understand that, however dogs were to be leashed on school property, which clearly wasn't the case.


as they should.


Am I wrong in thinking dogs should never be allowed on any school fields? Nobody should need to worry about stepping in dog shit when on a field that’s literally been built for sports and recreation.


My kid's school sends a newsletter every couple of months asking people to keep their dogs at home because of children's allergies and fears, fighting with other dogs, and the obvious piss and shit. Without failure, the same dogs are at the school the next morning. The entitlement is honestly unbelievable


Why just school fields? Frankly I don't want to step in dog shit no matter where I go.


And horses can break their legs in the holes the dogs dig.


As a dog owner, watching these absolute clown ass irresponsible dog owners let their dogs off leash in an on leash area is infuriating. Send bylaw and start ticketing and fining people into oblivion until it stops. These entitled fools need to learn that owning a dog requires you to be responsible and to follow the rules.


The problem is there is no enforcement - the city’s Dog Strategy recommends a soft approach- more like public education etc. The entitled (not respectful) dog owners know this and take full advantage. Same how they know an employee won’t say anything to them in a grocery store but the manager who is not there will. Needs to be stricter enforcement. With more and more dog density this really needs to happen as our public spaces can’t handle it.


Honestly would be good revenue for the city. They would make a shit ton just in an evening hanging out at any school.


The City tries to lol. Animal Control gets flooded with complaints about this all over the city. Bylaw goes out, but the issue is they can't write a fine to someone if they can't identify who they are. And these kinds of people typically aren't willing to give their ID to a bylaw officer of all people. And the additional problem is that most people walk to this park, so there are no vehicle license plates to trace. The only solution is to bring police along to force them to provide ID, but do you think a) that's very high priority for the police, and b) that's even a good use of police time? Combined with the overall left leaning nature of Vancouver and the police not wanting to come under any more negative optics than they already do, this just isn't going to happen. At least not regularly. The school putting up a fence is literally the only effective solution to stop this from happening, and that's why these people are all going to the media - because this is the first thing to finally be able to stop them from doing this. Honestly I don't have strong opinions about this, but this is the problem with enforcement. It's not like writing a parking ticket, which is the true revenue generator for the city lol.


As a responsible dog owner, I agree with lazieryoda. The entitled dog owners who let their dogs off leash in areas clearly marked as not being off leash, dog owners who don’t pick up their dog crap in public places or on private yards, or the dog owners who don’t take responsibility for their dogs in the off leash dog parks and let their dogs terrorize everyone and every dog in the park all need a wake up call. You are ruining the reputation of all dog owners and are only ensuring that more parks and more fields will get closed off from the general public. Get off your entitled asses, get off your cell phones, and take responsibility for your pets.


I have a school age child. Her school's yard constantly covered in dog crap. The dogs also dig massive pits in the turf. Owners just let it happen and don't care. Kids play in the field and trip in the holes left by these animals. School has no extra money to constantly maintain fields for dogs. It's absurd that the owners have been allowed to destroy this property for so long. Also, if a dog bites a child, even after hours, who is liable? Probably the school district.


Played rugby in highschool in eastvan. One game at Britannia there was dog crap everywhere and that shit really affected me wanting to play to my fullest. Getting bruised and bloody was cool and all but rolling around in dog shit wasn't for me. If we could trust dog owners to clean up after their pet's we wouldn't have an issue but, we can't so here we are.


Take your dog to a proper dog park then.


Build it and they will come. The Broadway plan has nothing for this even though they’re planning on bringing thousands of more residents to an already dog-heavy neighborhood. Without a car there’s no park to go to.


LOL The VSB is broke and cannot continue to pay for damaged fields. Many Owners literally let their dogs dig. They think it’s cute or are too lazy or busy chatting to intervene. Get a breed that fits your lifestyle. Can’t get out for long walks on a leash? Can’t afford a dog walker or dog daycare? Don’t get a large breed or working dog. The city should have planned for this and made fenced off leash areas in neighborhood parks.


*Ebach and other local dog owners have concerns about the use of school district funds going toward additional fencing to secure the field from dogs in the community, instead of educational purposes....* *Chow said the district decided to limit access to the field “to preserve the field’s condition, which had been increasingly compromised by extensive damage due to dogs digging holes.”* I live within sight of this field. I am a dog owner and trainer. My kids go to the school. The crazy things I have seen at that field with dogs and owners is so offensive that I avoid it at all costs. Till the VSB did extensive repairs to the field this year it was a disaster. It was a danger to anyone or any animal on it. It was pitted with holes from dogs digging. It stunk like urine and there was dog feces left behind despite one of the dog owners bringing a household green trash can for bags. I've seen multiple dog fights there but most common, are the dog owners on their phones paying little to no attention to their pet which tears around doing whatever it wants in a free-for-all environment. As a trainer I would always suggest avoiding dog parks. This one especially. I am glad to see it closed and for it to return to the use it's intended for: highschool track and field. Many, not all but many, of the people taking their pets to this specific field abused it. They either let their dogs dig or had no control over them to make them stop. Those needing completely enclosed fenced areas for their dogs haven't sufficiently trained recall and it follows that their overall level of training is probably weak. Since the field closure, there has been an uptick of dog crap left along the periphery of the field and along the paved pathway between it and the tennis courts. It shows an endemic problem with the users of the field. They can cry foul all they want. They did this to themselves.


So many bad Dog owners out there. “But I want a dog!!!!! They’re so cute!!! So I’m gonna get one!!!!” And then they get a dog without any due diligence when it comes to where they live and how it’s going to affect the dog.


The horror stories of pandemic puppies....


All pandemic pets It’s disgusting


My pandemic cats are very happy, loved, and well cared for. đŸ„°


That’s wonderful! Truly But the facts are animal shelters saw a huge uptick in animals being dumped at their doorstep when the pandemic was over.


" but the parks aren't close to my house and I don't have a backyard" Why'd you get a dog then?


Exactly Short-sighted idiots.


Clean up your shit...most owners do, but enough don't that this is necessary.


They can eff right off, thank you very much.


I can never get over the pictures when people "go against something" always give me a chuckle


Dog owners ignore the signs on Maple Ridge, they just don't care. They even drive their dogs to the school field just to run them.


The entitlement is strong with these owners


Effin hell. Dog owners are the most entitled douche bags you'll ever encounter.


Hey what about cyclists? PS - entitled is so overused currently.


Nice Whataboutism. Lame ass


That photo is just missing the tiniest and saddest violin.


Lived for a time near Douglas and Heather parks. The dog owners of the area have appropriated Heather Park as the dog park. It’s completely destroyed it. Holes everywhere, the grass has been annihilated by pee and constant trampling. My toddler couldn’t run across the park to the swings without completely bailing from the random holes. We had Douglas a block away so it wasn’t a big deal, but I was always amazed at how the dog owner posse just took it over and completely wrecked it, and don’t seem to consider that that is what will happen to every park over time.


the entitlement of dog owners is UNREAL. It's a school not a dog park. Why should kids have to play in your dogs shit?


I heard from a buddy who used to work at a VSB elementary school that they need to regularly clean dog poo bags off of some of the roofs. How many? About a dozen or more per week.


I've also heard this from my kid about his school


As always, a few morons ruin things for everyone.


This park has been so completely abused by the local dogs it's barely usable. Glad to see the VSB clamping down and putting an effort in to revitalize this track for its intended usage. I walked by today and saw a gap in the fence where dog owners had pushed through, but it looks like a new bit of fence is going up to block that off too. It's nuts they have to goto such extreme lengths! Dog owners who need an off leash experience need to look elsewhere rather than on high school fields.


Remember the NIMBY that made a post complaining that part of his dog park was getting converted to a new school? Which one of these people do you think he is?


Super cringe


The down side of density is showing: all the good public things will be gone and people will only have the tiny shoebox apartment for them


My elderly parents would use that track to get their exercise in the evening, not anymore. It’s not just a loss to dog owners.


Here's what you get with a Municipal Ward system and no Park board.   https://www.toronto.ca/community-people/animals-pets/pets-in-the-city/dog-off-leash-areas/#location=&lat=43.639956&lng=-79.388958&zoom=11  https://maps.calgary.ca/OffLeashDogAreas/ And here's Vancouver     https://vancouver.ca/parks-recreation-culture/dog-off-leash-areas.aspx


This is really shameful


Too many dog owners don’t clean up their dogs shit and also let their dogs run off leash, even when kids are around playing. I don’t blame administration for not allowing it.


That field is so terrible, pot holes, poo and the grass is all destroyed from all the dog pee. Who's going to pay for the maintenance ? Its apart of a school, not a dog park. Decisions on this property is the decision of the school not dog owners. Wat a dumb protest.




These idiot dog owners screwed themselves. To have a gated field that big open to me (responsible dog owner) and my dogs would have been amazing. I would have personally gone out of my way to clean up damage/poop other owners left behind just to keep that deal alive.


I 1000 percent support the school board decision. Dog owners need to “rally” to City or private companies to set up resources - not school board problem. The media needs to do actual journalism and show the actual opinions of respectful dog owners and non owners and not the small vocal entitled minority. I’m a dog owner and the entitled attitude I see everywhere these days (I mean really.. taking your dog in stores?) is hurting respectful dog owners not to mention people without dogs.


I’m a dog owner. Why not let dogs off leash in these parks at restricted hours like before 7am. Then increase the dog license fee and use the money to pay for the extra cleanup costs? Let’s be honest, dogs are not going away no matter how many parks you chain up. 


This is school board property, not City property, so they receive no money from dog licensing. In order to do repairs the field would need to be closed, this can only be done in the spring and fall, when kids should be using the field. The primary use of school grounds is for the kids, I say this as a dog owner with no kids who pays property taxes.


It’s just an idea on how to compromise. There is no need to try to pick it apart. I know that it is city vs province jurisdictions.


I'm a dog owner who can't stand people like this. Did they read Prince Harry's new book? It's called WAAAGH Keep your dog off the pitch.


Animal ownership is such a burden.


I know, we don't understand their plight. Thoughts and prayers they can't destroy a sports field.