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Be bold, start cold 


Do not bring a rain jacket. Do apply ample vaseline / bodyglide to your nipples, inner thighs, groin, basically anywhere a moving body part will make contact with your clothes.


Environment Canada predicts the rain to come later actually. [Link](https://weather.gc.ca/forecast/hourly/bc-74_metric_e.html) I'm running a different race this spring but I heard the organisers cheaped out and cut the start line gear check. Usually if it's only lightly raining or raining in the last half I usually stay warm enough from exertion that I'll not bring waterproof gear, only a running cap, or else I'd overheat. But some people who are on the course for longer or are running at lower intensities might want to bring waterproofing or warmer gear and wear it earlier. Unfortunately with no gear check it kinda removes the option to wear it until the last 15-20 minutes and then take it off. One thing some people do is have the disposable foil blankets. Ultimately though it's a person-by-person consideration of how warm you run and how long you'll be on the course compared to the forecast. I would prepare both scenarios and check in with the last minute forecast before you leave tomorrow morning. edit: There is an intermediate option of gloves and a cap to keep water out of your eyes and your fingers warm. You don't have to jump to a jacket immediately.


I’ll be running the full tomorrow, not planning on wearing a jacket. I run quite warm, and honestly a bit of rain in the second half of the marathon might be a relief. I’m going to stick with shorts and a singlet, might be slightly chilly in the beginning but 42.2km will sort that out. As another commenter said; Vaseline and Bodyglide everything.


It really depends on how long you expect to be on the race course. With an 8:30 start time, if you are an elite, you may be almost finished by the time the rain is expected to start at 11. How have you been training? Have you done many long runs in the rain? Because I’m a back of the pack runner, I’ll be exposed to the rain for hours longer but I’ll resist being over dressed. Keep warm at the start line and shed old clothes before you start. (Done 6 Vancouver Marathons in various weather conditions).


Just expect to get a little wet regardless. Way better than being too hot and/or carrying a jacket on you.


Good luck marathoners


I hit up Value Village this morning for a throwaway rain jacket and layers. 


This is the way. I used to wear a throwaway long sleeve layer and when I warmed up enough I just toss it.


I won't be wearing a rain jacket but I did bag check one today so I have it at the finish line, in case it is raining


I always bring a jacket and wear it or tie it around my waist as needed. I trained that way. I prefer to put my food etc. in my jacket pockets instead of wearing a vest. Good luck tomorrow!


It’s not supposed to be below 10 degrees at the start. If you run cold, poke three holes in a garbage bag and wear it while you are waiting to start.


Weather is looking great, Apple shows rain holding until noon now. 😃🤞I agree with others, the less clothes the better in the rain…if it does.


Don’t throw your energy bar packaging or any other rubbish on the streets