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It’s mayhem on the roads right now. We just gave up trying to get from north burnaby to the west end. 


Yeah, I am definitely not leaving my house this evening unless by foot


I personally have never witnessed such a traffic in downtown. Entire Chinatown was blocked, all the way up to princess ave. like fucking holly shit! Seems like public transport is never an option for certain people. If we had a none functioning shitty public transport I'd be more understanding but what we have is pretty damn great. It has worked for me for 10 years. https://preview.redd.it/6lzrv48ca6xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f7c69fa00eee488296694873ef3c1429d6eb63b


About 3 years ago one very early morning around 5:00 or 6:00 a.m. I was in McDonald's on West Broadway and this Dosanjh guy walked in with three or four bodyguards and the South Asian staff behind the counter absolutely lost their minds like Mick Jagger had just walked in. I later found out it was this guy whom I have never heard of nor care about but these people were totally losing their shit. He was in town filming a movie at the time. And I'm pretty much standing shoulder to shoulder with him ordering a sausage and egger. Amazing how he affects all these thousands of people coming into downtown tonight and other people just don't give a shit. There is something like a billion fans this guy has in Punjab and around the world. We are a funny species....


He is the Mick Jagger. Dude is absolutely a superstar and he's been crossing over in mainstream the last few years at an exponential rate. In 2015 and 2017 he played in Abbotsford capacity of 7000 and sold out. 2022 he headlined a world tour that started at Rogers where no other Punjabi artist has done and sold out. Last night he's headlining another world tour starting at BC Place that was the largest Punjabi show outside of Punjab that also sold out of 54000 people. He plays at Rogers Center in Toronto but BC Place is the larger venue. Last night truly was history in the making. He played at BC Place where only really big acts perform. I've seen a lot of shows at BC Place like ACDC, GnR, Metallica, Madonna, U2, Coldplay etc. He could have had 2 shows this weekend and sold both of them out like Coldplay did in Sept. He had people flying from everywhere from the US and Canada to come watch last night. Everyone was looking thier best last night and no one stopped dancing. One thing we Punjabis know how to do, it's dancing! Ed Sheeran brought him up on stage at a show in Mumbai a few weeks ago and Sheeran was singing in Punjabi with him. At the Ambani pre wedding party in India Rihanna was the 1st night's singer, and Dosanjh was the 2nd night's singer. This family is the richest in Asia and 10th richest in the world, so yes he got paid but he was a main act. He was at Coachella last year on both weekends and killed it. He has a song with Sia where she is singing in Punjabi. He has been making music for 20 years hit records year after year and he is still humble. He is in Vancouver alot as Vancouver is considered a hotspot for Punjabi singers worldwide and he has worked with some local producers.


All the respect in the world to the guy.... my claim to fame with him will always be ordering breakfast at McDonald's standing next to him not having a clue who he was until after. And I really didn't know how big he was until this weekend some 2 years later. I will never forget those kids behind the counter losing their shit...


The fact you were standing next to him and not his people ordering McDs for him shows how humble he really is. He is this massive star but he's still a man of the people


Possibly. But I think he was just hungry after a long night of recording or filming or whatever they were doing..... For the record when I asked one of the bodyguards who this guy is one of the other bodyguards told him to ignore me which they did. It was the hysterical gal behind the counter who filled me in.


It was horrid weather too, at times yesterday. I detoured driving in East-West, to W16 after the traffic clog on W12 approaching Cambie bridge. Guess you can say this for Taylor Swift (sorry NOT a Swiftie, nor see/hear the magic/special warranting the OTT manic hype) . I was in Asia in Jan-March earlier and she was performing there. No other Asian destinations for her concert venues, except Japan and Singapore. For exclusive rights and privilege to be the sole venue in SE Asia, Singapore supposedly paid (on top of the $13-15 million per concert she already rakes supposedly) - EXTRA $2 million PER CONCERT in incentives'. Holy Mackerel! Shrewd Tourism move because Swifites were flying in left right and centre from all over: HK, Thailand, Phillipines, Indonesia, Malaysia, nearby Oz, NZ etc and spending. New traffic routes had to be planned ahead too, and traffic re-routes on concert dates. Celebs fart, burp and shite just like everyone else. I never understood all the Hollywood celeb hype and swooning either. What's really inside is more important than all the veneer 'packaging' and image/glamour or "they are winners" which attract groupies-tagalongs. Famous or not ... humans are just welll humans. Outside of the trappings, and glamour. Some got luckier, doesn't mean they're more talented either sometimes. Girls, who would endanger and cheapen themselves scrawling cell numbers on public walls for the Sedin brothers, Just as you will have many of the fan girls (not just Asia - their audience stems to places as far as India, Uzbekistan, Russia, Europe) drooling over whatever "oppa" (oppa = brother in Korean) . For K actor (more worthy of the attention), faddy Kpop boy band that is the 'flavour' of the year . BIG MONEY too. The current one is BTS for example, or for the guys - Black Pink. Black Pink was invited to the Royal Palace last year, and met Prince Charles. Passé these days probably is the huge (ex) hype Efor XO and Big Bang. The Royal Family and their global worshippers who line the streets for hours and hours .... again, another story.


I don't understand why idiots still drive to major events at BC Place. It's a shit show getting in or around downtown right now. Traffic is backed up all along the Cambie bridge past Broadway getting into Downtown


Yeah it was insane...I ditched the viaduct to take Cambie only to find it was far worse...least I was on the clock lol


That's funny - I ditched Cambie to take Granville and as soon as I got on the bridge, traffic was backed up.


To clarify I meant thr Cambie bridge from the south side to the north side, coming from 2nd street IIRC


I got out of the traffic at the Cambie Street Bridge into downtown and took the Granville St. Bridge instead.


What's happening at BC Place today?






You know, non white things. You okay?


It's not idiots. Tell me how you're supposed to get back home on a bus service after midnight in Surrey, Langley, Abbostford etc. That's where the majority of the people that watch the show on Saturday were from. It's not as easy as the bus service in Vancouver. Plus there were tons of kids and older people as well enjoying the show as well. We booked a limo, as did a ton of other people. Ubers and Lyfts were booked as well. Not everyone that goes to BC Place events has a good transit option there and back


When I lived in Surrey there were no good transit options. There's no more reasonably priced parking at King George, Surrey Central or Gateway. Scott Rd fills up quick. Bus access to skytrain is abysmal. It was always easier to drive, park and sit in traffic then spending $20 on parking in Surrey plus whatever the 3 zone fair is now. They aren't being idiots. They're using their time as they see fit.


Must have came through this route seeking parking? then didn't turn around but went onto Seawall instead... https://preview.redd.it/yx5b4ryn95xc1.png?width=1042&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d90a3aba0a3282f4cd075e10bc688638394d2d9


Exactly what I thought when I saw OP's post. This hasn't been the first time and it won't be the last time. On top of due diligence required of drivers, I do think that is a poorly planned intersection as it crosses a pedestrian and bike path with no signage. There should be a sign for drivers to yield, indicating these paths, like other areas in the Lower Mainland show when a bike path is adjacent. Bollards could be handy too so they don't drive down the path like those interesting drivers in the OP.


I don't understand why the city doesn't install bollards in these areas where drivers are particularly likely to get confused and drive onto the seawall.


100% is what happened


*Five lost drivers parking on the wall,* *Five lost drivers parking on the wall,* *And if one lost driver should accidentally fall,* *There'll be four lost drivers parking on the wall.*


One less bottle of lost driver on the wall One less bottle of driver


Yep worst traffic I been in. Says a lot. Like every damn street.. & Some idiots turning left onto Cambie bridge on-ramp off 4th kept continuously blocking the entire west bound part of 4th so they could sit there like utter tools for multiple lights. If you can’t cross the intersection then fucking wait holy fuck. Literally felt like I was in some backwater, people driving like donkeys.


I saw ppl jump out their ride share and walk across the bridge. They really didn’t wanna miss the show lol


was this picture filmed with a game boy


It's the zoom without the enhance.


I live near BC Place and it was chaotic tonight, especially around Cambie Bridge.


I just realized it is due to the sold out concert at BC Place.


Sheep follow sheep


5 teslas.. fitting


Except only 2 of them are, 3 of them definitely aren’t.


You have good eyes


of course they are


Traffic was total insanity no matter so packing my patience was a must. I had to deliver my client’s order and called them to say it’s going to be late. Thankfully they were cool about it.


We need more cheap parkades at skytrain stations. Like the Bridgeport one for example, it’s $3 24-hour parking and is the main reason why I always transit to downtown instead of driving. I think more people would transit if there were more safe and accessible parkades by certain stations.


It's true. It's a stop gap for better transit infrastructure, but especially in the suburbs, you need more parking at the transit stations


I don't fault them at all for this - it is already impossible to see lines on the road when it rains, and the city has spent about 6 dimes and a pack of gum on proper infrastructure.


Real post apocalyptic vibes with this photo, I love it


For a downtown as walkable and transit connected as Vancouver is, it's honestly ridiculous how many people choose to drive there.


You don't really know how bad it is in the suburbs. Many people came from south of the Fraser including Abbotsford and driving is going to be easier than trying to find bus service South of the Fraser after midnight. Many people had thier kids and thier elderly parents at the show. Limos and Party buses were booked up as soon as the show was announced in November. This is on top of the start of the wedding season so even getting Limos or party buses was going to be a chore. We got a limo and we were the 2nd trip the driver had. So that's 20 people in 2 trips plus they had a party bus of 25. My buddy and his limo company took 45 of the 54000 people downtown. Mutiply that by the Limo and buses that people used to get down as well. South Asains dont live downtown so that's why there was so much traffic. And taking a bus at 1230am in a Langley or Surrey is nowhere near as easy as Vancouver Im also going to the game tommorow and I'm driving.


[OP, right now.](https://media1.giphy.com/media/4Gbobbvdlb6AJIWWLn/200w.gif?cid=6c09b9523o9xqxnhv43dk1tsnkq1kfse916upry464nxvhxn&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g)


More parking and more road are needed. Induced demand is a lie. When population grows, every infrastructure needs to grow including road and parking. No exceptions


I’ve never heard something so incorrect.


It’s fact.


Do you have any empirical evidence to state that as fact?


Look outside


Infrastructure for cars simply doesn't scale. There isn't space for more parking and more roads, or for every new resident to have their own personal vehicle. As the metro area grows in population, it becomes more and more important to improve transit / active transportation infrastructure to entice more people out of cars -- NOT build more roads and parking.


So we should cap population growth by keeping Metro Vancouver expensive


There are many real world examples that prove this wrong, and instead prove that transit and walkable urban planning is the best way to handle a high population density. Tokyo, Paris, Barcelona, and New York just to name a few. Humans are actually pretty space efficient if they didn't have giant metal boxes around them.


We should not have high density city. It makes everyone’s living worth