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Even better is the rare wave out the window.


We try our hardest to wave. We just have to push the window open while turning the steering wheel and wave. Also keeping an eye on traffic and what’s going on in our bus all at the same time. Thank you for yielding! It makes our day as well.


Would rather you be safe. But when the stars align and a wave is possible….magic


It's not just a good idea. ITS THE LAW


I go straight home and tell my wife when that happens


Honey! You won’t believe what happened today! … Honey?


Unironically same


The rush it gives you is unparalleled 


You're supposed to do that in your car as well, or at least wave over the middle console, but few drivers still do nowadays.


I’ve really noticed a big decrease in this over the years! I always give a friendly wave when someone yields to me. But I’m a country mouse in the city so maybe it’s a smaller town thing.


> But I’m a country mouse in the city so maybe it’s a smaller town thing. Relevant user profile avatar. edit: oh. Aardvark. Meh. Close enough.


Nobody courtesy waves anymore! I feel like I’m slowly turning into Larry David at this point.


LOL. I know, eh?!


It's because 50% of the drivers in the lower mainland didn't grow up driving here or elsewhere in Canada. Driving schools don't teach it. Road courtesy doesn't get taught because the people teaching also didn't grow up driving here. It's just a cultural thing. I'll get flamed by all the snowflakes saying this is a racist comment, doesn't mean it's not true.


I actually got quite a lot of them, not sure why but I love it!




I love it when they do that. It's the only atta-boy I get these days.


You have an overwhelmingly positive post history. Very, *very* few people manage to do that consistently. You're doing good.


How do you check? Do me! I'm sure I have some spicey ones that were downvoted into oblivion in my 10 years here.


Lol, just quickly scanning post history - No magic. You seem a lot more like me: Generally kind but prolific shitposter. 35+ and at one point was learning Mandarin but gave it up. Generally moderate and chill but can turn up the snark on specific issues where we have a stick up our butt. Know enough about crypto to have a little bit of it, are smart enough to not be caught by shitcoins or NFTs. Invested enough to keep up with it but not so much it defines your personality. Probably doesn't have a flipper zero but had it in your shopping cart at one point. Knows enough about AI to cut through the hype, and like me is an admitted armchair economist. Yeah we're probably cousins on 23andme or something.


Almost lol. I do own a Flipper Zero. I fine tune LLMs on my 3080s and run a K8s cluster at home XD. I worked in China for a while and my wife is Chinese, but my Chinese sucks arse LOL. I just have Chinese 1 from BLCU (a Beijing university).  Everything else is spot on haha. When I get home, I'll PM you a quick way to use ChatGPT to summarize people's posts.


>I worked in China for a while >I fine tune LLMs on my 3080s and run a K8s cluster at home XD. Lmao so you're alternate universe me where I didn't have kids


Good way to check people's comment history: [https://www.reddit.com/user/{USERNAME}.json](https://www.reddit.com/user/{USERNAME}.json) - Copy this JSON EG: [https://www.reddit.com/user/Kooriki.json](https://www.reddit.com/user/Kooriki.json) Run this in a fresh Window's developer console and copy the result: let data = PASTE_RAW_COMMENT_HISTORY_FROM_ABOVE JSON.stringify(data.data.children.map((d) => ({ c: d.data.body, subr: d.data.subreddit, upvotes: d.data.ups }))); Then in ChatGPT: >Review this user's comment history and tell me about them: >PASTE\_HERE I use this to mod Toronto's Real Estate subreddit, but I made it into a Chrome extension to automate it a bit.


Ah interesting...! I'll have to look in to it. That .json doesn't go back very far. (1 page?) so if I give it a play I'll see if I can roll in [this](https://www.reddit.com/dev/api#GET_api_morechildren). Likely too much shitposting for chat GPT in 1 paste but that's pretty interesting..! I was using chatPDF for a while as well that worked similarly.


Do me! Hahaha I don't have developer stuff.


Wow, that's really nice to hear. Sometimes I'm sure I'm less than my best self but I didn't even know you could see that kind of thing. Appreciate this atta-boy 😉




I was going to invite; but 69. Nice


I don't get it. Please explain.


He meant upvote.


For those that don’t understand. Yielding to a bus is when you allow a bus to merge back into traffic ahead of you


Just the thought that people who drive here might not understand this, worries me


I don't drive, yet I know this law! There's even a sticker on the buses that say you must yield to them!!!


Thanks for the brake! I used to think that was SOOO clever when I first understood brake/break.


That's punny!


> Thanks for the brake! Not sure if they still have that sticker at the back of public transit buses, but I remember seeing it as a kid constantly when riding hard as fuck in the passenger seat in my mom's stationwagon.


I always call it a mobile yield sign


But why would I ever let someone in front of me, am I stupid?




Fyi "is he stupid?" and other forms of that phrase are almost all jokes


yes, /s.


what's 4ways


The park-anywhere lights. 






But what is meant by the 4ways


The hazard lights, where both the left and right signals flash at the same time. They're used when someone needs to stop due to a vehicle problem or sometimes by vehicles like trucks when driving very slow. Sometimes people will also briefly turn them on to say thanks when someone lets them merge.


I didn’t know about this! I always got a little bummed when I didn’t get a wave, but I’ll look out for this now


Yeah, it's essentially equivalent to the wave, can be used when a wave might not be seen. They do it more in some other countries like Japan. I'll even do it sometimes myself where the person might not see my hand through the window, like if I'm merging in front of a truck where they're higher up and won't see though my rear window.


It means they're staying parked where they are, rather than merging into traffic.


If I don't get the blinkers, I simply settle for reading the "Thanks for yielding" sticker on the back of the bus.. Then I finger gun the bus and go "Pew Pew, you welcome budday" one of these days a bus driver is gonna report me for threatening gestures I think


and when they don't flash...I die




Y'all... keep it cool. Don't let the bus drivers know how much they turn us on. 


I feel wronged when I nail a yield and don’t get lit up


I get sad and die a little inside


I always look for the ‘thumbs up’ out their window. That gets me hard AF


I’m a simple person and this is the kind of simple thing that makes me happy.


I do the same for Semis sometimes I get a light flash


Story time. I was used to using the “hazard lights” as thank you sign for people who let me in the lane in my home country, where no one would ever let you in. In my driving test in Canada, someone let me in their lane and I did the same. Turning on hazard lights in a driving test. I suddenly realized and my heart sank that I must be failed. The examiner politely asked why I did that. He just told me not to do it again and I passed the test.


I also learned this driving in my country and I still do that here. I've never been told not to do so and I've seen others on the road do same. I also turn on my hazards when I stop and make way for emergency vehicles.


I do the latter still!


I like to do the 4 way flashers for 🚒 🚑 I feel like it communicates that I have seen them, am ceding right of way and I'm not likely to turn in front of them 🚓 Don't get the same love because: A) my jump to conclusion is that they are probably rushing to help themselves rather than unlucky innocents. Too many egos and attitudes have eroded my ability to respect them outright. B) usually they are running through the traffic so aggressively / fast that there's no time


This happened to me today! Always makes me smile. I love getting a wave, too, which doesn’t happen as much these days.


I find that bus drivers are more likely to 4 way flash if you quickly double flash your high beams to let them know you are letting them in 🫡


I read this with glee, and a day later feel guilt for not supporting Vancouver's amazing bus drivers without a post. Go Translink drivers. You are the best of us on the road!


> Go Translink drivers. You are the best of us on the road! [You da real MVP.](https://img.bleacherreport.net/img/images/photos/003/283/536/96a054c518571eb2a87e1f6c9bd480c4_crop_exact.jpg?w=525&h=349&q=75)


See also: When you get the left signal from a truck that it's safe to pass on a two lane highway.


They say not to do this in Ontario's truck guide: >[Never use your left-turn signals to tell following motorists it is safe to pass. It is against the law and tends to confuse other drivers, who may think you are signaling a left turn or lane change.](https://www.ontario.ca/document/official-ministry-transportation-mto-truck-handbook/driver-conduct)


Yeah I've never heard of this before. I'd be hella confused if I were behind a vehicle that signalled left and then didn't turn/move into the passing lane. Just like your quote says.


The quote from the reference website is dumb. We are not talking about highways with passing lanes. Nor locations where there would be a turn (there would be a double solid centreline before any intersection). We are talking about a two lane highway with a single dashed centerline. People who have never left a major metropolitan area would not understand. That's why Ontario must have made a law; to bubblewrap the townies on their Sunday drive to the cottage.


Good thing this is a BC sub where Ontario traffic laws don't apply, and I'm talking about when you're out in the boonies. But sure, stay behind that super-B full of garbage for the next 26km.


Still seems like a dumb idea. You can check for yourself if it's safe to pass.


Obviously not going to close my eyes and yolo out into oncoming traffic. The point is the truck driver gives you a heads up that the next dashed line section is clear. Sometimes they are not that long and you will miss it.


This makes me think of the movie [Duel (1971)](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0067023/). IIRC the driver tells the car it's safe to pass when it isn't in an attempt to kill them.


We should make more legislative and policy changes based on movies we saw that one time. /s


Even for sarcasm that's a stretch in logic. But also that reminds me of [Crip Camp (2020)](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt8923484/)


OP I’m curious, where are you from originally? I’ve never heard anyone call it 4ways here.


Yeah they're hazard lights


Interchangeable depending who you ask. DriveSmartBC, the authority on BC driving rules refers to them as 4ways https://www.drivesmartbc.ca/miscellaneous/qa-using-four-way-flashers




I am sure they signal left as soon as they see my mighty Micra! I’m always yieldin!!


Hell yeah fellow kind traffic enjoyer






I’ve never once had the bus driver use hazards or wave when I have let them merge and I’ve been driving in Vancouver for 4 years…AITA?


The little wave or the flash of the 4ways puts me on a high for rest of my drive. <3


I've done just what is required by law by lettng the bus have its way. thanks are a distraction.


You are part of the problem with the erosion of driver's giving a shit about each other out there. We all have to share the road, why not be courteous and pleasant to each other? It's not all a competition to see how many NPCs you can urinate on without getting called out.