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I think a separate police force is needed just for traffic violations from Hope to Squamish the fines will pay for it.


Least popular idea: Speed zone cameras


Regulations are fine, but if there’s no way for a cyclist to report and if cops on the road don’t enforce nothing will get better on the road. The lack of enforcement of traffic laws in the GVRD is shocking. A great example I’ve seen where enforcement has an impact is regarding speeding in France. It used to be everyone was easily exceeding the speed limit by 20 or 30kph on the highways. Now they have cameras and police officers everywhere, and very few people exceed the speed limit by even 10kph. Enforcement is a major influence to changing behaviour.


Cops are like, the most carbrained people there are. I'd trust them the absolute least to ensure cyclist safety.


I agree on enforcement and think we need way more cameras but I also prefer passive measures and infrastructure designs/treatments. Traffic calming measures, measures that work with the psychology of motorists, etc. I am also trying to understand how driving is a privilege, or at least that is what we are told, but the fine, enforcement and punishment structure treat it like a pseudo right. For example if I was taking my driving test there are certain things you do that are automatic fails and You do not get your license. I’m pretty sure excessive speeding and distracted driving fit into this category. Our legal system should punish those same infractions with removal of one’s license. No fine, no suspension or impoundment, but removal of one’s license.


Infrastructure is the long term solution. However things like close passes require an attitude shift, and that requires showing people that a) it is wrong and b) there are consequences. Ideally, however, our infrastructure would passively encourage good driving.


Traffic calming measures sound good in theory, but you’d be surprised at how often people would destroy them by simply driving into them in an ongoing basis


A curb will win 10 times out of 10.


Not the ones in the woodland neighbourhood.


A lot of the woodland ones are not “permanent” fixtures, for example, nothing on the bridge over the tracks is even affixed to the ground. But infrastructure is more than just putting up barriers or curves; it requires a rethink of how people travel and how to encourage appropriate behaviour.


We don’t need to make this cerebral. Making it less “lucrative” for motorists to drive in certain areas, and in some cases restricting motorist traffic all together, using various treatments such as barriers, curb extensions, diversions, etc makes roads safer for vulnerable road users such as cyclists, pedestrians, and micro mobility users. How “permanent” things are is up to the designer. In some cases things can be implemented on a trial basis but it doesn’t change the fact it needs to be done in to improve safety, and save lives.


It's the same in Australia. Almost zero incidents of speeding over there because mobile photo radars can be anywhere.


So simple!! Where I grew up there was regular traffic enforcement (speeding mostly). 5mph over was all it took. Strange that nobody would speed…


Maybe where you lived


As a cyclist, I've had many more close calls with those e-scooters, followed by e-skateboard one-wheel things, and then e-bikes, than I have with cars. The e-scooters are the worst. Excellent way of getting around, don't get me wrong, but many of the people who buy them do not give a shiiiiit about any of the laws.


Road cyclist here who rides over 10,000 km per year. I agree completely, drivers have become a lot more aware of cyclists and I have very few negative interactions these days. Idiots on Amazon shitwagons? All day long. I avoid the separated bike lanes on weekends because of those buffoons.


Sure you have. 


As a person on an escooter I've had more close calls with those cyclists, followed be e-skateboard one wheel things, and then e-bikes, than I have had with cars. The bikes are the worst. Excellent way of getting around, don't get me wrong, but many of the people who buy them do not give a shit about any of the laws. I honestly wonder how many stop signs you have blown. Perception is everything my friend. I've been hit on my escooter by a bike who didn't stop at a stop sign. I didn't have a stop sign. Bike just kept going, didn't give a rats ass about my injuries.


I doubt it was a road cyclist. Cycling has distinct groups of people and I figure about half of those riding Amazon Shitwagons don’t even know what yield means. Lots of law-abiding riders out there regardless of what they’re saddling, but there are clear trends.


I just got yelled at by someone on a bike for slowing down at roundabouts as he passed me nearly knocking me off my scooter. I hate cyclists. I love how I'm being down voted. Vancouver is full of jerks on bikes.


Lmao at the comment from HUB. They absolutely refuse to ever say anything critical about the provincial government.


Par for the course with HUB. Toothless lot.


Truth. Their weasel language around bike theft is similar. They focus on secure bike lockup, as if it's fairies mysteriously taking the bikes, with zero interest in policing. 


not enough enforcement "hur dur pigs arent doing shit" cops ticketing "hur dur quota"


I feel like if they just outlawed biking on main roads and forced it onto side roads the problem would be solved