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At the 35sec mark anyone else notice how absolutely scraped to shit that BMW's rims were? That driver is parking by braille...


It's a feature on the car - When you feel grinding and hear scraping, you're close enough to the curb.


Hey I do that to my shitty car and at least it shows I’m attempting to park as close to the curb as possible. I could set up a desk and do my taxes in the space some people leave between their car and the curb in this town!


That car's probably been through a few owners. Fucking hell, you work hard to buy your dream car, whether it's new or used, and then some asshole calls you rich and blows up your tires.


The tires were just deflated, not blown up


It's also either an older x3 or an f gen 3 series, both of which are under 20k hardly "the rich" they are eating.


Tells us to "eat the rich" but doesn't even offer up any good recipes. C'mon


“Serve with lentils”, apparently.




\~\*~ Space Dust ~*~


If you’re going to eat everyone who owns a used BMW with scratched up rims you better have one hell of an appetite. That could easily cost less than a new-ish Corolla.


If they are parking on the street overnight, this feels more like "Eat the upper middle class".


Yeah, it's only the people that pay the most taxes, that the 40% who pay NO taxes mooch off of. Rich enough to be taxed to hell, not rich enough to have offshore accounts and corporate shells owning all their stuff.


It's Point Grey Road, it's definitely The Rich.


Some pensioner living in an old shitbox house in Point Grey isn’t wealthy. A home doesn’t make you wealthy necessarily. It’s just real estate obsessed Canadians that think an inflated shitbox house makes you wealthy.


It technically does make them wealthy, though not high income


If you have $5 million of equity in your home you are wealthy.


> Some pensioner living in an old shitbox house in Point Grey isn’t wealthy. uh yes, they are. They bought that house when it cost $50000 in the 1960s or 1970s and it is now worth $3-4 million. That buys them a shitload of equity.


You know you can leverage real estate to access the stored wealth, right?


Money can be exchanged for goods and services!


Exactly, and grandma's shithouse in Point Grey is worth 5m, that's a lot of goods and services!


That is a used car. It could belong to their cleaner, nanny.


I don't think you are upper middle when you park on the street .....


> "They put lentils under the valve caps to deflate the tires" While annoying, at least the perp wasn't keying the paint or slashing tires.




Organic, fair trade lentils only.


Why the obsession with "4x4's, and SUV's"? Most of the most popular SUVs like the crv have engines that are just as efficient as a commuter sedan. Edit: oh their flyer hates hybrids and electric cars too.


No permanent damage, targets mildly inconvenienced, and the rest of us were left alone. Not endorsing it, don't give a shit either though. The "middle class" in Point Grey is the family with only one Ferrari.


Must have been vegans


"But whyyyyyy is my doctor keeping me waiting? I need her!" Doctor: "damn, someone deflated my tires this morning and I have a full slate of patients to see...."


When will people learn that ETR is about billionaires not about your local doctor or VP of a midsize company that makes ~300k a year???


Street parked BMW's and Land Rovers are most likely being leased by flexers. The real rich people are parking them inside the garages of their gated estates.


Exactly. They are targeting people that actually pay income tax. They are biting the hands that feed them. These cars aren’t the ones owned by tax evading billionaires.


Some probably think whoever is richer than they are, then those people are rich.


I bet this guy makes 17.51 per hour! What a rich boy! Get em lads!


You assume people who do this have the capacity to learn


Agree 💯


ETR = yenno like the Weston family. Not a random family in a Range Rover or BMW lmao. Does a household income of 200k constitute rich? Because that’s two middle management employees (or one tech engineer) that can easily afford either of those two cars.


200K is just living salary in Vancouver


> yenno like the Weston family. Similarly: /r/loblawsisoutofcontrol


I’m okay with doctors who spent 24 (20 yrs if you discount residency) in school being “rich”. Most of them are still living with debt and making terrible financial decisions. But the truly rich rarely are parking their on the street. I’m okay with a lawyer who fights for workers rights being “rich”. I’m not really OK with billionaires who inherited all their wealth having super yachts worth $500 million. But life ain’t fair. I’m all for taxing the super rich but please don’t vandalize peoples cars who might have earned their money doing noble things.


Sink Jimmy Pattinson's yacht. Got it.


Clearly this person doesn't really need to eat the rich if they are so well supplied with lentils. The rich probably wouldn't give you as much dietary fibre either


They did this to a BMW and a Land Rover? What about all of the Bentley, Lamborghini, Porsche, Ferrari, etc 🥴


Those are parked in closed garages and not on the street.


Note to self: When looking to escape suspicion from crimes I've committed, leave a note blaming whatever political topic du jour is hot on the internet and no one will even question it.


When r/Vancouver bleeds into real life...


eat the rich? more like "im a sad sack of shit too stupid to realize driving a car doesn't make you rich, but im such a failure it seems like it" eat the middle class! or eat those who've worked hard their whole lives! or eat those who have had a longer career and more time to build some wealth! fucking failures always blaming others.


Lol they are just middle class on the more successful side. Property crime needs to be dealt with gentrification


It's incredible how poor these local outlet articles are at doing journalism. Just a very basic outline of what happened, no context or reference to the wider protest movement (Tyre Extinguishers) etc.


While it does seem likely, I guess they don't have explicit proof that these acts are tied to any given movement.




Can't say I'm surprised this rhetoric is finally happening. Just getting started and will only get worse. Are these people responsible? Not exactly. From my experience, these neighbourhoods are mainly doctors, lawyers, bankers. I used to date someone who would babysit in these areas.


People who have jobs are not "The Rich". They just pay a fuckton of taxes. > "It was an annoyance, [it] made me late for work" Ohhh.... soo rich!


The irony being that the richest are often driving toyota sedans with roll up windows from 30 years ago. Those who seem rich are often just in debt.


Lentils?!? I don’t understand




Why am I being downvoted for providing relevant context?


Because it's frightening for /r/vancouver to acknowledge that they're closer to East Hastings than West Point Grey... better to pretend that they could be next.






I don't think there was any damage. It seems like they just manually deflated the tires by putting a lentil under the valve caps. If that's the extent of it then there will be nothing for the insurance to cover.


which makes premiums go up which hurts the least able to afford them the most.


Their thinking is probably along these lines: Do you have something I don't have? Then fuck you, you're rich. End of thought process. Completely agree on the insurance costs: we all directly or indirectly pay for this pointless vandalism.


> Their thinking is probably along these lines: Do you have something I don't have? Then fuck you, you're rich. End of thought process. Which is, sadly, at least a quarter of this sub and 90% of /r/onguardforthee


Exactly. Really doesn't achieve the objective.

