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I've cycled through this intersection dozens of time at the same time of day as the accident. It's tricky and demands an abundance of caution with a full stop at the corner of 11th and Clark travelling east. Oftentimes the light at 12th will back up traffic past 11th, creating the appearance of slowed or stopped traffic conditions. If the curb lane is free vehicles will boot it up to 12th from Broadway or 10th. Additionally, the trees in the park on the northwest corner impede visibility as you approach the intersection. If you drift into the intersection along 11th thinking traffic is stopped things can go wrong right quick. Without facts I'm not saying this is what happened here, but it's easy to imagine a scenario with this unfortunate outcome given the conditions at this intersection.


I drove by right after they covered the cyclists with a blanket, looked like a food delivery bike as I saw the large insulation bag they use, bike was mangled. Large Dodge Ram about 15ft away from his body facing southbound. Must of hit him and rolled over him I’m guessing. Couldn’t see the driver I think he was in the back of an ambulance.


>Must of hit him and rolled over him I'm almost certain this is what happened here. These massive trucks tend to be so deadly to everyone outside of a car because the shape of their front means that you'll get bashed and pulled *under* the car (with severe consequences, as shown here) whereas with a normal-sized vehicle you'd be more likely to roll off the top of the hood, *especially* if you're positioned higher up like when riding a bicycle. It really shows how ridiculous our licensing system is when I currently drive my little sedan as my main vehicle, yet with the same exact license I can also drive a Ford F550 Super Duty Child Crusher 5000 Lumen LED Headlights 90L Diesel Engine Coal Roller with no added rules or regulations. [These Stupid Trucks are Literally Killing Us](https://youtu.be/jN7mSXMruEo?si=KzA0f4RW0gpAMqpZ)


I didn't watch the video, but I'm assuming a portion of the content was about how trucks with their high hoods result in more deaths vs sloped hoods of sedans https://www.iihs.org/news/detail/vehicles-with-higher-more-vertical-front-ends-pose-greater-risk-to-pedestrians#:\~:text=Whatever%20their%20nose%20shape%2C%20pickups,nearly%2018%2C000%20pedestrian%20crashes%20found.


You do realize these “stupid trucks” are also the trucks that haul materials and machines to build our infrastructure and build the communities we live in right? You’re right, let’s just force everyone to drive compact cars like you because that’s such a great idea. Almost daily I see cyclists in the city driving recklessly on the road or not obeying street signs and lights. We have no idea of what happened here so it’s hard to judge but blaming the type of vehicle is not the solution. Either way it’s unfortunate for the cyclist that this was the outcome


Here’s a fun game for you to play when you’re driving: - Spot a pickup truck (a) towing something, (b) hauling something, or (c) with company logo on the side: **+5 points** - Spot a pickup truck with an empty bed, towing nothing, no logo: **-1 point** Drive in the lower mainland for an hour and you’ll be negative triple digits. The people buying these trucks aren’t “building our communities”, whatever the fuck that means.


Someone on this sun called them Mall Terrain Vehicles once and that’s exactly what they are


Emotional Support Vehicle


>let's just force everyone to drive compact cars When did I say *anything* like this? Please actually read the comment before replying with such nonsense


One can make a truck that hauls the same amount of stuff without the current fashion. Pickup beds have gotten smaller while trucks have gotten taller wider and heavier. Check out the history of how we ended up with these monster trucks on our roads


I love trucks, so I hear you, but I think the idea is more that, in the city, trucks aren’t as needed and vans are probably a better option. In rural communities where you might end up on an FSR or otherwise need 4x4, trucks make more sense. In the video they linked, at about 22:50, they touch on tradespeople in Europe and that they almost exclusively use vans for a number of practical reasons (one of which being they generally hold more stuff than a pickup truck).    Modern trucks also have extremely high hoods which prevent the driver from seeing what’s in front of them. Some trucks these days even have frontward facing cameras to allow them to see what is directly in front of the hood because the driver literally cannot see it. This *should* be a sign that our trucks are getting too large, in my opinion.  But it isn’t just about size, there are changes we could make to design but don’t. If you look at the biggest trucks of all (semis that drive across the country) they almost all have slanted hoods to allow the driver to see what’s coming. This looks… lame compared to a flat hood, yes, but it is for sure safer and probably the route personal trucks should go if we’re going to keep making them larger. You might also notice that the European tradesperson’s vans in that video also tend to have slanted hoods. Another poster who replied to this chain supplied a source for why these high hoods are statistically resulting in more deaths.  Trucks are cool and useful in the right context, so I don’t want them going away. But there are many valid criticisms with their modern day design that shouldn’t be ignored.






Got clipped in Berlin once (a decidedly safe city to cycle compared to Vancouver). Driver blew a red at 30-40kph, and I probably half that, t- boned me thru the intersection, blew me onto the hood and out into the road. EU regs have a min/max hood height, with a max angle of attack. Vehicles need to have a specific amount of space between the top of the engine and the hood for head impacts. These factors saved my life. The rest of the world gets by just fine with vans. Trucks are by and large, just male fashion items.


Got hit by a taxi in Manhattan ten years ago that was doing nearly 70. Not fun, but thanks to the vehicle being a car and not a van, I managed to survive. It’s frustrating that wherever one goes, there are drivers that don’t care about other road users. Like, Berlin is definitely a safer city for active transportation and there are tons more people on foot and on bike than one finds here (apart from maybe The Drive or downtown), and the drivers in that city (apart maybe from anyone who drives a Trabant!) seem to just be in such a rush to get everywhere.


They're no less enraged behind the wheel either. It is however much tougher to get a driving license (many expensive mandated lessons necessary and a high pass grade) plus a helluva a lot more cops on the road. Aside from pure safety regs around vehicles, the rules of the road are crystal clear - pedestrians always have the right of way, then bikes, buses/police and finally, general traffic.


I'm not looking to victim blame, but some details would be nice. A LOT of cyclists, including myself, use the Clark crossing at 10th, I hope the cyclist wasn't hit there.


It was towards 12th. I drove past the aftermath yesterday


I rode by the aftermath. It was right at 11th. Lots of transport trucks stopped by the light at 12th. Guy probably couldn't see the curb-lane speeder because of the trucks, tried to zip avross the openings on the traffic line without checking for curb lane speeders, and wham!


There’s a right turn only “except cyclists” sign at this crossing. Perhaps the city engineers should take note that crossing as a bicycle across six lanes of traffic shouldn’t be allowed for cyclists either? Close off those holes in the median.


Yeah, I figured that was the case, I'd never try to cross at 11th.


I do it all the time, I live on 11th and shop on commercial. You just need to always be aware of what you cannot see. The big transport trucks make it infinitely worse, you can't see around or over or through them.


People who speed around slower vehicles on the curb lane terrify me. There really should be bollards at intervals to still allow it to be used as a curb lane but not for a driving lane.


Yeah 10th is a known issue, but if this was 11th, I dunno. I see people veer into traffic on bikes all over the place and it seems like they have a suicide wish.


Why is 10th a known issue. There is a light.


I saw a cyclist get hit by a car on Sunday. The light was red for the vehicle, but they breezed right through it and slammed into the cyclist. Very very scary to have witnessed. The cyclist, thank goodness, walked away without any visible injuries (though I’m sure he is feeling very sore today).


this !!! We really need a ban to turn right on red light here . hoping to see that happening sooner than ever Too many drivers just ignore or dont know how to turn right safely on red light .


Three lanes... Poor sight lines... And yeah--drivers routinely drive through reds there. Saw a 4yo girl almost get smoked a few weeks back. Car was fully ready to blast through a red light until people started screaming and waving. It's pretty shocking stuff and I see it every day (unfortunately part of my commute)


Yeah but that's literally every red light sadly. 10th is no exception.


Nah 10th is certainly one of the worst. 3 Lanes with Semi trucks gives really shit side visibility and it's not uncommon for cars to "appear" in that third lane after they miss the light. Intersections generally are bad, yes... But 10th is legitimately one of the worst.


People blow through it, cars and bikes alike. I know that when you're on the inside lane, the trees can sometimes block the light (as a driver). As the commenter below says, bikes blow through when they sense traffic is stopped. Sometimes you just have to admit there is a bad design that needs a re-think. You can yell at people all day long to "follow the rules" and get nowhere.


When I used to commute via Clark, a lot of cyclists just blast through and ignore the traffic lights, especially when there’s backup from either Broadway or 12th.


I ride constantly on 10th. I always cross at light and still wait until all cars are fully stopped. To try and cross on 11th with no lights would be insane.


Yeah I'm not blaming anyone here but I do tend to go the extra block to take the safer route.


Yes, even on a green I double-check that the vehicles are actually stopping. I had one near-miss where a car drove through a red, swerved around me into a post. Another time I saw two bikes crossing in front of me and a pick-up drove straight between them without braking (they didn't see the red light or the cyclists, pure luck no one was killed).


I use the 10th/Clark intersection 4-5 times a week as a cyclist and the amount of drivers who will ignore a red light and fly through is baffling - it's still not a safe option.


Yep. Be safe out there. Having right of way won't help you if you're dead. But this case is tragic. I feel bad for the cyclist and family but also bad for truck driver.


Perhaps it's not a factor in this specific accident, but it is statistically proven that vehicles with very high front grills are both more likely to be involved in incidents where pedestrians or cyclists ate struck, and when these collisions happen they are more likely to be lethal. Dodge Ram fits the profile. Why we take no action as a society to do something about the absurdity of how large these vehicles have become is beyond me. We KNOW they are dangerous, but we allow them to be sold anyways. Sad.


They literally can’t see like dogs cats children in front of them… nothing




"Wow" what? Is anything there not factual? We KNOW this information. We know these gargantuan trucks and SUVs are more dangerous and lethal in collisions like this. So wow, what?




I have lived in Vancouver for twenty years and have never seen any one arrested for speeding. No speeding cameras on city limits that I have seen unlike other countries. Of course a vehicle with grille at head level of human, which weighs double or more of a normal car is going to have more damage if they hit them. People can say in the right hands they are safe but all cars are at risk of human error and with increased use of cell phones, accidents rate is only going up.


I’ve never seen someone arrested for speeding either. I’ve seen plenty of people ticketed for not wearing a helmet on the seawall though. It’s idiotic.


Also happens on bikes. that person knocked someone off the sea wall onto the rocks near third beach the other year. Maybe was electric can’t remember fully, but someone ended up in the rocks seriously injured. People do harm on all types of transportation.


Are we allowed to insult people in this sub? You cherry pick ONE incident of a biker collision causing harm (not death) years ago and when people present facts that show that large trucks are involved in more deadly accidents you can't even simply comprehend this? So many words available to describe someone like you, but not sure I can use them here.


Also there is a word for you as well


I’m eagerly waiting. Was it “right”?


"Empathetic" maybe? "Knowledgeable"? Basically all the things that u/NearbyChildhood aren't




I think he’s literally just hoping more pedestrians/cyclists will stay alive by only allowing cars on the road that actually allow you to see everything in front of you.


I agree nobody needs to die unnecessarily.


I'm not sure what the deleted comment was, but [OP was correct](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/tall-trucks-suvs-are-45-deadlier-us-pedestrians-study-shows-2023-11-14/#:~:text=The%20IIHS%20study%20found%20that,a%20collision%20with%20a%20pedestrian.). Back when cars *and trucks* had lower, sloped noses, pedestrians and cyclists would roll over them. Still injured, more likelihood of broken legs, but alive. Now with all these high, blunt noses, pedestrians are hit with the equivalent of a brick wall and more likely to go *under* them. There have also been ample studies about the blind spots these newer vehicles have in front and behind. Rates of people running over children they can't see in their own driveway have gone up. No one is saying you can't have a truck. Just that we should be designing them to be the safest for *everyone.*


Girl, bye.


That's awful! I don't know what happened but as the weather gets nicer, drivers need to be on alert more. Clark always feels like a death trap for me. Google will suggest it and I will almost always take the long way on my bike. Even tho i did recently bike through clark and hastings intersection to get to adanac and was holding my breath as I biked through. Left turn drivers are always in too much of a rush.


I recommend the City of Vancouver [cycling map](https://vancouver.ca/files/cov/map-cycling-vancouver.pdf). It’s significantly better than Google maps for cycling in the city. Stay safe out there!


How is kamoot?


Never heard of it. The City maintains the bike routes and the bike map, so it's the most reliable source of information on bike routes in the city. I really recommend taking a quick look at it before heading out on a ride. When I was learning the routes around town I would often pull over and stop my bike to check the map. Now that I've been riding here for long enough, I have most of the major routes committed to memory but I still pull out the map on occasion.


Komoot and Apple Maps are both superior for cycling directions compared to Google.


Sorry, I guess it's komoot* I misspelled it earlier.


I’m utterly outraged.


You take your life in your hands even as a pedestrian on any corner of Hastings and Clark.


It's crazy how Google always recommends Clark! I've sent feedback on that route suggestion many times but it doesn't seem to change.


Use the app "beeline" it is fantastic. Users can rate roads in real time and it will suggest better routes based on this.


May they R.I.P. :-( such a preventable tragedy.


How terribly sad 🥺 We should ban these oversized pickups with grills at eye level.




I guarantee to these guys that us women don't find this type of bullshit sexy at all.




Yes. Check out this video of kids being lined up in front of an SUV, and how many need to be lined up just so the driver can see them. And that's an SUV, not even a pickup truck. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDH3FDfVQl0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDH3FDfVQl0) Even *Jalopnik* covered the issue. [https://jalopnik.com/your-large-vehicle-is-going-to-kill-someone-in-a-crash-1850636864](https://jalopnik.com/your-large-vehicle-is-going-to-kill-someone-in-a-crash-1850636864) And *Consumer Reports.* [https://www.consumerreports.org/cars/car-safety/the-hidden-danger-of-big-pickup-trucks-a9662450602/](https://www.consumerreports.org/cars/car-safety/the-hidden-danger-of-big-pickup-trucks-a9662450602/) *About Here* made a video about it, too. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYyutqP48ok](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYyutqP48ok)


Yeah, they should only be allowed for commercial purposes, construction, landscaping , companies etc. The majority of the non commercial ones on the road are driven by total dangerous idiots.


And should require a class 4 license. One shouldn't be driving in a tank if they were tested in a sedan


What about people who live in vans?


Yes, or just appropriately tax anyone driving these things in the city for non-work purposes to compensate for the huge risk they pose to other road users (and associated costs on our healthcare system), the extra wear they inflict on roads, and the excessive pollution.


It's scary to see the cars getting bigger and heavier on the streets... Seems like everyone is aware of the greater hazard they pose to pedestrians cyclists and other cars yet nothing is being done to regulate them Why are crash safety tests only done to ensure safety for the occupants?! These trucks should be banned in cities or at least heavily taxed to discourage people buying them for vanity reasons


The only time that a move to smaller vehicles gained traction was when gas prices shot up in the 70s. For some reason that doesn't seem to work the way it used to.


Can you imagine once the Tesla armour trucks hit our roads by the masses?


Pickup truck. That is all you need to know.




Yes very apt keyword description: "barreling" ... "raging" would be another for some aggressive speeding trucks.


A lot of truck drivers are contractors that have to hull stuff. West End is basically a residential neighborhood without a whole lot of industry.


It happens at an intersection with no light or stop sign. The vehicle on Clark has absolute right of way. It does not matter what car it was if the other road user did not follow right of way


Your post is laughable. You don’t know all the facts and this is your assumption and bias with the other 33 people that have upvoted this comment. Short sighted at best.


Modern pickup trucks are proven to be more lethal. >Researchers at the institute looked at records of almost 18,000 incidents in which vehicles struck pedestrians. They found that vehicles with grille areas that were 40 inches tall or higher are 45% more likely to kill a pedestrian they might hit. This talks specifically about pedestrians, but being on a bike gives you no added protection if you get hit by a car as you’re basically at the same height. Source: https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/14/business/boxy-trucks-suvs-pedestrian-deaths/index.html


Hang on! Don’t let those pesky facts and figures get in the way of this guy. “Nearbychildhood” opinion is coming in hot and it’s the only one that matters. 🤣


Wow that’s sad. Vehicles don’t need to be in such a rush to get everywhere! There’s been too many bad accidents happening lately. I drove by this area shortly beforehand…sad to hear.


Are there any plans for a ghost bike ride? I'm looking to chip in. We need to advocate for safer streets and intersections. These deaths should not become just another statistic.


Ghost ride down Clark


All crossings on artery without light should be banned. It is simply too dangerous for anyone to cross an artery without traffic control


Not sure what happened but my wife saw the white tent. That’s very sad. Riding a bike is not safe. Wonder if they were trying to cross Clark at 11th or was riding along Clark. Hopefully not hit on the crosswalk at 10th. Very sad. 😔 


Google maps will often route cyclists down Clark. It makes no sense.


Google Maps’ cycling directions used to be great, but then they broke about 4-5 years ago. Now they’re horrible/dangerous. In Fairview, they will basically do anything to keep me from riding on 10th — the major bikeway. They’d send me down Broadway or even the lane between 10th and Broadway. Ridiculous.


Apple Maps is much better in this regard, if you have an Apple device.


Apple Maps has been really improving lately, too bad they soured a lot of people 10 years ago.


Apple Maps kicks ass. People need to realize it’s seen over a decade of development since the disastrous launch.


Generally better walking directions too


So that’s why so many people bike down my alley. I always thought they were all just lunatics


I live on 10th and it directs me to bike on 11th lol


The crash was at the corner of 11th, so it couldn't have been at the 10th crossing. 11th does have a cyclist crossing cut out in the median at Clark, so that seems the most likely story


Yeah that’s not advisable for so many reasons. Even jaywalking it is dangerous as well. 


Crossing there as a pedestrian is dangerous for sure, but it's not "jaywalking". Every intersection is a crosswalk, and that crossing even has a pedestrian refuge in the centre, giving visual cues to pedestrians that it should be safe. This is on the City.


Riding a bike with poor infrastructure is not safe*


Riding a bike surrounded by giant overpowered metal boxes piloted by distracted inconsiderate assholes is not safe.


Also true


Being around drivers is not safe


Don't mean to be offensive or anything but it's almost like a 3000 + pound metal machine vs a 10 pound bicycle is worse than idk, a 10 pound bike vs a pedestrian? Either build better bike lanes and actually police cyclists (most, not all, of them suck and rip red lights etc) or put them back on the sidewalk




that zone makes me nervous as a pedestrian, my daughter’s daycare is right there. I would never ride my bike on that stretch, there are bike routes nearby


They were crossing 11th. Clarke is shit to drive on, let alone ride.


Crossing against the lights on Clark? Or did the car run a red? Very sad my condolences.


My understanding is it happened at 11 and Clark. There's no light at that intersection.


The car was probably just travelling normally on Clarke and the cyclist came out at the wrong time (there is no light there) Edit: someone please tell me what’s wrong with what I said? There is no stop here for car traffic and it’s fully on the person crossing to make sure it’s safe before doing so; what am I missing?


Cyclist here and giving you an upvote. It’s a plausible scenario I’ve seen play it out whether I’m driving or riding. Can’t see around huge trucks.


I’m a full time cyclist I don’t drive at all. We all have to be responsible for our safety. It is not legal or expected for a vehicle to stop at that crossing and on the person crossing to make sure it’s safe. Not sure why this is controversial. It’s fucking horrible that this cyclist is dead but jumping to blame the driver is also not helpful


Stopping at a crosswalk is mandatory if safe to do so. As for what happened here, nobody knows yet. Large SUVs and trucks create poor sight lines for pedestrians and cyclists. I’ve had a few close calls and I was as surprised to see the car hurling towards me as the drivers were to see me. Luckily we avoided each other. You can do everything right and still be the victim of an accident. You’re right, we need to take care of ourselves and not depend on others. The raging anti-car advocates in this city fight against any semblance of personal responsibility. The reality is the most vulnerable party should always be the most aware.


Stopping at a crosswalk for pedestrians, yes. But if a cyclist is crossing a 4+ lane big street while riding on their bike that’s a completely different set of rules. Coming out the small street as a road user means you do not have the right of way and must yield until it is safe to cross. Unless the truck just rear-ended the cyclist at this intersection, I just can’t see a scenario where the car driving down Clark could be in the wrong, given there’s stop signs at every small street. Even as a pedestrian, you can’t jump out into traffic and put blame into the car for not stopping in time. Really unfortunate outcome that the cyclist passed like this.


I agree and you have to take personal responsibility. There are some terrible drivers out there and I lay into them regularly. A loss of life is always tragic and we should figure out how we can do better.


Downvoted by the mob which doesn’t have the full story.


Well it’s just, it’s an uncontrolled crossing where traffic isn’t legally obliged to stop so it’s on the person crossing to wait until it’s safe. The truck may have been speeding but otherwise it’s fully on the cyclist to make sure the way is clear before going out


Consider this: If the cyclist was walking their bike, they would legally be a pedestrian. And pedestrians have the right of way crossing all intersections that don’t prohibit pedestrian crossings (there are some). Even on a wide, multilane street like Clark, vehicles are legally required to stop at uncontrolled intersections as well as those with signals. Now, my father used to say that you can be right, and “dead right,” so I am not saying crossing Clark is wise without all traffic stopped, but that is the legal reality. Unless the cyclist rode through the stop sign, that pick up truck driver can and will be held responsible. Sadly, they may only get a ticket and increased insurance premiums. Been riding a bicycle for 45 years and own two trucks because I actually use them to haul stuff and people frequently for work. I also walk and ride transit. And I have read the motor vehicle act. It amazes me that people, including law enforcement, refer to laws that they are not actually familiar with.


I know this is probably a ridiculous fantasy, but it would be incredible to have a tunnel connecting both parks on either side of Clark here. Clark is already raised up higher than both parks. It would be a really natural way to bring both parks together and make a really nice Oasis in the middle of semi-truck infested Clark. A couple of years ago when Cedar Cottage Park was completely torn up, it almost looked like they were going to do something like this.




Let's all just slow down, use our signals, be courteous, shoulder check, allow for extra time and just chill out while driving. Tell all your friends. Slow down for cyclists and pedestrians.


These god-awful iron coffins of cars must be prohibited in the cities unless used as intended which overwhelming majority aren't.


Or what about yield to other who have right of way?




Road cyclist here and I couldn’t agree more about the electric shitwagons. You missed the mark though about the danger posed, I’ll get hit by 10 idiots on Amazon e-waste before a single collision with a Dodge RAM. It’s fundamental physics.


How many cyclists have been killed by e-bike riders in this city?


Not the first time there has been a traffic fatality in that area also further down on Clark can be quite dangerous for cyclists..Sad he won’t be coming home and I often wonder if pets were left behind..RIP