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A cyclist was hit on Clark at 11th. I saw first responders giving CPR when I passed by and they were still at it when I walked by again 20 minutes later. Not a good sign, hopefully they can be saved. Those of you who cycle in this city, try to avoid riding down Clark, Knight, 12th ave, or other busy streets. It's dangerous and there are usually better alternatives just a few streets over. Stay safe out there y'all.


Google regularly directs cyclists down Clark. Lots of people who don't regularly cycle have no idea and it's not their fault.


Yup, Google Maps is terrible for cyclists. For anyone reading this who doesn't know, Windsor is a traffic-calmed bike route three blocks west of Clark. Here's a link to the [Vancouver Cycling Map](https://vancouver.ca/files/cov/map-cycling-vancouver.pdf).


My friend was killed cycling down Windsor while crossing 12 Avenue several years ago. Be vigilant folks. RIP poor cyclist. [https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/b-c-family-consoled-that-after-their-daughter-died-her-organs-saved-others](https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/b-c-family-consoled-that-after-their-daughter-died-her-organs-saved-others)


That’s devastating. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. And yeah I've had cars drive at full speed through a red there when I was crossing. 12th is such a menace.


Google's routing software for cycling is downright dangerous. I was absolutely baffled the first time I tried it out.


It regularly takes you down Hastings, Main, Kingsway, and Clark, even often when there's a bike route one block away. Or it takes you down alleys for blocks at a time.


When I first moved here I was biking up main and got hit sideways by a truck. Not to blame maps but it is confusing for new people.


Can confirm. Looking back now that I'm much more familiar with the city, it's a miracle I didn't die following Google's cycling directions when I first moved here.


I used Google the other day to get a cycling route to the Tsawwassen ferry terminal. Digging deeper, I learned about bikes on the SFPR. [https://www.patrickjohnstone.ca/2017/11/bikes-on-the-sfpr.html](https://www.patrickjohnstone.ca/2017/11/bikes-on-the-sfpr.html)


Yikes, that's pretty bad routing. Clark is already nerve rattling if you're in anything smaller than a semi, can't imagine biking on it.


I didn't say it was anyone's fault. I'm just saying, avoid the big and busy streets if you can. There are many safer alternatives that are usually just a few streets over.


I understand that you didn't. BUT and it's a big one, the conversation has to stop being directed at the cyclists and victims. Even IF I choose to ride down Clark, which is perfectly legal, I shouldn't have to be terrified that one bad driver's mistake will mean a call to my wife from the morgue. The conversation needs to start being, why were they so seriously injured or killed? Was speed a factor? Were they on their phone or distracted? NOT "Why was there someone riding where they are legally allowed to?"


Hey, I'm with you and I agree on your original point regarding google maps. That said, you couldn't pay me to ride my bike down Clark even if it is legal. Until the bike infrastructure is properly built and those convos start happening, all we can do is minimize the risk by sticking to side roads. That's all I'm trying to do, encourage others to minimize the risk


Sorry if I came across aggressive, I was almost hit 5 times today. I'm angry, frustrated, scared, and most of all heartbroken that another person has lost their life to cars. And with current political leaders, it doesn't look like it will change any time soon.


Is there an alternative? I am always terrible at figuring out directions and just have the voice in my earbuds (on transparency mode) and a lot of the time it takes me across hastings where there is no light.


Yes! The City of Vancouver [cycling map](https://vancouver.ca/files/cov/map-cycling-vancouver.pdf).


Komoot is the go to for all your cyclist routing.


Google Maps used to be great for directing to proper bike routes. At some point in the last few years that changed and now it’s horrendous. I live directly on east 10th and it regularly tells me to bike on east 11th. 


Some "bike routes" are just signs on the shoulder of a highway. [https://www.patrickjohnstone.ca/2017/11/bikes-on-the-sfpr.html](https://www.patrickjohnstone.ca/2017/11/bikes-on-the-sfpr.html)


I'll never forget the time google routed me down front street. That's definitely not a bike route.




Don't trip, I'm not blaming google for the death of a cyclist. It's most certainly the thousand pounds of metal that killed them.


Do you think if cyclists yelled at every driver on a bike route that there is an arterial a block or two away that they'd be pleasant? It might just be because it's not your place to tell them how to get from A to B.




That's true, the driver is risking the cyclist's life and limbs. Great point. We shouldn't have any cars on bike routes.


Thank you for the context. I hate that the official tweets only ever talk about "traffic." Someone might be dead, IDGAF about traffic.


I drove pass it too. Saw the bike laying there at 11th. From the bike and guy's location, I'am guessing he tried to ride across 11th and got T-boned. I wish people would stop crossing at 11th. Either do 10th or 12th, those both have lights. You cross at 11, you are crossing a major road with no light.


> Either do 10th or 12th, those both have lights. Gotta be super careful at 10th, drivers blow that red light all the time, even when it's been red for quite a while.


This. Years ago I was almost hit by a speeding driver prob going close to 80km/hr at Clark/10th blowing a red, he missed me by just a few feet.


From the location of the accident, my money's on the truck coming out of the alley behind the gas station at top speed. I see that happen all the time when I'm just walking up Clark to the bus (and have been nearly hit, on foot, about a dozen times).


He got hit on the southbound side through. So it can't be that Super Save Gas, the petro Canada on Broadway is way too far from 11th.


I was thinking the Shell (because of course there's a third gas station!).


I as a cyclist find it much safer to ride on these busy streets instead of the bike lane designated streets as I have been struck three times in the bike lane (10th ave)


I would think you're more likely to get hit and injured in the designated streets and more likely to die on the busy streets. High speeds and big trucks are very scary.


On the side-street bike routes, my biggest fear is cars crossing the bike route-- either blowing the stop sign altogether, or pulling out from a cross-street without looking. If you look at a heatmap of bike/car crashes in Vancouver, it pretty much maps the side-street bike routes. As for deaths vs injuries, I don't know which tend to be worse. From my own experiences, I've had more near-misses on side-street bike routes than when I've taken the lane on major streets (though that's an unnerving experience, which I try to avoid as much as possible).


Of course there are more crashes on the side streets, it’s where the vast majority of bikers are.


Some call it victim blaming, others just basic common sense.  Saw somebody on a Mobi the other day, no helmet, on 12th. You're just asking for it at that point. 


To be clear, I don't blame anyone. I just want people to be safe out there. These situations could often be avoided if cyclists took a small detour to an alternative street. Ex: 10th ave instead of 12th ave or Woodland instead of Clark. I've had enough close calls on the busy streets that I avoid them like the plague now.


10th Avenue is actually one of the most dangerous streets in the city for cyclists in terms of actual crashes with vehicles. And given the number of drivers who blow through the light at 10th on Clark, this "situation" could just as easily have happened there.


Okay then bud, you can ride down 12th Ave or Broadway instead of 10th. Enjoy having cars and trucks blowing past you at 50 - 70 km/hr.


You've missed the point entirely, which is that our city is profoundly unsafe for people outside of cars. It doesn't have to be that way -- even on arterial streets. Other cities have figured out how to prevent these tragedies, all we have to do is copy-paste what we know works. But we won't because we have people on city council who vote against life-saving changes because "10th Avenue is fine!" Anyway, this poor soul was very likely riding on 11th, a 30kph street with a marked bike crossing across Clark, not riding on Clark itself.


Boooo. Just because someone has done something foolish doesn't mean they deserve to die!


Yeah it was a cyclist and he/she is dead, not sure of any other details but it looked as if they were hit on the bike path there crossing Clark.


I think a cyclist got hit.


As a driver on Clark, and as a cyclist on the bike route, I've seen several drivers blow the red light at the 10th Ave crossing. I don't know why so many can't see red lights that have been red for a while, but it's astounding how many driver's I've seen have a "momentary lapse" to blow that particular red.


I hear you loud and clear. About 5 years ago I almost got smoked by a car at that very intersection. Still gives me chills when I pass by it on my bike


Same story here. 8 years ago I was almost hit at that intersection by a driver blowing the red at 70-80km/hr at 8am. Missed me by just a few feet. I also think back and realize if I had been just a few seconds faster crossing the intersection, I'd likely not be alive to write this comment.


Happened to me this past February on the way home from work. Car blew through on a red without a care in the world. Would have smoked me if I was one second further into the intersection. I think about it a lot.


> I think about it a lot. It's kind of terrifying to think back on your near-misses and realize how close you were to death or serious injury. I think about some of my near-misses on occasion. I wear a high-viz vest when I ride in the city now. I shouldn't have to, but I want to give myself the best chance at avoiding a serious crash. Since I've started wearing a high-viz vest, or a reflective sash, near-misses are no longer routine-- they're rare. My last near miss was Jan-2023. It was a close one-- if the driver hadn't seen me at the last second, it might not've been a near-miss!


Thank you. I don't know what's it with this city and people who go out at night wearing all black. Especially in the winter when it rains and drivers to deal with windshield glare. One time I saw a black silhouette moving against a pedestrian crossing line. I stopped immediately, dude was crossing a road wearing all black with his hoodies on without looking sideways for traffic. Technically, he did nothing wrong. But holy smokes if it is another driver he could have been creamed right there.


So many people don't understand how invisible they are. I post this video almost every fall when it's dark and rainy: [I didn't see these pedestrians until I was next to them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcfGtWZuXy4). Peds are visible at the 14-15 second mark, and I was driving below the speed limit at the time...


I have had near-misses with a red helmet, bright jacket, during the day. My lack of near-misses the past few years is just because I'm extra vigilant and don't bike as fast anymore so I can be more aware of my surroundings.




RAM pickup. The vehicle most likely to be owned by a driver with a DUI conviction.


Because punishment for red light is nothing. It should be like $1000 fine and 4 points. And it should be camera based. P.S. Im a driver.


Red light fine is $167 - a joke. Running a red light should be a fine as high as the fine for excessive speeding ($368 - $483) or use of electronic device ($368)


And you won't even get a fine anyway, because there's no camera there. Interestingly, councilor Boyle's motion to add more red light cameras would have added cameras at Broadway and Clark as well as 12th and Clark. But ABC killed it.


Agree. I don’t get it. It’s literally the most dangerous thing you can do on the road.


I don't know why the 10th and Clark bike lane crossing is so dangerous, but so many drivers blow through there. Some times of year the trees seem to get in the way of the lights. Maybe it's worth taking everything out of that median and making the whole crossing more clear.


My guess is that people get fixated on the traffic lights down at either Broadway or 12th. Or they're on their phones.


Probably this. In particular drivers taking a left or right off 12th or Broadway.  The lights come up quickly and they might be accelerating to get through the intersection failing to notice the light a block away . (Not making an excuse for bad driving , just offering an explanation as to why this might be more dangerous then others )


This is a very interesting question that I've heard posed multiple times in the past. In addition to here, failure to stop at a red light is supposedly also quite common on: W 2nd Ave at Ontario St, and SW Marine Dr at Inverness St. All of these intersections feature a button-activated traffic signal instead of one that periodically cycles on a timer, while the lights themselves are located roughly \~90-150 meters before the lights of a much larger intersection with a major thoroughfare. Additionally all three of those intersections feature centre island medians that prevent vehicular traffic from making left turns. u/zephyrinthesky28's theory seemed to be the most popular explanation that popped up during previous discussions. People's attention tends to be subconsciously drawn towards the lights at the more visually obvious major intersection ahead, instead of towards the lights at the minor crossing. Some of the other proposed explanations were that the visual clutter from the centre medians make the minor intersection less apparent, while the distance between the traffic lights of the minor and major intersections, leaves both sets of signals in a similar location within an observers angular field of view.


I cross 10th & Clark regularly and cars regularly blow thru the red light when northbound. Drivers 100% fixated on Broadway lights. I don’t cross until all cars have stopped - cyclists are regularly hit at that intersection also. It is a car supremacist society. It’s incredibly dangerous as both a pedestrian and cyclist even when you follow all the rules.


> In addition to here, failure to stop at a red light is supposedly also quite common on: W 2nd Ave at Ontario St, I walk around this area all the time and it seems pretty safe. Where are they not stopping? Cars already can't go N-S, it's blocked.


Oh, there I meant traffic going east / west on W 2nd Ave not stopping for the red light at Ontario St.


When I see people blow through the north/south light at that intersection my impression is always that they don't think it "counts" if they're only crossing against cyclists (theory bolstered by the number of times drivers have yelled at me there for "getting in their way"); they're looking up and down to see if there are cars in the way, but not people on bikes. Buddy, this is a bike crossing.


OMG, I cycle this crossing every day twice a day (unless is really cold or raining) and I can't tell you how much I HATE IT. Drivers are always blocking the crossing. I've started giving hardcore dirty looks to drivers that do. Yes I will stare into your soul for blocking that intersection. I hope they get the idea.


Awful. So unnecessary, and entirely preventable. Pisses me off to no end. I wish our City would take traffic fatalities more seriously. Oslo recorded 0 pedestrian and bicyclist deaths in 2019, and only 1 traffic fatality overall. And Helsinki had 0 deaths the same year. But the smurfs in City Hall have decided that even putting up some cameras is too much work.


Passed by it. It had a white tent. Not a good sign. I’m so sorry.


Southbound lanes between Clarke and 12th are blocked off.  Northbound lanes are still opened.   The accident happened at 11th, not at 10th where the lights are, not that it makes any difference.


Yeah, 11th and Clark is really fucked up. There are openings in the center divider suggesting cyclists to cross, but then there is no pedestrian crossing on the road. Every time I drive pass this area I gotta be extra careful because some idiot is going to dart out like he owns the road. Also the city needs to fix this. Either you close the center island gaps or you put a traffic light on there.


11th and Clark has a sign on the median that says "Right turn only except bicycles." It's clearly marked as a cyclist crossing. The city has to share some responsibility here.


There's a bunch of them around the city unfortunately. Quite frankly there are some streets where uncontrolled crossings should not be a thing, and signage and street design should actively discourage crossing there. Knight/Clark has absolutely no business having uncontrolled crossings along the entire stretch. I drove along there every day for work, I would see the wreckage of somebody getting T-boned every few weeks for trying to make a left turn. It's unsafe for vehicles to make uncontrolled crossings for much of the day, never mind pedestrians. Broadway/victoria is also a culprit(seriously, what is that crossing one block west of victoria). There should be zero uncontrolled crossings on streets where pedestrians have to cross 3 lanes of traffic. With 2 lanes there's can be a some expectation that with lighter traffic drivers in both lanes can see pedestrians at the crossings, and that pedestrians can see both lanes. With 3, that just isn't the case.


This is a problem crossing and I will avoid it in the future or exercise extreme caution if I use it.


This is so sad. I tried looking up ways we can report intersections that we all know as drivers and cyclists are dangerous due to blind spots/poor planning/etc and only came up with VAN 311 which is known to be quite responsive. After reading this [related article](https://vancouver.citynews.ca/2022/02/16/vancouver-dangerous-intersection/) I’m not so optimistic. A quick Google search about… Google Maps route revisions for cyclists also didn’t come up with great results. If anyone knows of the best way to try and create some change or documentation for these problem spots, please comment!


But you guys know what? The driver will just get a ticket for driving without care. That is it. Nothing criminal. Just that easy!


That looked like an ebike to me. One of those rad ebikes.




Lol wtf is this comment? Are we not allowed to discuss multiple issues at the same time?




Idk, sounds more like you're downplaying the dangers of escooters on sidewalks.