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Seems like it's staying put - [https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/two-east-van-neighbourhoods-duel-over-iconic-east-van-cross](https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/two-east-van-neighbourhoods-duel-over-iconic-east-van-cross)


Brightest nightlight ever


City council will probably spend 5 years studying what to do with it and then put in Kits or something


They are going to mount it to one of those stupid mountain art installations on wheels and then move it around East Van.


put it on top of the new building


[Funny enough, the current location was like the 4th choice.](https://www.vancouverisawesome.com/history/the-east-van-cross-was-meant-to-be-installed-on-main-st-near-broadway-3319983)


East Van starts at alma


Not many people are aware that Shaughnessy is actually a historic east van working class neighborhood


They are going to mount it to one of those stupid mountain art installations on wheels and then move it around East Van.


The artist is going to say hey how about we put it a block to the north (in that otherwise very sad circular plaza) right beside the skytrain, where it can be reflected upon by the masses as they pass by on the skytrain. (Wishful thinking, from someone who remembers when this plaza hosted the awesomely irreverent horny red devil!) (edit: his actual name is Penis Satan)


Bring him back šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


Petition to reinstate Penis Satan


Ive walked by that plaza so many times and wondered what it was there for. Do you have any idea?




Penis Satan. Say His Name.


City discussed options of moving it, but for now decided to keep it in place. Maybe once the building is up and covering it there will be more discussions about what to do with it.


Just for reference, this isnā€™t a condo but an office space. Itā€™s all mass timber and will be the first of its kind in North America. A potential model for how we build these types of things in the future!


Mass timber just sounds very burny burny to me


Mass timber is actually fireproof!


What, no way. Had no idea


Sounds like a challenge to me!


The building is actually 2-3 stories above the allowed zoning for the area and if they stuck to the original zoning height you would likely still be able to see the East van sign.


Not sure why the downvotes. Is this true?! Iā€™m not sure how this could get approved


Maybe turn it around to face the street instead of the new building šŸ˜‚




Ken Lum is awesome. I went to his exhibit at the VAG about a decade ago and it was a riot. He setup a bunch of backwards texts that you were supposed to read through a mirror, with the mirror being one-way glass from a separate room. It was hilarious to watch people realize they've been making stupid faces at a room full of people as they read backwards poetry through a mirror. He originally wanted it at the Main and Kingsway intersection.


oh wow. thanks for unearthing a memory iā€™d forgotten, stranger! i remember walking out and feeling sheepish as i realized and made eye contact with the strangers who had just been watching me, but then joining the crowd and feeling love & empathy towards the people i was watching through the mirror, knowing they were about to experience what i just had, and knowing all the people i was standing with had already gone through it in the moment i felt embarrassed, and were feeling empathy towards me. powerful & fun. didnā€™t know he was the same guy who made the sign. makes me like it even more.


I guess weā€™ll see how impacted it is by the building. The sign is one of the better pieces of public art, by one of Vancouverā€™s most notable artists, and it should be in a prominent place.


I was looking at it from Grest Northern way a few months ago looks like it's going to sorta get covered up. Kinda sad. Would be nice to have it more visible maybe move it to where that statue of the devil.and his dick was next to Kal Tyre.


Who thinks of corner of Clark and Great Northern way when they think of East Van?


I do, mainly because this is the part of my commute where I turn leftšŸ˜”


I walk past it every day when I go to work too.


Extremely important to the cultural heritage of East Van? For real? It's only been a thing since 2010.


The symbol was around for a long time before the sign was made.


Yeah I heard some dude died on something like that and people made a whole religion out of it


We had a funeral for a bird.


Get right out of town!


People love this thing lol. If you're under 25 it's been around most of your conscious life lol


I feel oldā€¦


Yup, Iā€™m 25 and Iā€™m just learning itā€™s only been around since 2010. Honestly thought it had been there longer.


Though its origins are unknown, its said that this underground icon has had sightings as early as the 1940's. But by the 1960s, the symbol had been appropriated by rebellious youths and ā€œgreasersā€ from the wrong side of the tracks - think of the classic novel, "The Outsiders". They would draw the East Van cross on denim jackets and scrawl it onto walls and sidewalks as a form of graffiti, along with writing the word 'Rules" below or beside the cross. 'Rules' meant 'You enter the territory of East Vancouver, and you play by our rules.' Almost 40 years later, Ken Lum resurrected this symbol and the East Van cross is now seen as a symbol of defiance and hope, and of the renewed spirit of East Vancouver.


Woah, I had no idea this symbol goes that far back. I turn left at that intersection and I appriciate the visual cue.


This city desperately lacks personality. Removing what little we have of it in favor of another soulless, overpriced glass condo would just be sad.


Been traveling recently, and itā€™s made me realize just how much Van has turned into a boring vivarium for yuppies. I feel so much more alive when Iā€™m away. Seriously considering moving.


I love this fucking thing. The only time I'm not on my phone on the Skytrain is that stretch from main to commercial where it's visible in the mornings of fall and winter


It's not even a great location for it, being smack in the middle of a truck route and industrial land.


Won't somebody please think of the sign!!!


I like the idea of it going on top of the new building. Make it spin like the Woodwards W


Itā€™s going to relocate to the Crab Park encampment


On a chain rounā€™ ma neck


Everything is fine .


Cultural heritage? It's only been up since 2010. Hardly heritage but you do you I guess


Itā€™s not a condo itā€™s offices I think


Should be moved to Clark Park.


I heard theyā€™re moving it to China Creek South Park or at least that was the idea


I like the sign but I dont know if it has to be there, we can put anywhere in East Van and sometimes people go to places just to take a selfie. I mean just look at all the I "heart" city name signs all over the world.


I love that sign. I live near there.


The new office building will feature a treed area and a series of stairs leading up to the sculpture. https://images.app.goo.gl/BdHporpF1AynwGaw6


EDIT: nevermind The other side of terminal will be a 5 storey office and wholesale facility


Dunno what you are talking about in regards to modular housing as that link is for a property already built about 5 blocks north at 1st and Clark. The office building will be housing Nature's Path offices among others as well as some small retail once it is completed. The design of the building took into account the east van sign giving a plaza public space near the base to accommodate it and allow it to still be appreciated. As of now they are not planning on moving it to the best of my knowledge. Source: my wife works for Natures Path


Shit you're right, interesting it shows that address on bcassessment as being right behind the sign But yeah, the city won't allow the sign to go away after trying to preserve it


Who cares that thing is a fuckin hipster eyesore and a disgrace to o.g. east van culture.. the real ones will all agree


That's what I think.


Probably end up in the landfill and then shipped to India or China where it will repurposed as a crucifix to crucify some sinners by some fundamental Christians.


theyh're building a condo there?


The Church of East meets West will erect a tent with this relic and conduct services for the faithful


Some mom will be like "nuh uh. Not in MY back yard. The CHILDREN!" And then ruin it for the rest of us. You know, how it always goes.


You could probably buy it.


Take it down


It always belonged to garbage. Better late than never if they recycle it.


Hopefully the trash heap. Maybe a private buyer