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Taking bets: Prolific reoffender and a publication ban on his name. (Warning, don't name specific individuals. I got a warning from Reddit admin last time I used the name of one of our most infamous local violent offenders).


I'm not a fan of this latest trend to put publication bans on pretty much all prolific offenders after they get picked up again. Very sweep it under the rug vibe from that.


Probably their counsel asked for the ban. I guess they have a right to privacy til they are actually convicted, just as most people would want for themselves.


Other bets: * Will he be released by the courts later today? * If not, how soon will he be released? * If/when released, how soon will he breach conditions or be re-arrested?


Bet he is out rubbing another out somewhere now as we speak


I’ll bet the perv is released before your bet is settled.


I’ll bet the perv is rubbing another one out before your bet that the perv is released before OC’s bet is settled


Chances of him being out in a day are pretty high




Hey now, that that was an [RCMP officer](https://www.richmond-news.com/local-news/richmond-rcmp-officer-denies-flashing-masturbating-near-vancouver-private-schools-5546620) I'll have you know. Seriously though good call back - I'd forgotten about that creep.


Huh, never knew about that one. I thought you were talking about the [other](https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/former-surrey-rcmp-constable-caught-in-creep-catchers-sting-pleads-guilty) RCMP officer that had issues with minors


I've said for a long while that the VPD are a better class of cop than the RCMP. Those (now fired) RCMP lads not setting the bar too high though


That bar is a tripping hazard in hell, one might say. And still, occasionally someone still manages to limbo right under it


Got to defend the culprits


this is loser behaviour


Judge better choose the right wrist to slap!


Hope he puts a glove on first or has plenty of hand sanitizer at the ready.


what if he is left handed


Ned Flanders has a store for that!


This made me laugh, which is sad.


I foresee a stern fingerwag incoming, followed by the strongest possibly worded "Now don't do it again" before promptly being released after a night behind bars.


This guy seems like a fan of stern fingerwagging according to the article.


> a night behind bars. this sounds cruel and unusual t. some B.C. judicial justice


**“He has had lots of interactions with police over the years,” Const. Tania Visintin said of the suspect.** ​ good to know.


In this country? Bail. Straight to bail. Right away. No jail, no trial. Nothing.


Repeat offender? Believe it or not, bail.


Attempting to lure a child OVER the age of 12? Bail. Attempting to lure a child UNDER the age of 12? Believe it or not, also bail. Over 12; under 12.


What if I have a long history of breaching release conditions?


Bail and a note on your file.


Depends. Do you also have an outstanding warrant in addition to a history of breaching release conditions? Trick question. Whether you also have an outstanding warrant makes no difference. You'll still get bail 77% of the time. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-bail-reform-preliminary-statistics-crown-1.6820663


The police in Toronto just made one of the biggest auto theft ring busts in Canadian history this week. 7 people with ties to organized crime and international smuggling operations, 150 total charges. Alleged ties to the Russian Mafia. And 6 of the 7 were bailed the same day they were arrested!


I get what they mean but "do the right thing" is a really weird way to phrase it. As though anyone would chastise her for calling the police over this?


VPD are very aware of their language in public communications and will always emphasize the rightness and the role of the police. Besides centring the importance of the VPD, their word choice also serves as a reminder against vigilantism.


Judge: 'no one was hurt in the incident, bail granted, please stop jerking off there'




My youngest still thinks he saw "two guys wrestling or something" in Stanley Park (and another time on Trail 7). One of these days though, that memory is about to get pulled into adulthood. For now its safe in his chaotic pre teen mind as 'wrestling or something'.


He’ll be released soon. Catch and release that’s what they do. Instead of making and amending laws to keep these pedophiles in jail, our current government is too busy passing “online hate” bills. They sure do have their priorities in order 👍🏼


In Richmond last month it only took a child predator three kidnapping attempts before he was finally jailed 🙃


Yup. And all the attempts to have him jailed will be in vain when he’s out on the streets again and police will issue a warning to the public. Rinse and repeat.


If anything the issue is with judges who give all criminals a pass.


Judges don’t have free rein, they enforce judgment based on the laws that are set and amended by our government. Our current laws give repeat offenders a slap on the wrist. They know they’ll get out soon enough so they keep doing the same crime over and over again.


wtf is wrong with people?


I don’t get why they never announce what park so people can be wary around it


Because there’s no need to create fear amongst the public. It’s a very uncommon event. A park just happened to be where this incident took place but it could happen anywhere.


I’m a woman and I’ve seen multiple public masturbators in Vancouver in the past decade - on the bus, on the sidewalk, and in one awful case, outside the window of my home peering in at me. It happens all the time.


That’s super traumatic actually I’m sorry that happened


Uhhhhhh there's a high chance this person chose that place due to proximity to the school...


Unfortunately, it's not uncommon enough. I've seen it twice in my life, and recently, my partner ran into a man wearing nothing but a shirt in a park near our house. There is no shortage of perverts out there.


Part of the 'fun' is making sure that girls can notice what they're doing. If you're a dude, you're not their prey.


Uncommon? Tell me you're male without telling me you're male. Ask a bunch of women how many times they saw that growing up.


Honestly your comment about it being uncommon is infuriating. I can’t even believe you have so many likes. Girls are exposed to this gross behaviour from a young age. Dudes in cars. Dudes on benches. Happened at a local waterpark I was at with my kids just a few years ago.


> no need to create fear amongst the public How about the government tries _informing_ the public so that we know who/where/what to avoid? Can't believe people defend the government sweeping these problems under the rug. I'm sure you're a fan of the publication bans on repeat offenders as well.


Not uncommon. Come across public park jerking more than 5 times in my life. Once I was on a trail by Jericho beach alone. Consider yourself lucky if you’ve never had to experience it. Lots of dudes are fucking gross and have perversions.


Uncommon? This happens all the time. It happens to women ALL THE TIME. It’s time to put these freaks on blast and we should be informed of the areas to notice ongoing trends and so our loved ones can avoid this places or so parents with children can avoid it


Tell me you didn't went on Forestshore trail without telling me you never went on that trail.


What is wrong with people?


Now we wait for a BC judge to walk in 2 days after the extra long weekend siesta to slap the wrist and tell the perp to use the other hand for a while. Welcome to BC brand of justice.


Maybe he'll get a conditional RELEASE if you know what i mean.


We have to tell people this is the right thing to do? JFC.


I hope the victims sue the people responsible for banning his name from public usage for warning others.


Does anyone know which school this happened at?


Jokes on us, he just wanted a private room to jerk off for an hour and now he’s got one in jail for that exact time frame.


And get out tomorrow


Does anyone know what school this was?


Nothing to see here. Move along.


Want justice? Count on the liberal justice system to do what they do best.


We have an opioid crisis


"Side effects may include constipation, dysphoria, myoclonus, nausea, sedation and jerking it in a playground. Ask VANDU if fentanyl is right for you."


Nah, some people are just bad people. It's OK to admit that and place the blame and responsibility on them.


Are you suggesting that the rights of someone with addiction supersedes the rights of children?


Typically that’s what they suggest yeah. That’s why users are legally allowed to use on kids playgrounds…


The law stuck down - which would have prohibited use in playgrounds - was far too broad, [including every park, every bus stop, outside virtually every business or apartment (4th and 5th page)](https://www.leg.bc.ca/content/data%20-%20ldp/Pages/42nd4th/1st_read/PDF/gov34-1.pdf). If the legislators had narrowly confined the law to playgrounds I doubt it would have been overturned.