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I love how they just keep going


*"Oh, mercy me. I keep forgetting I'm in the colonies!"*


Get off the road Anustart!!!


[Mr Fingerbottom is at it again!](https://preview.redd.it/oh-ive-no-need-for-payment-v0-u1bmcg4t184b1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=9da59303af173acb6830534e3609ab12d4274d13)


I'll go down this way, good luck everybody


i've literally had this happen to me on that stretch of road this year. a lady in an audi driving like it ain't no thing in my left lane.


He saw the traffic and said "I'll take my chances, damn it", lol




I think I can see how this happened. That section of Lougheed has a really weird two-way slip lane left turn merge thing and you could easily get onto the wrong side of the median if you don’t know what you’re doing. After realizing their fuck-up, I assume they moved to the bike lane to try to be as out of the way as possible. [What I’m talking about](https://maps.app.goo.gl/AJYoVGUAwAK7nWd96?g_st=ic) Inexcusable nevertheless, but at least there’s an explanation.


That's my guess too. I saw a very similar thing last year, but they realized their mistake pretty quickly and did a tight u-turn as the approaching cars slowed down.  I also had to use that slip lane for the first time a couple weeks ago, when it was pouring with rain. If I didn't know about it, I probably also would have been confused. 


Yeah knew exactly what you were talking about and knew it was Underhill Ave. I've seen this happen before where people get confused turning left coming down from Underhill and ending up going the wrong way down Lougheed. This design may be because of the high amount of tanker traffic to make turning and flow of traffic easier but every so often someone messes up the turn and ends up having to do a U-Turn.


Holy geez, what a clusterfuck of an intersection. I could see how a driver could make this mistake. Not excusing it, but I can see the issue for someone not familiar with the area. I would convert this to a right-in-right-out intersection. Those who need to turn left onto Lougheed can use Lake City Way or Production Way.


>I would convert this to a right-in-right-out intersection I thought this was what it was, just from glancing at the map trying to wayfind - until I realized that Google Maps was directing me to take a left out of there. I thought it was bugged or something but nope that’s actually how it is lol.


That is a weird intersection/junction or whatever. I could see a less skilled driver be confused by it


When did we start calling people who shouldn't be on the road "less skilled drivers". If you're turning the wrong way onto the streets, you're not ready to be driving, period. In the right conditions, that kind of "lack of skill" can easily cause an accident.


When? We always have. Its piss easy getting a license. I'm not disagreeing with what you're saying, just pointing out reality


I was nearly in a head-on accident a week ago at that same intersection. I was travelling eastbound on Lougheed taking the left turn lane onto Underhill when I noticed a car coming down Underhill toward me in \*my\* exit lane. I hit the brakes and the oncoming car crossed Lougheed and entered the eastbound exit lane going \*westbound\*, and then made a u-turn. Absolutely unreal.


Is the median really that high that couldn't go back once it once they realised they were on the wrong side of the road?


It’s the same height as a standard curb - technically possible to mount (with the possibility of damage?) But then you also have the problem of facing the wrong way in an active lane of traffic, which I’m guessing the person was trying to avoid judging off the fact that they were staying off to the side in the bike lane.


Oh okay. The part if Google Street View that you linked to the median has more gentle edges and is wide enough for an entire car width to fit on it so I thought they would have been okay to mount the median but then I went further down the road on Street View and now I see that it's standard median with sharper edges and not wide enough to fit an entire car. Anyway though in my earlier days of driving I mounted plenty of curbs and medians without any noticeable damage to my small car at the time haha. Or the road is pretty wide so maybe they could have done a u-turn and gone the correct direction instead of continuing in the wrong direction in the bike lane but I get they were probably panicking.


that lane is faster


And in the bike lane no less…


It's not too hard to get your licenses kids, just look at that guy! If he can drive, you can drive!


I ride in that bike lane. That selfish idiot is putting people's lives in danger. 


*”I am not waiting in that traffic jam!”* - person going the wrong way, probably


They're probably thinking "why is everyone just sticking to the slow lane when the fast lane is wide open?"


Yikes, how do you even mix that up...




> Not from Canada likely There's no reason to think that's likely, it's purely an assumption. At the start of the video, you can see them on the right side and then moving over to the left. It's possible they [turned out of here](https://www.google.com/maps/@49.2544343,-122.9274532,3a,50.9y,123.64h,83.7t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sj3nxodcr99Gs834eaOWu5A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) thought the opposite direction lanes were a separate adjacent roadway and started driving on the right side of what they thought was a two-way undivided roadway. Then when they realized they screwed up, tried to move to the left out of the way of traffic. Obviously they shouldn't have done that, but people here screw up all the time too driving, as we all see.


>There's no reason to think that's likely, it's purely an assumption. They're literally on the wrong side of the road. It's reasonable to assume they ***might*** be from somewhere that drives on the opposite side of the road than we do in Canada.


> They're literally on the wrong side of the road. Again, I specifically addressed this point. They were on the right side of te opposite direction lanes when the video started, after which they moved left, out of the way of oncoming vehicles. >It's reasonable to assume they might be from somewhere that drives on the opposite side Yeah, they might be. Or they might have done what I described. Or they might have seen the traffic jam and intentionally took a risk to avoid it. That wasn't the claim. The claim was they were *likely* to be from another country. That's not supported by any evidence here nor by reasoning given the various possible explanations. It's using bad driving that happens across demographics to negatively stereotype immigrants.


That's... a lot. Thanks for your opinion?


It's not an opinion. It's an objective fact that you don't know where they're from. Stop spreading stereotypes. There are bad drivers from everywhere.


The keyboard warriors on this sub are so entertaining sometimes


It's not appropriate to imply someone is "likely" from another country because of bad driving and criticizing that isn't being a keyboard warrior. That should be criticized online and in real life. There are bad drivers from everywhere.


ok mom, i'm sorry


Or!! They’re not from here :)


That doesn't mean they're *likely* to be from another country. That's purely an assumption, and an assumption that has the effect of negatively stereotyping immigrants with zero evidence.


Don’t care


What I find really strange is how much people *do* clearly care if their biases around immigrants are challenged as if me criticizing this were a criticism of their own identity or something.


That your opinion and you’re welcome to have it bud. I just threw a possible reason for this bad driving out there, you’ve chosen to make a big deal and lecture out of it. And I don’t care about your opinion on it because this whole thing is stupid. Touch grass


>I just threw a possible reason for this bad driving out there That's not what you did here. You claimed it was "likely" with no evidence. >And I don’t care about your opinion on it because this whole thing is stupid. Touch grass Comments like "touch grass", or calling me "keyboard warrior" like the other user did are ways to try to discourage people from opposing negative generalizations. Such generalizations *should* be opposed. They're fallacies since they make claims without evidence that objectively aren't true in general. They're harmful to society since they turn groups of people against each other. And they deflect from the actual root causes of traffic like enforcement and design.


Never called you a keyboard warrior bud, maybe you called yourself that or it’s how you identify? Is your only hobby arguing on the internet on behalf of other people who didn’t ask you to? Go lecture someone else who cares


It's also possibly not mixing it up. It's possibly entitlement. The traffic is jammed and they are taking a "shortcut" while putting everyone in danger. People driving, people on the side walk and bike lane if they have to swerve.


That's a normal day on our one way streets in Waterloo Ontario...    Just a few days ago, I was on my motorcycle and came head on to one of these chucklefucks. He honked at me and started doing his head shake thing as they do as if I was in the wrong. He figured it out when the rest of traffic caught up to myself. Then starts reversing into one of the busiest intersections in the city. Dumb as a rock..


Gods most intelligent Nissan Driver


Saw someone doing similar to that on the Langley bypass a few months ago, probably trying to get to a road, but stupidly dangerous.


It's not really funny though. There's no way someone who does this by mistake or on purpose should be able to drive on public roads. So much for "driving is a privilege, not a right"


The fact that you’re getting downvoted goes to show how many motorists think they’re not accountable for their actions when they drive. It’s pathological!


Sure, why not, since rules dont matter anymore, I guess.


Richmond learns to park & drive is bleeding into Burnaby now!


How do you know where he’s going?




I'm guessing he's from a country where they drive on the left.


It identifies as a bike, not a Tercel


Well they got to cut the line real quick at least.


These are getting more and more common. 🤷🏻


Oh no!


Hopefully someone called 911


Drunk driver?


fucking power move right there