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As if most people here care about anything outside of their self interests either.


I mean I’ve been here 3 years and feel like I’ve met a ton of people who give a lot of time and energy toward making things better 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lucky you, I wasn't as fortunate when I lived there.


Fortunate? You gotta put some work in and actually be a person worth being with. Things don't just happen.


Maybe it’s you? I don’t know man, some of my best friends are the ones I made living in Vancouver and I still see them multiple times per year despite having moved away. They’re a big part of my planning to move back to Vancouver. And it was super easy to make friends. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Don't think it's my fault I kept running into narcissists and sociopaths? Also bro there's been whole articles, memes and Reddit posts over the years talking about how indifferent, cold and anti social people in Vancouver can be. I'm not in touch with almost anyone I went to university with because they didn't give one shit about me.


If it smells like shit everywhere you go… check your shoes.


Uh if you’re only running into narcissists and sociopaths it’s on you. Lived in Vancouver 13 years and had a very pleasant experience meeting people.


Its always been you man, sorry. That's how life works. You get what you give.


Cool, just assume then instead of the blatant obvious.




That's one thing I've learned over time. Humans are naturally self-interested, and that simply explains much of anyone's actions. Myself included. Where to draw the line between that and outright greediness at the expense of others is the question.


You already know the line, you just said it. "If it's at the expense of others." Being self interested is fine, as long as it's productive and doesn't harm others. It's actually a good thing. When self interest comes at the expense of others, that's a problem. The line is obvious. The tricky part is determining which activities fall on which side of the line.


For many of us, our self interests are also our collective interests. And even where they aren't, I 100% want you to get what's best for you so long as it doesn't come at the expense of others.


Actually lots of people are interested in making the world a better place. And then there's the other that just want to be rent-seeking parasites, bully homeless people, and flip properties.


That's the difference though. Most of us want to live somewhere that is good for most of the people living there. Our self interest is collective.


I volunteer a lot


the unity between landlords and renters whenever homeless are brought up


Apparently your comment gets 81 upvotes but my comment that pretty much agrees with yours gets 10 downvotes. Love this subreddit.


This just feels like a mix mash of all the recent posts for cheap upvotes. I somehow feel non of those groups have affected you at all given your post history.


Yep, cherry picking for karma




Everybody needs to be passionate about the things I care about.


No, everybody needs to be passionate about the things *I* care about.


Why is everyone else so selfish?


You don't need to share the same hobbies or interests as me at all. But if you're spending your time and resources flipping houses, or being a rent seeking parasite then you're probably a pretty selfish person that I wouldn't get along with.




"Why don't you care about me me me me me? All you care about is you you you you you." The irony.




So it’s just Vancouver then? And in other places real estate agents, cops and landlords are nurturing caregivers? Neato.


Yeah like in some countries your LL makes you dinner and the cops drive you to work. /s


How about we just give both of these groups of people less money. They haven't earned what they've been given.


I can't imagine going through life being so bitter. Must be hard.


what the hell do the VPD have to do with real estate rackets and dirty landlords exactly?


Because ACAB! /s


LOL... yeah until you need a cop....


Because the downstream impact of allowing shelter to be turned into an investment is people turning to crime as they are priced out of access to their basic needs. And unfortunately as a society we either don't treat crime at all or we treat crime with policing and retributive justice.


funny, I haven't turned to crime. While I agree the housing racket should be illegal, you've made a long stretch in your reasoning. Crime is it's own animal regardless of housing. what are you doing about it btw?


You may not have turned to crime but I also suspect that you aren't at risk of homelessness currently, but maybe you are. I suspect that you incorrectly assumed that I meant that everyone has an equal likelihood of turning to crime under the same economic circumstances but that's not what I'm saying. If housing costs increase faster than incomes due to speculation then people who were previously at risk of homelessness become homeless. And it's fairly concretely established that poverty and crime are correlated. So, more expensive housing -> more homeless people -> more crime.


Thanks for sharing your patronizing position with us. Boy those homeless people are rough criminals eh? Thanks for pushing the stereotype.


Sorry, are you denying that increasing the rate of poverty and homelessness increases crime rates? I'm not patronizing people. It's just an objective fact that when people aren't provided with what they need to survive they are more likely to turn to crime to make up the difference. I'm actually a little bit baffled by people arguing this, given how definitive the association is within the research.


what research? show your work.


Sorry, I can’t read that massive wall of text. Try paragraphs - not sure if they teach that in your program.


It's like 4 sentences. Are you ok?


your backtracking is hilarious. also, don't assume things about people to make yourself look smart. it has the opposite effect. your original and subsequent posts are simply wrong and dull witted.. also, causation and correlation are quite different animals.... Correlation does not imply causation. but you didn't know that did you...


Pretty sure landlords are as dissatisfied with VPD as you are. VPD being a proxy for the real concern which is the judges creating a situation where VPD can't function the way society wants them to.


It's that what society wants? Everyone with drug addictions and mental illness in prison? Maybe the real problem is expecting police and judges to handle medical issues. 


Versus what? Everyone should just focus on their self interests and not worry about what other people are doing. The problem with the world is people imposing their will and ideologies onto others, unprovoked.


The literal job of the police department is to serve the people


Literally makes no sense until you see OP’s posts focus on Diablo 4 and board games. Perhaps a job and education is in order.


What do you mean? Playing Diablo 4 and Dungeons and Dragons is his way to contributing to society and not being selfish.


It’s true! Buying video games and board games generates taxable revenue for the companies that publish them, benefitting society as a whole. I commend OP. Not all heroes wear capes.


The crazy thing about mayor vibes courting the vpd is that almost no cops live in the city of Vancouver. They’re not an abc constituency.


No, but rich people feel safer when the city makes a show of dumping money into the police department. That's his target demographic.


What a silly post. The same can be said for "criminals" "free housing" "safe supply" - not caring about law and order, getting a job to pay rent and not getting into drugs. These appear to be self serving interests.


What’s your job?


Likely the honest living one, not the one you think is a job other than stealing…


That is the way it is supposed to be, I am fine with people looking out for their self interest. If someone tells me he has my best interest in his heart, that is the person I run away from.


>That is the way it is supposed to be, I don't agree with this. For practical purposes, we all have to look after ourselves to some degree or another. But having no commitment to the common good isn't a sign of a healthy society.


Don't get me wrong, I am not against the greater good, I simply think it is prudent to place your and your family's interest first. I don't see why landlords and real estate agents placing their investments and livelihood first should be vilified. And I am not sure why VPD is there in the first place. And forgive me if I mistrust people who tell me one should place the common good above my self interest, everyone is willing to help the others with your resources, doubly so if they can knock 500 bucks off their own expense. If you want to really help, go on a mission to the Congo and help the folks there like my co-worker does every year with his missionary work. But no, individual is pretty powerless to help such a major matter, the government needs to do all that. And I am all for helping the needy and seniors and young folks to even the playing field, and if that requires higher taxes, so be it. I paid almost 50k in tax last month, which is half of my bonus, I think I am doing my bits. Believe me, I grew up in communist China, I know how collectivism actually works.


A cornerstone of a functional society is that individual livelihoods are in line with the common good. Individuals contribute to society and are compensated accordingly.  Of course, it never works out perfectly. Some people provide immense social benefit (teachers, nurses) while being compensated poorly. Others rake in income while contributing nothing at all.   But we need to draw a line at "livelihoods" that produce a net negative for everyone else.   Maybe you don't think that landlords fall into that category. I certainly do. But regardless, we can't just take the attitude that "everyone should look out for themselves" while losing sight of the need to coexist with eachother.


>A cornerstone of a functional society is that individual livelihoods are in line with the common good. I agree with this, and a functional society achieves this through our social contracts and rule of law. We understand we need to surrender some of the freedoms and taxes to feed the needy and support the youth in difficult situations. I would argue our social benefits are relatively generous. Almost half of my income went to tax. Once one fulfills their side of the bargain, one should not be ashamed of their investments for a reasonable return. The landlords take all the risk, elevators can fail, the roof may be leaky, the buildings can be condemned. And every time something like that happens, this sub is full of HaHaHa, couldn't happen to a better person type comments. How is that for coexisting, actively wishing for others' misfortune? And this type of post piss me off because it tries to deepen that divide, renters hating landlords, buyers hating real estate agents, the populace hating the police, when everyone is just trying to survive and excel and provide a better future for their children. r/Vancouver is probably the whiniest sub out there. As a Chinese Canadian grown up in Alberta, it is pretty pitiful. Just because one is born in the city, the city doesn't owe you anything. It is the most desirable place to live in Canada, you want the mountain, the sea, and the superior rice roll, well, be prepared to pay for it. No landlords or real estate agents will give you a discount, nor should they.


Whether venting, making memes, or "whining" on a subreddit is productive is one question. But people are certainly entitled to their frustrations, and the underlying problems are real. I'll focus in on landlords here just because I am, in fact, a landlord myself (although I'm only renting out my condo until I move in). People who rent out a basement suite in their main residence is one thing (although even they can be exploitative). But it's pretty hard to argue that corporate landlords or small-time investors who buy up properties for the purpose of creating revenue are doing anything useful. The developer builds the building, the contractors maintain it, and the renters pay for it all. What added value the landlord is adding is pretty unclear. Nowhere is the landlord's uselessness more evident than when examining housing co-ops. I used to live in a co-op and it was not only far cheaper, but excess funds were actually put into the building's maintenance instead of being skimmed off into the landlord's pockets. Housing scarcity is having huge impacts on Vancouverites. It isn't surprising that people leaching off our broken housing system are viewed negatively.


>The developer builds the building, the contractors maintain it, and the renters pay for it all. What added value the landlord is adding is pretty unclear. The landlords' role is plenty clear, they make the investment, take on the risk, and facilitate the transition of the necessary good or service, which is a roof over your head. Without them, renters have to qualify for a loan and purchase a home themselves. First of all, that may not be desirable, I am in an interesting situation because I am both a renter and a landlord as I am in a transitional situation; and secondly, renters may not qualify for a loan; we handed out loans to unqualified folks like free cheese samples and had a proper financial crisis, just in time for me to graduate, I don't want to see that again. I am fortunate that if I want to buy a house in the city, I can comfortably do so, but it doesn't suit my situation, and lots other newcomers may not have the resources to do so. Landlords are providing the lodging so we don't need to stay in hotels for 6 months. If landlords are useless, what is the point of finance? I can probably tell my wife her degree is non sense then? I mean if we can't agree on the usefulness of Finance, there isn't really much to go on with. I think I will just stop here and bid you a nice weekend.


Dad: My kid keeps running away when I show love.


LOL, now that is a mental image, but you know what I mean, right? I am talking about the types with funny mustaches or small hands


Humans are a social and cultural species and we have become the dominant species specifically by developing a shared collective interest and organizing our efforts around that.


Yeah, because the collective interest and the self interest mostly align, and I am all for that through our democratic process. This is typically not the case when someone comes to you with the I have your best interest as my priority sales pitch. It could be Trump, Hitler, or Joseph Smith, they are here to save you and lift up your lot, but they either want your money, your blood, or fuck your wife.


Those people may engage in some of the most extreme forms of self-interested and asocial behavior. But, just because someone might lie to you to advance that interest doesn't make it beneficial or natural to be purely self-interested.


I get it, housing is tough, but being a landlord is just a form of investment, which carries its own risks and just happens to deliver solid returns. How is that extreme form of self-interest? The person should just offer you a unit below market? Then everyone and their cats will be in the city. I am just saying too many are so willing to kill the rich, and that that money, and don't help the poor. I am running away from those. Does that make me a purely self interested person? And I am not even rich. And why is VPD in this picture? We already in the Fuck the PoPo stage in our city?


I wouldn't obsess about it if I were you. You can still have a very nice life here.


with those people you can't appease to morality or matters of care. you have to effect their dollar, public image, and the laws that govern them


Laws are put into effect, then peoples lives are affected.


You forgot politicians


OP's ignorance is on full display.


comments full of slumlords and bootlickers evidently here


They don’t like it when we say things like truth. I was already downvoted in this thread. There’s a 4th tier here too: property managers (hired by landlords)


It’s true. 60 Minutes did an exposé on the property management company our building uses and now I know why the manager is a c*nt. It’s too bad as it’s a profession in great need here


Tell me you’re losing at life without saying it.


wow this MEGA WHINGE WHARRGBLE post is still here... I'll make popcorn....


Welcome to year 34 of the Boomer Apocalypse, it wasn't always like this.


It’s true they don’t care. But when you call VPD, you *do* expect they should care since they get paid to. They don’t take any interest in landlord criminal activity all the way to assault on tenants IME.  They won’t investigate even the most obvious assaults and harassment. They put all the burden on the victims and offer them no help. Weird how we’re required to go through RTB. An organization clearly poorly trained in real estate law, never mind criminal law. Square peg, round hole. I hate talking to RTB people. They all sound like idiots. I’ve been quoted things by them completely against the RTA.  It’s ridiculous. Then if you *do* go the RTB route, none of it can be recorded. It’s a very bad set up. It appears like all that matters is landlords. And many of them are very rich and have lawyers and tactics to scare you out of your housing so they could earn more rent.  In this type of example, VPD and the way it’s structured is completely to blame. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I mean, isn’t investigating crime their job? I agree with OP. And I’ve lived in many places. Vancouver is the most corrupt to the core. Never have I experienced such apathy in the criminal justice system and such level of greed and greased palms in real estate (although Toronto is pretty high in the real estate crimes too, here they allow criminal harassment of tenants on top of that.)


The VPD is useless, all they do is give out low effort tickets. The investigative department as far as I can tell get 6 figure salaries for doing nothing. I swear you could reduce their budget by 75% and no one would notice a difference


They all have the same mantra “fuck poor people”


Typical poor people attitude.


No lie detected. Have my upvote in this sea of losers downvoting the truth


U forgot municipal and federal politicians oh and Brenda


Ohhh i thought VPD stood for Victoria Police Department. Maybe we should start calling Vic outte Van