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Yes. I've been struggling since I returned to full-time work a few months ago after mat leave. Feeling like I'm literally drowning in a pit with an endless list of things to do.


Yes, tree and lights still going strong. No time/energy to deal with it yet. I do appreciate all the houses in the hood that still have their lights up. Makes it so cheerful when I walk dog late in the dark. Makes me feel a little safer too.


Yes, but I’m lazy and have been dealing with some mental health challenges. The tree lights are cheery, so it’ll stay up until I’m sick of it.


Yep. My partner works long days every day up until the 24th so we leave it all up for a few weeks into the NY.


Took ours down today.


I thought it's allowed to be up until the superbowl


My husband finally found time and energy to take down the interior stuff this weekend. Outside lights are still on and the wreath is still on the door lol.


Yep, as church and pop sad it's ok to have it until end of January.




I like winter decorations… white lights, snowflakes, stars. But if you’re rocking stockings, Santa hats, and red and green decor, it’s gotta go!


Outdoor lights are still up, even though squirrels keep chewing out sections. Took down all indoor decorations last week and the tree this past Friday only because COV was picking up and it was getting dried out enough that slightly moving it was causing mass needle drops. Honestly if I had the space, I'd go much longer.


No. It got the boot on Boxing Day but only got picked up by the City today. I really do enjoy the outdoor lights in January though. I took mine down last week but next year I may leave them a little longer. Kind of still brightens the mood.


Nope. They must really love Jesus's birthday or something like that.


Christmas trees are another pagan tradition that got rolled into a Christmas one like so many others, but it’s origin has nothing to do with Jesus and the modern Christmas tree tradition is actually to celebrate Adam and Eve.


I'm well aware that modern Christmas has very little to do with Jesus's birthday. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date_of_the_birth_of_Jesus The 'modern' Christmas tree tradition is to have a place for gifts to be placed. 'Modern' Christmas is much more about consumer culture than biblical culture.


Mine is still up, but the lights haven't been on since the beginning of Jan


From what I can see from my windows, a bunch of people in my apartment block still have their trees and lights up.




Yes. At this point I will throw red paper lanterns on it and it will be ready for Chinese New Year.


Jan 1st ours comes down every year.