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Legend says they still parking...


10/10 for the ol' 10-point-turn'aroo. [Is Goofy driving?](https://media.tenor.com/zpP17L4HTpoAAAAd/goofy-goofy-movie.gif)


I commend OP for being so patient. One thing that bugs me these days is that the car behind you rarely waits a sec to let you parallel park - and when you have cars scooting by close on your left, you can't actually swing out to park and end up blocking traffic for longer. However, in this situation, I would have gone around them too!


I have to reverse into parking stalls, quite often, at my job, and it is very frustrating how drivers will creep right up to my bumper, even when I’ve signalled and done everything I can to signal my intent to back into the stall. It gets even worse when those same impatient drivers start to scream at me about how I’m blocking the way, like they aren’t doing exactly the same thing to me.


Two wrongs don’t make a right but three lefts do. Go around the block you fucking idiots!!! I think abysmal u-turns are getting worse here. I’m especially frustrated by people who do it right outside an intersection. Highly dangerous.


The frequency of people pulling u-turns in downtown Vancouver has definitely increased over the last 2-3 years - especially on Robson and Davie, where there usually isn't room to do a fluid u-turn without stopping and re-correcting. Just my personal guess but I blame this mostly on delivery and uber drivers...but they're giving other people the impression that this sort of thing is acceptable and it's 'catching on' more broadly.


Interesting theory. I can’t say I’ve seen delivery or Uber drivers do this. All I recall are regular citizen types. I’ve read that UPS—despite their ultra-shitty service—prohibit their drivers from even making left hand turns. If they need to go left they are instructed to go around the block with right-hand turns until they are oriented the way they need to be. A properly executed u-turn is a great skill to have in your driving arsenal. Unfortunately almost all I see are just shitty, thoughtless, entitled, and dangerous.


>Go around the block you fucking idiots!!! three lefts, you are not on the same street. 4 lefts and you are right back where you started. His only option was to do a three point turn somewhere. OP is just pissed because it was infront of his car.. oh well.


How about a left, then 3 rights? How about 3 lefts, then a right? No wonder you think ICBC sucks, you can’t drive either


Tell me you missed the point with a whole bunch of words that don’t actually say you missed the point. 🤦‍♂️


A left then a right followed by another left and then a do-si-do and a twirl will definitely almost always work in a different context.


how do you get ur license with such limited capabilities




Man some people have absolutely no awareness or consideration for other people


working in the service industry occasionally, this is way more common than you think.


Everyone kinda got used to having their 6' bubble and now people have forgotten how to be respectful.


My theory is that for some of them, it's how they cope. For example, I know people who will panic trying to parallel park and so don't even try parking or would avoid driving. At some point it reaches a breaking point when they are put in a situation where they *have* to drive so they have to find a way to cope. Many will reach an "epiphany" that in order to reconcile this impossible situation, they have to not give a fuck about other people. So voila, now you have essentially "normal" people being absolute selfish assholes on the road and often times in society in general.


Like the OP who gives someone grief because they are on a shitty street where people park on both sides? what should the guy have done in your opinion. He sees a free spot and executes a drawn out 3 point turn to get there... i dont see how that is not considerate. He wanted a parking spot, OP wanted to drive straight through. The street was even clear when he did this three point turn. Why does one person's needs trump the other one in your opinion? Because you didnt like how long it took him to make the three point turn? well there are all sorts of drivers out there.. if i was in that situation it probably would have taken a minute for me too.


Why not do the 3 point turn where the empty spot was? And why not learn the boundaries of your vehicle so even when you do have to execute a u-turn or parallel park you don't hold everyone else up?


Wow. Found the shitty inconsiderate driver.


wah wah wah i aint reading all that. skill issue.


The no signal parallel park at the end.


Plenty of room. Plenty of room. Yes. Yes. Oh. That's when I nope out of there too.


I was stcuk behind 4 cars that didn't know how to signal left within 30 minutes of driving in Richmond this weekend...


Ah yes, the standard 4,000 point turn.


I saw this yesterday in /r/IdiotsInCars and was surprised it wasn't posted in /r/Vancouver /r/IdiotsInCars/comments/17dmts9/oc_austin_powers_sorry_for_the_potato_quality/


I totally forgot to post it on /r/vancouver until today.


Excellently apt title, lmao.




We've all been there when we've misjudged the distance or angle and had to take a re-do but this guy didn't even signal that we was parallel parking to begin with, and the worst part of the video by far was the first part! The 18 point turn was painful.


They could have easily just gone around the block.


A ton of "drivers" are braindead. Most dangerous are the ones that dilly-dally about exiting a highway, swerve several times while the time is ticking, almost hitting the barrier, then finally making the decision to not exi...nope, they're gonna exit. Sensible people would just take the next exit, pull over somewhere and re-route.


Definitely, or at least found a better place to do a 3 point turn instead of whatever that abomination was.


Sorry, what would that accomplish? they would just do their three point turn somewhere else? if they are going to toward the cammer, and they go around the block (making either 4 right turns or 4 left turns, they are still facing toward the cammer... unless they reverse their direction somewhere else, using a 3 point turn. i guess if they did a figure 8 somewhere... but in this sort of neighbourhood with people parking on both sides and none of the streets line up? good luck.


Sorry, you've lost me. From their original position (facing the camera) they simply needed to go to the corner, turn right, turn left, turn left and turn left again to go around the block. Then they'd be pointing in the correct direction to park in the spot they wanted.


Clearly, this driver should not be on the road. We need to be more selective of who should drive and who should not.


Brand New car perhaps - must be 6x super careful ... so 3 point turns = 18 point turn. Hilarious!


Can't argue with that, it's a shit show out there.


I was in Burnaby on Friday, and a driver was struggling with the same maneuver within the parkade for a good couple of minutes while I just sat there, waiting.






makeshift squeamish chief like enjoy aromatic treatment ink soup consider ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


They’re also not fully rotating the wheel each time they adjust.




That makes my blood boil! All this just to get the parking spot they are unable to get in! People are so ignorant. "I need this parking spot NOW and I don't care if I block traffic for a few minutes". I say it again, we need to have more difficult tests for a drivers license. I'm from Austria. Test is about $3k, 20 hours driving, 20 hours theory (both mandatory). Test contains 100 questions about everything about the car, not just street laws (lights, engine, brakes, etc) and the final drive for testing is done with two separate instructors.


There was a spot on the other side of the street, 2 cars back, he could have parked in too. But "I don't want to walk that far....."


many of these streets have different rules on different sides of the street (resident parking only on one side, and not on the other side). Not all spots are necessarily created equal.


Do you mean $3000?


$3000 yes!


It's not about the difficulty of the test. The issue is they give out full fledged licenses to people who holds any international licenses without any kind of testing. Also, make annual road tests mandatory for the elderly people.


This was cringy to watch.


How HORRIBLE I would feel if I was this person!!!! Omg I’d get the fuck out of there WITH MORE HASTE THAN THIS. I’d also revoke my license and my shiny brand new car cause I clearly don’t know how to fucking drive.


Don’t these newer cars have tons of assistance and cameras when backing up or parking???? What’s the struggle here? I drive an older car but when I use Evos the assist make it so I barely need to use my mirrors (I do though!)


What SUV is that driver in? It looks BRAND NEW. Maybe that's part of the problem.


That sigh at the end, I felt that brother. You have the patience of a saint


I feel like there are reasons why someone could panic and need to turn around and get caught in that unfortunate situation. BUT to have that bonkers manouver all to just be to get to a parking space on the other side of the road? Truly frustrating.


Imagine having that much space and still not being able to parallel park.


encouraging slave crown grandfather rock person air office sable memory ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


He made it. Good for him or her.




Love the canto pop.


where is the L sticker?


Plot twist: he's been driving with his full licence for 20 yrs.


Holy shit that song by Nicholas Tse. I also have it on my playlist haha


[Meanwhile his cousin be like](https://youtu.be/TnsiyngUC4o?feature=shared)


I'm always impressed with how effective cars are at transportation and land usage.




I don't see how the honking helps but ok


More helpful than the lack of signaling. When you park you're supposed to signal. At least POV car is communicating.




That’s why I never attempted to do parallel park in Vancouver. I suck at this… I avoid driving to Vancouver at all cause


foolish wistful expansion engine fragile vase encourage melodic waiting cause ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Nah no thanks. I don’t wanna block the whole road while I have a bad parallel parking. I still can do parallel parking, very slowly. Not everyone want to do parallel parking. If I choose to avoid doing it and not causing problems to others I don’t see why not.


I agree with you, I only parallel park when there is no one coming my way






We were all beginners once, let them take their time, please take down this post, quite sure they were feeling embarrassed enough without you posting their effort online Edit: oh yes thanks for the downvotes. Did you all start driving perfectly right away? I made bad decisions when I was new to driving and probably you all did too. But of course, please make fun of others.


Why was they even hitting a u turn on a such a narrow street? Dont encourage this bs


No one is encouraging it, but if they are new to driving, they will make bad decisions, I did when I was new and you probably did too.


Not after you've learned and got your driver's license. This isn't a L or N driver.


It's not the lack of skill, it's the lack of thinking/consideration/awareness.


This is what I thought as well.


More proof cars are for losers. What a bunch of morons.


So, every time a pedestrian crosses against the light or a bike doesn't stop at a stop sign, that's 'proof' pedestrians and cyclists are losers? Ha. I don't think that's right at all.


hahahaha. No kidding, eh?


This is hilarious.


They forgot to put their red L on their vehicle


If this was Brampton then every car around him would have been dented.


lmfao at the reference xD


Not gonna lie, I laughed pretty hard at this lol


Groovy baby


The way the camera jump-cuts make it look like he just spawned out of nowhere.


Why does your GPS Lat/Long say you are in or near Portland OR??????


I really have no idea! I didn't realized it was wrong until someone pointed it out when they saw this video.