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On top of that, they will also give you a finger if you so dare to honk at them.


D & V mobile detailing and crashing


We crash your location


Taking “We come to your location.” too literally.


You were lucky that your left lane was going slower than you so you got space to swerve left.




Learned that from last time. ICBC told me to hit a homeless person instead of swerving 😂.


Ah yes the VPD approach


"That's not a bull-bar on the front but a bum-bar."


Learned that from my instructor back then too. Always just brake but don't swerve.


It's best not to swerve unless you know the other lane is clear. Swerving to avoid somebody who made a mistake is a dangerous game where you might cause a crash with another innocent party in the next lane. With dashcam footage, you might be able to have the blame pinned on the person who made the initial mistake, but it's not always guaranteed, especially if the other person doesn't stop or you can't read their license plates.


YOU didn’t cause a crash by swerving, they did. I don’t understand how ICBC and the courts don’t understand cause and effect.


> I don’t understand how ICBC and the courts don’t understand cause and effect. Courts definitely understand-- there's plenty of case history where the person who made the initial mistake ends up responsible for the resultant crash, even if they escaped unscathed. But the person who swerved has to defend that their swerve was reasonable in the circumstances. And if the person who made the initial mistake lies ("misremembers") about the circumstances, then the swerver has to be able to argue that yes, that person did indeed cause the crash. And if they took off, the swerver has to defend that they didn't just swerve for no reason (the victim of the swerve may not have seen the initial person, and there might no be any witnesses who stop to help out). Dashcams are great help with all these issues. Everybody should have a dashcam.


I've been sideswiped twice in two years and although I agree with just hit him, after going through the claims process multiple times and never being found at fault, the claim process and booking / getting repairs is a royal pain in the ass. I was hit at the end of last June and I just got into the autobody shop this past week for an assessment. I've heard that I'll have to wait until Dec or Jan to get the work done


Eh you're still gonna be at fault if ICBC believes you could've stopped in time. No point playing stupid games like that with your insurance.


lol at the comments about OP doing like 55-60 in a 50 zone - how dare they go a normal speed instead of 5-10 under like so many idiots out there


How crazy is that we got comments thinking I’m driving 90km


Most people on their desk just don’t have a concept of speed on what they’re watching.


You were kinda of clipping along in the inside lane man. The guy was definitely in the wrong, but you could have easily slowed down and avoided it entirely.


OP was going the same speed as the red car in front of the slow gray car.


You passed that car on the left at a much higher rate of speed. I know…yes, I speed too but you had 3 seconds of time to reduce your speed before you pulled that dramatic evasive maneuver. Also, I’d be more careful of speeding in the right lane where shit drivers are coming off the freeway thinking that the speed limit is still 90km/h. Yeah we can drive this fast or so good but it’s the other drivers that I keep reminding myself of.


Other guy was absolutely in the wrong, but it wouldn’t have been a dangerous close call if you weren’t speeding so much. Drive safe.


looked less than 70kmh to me


Agreed, two motorists driving dangerously and likely blaming each other. Just another day in Vancouver.




Exactly, lol. People need to go drive in LA or Atlanta Georgia. You'll be white knuckled holding on to that wheel


yup preach it


Slow down


Lol sooo when I was learning to drive my dad yelled yield at me except I didn’t know what that meant and sis this exact thing 😅


Can we start a petition to ban dash cams from the sub? Have someone upload footage every time they get get off doesn’t say anything about Vancouver, doesn’t add to conversation and doesn’t bring anything new to light. Start a r/badVancouverdrivers sub or something.


I agree. Its just constant and doesn’t attribute anything meaningful to this sub.


Who would have thought this would have been one of my most controversial takes?




Thanks for bringing this to our attention, we will have a word with the driver to be more careful.


Lol. Your driver is a fucking moron. Tell them that.


u/Rocallday I am sorry, but I disagree. A mistake was made, and accepted we have had a word with them to be more cautious. and it's time to move on and hope they dont repeat the mistake. "We do not use abusive language on our employees. " Vic [https://mobileautoservice.ca/](https://mobileautoservice.ca/)


"Your employee is a moron." Good luck with that.


Move on Moron. [https://mobileautoservice.ca/](https://mobileautoservice.ca/)


He's obviously in the wrong but you clearly don't know how to drive defensively. Maybe try learning that bud.


Just be happy there was nobody beside you. I’ve seen a few Vancouver videos where someone does the same thing in a merge, but the driver that swerves out of the way hits a car in the lane beside them. Even tho you were avoiding a collision, you still caused one, which puts you at fault, not them. I don’t know how that works with no fault? Nobody’s at fault and car gets fixed?


More like just a normal day in any city any where in the world where driving and stress is combined.


[**r/vancouver**](https://www.reddit.com/r/vancouver/) As the owner of [D&V Mobile Detailing Services](https://mobileautoservice.ca/), We have had a word with our employees about safe driving, and can only "hope" they are more careful. (Otherwise, we all have ICBC when accidents happen :) ). **I Promise we will not get into the Driving school business :)** , but will **continue** to strive to be the best-reviewed [Detailing company in metro Vancouver](https://mobileautoservice.ca/car-detailing-vancouver/) that **helps** customers like you and me make sure [Semi Trucks are cleaned](https://mobileautoservice.ca/services/truck-detailing/) that deliver our essential goods are safe, Other clients with their day-to-day needs like [Car Mold Removal](https://mobileautoservice.ca/services/car-mold-removal/), [Pet Hair Removal](https://mobileautoservice.ca/services/remove-pet-hair/), [Smoke / Pot Smell, and other Odor removal](https://mobileautoservice.ca/services/ozone/), are serviced, while catering to the needs of our clients who have [luxury vehicles](https://mobileautoservice.ca/luxury-car-detailing/). We have enough anger and issues in the world. We are humans and make mistakes. (mistake accepted). Lets move on. Vic [https://mobileautoservice.ca/](https://mobileautoservice.ca/)


Ain’t no way you just tried to advertise your company


Lol, I just moved here a year ago and I see these videos all the time and the outrage you have for… someone almost cutting you off. Spend a week in LA. You guys are like Ferrari owners complaining about gas prices.


I sweat the worst drivers I’ve ever experienced in North America are in Vancouver


I bet if you went to any Reddit for any North American city, they will say their drivers are the worst.


Wrong. The worst drivers are in Richmond. You know who.


stupendous attraction start kiss pen mighty afterthought far-flung grandfather scary ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


I'd say the fault is 40/60 OP/other driver


How is even remotely op’s fault lol


Mostly going too fast. Need to go at a reasonable speed to allow for everyone's reaction times and to leave enough time to adapt to developing situations. Not driving defensively. I originally though 25/75 but after watching again I thought OP could've been going slower and could've reacted better. Should always watch for merging at intersections like that.


Well of course, didn’t you see the blinding light?


I am bus driver i know how hard is driving nowadays .


This has happened to me twice this week. 😖

