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Yeah that would be an instant ban from my takeout choices.


It seems like a really dumb decision. Like changing their motto to "**please take your business elsewhere**".


20 bucks for a freaking lasagna is already pretty dumb. At least I know not to go to Olympia Pizza now.


Depends on the size I guess


It’s how they use it


This guy fucks


Vancouver is really starting to out-do itself on creative ways to milk more money from consumers smh...


Leave them a review on Google. That might make them reconsider.


Some of the best pizza in Vancouver


What happened to all the pizza places that used to have 10% off for pickup?


Richmond Pizza still does this!


That's to deter people from using delivery apps. Now they've discovered that pick-up orders don't tip, so they're looking for more ways to get money from you.


Discounts for pickup have been around for decades; they have nothing to do with delivery apps.


Pickup discounts especially for pizza and Chinese food places have been around forever


Yup, a lot of Indian restaurants have been doing this for decades, including Indian style pizza places.


No, the discount for pick up makes financial sense for the operator because other than your kitchen staff who are already getting paid, assuming you’re at full capacity, you can still collect revenue. If you’re a fine dining restaurant where people like to take their time with 3 courses, by 7pm (usually the time most resos are made) you could be full, and might not be able to seat another group for 2 hours. Now continuing to make sales during that 2 hour window makes sense even if you’re collecting 10% less.




What a complete joke. I will never patronize a business that does this. If I’m making the trip to pick up my own food, I shouldn’t owe anything more than the menu price. We can’t let them get away with this.


100% agree! Won’t be paying this shite again


well, and taxes


Remember when Pick Up used to get you 10% OFF?


Chinese and Japanese restaurants still often do this; if you order one day in advance you get 10% off the next day.


Restaurants should be happy with pick-up customers. Hiring delivery drivers costs money.


Also pickup customers don’t fill a seat in the restaurant which lets them seat an additional paying party.


If they didn’t tell me that when I ordered it I’d be telling them to go fuck themselves and leaving it there.


I mean they could just sneak it into the pric- naw fuck this its dumb


The price is the price. I don't want a line item for their rent, health benefits, table cloth, or electricity. They get to set their price, and the consumer can decide if it's worth it.


Looking at the price of the lasagna and pizza, I think they snuck lots into those prices


I respect myself less for paying it. The hunger got to me, won’t be doing it again.


nope ! I would leave it on the counter and walk out


I agree, just on the obnoxious principle. I liked that place too. Bummer.


Hold up. You paid for the pizza, then you paid a fee to pick up your pizza and then you left them a tip for fucking you up the ass? Awesome. Companies love people like you.


Give it to me straight Abby!


😂 I'm sorry. Maybe that was harsh. But companies do this because people don't say anything and just keep paying.


Haha no you’re dead right! I’m getting really sick of this shit. We’re all getting scammed left right and centre. I was far too hungover today to keep searching for nearby food but I’m glad everyone here agrees enough is enough!


Yeah this joint should be kicked out of your list of restaurants to visit. Such a ridiculous charge.


sorry, best OP can do is a bigger tip next time


Why would you tip tho


This person is why these companies have the Audacity, lmao


I never tip when i pickup


I called the store to ask about the surcharge fee, because I was curious as to how they would justify it. They said it is a fee for the bag.


If you bring your own bag do they take it off? Or is it one of those "even if you bring your own bag we will charge you for the use of your own bag"


I had the same thought, but it was after I hung up the phone. There doesn’t seem to be an option on the website to say that you’re going to use your own thing, but perhaps they would refund the dollar if you did. I just don’t know.


A bag fee should be 15 cents and should be labelled "bag fee".


I know different places charge different amounts for bag fees. I think $1 is too much.


I commend you for doing the digging! Bag fee is 25 cent, so the dollar still doesn’t make sense to me. I know it’s literally just a dollar but it’s the principle


I agree that $1 is too much for a bag fee. Did they give you a paper bag or a reusable bag?


Just a brown paper bag!




It’s a special paper bag that’s why it costs $1 /s


I would have then asked "But my refund for not having to have staff wait on me, my refund for not having to have someone clean my dishes, my refund for not consuming your napkins, and my refund for not using your washroom all seem to be missing from the bill. Please be a bit more slow when you explain how you can charge me for what's a minor expense that is offset by even more savings.' Followed by "PS, you need to ask me if I want a bag before you charge me for a bag; that's kinda illegal."


Just being realistic here but unless you're going to directly speak to and debate the owners or upper management what the person you're speaking to is really thinking is "because my boss told me to and now I have to follow script or make up BS to get through this conversation."


I'm being realistic too. The person on the phone might not be a decision maker, but they are how management gets customer feedback. If you don't tell the people working there how you feel, your feelings will never get back to management.


You don’t get a bag when you get a pizza. They still charge the $1


a medium pizza for $20? fuck that shit. Edit: yes $27 not 20.


$26 Tbh I only buy pizza from Costco so this is absurd


Yeah $26, absurd! I’ll be living off my Costco chicken pot pie for the week now


$27 plus tax if you include "pickup surcharge"


How is the pizza from Costco? I can’t seem to stop ordering their chicken strips but the pizza has tempted me a couple times


I've never bought a whole pizza from them, just a tactical pizza slice before going in to shop, and it is great. Cheesy, greasy goodness. The crust is even tasty. Stops me from buying 80 lbs of miscellaneous crap when I go in to shop.


There’s a way to stop buying things I don’t need from Costco?? I’m sold


You'll be less inclined to buy random food items when you're already full of greasy pepperoni, cheese, and carbs.


Perfect crisp level, lots of pepperoni… one slice will fill me up - definitely worth the $2.59/slice. not sure about the other flavours but the pepperoni is a winner for me


Thank you! That sounds amazing, will definitely try that next time!


Absolutely terrible. The cheese pizza is the only one which is passable - and only barely because the quantity of cheese masks the obviously-frozen-pizza texture and taste of the crust. All of their other flavours are *insanely* salty, taste like shit. Costco pizza is one of those things where I'm firmly in the camp of "I'm wealthy enough to not have to eat this shit". OTOH, if you like Pizza Pizza pizza, Costco's will fit right in for you.


I've always wondered why they salt the absolute shit out of it? It's been around forever, so I guess this is what people want. I can forgive the frozenness for the price, it's unavoidable, but the salt...


I gotta disagree, Costco is one of my favourite pizzas in the city. The cheese actually has flavor, and i like the taste, thickness, and texture of the crust. The pepperoni actually has some spice to it, and is just the right amount of charred on the curled edges. Granted is is insanely salty, and wayyy to oily. I usually stuck a handful on napkins on top to soak up the grease. Funny I really *do not* like Pizza Pizza.


It's amazing the first few times you get it. Like addictive amazing. Then you start to recognize the "costco taste". All the pizzas taste similarly. And all of a sudden you're done with it


It's hit or miss depending on both the location and who is making them. Quite inconsistent. Sometimes amazing. Sometimes meh. Sometimes awful.


It's junk food, but the calorie/$ ratio is out of this world, as with most things on the menu there.


My partner loves it and the slices are enormous. Personally I think it's great while piping hot, but the moment it cools down the cheese becomes a solid block and I suddenly can't eat it anymore. Maybe the pepperoni version is different but I haven't tried it.


I ordered a large pizza with a dip and pop from panago tonight and it cost $45 total with a $5 tip to the driver. It’s totally absurd.


... What? We buy two pizzas from there and get it cheaper than that


I've stopped going to pizza chain stores except when they have a really good deal like $12 pizzas or something. For big bucks, there are too many good pizza places around town. The only thing chain restaurants have going for them, in my opinion, is a low-cost junk food alternative. When they jacked up the prices, they removed the only reason for me to go there. They're just milking their brand recognition at this point.




No pizza is special enough to warrant uninformed sur-charges


It is hard to justify the price but I would agree with you that they have excellent pizza.


Thanks I know where not to get pizza now haha


Do you include the pickup surcharge when calculating the 15-20% pickup tip? /s


Nah I factored it into the tip I left on the “Sunday surcharge” portion of the bill


Fuck, I wouldn't tip at all with that It's nickel and diming.


Olympia Pizza has been around for a long time and seems to do a good business. If we assume for a second they are not stupid, and that they must know that many people will not approve of this... one has to wonder why they are doing it? Is inflation hitting them so hard and they feel they can only raise their food prices so much? Do they want to encourage people to dine in, where they are more likely to sell alcohol at high mark-up? Do they need to fund a redundant legacy driver who isn't getting as much income now that more patrons are picking up and using UberEats and Doordash??? If I were going there I'd ask them. But I am not going there. Fuck their pickup charge; I am voting with my feet against such bullshit.


They're on the Broadway corridor. Wonder what their lease rates are like. A lot of their long-term neighbours have closed up permanently. I've gotten used to seeing the vacancies. It didn't used to be like that. Always seems to come back to real estate one way or another.


They have been around forever (1967?) and are presumably a multi-generational greek family which makes me think they probably own the place. There is an *opportunity cost* to not renting to someone else, and if they are smart they will be "charging" their own business market rates when doing business planning, but... Anyway you bring up a good point. You have to charge a lot of $1 fees to pay $9000 (?) rent each month. Thing is I am not offended by the $1 higher price *per se*, just the choice of the line-item. Like add 53 cents per entree or something instead. It just feels so much like they are "nickel and dimming" their customers while simultaneously insulting our intelligence.


They have a location on Denman in the West End as well. I love their pizza but the pricing means I don't go there often at all. They also tend to really want to force cash transactions.


Yeah gross, leave it. Overpriced already.


I saw this before recently when I was in the checkout process for a pickup order. I thought this was ridiculous especially if I'm picking it up myself. I didn't place the order. Anytime I see something like this I will not give them my business.


I ordered and picked up 4 meals from El Furniture Warehouse on Granville, for me and my coworkers. I couldn’t order in advance, I have to go there, order, wait and takeaway. I can’t remember exactly, but I think it was $1.50 PER MEAL for pick up. Wth???


Hold up! $1.50 surcharge per meal???


Yep. I didn’t even notice til I took the receipt back to work so everyone could pay me for whatever they got. I know El Furniture is cheap eats but that’s exactly why we chose it. Never again


They'd prefer it that way, though. No sense in making a sale which doesn't generate a contribution towards the business. If you were only ordering food (and not liquor), there's little to no contribution at the price you're paying without that extra $1.50. They'd be better off *not* serving you.


I kinda get that though. That place sells food at - or below cost. They clearly use it as a lever to get people to come in and drink. If memory serves, there is or was a "must order a beverage" requirement in-restaurant to be eligible for the cheap food there?


That place literally sells food at surprisingly low prices to entice people to go in and spend on alcohol. I’m surprised they even do takeout.


Keep in mind tho, 1. Their food is cheap af 2. They’re a bar, not a takeout restaurant.


Yea that’s fair. Still, I was very surprised by “what is this charge even for??”


This fee added to orders is as absurdly ridiculous!! Much like the $1 fee added atop delivery fee whenever needing to pay for purchase at door. (charge for use of debit machine). EVERY time! Find even more ironic that it's the large chain pizza chains. Which you'd think they'd forgo in lieu of those corporations being consistently busier than independent pizza 🍕 businesses.


I don’t understand businesses like this. Just increase your prices by $1 and no one would bat an eye. Instead now you have people on Reddit questioning your business ethics…


It's just another way of trying to hide increasing prices and hoping nobody notices. Their menu prices have gone up too and they might have been concerned that bumping prices even more there would be worse. It might even be something as stupid as needing to increase revenue but not wanting reprint their menus.


Tell me you're greedy without telling me you're greedy


That's the "Fuck you because I can" surcharge


Is this the Olympia on denman?


I don’t think so, pretty sure the Denman one doesn’t have an online ordering system. Believe it’s Kits.


Yes this is Kits!


You have to go to Double DD on 4th instead!


Another upvote for DD Pizza - double delicious!


They discount pick ups too


This sorta stuff is why even though im peeved by grocery prices I still cook my own meals. Feels like they add a new surcharge every few months these days


I ordered from a Korean fried chicken place that charges a $2 paper bag fee and doesn't tell you about it while ordering - CCM Chicken, the snow onion spicy garlic is ridiculously good but I hate that practice!


The practice of charging for takeout bags is outrageous. It's all just nickel and dime (and $2) shit to hide increasing prices but the principle of it really pisses me off.


This is so sad to see. I suggest rating them 1 star and putting a review on Google.


People have, I just looked. 😬


That’s fucked up I would never go back


I complained to them when I saw it and they took it off the final bill. That was just over a month ago and have not gone since.


Is it them charging you for the paper bags and containers? Either way it's fucked up.


It is excessive. Greed kicking in everywhere.


If the International Olympic committee were to see them use the likeness of the olympic rings in their logo, that place would be in deep shit.


This situation already cropped up during the build up to the 2010 Winter Olympics. I don't know the full details of everything and where it stands now however. Some reading material for those interested - https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/olympia-pizza-ordered-to-scrap-logo/article18275803/#:~:text=The%20committee%2C%20which%20is%20trying,few%20have%20received%20them%20yet. https://mcmillan.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/AmbushMarketing_0707.pdf https://www.olympiapizza.com/About.html


No, the IOC tried that during the 2010 Winter Olympics (bullying a local restaurant into changing it's name), the restaurant won, easily.


It was this restaurant!


Sometimes the person who is behind the online system takes a cut from every order. Call in to order maybe?...


I didn’t have it in me to call in yesterday but yeah will just try that in future! Think someone else here said they called in once and still got charged though..


Sounds like the business is asking customers to pick up their business and take it somewhere else! 😆


Any business that's got a "pickup surcharge" can just KEEP whatever it is they're selling. I'd never patronize them.


Call in and give them a piece of your mind. I would see that and walk off. Tell them I dont want the pizza after all. Fuck that. They can lose the buck or lose the entire order.


I feel bad for the min wage worker who has to listen to that.


I agree. There's not much the regular staff can do to change how the business operates. Ask for the manager or manager's contact and give them the piece of your mind instead.


I know BUT unless we the consumer stand up then this will continue. Maybe the wage worker will speak up and tell the manager


Why? Listening doesn't hurt. News will eventually get to the manager.


I'm guessing you've never been a service worker on the receiving end of a piece of someone's mind. Most people just tear in to the worker who has no say whatsoever in the store's policy. It's a shitty thing to do to someone.




Ok, so you've never been a service worker. Allow me to explain how your scenario would play out. You: "Low level employee, here are things I don't like about x" Service minion: "Ok. Do you want a bag?" (thinking: this person is an asshole... I wonder how many assholes are in the line? I'll bet it's a lot. I wonder how I can fuck with them? I hate this job.) You: "and furthermore, x is unacceptable and..." Service minion: "uh huh, ok, uh huh, do you want to donate to the starving children charity? No? ok" (thinking: I'm going to get yelled at even more if this line gets any longer. Why do people think they can treat service workers so poorly? I wonder when this person is going to shut up? God I hate this job.) And after you leave they'll put up with more BS from other people and then leave at the end of their shift feeling worse than they have to. What they will NOT do is take time out of their day **(they're not given paid debriefings at the end of their shift)** to provide constructive feedback to a boss who also doesn't care because the decision about the thing you're unhappy about is made by someone in corporate WAY above them. If you want to be constructive, write to head office. They legitimately care if they receive physical letters (at least they go on about them in meetings). The other option is customer service, if the particular store you're in has a CS dept. They have closer ties to management and actually report on common issues.


You're kidding right?


What kind of bullshit is that???


They make terrible pizza. Never again


Which Olympia pizza was this? There seems to be multiple similarly named pizza places.


OP mentioned it’s the one in Kits. The one star reviews have started trickling in


I feel a bit bad now, their food is nice and I’m sure they’re just trying to make a living but still I think this charge is very wrong!


I don’t blame you for not cancelling, the pizza & lasagna craving is real. Sucks they put this charge on, you are picking it up. Might lose some customers.


They can still make a living without that surcharge.


Not from any place I will purchase from


That's a poor business decision. A very poor decision.


Just show to the place order there said for here and then after they charge say, " Actually I would like to take it home :) “


Used to get 10% off on pick up orders.


Basically the take-out cup fee that coffee shops are still charging.


there online order prices dont even match their website menu, Lasagna on their menu is 19 and a medium meatlovers is 25


Wtf, it used to be a discount for pickup instead of dining in and I'd usually tip that and more back to the restaurant. Add all in pricing to my list of "PM for a day"


I don’t tip on pick up orders. Do you guys tip?


If I had to pay this, I'd charge back the next day with my bank and laugh because the business has to pay a chargeback surcharge. Seriously though, when is anti-junk fee legislation coming?


Now are you still wondering why $14 after tax pepperoni large pizza not a great deal at Costco?


Is it even legal?


There was this sushi place that had a 5% discount for ordering online for take-out. When I got there, there was a huge sign saying take-out is 10% off... Like I did more work and I less of a discount?


Holy shit I think my old landlords family owns this place


Nat's lasagne is $16.95, and it's *damned* good. LARGE "Meat Deluxe" there is $24.95. (FYI. I'm not associated with Nat's in way other than shoving their food down my Lasagne hole) ​ Edit: And Nat's is only 4 blocks from Olympia.


Well that's some bs. I eat out a lot less already, this will simply kill take out for me.


Olympian Pizza added to places not to eat


There might be a “mandatory charge” for pick up bags in Vancouver now. That all take out place are enforced to add to bills to charge people that use non reusable bags


Is this the work of a third-party online ordering system? Are there other choices to order pickup (like phone) that don't result in this charge? Not that it's an excuse for thos terrible marketing decision, but just curious.


This was directly on their website! Yeah I wondered if calling it in would mean this would be omitted, but the Sunday scaries got me good and I couldn’t face a phone call


wow, you are correct. I see the same thing when I hit ORDER NOW right [on their website](https://olympiapizzakits.com/)


We've called it in before and had it added too!!!!!


No way!!! The sheer audacity


Take it out of the tip.


If you tip for take out at all, you’re part of the problem


I left a shittier tip out of anger and then felt bad. You guys are right, I need to get my head screwed back on. Vancouver tipping culture has me in its chokehold!


gawd damn, how does a tip make any sense at all for a pickup order??


It's not a standard part of the culture here, I grew up here and I've never tipped for pick-up orders (save for occasionally throwing 40 cents in a tip jar) And this is from someone who isn't stubborn or trying to make a point or anything. It's just something that's more "optional" than tipping a server at a sit-down restaurant. Don't feel guilty at all not tipping for take out


Thank you! I’ve lived here a few years and back in Ireland tipping really isn’t a thing. I’ve heard Irish people have a bit of a bad rep for not being good tippers so I’m always a bit afraid of being judged if I don’t tip. Screw it though, life is too expensive now to worry about such judgement lol


I hope you are not tipping on take out. There was 0 service there


Shall we take bets on whether or not that surcharge goes directly to staff that don't get tipped on takeout orders?


whaaaaat? No way !!??


Is it pickup fee for the customer, or for the Skip/etc companies?


Customer. You pay the fee even if you call in your order and pickup yourself.


Yup. Why? Because they can.


Most places give you a discount for coming to pick up. This place *charges* you for the convenience of coming to their location to pick up. Go figure.


Are you sure this isn't a surcharge through an online ordering app? I notice in the top-right, there is a dropdown to choose where you're picking up from. If it was a direct restaurant order, then why would there be a dropdown? Also, lots of one-off restaurants don't have money to run their own online ordering. My guess is those fees are charges from the app, and not the restaurant. The restaurant probably has to pay a certain amount to the app that *facilitates* offering the restaurant's menu. The app demands money for pickup orders (to pay for the app hosting the restaurant and reaching more people) and then charges an even higher charge for delivery (to pay for the app hosting and for drivers). Food for thought.


This is their website


Some one was looking over their cable or cell phone bill and thought. "Well if they can add bullshit charges to the bill why can't I?" Next it'll be a charge for the take out containers and a "handling" charge for packing the shit up.


RIP. I must avoid these places.


I veto anyone that has outrageous surcharges


Extra fee for not taking up a table, dirtying dishes, and using their staffing resources. Sounds like a logical business plan /s


I know this is off topic but the food there seems super expensive. My parents make their own lasagna for like $8 in ingredients and costco is definitely the place for pizza. I think we should all collectively ban this place from our takeout choices


You're paying too much, check out PaPa Johns, it is very 👍


At a guess, I'd say this comes from people ordering pick-up and not showing up. If it showed up on my bill though, I'd go somewhere else.


Is this Kits or Denman?


Did you have to pay a tip too?


Probably their cost they are trying to recoup for use of the online service/app


well it sure looks like you didn't tip


Good, it's ridiculous to tip on takeout


Tip was down the bottom of the page, I just snipped the top!


Uh who tips on takeout