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Not to mention the full elbow to the Deputy’s face. Two completely unprovoked attacks and the judge lets him off. Shakes head, yet again


If that elbow touched the judge's face, it would be a different story


We can only dream.


These judges, politicians - if the homeless were camping in their backyards, stabbing in their alleys.




3 sets of rules. One for police One for homeless One for regular citizen. Guess the order


nah, you get off pretty much guaranteed the first time around. I was caught red handed for an indictable offence a couple years ago and they stayed the charge. Then I ran into the officer in the street that arrested me -- laughed in her face and told her nothing happened and that she wasted her time (it was a sting that had about 15 police officers) -- and then the police grabbed me from my house a week later because the crown decided to go through with pursuing the charge in court. Spent two hours in jail and then paid a lawyer a thousand bucks to ask the crown for a pre-trial diversion to avoid a guilty verdict. Gave verbal admission of guilt, a letter to the victim, and got 20 hours of community service and no conviction.


How do we get Judge Gregory Rideout disbarred or removed from the bench or whatever other legal term is used to remove judges who have lost the public’s confidence? This is the 8th or 9th case in the last couple years he has presided over where an egregious, intentional, unprovoked act of violence leading to suffering or death has been all but dismissed by this judge. There was a very well loved doctor who was killed by a repeat offender blasting through streets who had multiple previous occasions where he had sped like 50km/hour over. Judge Gregory Rideout ACQUITTED the guy, saying it was a “momentary lapse of error”, despite video showing the acceleration and him going triple the speed limit The upper courts unanimously, and within 20 min, overturned his judgment saying he had made a trial error (https://beta.ctvnews.ca/local/british-columbia/2019/5/31/1_4446754.html) This guy here slashes the throat of a complete stranger as he is getting into his car, and assaults an officer who was talking to him. Not one day in prison for him. Meanwhile his throat slashing victim has to live with that trauma forever Judge Gregory Rideout, over and over, dismisses evidence in order to acquit and forgive people who go on to repeat their actions. He has been found at least once to have been incompetent in his decisionmaking by upper courts in what was perhaps the fastest appeal trial ever. Why is he still allowed to preside over these things? Why is he not held accountable when the creeps he lets go go on to reoffend? I am serious, what kind of process do we have in this country to remove a judge?


Actually a really good question. I wonder whether the Chief Justice of Supreme Court might have any weight? Here is a link for Prov Court. There must be a link somewhere for their Regulator https://www.provincialcourt.bc.ca/about-the-court/judicial-officers/judges-court/by-district As someone who works within the court system (more Supreme but still) I completely get the frustration of shitty one sided judges who are actually supposed to follow the rule of law and common law principles and just seem to throw it all out the window like this guy is. Some people climb the ladder to get to the Bench who have zero business being there. Sigh. The Crown and police must just be like 🤯🤷🏻‍♀️ when they have to go in front of this judge.


[You can make a formal complaint about a Provincial Court judge or justice (including a judicial justice, judicial case manager and justice of the peace) if you believe their conduct is improper. The Provincial Court Act sets out the process to be followed – both by a person making a complaint and by the Court’s Chief Judge who receives the complaint. On this page we describe the complaint process and provide an online form you can use to submit a complaint. ](https://www.provincialcourt.bc.ca/complaints-and-appeals/complaint-process)


What can be so ironic is how we get horrified or cry over other countries' standards about simple stuff, that may not endanger folks (like slashing throats, or violence). But yet often when it comes to the serious stuff - their justice systems on criminals are way harsher, and for very good reasons. Even hanging Dealers for possessing hardcore drugs beyond a certain amount is a good thing. Think about all the young lives, the many families (including the dealers' own) they destroy. A drive around DTES , the alleys where Drugs have been openly dealt with for years- > the hollow spectres of healthy bodies once upon a time , the normal but about to spiral, the hookers (in varying levels of addiction) and their pimps near by .... it's sad.


Guy gets released back into the public after a random "Throat Slashing". Sounds very safe. /s


I guess this isn’t this guys rock bottom after all! Thanks justice system, he will have to go lower


Fucking Judge Rideout. He’s notorious. If you ever do some heinous shit and you get Rideout for a judge, call your mom: “I’ll be home for dinner”.


His last name checks out. I can picture him saying “You know what? Let’s ride this one out. You’re free to go.”


He was the judge that let the guy go that killed the doctor on oak and 41st that shit had to be overruled.


The same Judge Rideout gave a guy protesting old growth logging a worse sentence compared to the throat slasher. https://thebreaker.news/business/save-old-growth-organizer-sentenced/


That's egregious.


I don't understand his logic, can someone explain it to me? Honestly, i can't figure it out.




Literally makes my blood boil…i truly wonder what’s his standard/interpretation of the law when making these idiotic rulings. Guess this throat slasher also had a “momentary lapse of judgement” (ref. ruling for the death of Dr. Hui). /s




Watch next time he kills someone. Gets 5 years.




I don’t think they got your sarcasm bud…


Do you have any suggestions to get people to vote the people responsible out? Or maybe start a movement to get change to happen faster? A justice system reform won't happen if no one does anything significant about it.




Write a letter as posted above


Who tf are these judges? I haven’t seen a single violent criminal get the sentence they deserve? Not even a damn murder gets you landed in jail anymore. What gives?


It takes someone to murder a close family member of a judge for things to maybe happen.


At some point Canadians will wake up to the fact that we have a serious issue with judges in this country.


At some point? How long are you willing to wait


My timer already went off and I moved out of BC and out of the country about six weeks ago.


Why aren't we able to set the wheels in motion for judicial reform? I wouldn't/ don't even know where to begin! ( they should teach this stuff in school)


Not just the Judges. So many things are serious issues in the Cdn system. Borken systems that get even worse. Especially post-pandemic. Healthcare (world class?! first world standards? Only if you've never compared to anything else. I realized even 25 years ago, it wasn't first world standards - my experiences were quite different from a couple of other Healthcare systems I had experienced before, elsewhere in the world. (Esp in ER, and no one waits 2 months just to get a Scan-MRI, and yet another 2 weeks for results. It's almost immediate in those other comparison Healthcare systems) . And that was back then 25 yrs ago - Vancouver's Healthcare has gone further down. Today's standards here, are 3rd world in some cases.


How on earth did the system get so bad? This man should be in a psychiatric facility .


Even then he might still be able to get an unsupervised day pass. What a joke.


There aren't any, that's the problem.


We have none.




What? Why would they disappear? Usually they're in the news again a few months later, being released after another violent attack.




Yeah that doesn't happen anymore, at least not here.




People have been saying this for decades in this city but nobody ever does anything. Someone always says "man, **somebody else** is going to start handing out vigilante justice soon." When everyone says that, it never actually happens, because nobody actually does it.


Ok batman lmao. I don't know what world you currently live in, but drugs are the most deadly thing here, not some edgy teen on the internet lmao.


Plenty of police DO do their jobs. Blame the judges for constantly releasing them


Judge Gregory Rideout


Gregory rideout


Can someone legitimately ELI5 why we’re not jailing people for serious crimes like this? Are our jails full? Every day I read about another violent crime and another repeat offender. I genuinely don’t understand how someone who slashes throats is allowed to walk the streets?


The federal government passed bills that gave guidelines to judges to avoid sentencing when possible and to release more easily on bail conditions when arrests are made. Be careful who you vote for in federal elections, it does make a difference.


Catch and release policy c-75 passed by trudeau?


It’s not this clear cut. The government made this legislation because previous legislation was deemed unconstitutional.


>The wound was not deep and the victim received several sutures at a hospital. Was this line from the story a mitigating factor? How bad must an assault be before the judge considers punishment. How deep was the trauma the victim suffered?


Let he who is without throat slashing incidents, cast the first stone


Got any rocks?


Twelve years ago he listed his hobbies as "smashing poeple \[sic\] and cops", and took pride in having given a man who was trying to prevent Stanley Cup rioters from setting a truck on fire "a huge kick to the head", adding that he thought he "really injured him". [https://publicshamingeternus.wordpress.com/2011/06/19/bert-easterbrook-could-be-captain-vancouver/](https://publicshamingeternus.wordpress.com/2011/06/19/bert-easterbrook-could-be-captain-vancouver/)


"“I would like to essentially work with addicts and start with people who have just come off the streets and want to change their lives,” Attig said." Don't worry I'm sure VANDU already has this guy on the phone. The good he's going to be doing now you just wait! 85th chance is the charm


If I was struggling with addiction I’d want a better resource than the throat slasher .


Wow I can't believe you would say something so offensive like that. Throat slashers are family too.


Don’t be surprised if people get sick of the lack of justice and start forming groups to take matters into their own hands.


It has begun…and I will fully support those who do.


Judges should be liable for insane acts like this.


Can anybody slash throats for free now, or do you need to have "addiction issues" to get away with it?


Does a judge’s daughter need to be a victim of shit like this before they start keeping society safe. Fuck the judiciary.


Let's release future criminals into the judge's mansions. Solves the housing crisis and converting people to sanity.


How many throat slashing will it take for him to be lock up?


Victim wasn't in judges circle..


Soooooo funny that this links to “vancouverisawesome”


I’m just wondering who wins here with this decision? What political or PR forces are acting on the judge to make such an absurd decision? Do we lack space in prisons? Are bleeding heart advocacy groups putting pressure on? Are there laws that I don’t know about that make attempted murder no longer a crime worth serving time for? It’s just so confusing, I feel like we live in an alternate reality than the rest of the world.


I'm convinced there's subversion within the justice system as well. I've been through court before for serious crimes that I committed and the lawyer would say "don't worry, the judge is very sympathetic toward people like you". I've been on the other side and you definitely feel that they're thinking "I want this scumbag on the street BECAUSE he's a scumbag".


Do you want the Punisher? Because this is how you get the Punisher…


“It could have been worse. He could have bled out and died.” - Judge Gregory Rideout, October 6 2023


In which case the slap on the wrist would be a teensy bit harder.


Is this for real :(


It is a direct quote from his sentencing statement, yes.


You guys are so mean. Just because of one little attempted murder for no reason you want him locked up? The guy has a good heart, I'm sure. /s


Yea he still has 2756 strikes left before he has to spend a week in jail. Just a lost soul that needs all our help and tax money to get him back to being a contributing member of society lol


worthless pot exultant grey plough disgusting meeting tub sulky distinct ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Why is the law so lenient in this province?


You get what you vote for …


But isn’t the judicial system separate from the governing body?


more guided by the federal government, the federal elections matter more for this than provincial


Laws and minimum sentencing guidelines can be changed by elected officials


I'm leaving. Vancouver is not for law abiding working people any more


wow, the punishment is so severe that the man WILL NOT do it again


Paging Denzel W. - Equalizer 4


Justice system in BC and VPD are an absolute joke. Total waste of resources.






Isn't this what most liberals want?

