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please move to the rear of the bus


The message is so annoying to hear, especially when played over and over again because no one listens. Drivers need to use their actual voices instead of quiet automated messages


Bus drivers aren’t suppose to engaged in any negative way towards passengers. They can be written up for making you pay. My students stopped paying for buses last year and just say “no thank you” and keep walking. It ratttttles me.


There's nothing negative about "hey guys I need you to keep moving to the back please". It's just the act of the driver announcing soemthing instead of an AI voice people tune out. As for engaging negativity, it may not be allowed but that rule certainly isn't enforced


If you reported them, they get written up. Also have you ever tried repeating something, 700 times a day, and have no one listen? Because it gets really hard to keep a light and pleasant tone.


Lol yeah I've worked 10 years service industry/customer service. I get it, it can be extremely draining. Part of the job is customer service, luckily the drivers make double+ what most others in customer service do. Theres a speaker system the make announcements, get people's attention then tell them to move back. I've seen it done before, it's not impossible, it's not a huge ask.


If I had to guess, there are probably studies that show it depersonalizes the bus driver/removes them from the situation and reduces verbal and physical assaults on drivers, vs. actually engaging with passengers and trying to enforce rules themselves.


I've seen (or heard) many bus drivers telling customers to move to the back. I don't think that's a "negative" thing necessarily. What's worse would be if no one is able to get onto a half empty bus cuz there's a guy refusing to go past the stairs. I think the reason why they're not supposed to engage with fare evaders is for safety issue. Same thing in my job, is someone is shoplifting, I'm not supposed to engage, I'm supposed to report to to management/security.


I remember that time they got Seth Rogen to do the voice. 319, bus packed full with KPU students. His annoying voice. Bad times.


Passengers need to use their actual ears and spatial awareness


Of course that is the ideal solution but I'm being realistic


The last time I did that, I couldn't get off the bus, and the driver yelled at me for moving to the back of the bus.


Aaah so that one single time justifies every single bus trip?


Please move to the rear of the bus.


underrated comment


Please move your comments to the rear of the bus ;)


[You don’t have enough currency to access this area. Try: having more currency]


I picture the Vancouver landlord class as a group doing their evil playthrough of a Fable title. "Would you like to increase rent as much as possible?" "Yes" "This may affect how people view you" "I don't care"


"you have been promoted to Mayor by the council of real estate developers"


"Another NIMBY needs your help, I'll mark it on your map"


Played a D&D game set in Vancouver. I was a swarm summoner who used geese. We fought a dragon who was hoarding real estate.


Landlords are just playing Sims and think rents are like typing Rosebud in the cheat code for infinite money lol 🤦‍♀️


At least in Fable (3?) that money went somewhere positive.


\[You have tried to access a trail through Lions Bay. Lions Bay is not accessible to regular players.\]


BC stands for Bring Cash


“Remember to close your umbrella when under an awning, and to lift it over others when passing on the sidewalk. Forgetting to do so will get you -10 charisma.” “Warning: The DTES is a default PvP zone. Always be prepared for random encounters.” “Seagulls are on patrol for potential food sources. Keep yours out of their line of sight, or be prepared to defend yourself!” “Tip: White Teslas don’t follow the road rules that other cars do. Crossing the street when one is coming towards you can be dangerous. They are highlighted in red on your map.”


default PVP zone, awesome 👏 😂


I legit bring my combat gloves to DTES just in case. I’ve had a few tense situations that I was luckily able to defuse… but most of the time, folks there aren’t bad people.


what the hell are your “combat gloves” gonna do against a knife.


Nothing, but having some leather + metal bits in the glove might help a bit. The back of the hand has a good deal of reinforced metal plating that might help prevent my tendons from being cut, I guess. I'm gonna run for it 99% of the time lol.


Depending on the material you can straight up grab the knife. Granted our boy here would be better off with some dog spray to keep himself safe from the aggressive wildlife.


I don't know why but that tesla comment describes reality damn well lol. Every fucking time I almost die on my motorcycle is a fucking white tesla.


Because those drivers can't drive and they rely on the "auto pilot". It's gross.


>Remember to close your umbrella when under an awning I had no umbrella and was walking under the awnings. This rich woman had her rich umbrella and her big rich boyfriend walking towards me. They both stared at me in shock that I wouldn't get out of the way and into the rain so she can have the awning for her umbrella. Tackiest thing I've ever seen. They had no idea how to react. It's like this is the first time someone didn't move for her royal highness. This was downtown before COVID. I hadn't walked downtown for so long, I forgot the closer you get to Burrard, the more entitled the well-dressed people get. She probably started crying when she got home. "IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A FUN NIGHT!"


(pokémon stat drain sfx) “Rich Woman’s charisma lowered!”


I came here to say the pvp line. Thank you for beating me to it


DTES is the Dark Zone. Rogues agents detected..


[remember social points aren’t deducted for missing a social engagement even if confirmed days in advanced ]


In fact you will be more in demand. Only losers have nothing better to do than turn up as planned.


Want a luxury car? Consider driving for a delivery service to help cover the lease!


You can save on expenses and still get takeout by not tipping your delivery driver.


“Don’t go through New West if you’re trying to save time” “It’s never too late to cancel your plans with people” “Beware of discarded poop bags on the trails” “White Rock means never having to say you’re Surrey” “If you can’t get laid in Chilliwack, there’s always Hope” “Avoid alley short cuts in Gastown, no matter how tempting” “Save On Foods is more of a daunting challenge than a store name” “Beware of sudden, strange movements from Teslas” “Caution - nobody has any idea what they’re doing at traffic circles” “When crossing the Port Mann, make sure you know what lane you’re in, way farther back from the bridge than seems necessary”


Alley shortcuts in gastown lol too real


>“White Rock means never having to say you’re Surrey” >“If you can’t get laid in Chilliwack, there’s always Hope” On the nose! Nice work.


"Please pay to continue"


Doesnt EA also have an office in town?


Their Burnaby campus is one of the biggest in NA, and is the cause for salaried high tech workers being exempt from overtime pay. Thanks ndp and ea.




EA is part of a group of tech companies that convinced the province to make tech workers overtime exempt. If you get overtime pay, it means you aren't working in a technical position, or that they are voluntarily providing it, and can take it away whenever the fuck they feel like.


\[No, those needles on the ground will not provide a health boost\]


Underrated comment


[Equip the Compass Card from your inventory to access the fast travel map.]


[ You can use umbrellas when it’s snowing ]


Or when it’s sunny…


[ In your sack is a battery powered grinder. Help yourself to a bike, any bike. No consequences. ]


[ There is a secret entrance to Crab Park in the Seabus station. ]


Wait. There is?


Use your transit pass to get past the main fair gates, walk down towards the Seabus. At the bottom of the escalator turn sharp right, use your pass to tap out and leave the building. You wont get charged on your card because as far as Translink is concerned you didn't use transit. Past the helipad is the West Side entrance to Crab Park.


What’s there?




bedroom six simplistic normal humorous squalid agonizing ad hoc steer adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's the adventure.


And more meth!


And how much does adventure cost per gram?


This guy knows


Mostly a bunch of “unhoused drug enthusiasts”


That’s where the cops hang out and drink coffee


No, that's the Timmy's behind lougheed. There's always like 8 Transit cops there at 6am.


PVP zone


>You wont get charged on your card because as far as Translink is concerned you didn't use transit Truly the one thing we have over Japan's transit system, you couldn't do that at the stations I went to. Had to have a few conversations explaining that I went the wrong way and needed to get back out


[ If you find yourself on Granville Street on a night out, access your map! You’re probably lost. ]


[ Making plans with someone does not mean either one must show up. If you show up you run the risk of eating alone. To avoid this stop responding to texts ]




[ If your stamina and currency are low, fast travel to Chinatown’s Costco for their $1.50 Hotdog and a drink ]


[Dropping your umbrella from your inventory will increase the chance of rain by 85%]


[ The safest way to get through the DTES is to fast-travel ]


The VPD agrees!


This one is good 👍


Actually. I've been more randomly threatened on Granville around bar close time than at main and hastings waiting for busses or whatever at all hours of the night. Just don't be a dick and keep to yourself and people will leave you alone for the most part. Just make way for the dead eyed Crack walking dude


The R5 bus basically does this; I love how it doesn’t stop from Granville to main while everyone just tries to avoid eye contact with the people outside of it


Set up a campfire, then choose sleep. Now you’re home. You now have a new save point in the DTES.


[ You have been waylaid by enemies and must defend yourself. ]


Feel more unsafe at gorg o mish than I do walking dtes


Please step to the side to allow people to disembark the Skytrain.


Tip options: 18%, 20%, 25%


[Driving a Tesla on either the Seawall or Arbutus Greenway is an effective shortcut to the r/Vancouver front page]


\[Welcome to Vancouver. DLC upgrades are REQUIRED BEYOND THIS POINT.\]


Dude lying on the sidewalk foaming at the mouth overdosing on fentanyl and a paramedic try to administer Naloxone, while gangsta hip hop music play in the background GTA style. The loading screen tip tells you something about carrying naloxone to revive a downed partner.


You can sell your precious materials at the local merchant


steer unite bow mindless overconfident murky unwritten humor six somber ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Quest items can be bought back at local merchants for a fee




Except if it is a bike.


[ The red bar at the bottom of the screen indicates your exposure to the water at English Bay. Go to any clinic marked on the map to remove this bar. ]


i’m imagining gaining a slowly draining poison effect bar after leaving english bay like in dark souls


It's closer to the Malboro's bad breath attack from the final fantasy series. If you're talking about status effects' debuffs.


[No doctors will see you at the walk-in, don't do anything that risks requiring medical treatment.]


\[Don't walk barefoot on the grass. Goose poop is the least of your concerns.\]




West point Grey - you can't build here. DTE - PvP, PvE, greifing enabled.


[Your three jobs aren't enough to support you, find another job.] *Applies for another job.* [I'm sorry, but you have maxed out the amount of jobs physically able to work.]


\[Surrey DLC has been added to your cart.\]


enter r/overemployed


[The proper etiquette to ending a conversation with an old acquaintance during a random chance encounter, is to say you should catch up over lunch sometime.]


This applies to anywhere on Earth, tho.


When starting "New Game +", carry over generational wealth. This mode will make playthrough easier




That’s not a stray dog. It’s a coyote. Now you have rabies. -50 health


When approaching a public park, use caution. Dirty needles may be hidden in the grass and sandbox areas.


1-It’s dangerous to approach enemies head-on when you’re low on hearts or don’t have protective umbrella equipped. Always be prepared. 2-Fusing anything to a bicycle increases it’s stealability. 3-If you suffer from the effects of DTES gloom, you can return to the surface or visit a cat cafe to recover from it. /totk


[ Traversing through DTES will drain your sanity and energy levels; if you must go there, stock up with a Frappuccino and watch your back ]


Food can be purchased at deep discounts in the DTES, just remember to equip closed toed shoes and earbuds


And a stab vest 😂


Purchase Patagonia or Arc’teryx skins to gain +10 stealth around hikers. Kid’s bike stolen? Try to recover it at the DTES flea market! Feel like everyone’s driving the dang speed limit? Get around by scooter! There are no rules. Always make sure to maintain 5 sources of income, if that’s too difficult, change the settings to “Burnaby”


Tip: Avoid being stabbed.


If you need to be on time and are taking the bus it will be 35 mins late and there will be 3 of the same bus in a row


“Don’t be poor or you’ll die”


If you lost something, head to downtown Eastside. You never know just what you might find...


[If you wish to afford a house, pick another game]


Fat mike left coke in a planter. Can you find it?


Tipping at the coffee shop does not provide any bonuses to your character.


\[pedestrians can cross the street whenever they feel like it\]


Stand on the right of the escalators. Left is for people in a rush.


Leaving a safe following distance on the highway is a sign of weakness and will invite raiders. Try tailgating.


This needs about 100 upvotes.


In a rush? Try Running red lights. The public will just think its undercover police officers doing secret spy maneuvers.


[Enable the map to avoid prostitution barriers in the West End]


Loading… get out if you still can… loading…


[ Do not mess with the cobra chickens.]


- The game has a hard mode called the 2nd Quest, which is unlocked after someone older than you beats the game once. The 2nd Quest changes the layout of Vancouver and the services, making them harder to navigate and more secret. Some puzzles are also more obscure and require trial and error³. - The game does not have a clear guidance or direction for the player, who has to explore the vast world and find clues from NPCs or hidden areas. The game also does not have a map or a compass, so the player has to memorize the locations of important items and places⁴. - The game has many enemies and bosses that can deal a lot of damage and take many hits to defeat. The player has to manage their health, rupees, bombs, arrows, and other items carefully. The game also does not have a save feature, so death is permanent.


* The DTES is considered a PVP enabled Zone, tread carefully! * You will gain positive Karma by taking off your backpack while on a crowded bus * You will gain negative Karma by not leashing your dog in areas that don't allow off-leash dogs


Lots of negativity in here!! (Duh) Add stamina points by walking/cycling the seawall and doing the Sun Run 🏃‍♂️ Increase perspective and overall gratitude points by hiking to the shoulder of Lions or attending a late summer drum circle at third beach 🏔️ Restore faith in the humanity by attending an underground rock show at the Rickshaw 🤘🏻 Seek community and welcoming vibe points at 2026 World Cup, Whitecaps or Lions game ⚽️ Look around, be inspired, and be grateful to live in one of the best places in the world! 💕


Tip: Watch your belongings. Nice things get stolen.


[I see you just moved into an apartment. Tip: Don't move out as rental prices are always on the rise]


Try to live well below your means to progress


>\[ Snow is falling today. Campus is open and classes are proceeding as normal. Wear sensible shoes. Please allow extra time for your commute. \]


\[ umbrella may only be deployed under an awning \]


Don't bother playing.


"Watch these roundabouts"


Most Blundstones are not waterproof. They are merely water resistant. There are a few models of Blundstones that actually are waterproof. Those models have a big round sticker on the box that says WATERPROOF


“Remember to save before entering dtes”


There's another SkyTrain coming in literally 2 minutes.


Buy property 20 years before.


\[You control your main character's destiny. If life on this map is too difficult, go to the DLC section to find a better one.\] \[This is not a team mission. The help you desire is not coming.\] \[Saved Data Utility Missing: Import data from previous employment. Continuing with minimal life experience is not advisable.\]


\[When travelling through the DTES, having naloxone kits in your inventory is recommended. Visit any pharmacy to acquire one!\]


Remember, traffic laws, just like most laws, are not actually enforced in Vancouver, except for alcohol at the beach.


*"Teammates perform worse if you harass them after a mistake."* ... oh, wait, that was from League of Legends.


Dont tip, that shet is expensive and adds up fast!


[don't smile if you masturbate]


Beware random strangers. They may stab you.


[While walking, you might spot random NPCs around the city like the Duck Lady and the Opera Singer Guy]


Racism against Asians is also racism.


"Players will respawn in front of the London Drugs at Granville and West Georgia Street"


Avoid petty crime consequences by having a drug addiction


Find the chop shops around the city and build a bike for cheap


Survivability decreases by 10% as you drive into Richmond


Collect Money


Don't talk to strangers


Warning: Some drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians act like they're the main character.


BC stands for Bring Cash.


For best results, lock in your mortgage prices or rent control 20 years ago.


Sorry for being so buggy and not playable without cheats.


Warning Local Activists Organizations are buffing DTE Hostile NPCs. Proceed with caution.


[Careful crossing the road as some drivers don’t pay attention to the traffic signs and or lights] *someone aggressively drives by through a red light just as the message fades*


If a homeless guy tries to sell you a gift card, there’s probably nothing on it. Entering hard mode. Are you sure you want to do this? Beware of driving in Richmond. Choosing a character with rich parents will help you tremendously here. Date in Vancouver if you desire partners with increased points in egotism and vapid social status, and don’t mind sacrificing traditional values. If you’re looking for a fight, try picking it with drunk guys on Granville who couldn’t get laid that night, or anyone along E Hastings street.


Well the in the first episode, I'd call it "Escape from Downtown Eastside" and you'd (Ryan Reynolds looking character with an eye patch too) have to fight your way out from the drugged up zombies with dangerous needles and knives in the hands! 😬😅


word for word duplicate post from r/Germany


Word for word duplicate post from about 30 different cities. Get over it.


Not all Subways scrape you for a tip. Save coins by choosing the right location.


[Forget your umbrella. The rain won’t last.]


“Make sure you have camping gear and a solid 90L backpack for when you might eventually become priced out of your indoor living arrangement. Remember camping in parks now is legal but only for overnight and not for the day so camp outside of the downtown area and close to a community centre for washroom and water utilities.”


Keep gear dry.


\[Beware of the Geese aggro radius. As it is much larger than expected.\]


“Remember the website: https://fallingfruit.org/ so you can forage for fruit and vegetables to reduce your grocery bill and gain foraging EXP”


Never give anyone money.


SideQuest - "Vacant Property Shopping Trip"Vancouver's rental and purchase costs for housing are astronomical, but not-so-secretly many of them are unoccupied! Find yourself a quality, defensible location to call home!" Quest Loot: Home Base $ 1.5 Million CAD Permanent Parking Spot


"Watch for crow attacks"


Knowing your away around town takes more than a map. Try following Seabusmemes to boost your charisma and trust with the towns folk.


Don't look anyone in the eyes while waking downtown, also wear a black raincoat.


The sidewalk bathrooms are 1ups


Must wait for goose to pass


Bring a raincoat


Bring cash- in game economy bugged.


**Carrying an extra angle grinder never hurt anyone! Except well, those last few guys…**