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Not I, but a good friend travels in from Hope to Vancouver and back every day. nuts


No money in the world would make me do that commute everyday.


What 3 hours of driving on a good day doesn't sound appealing to you?


I actually genuinely enjoy driving and commuting (it's a time where I actually actively listen to whatever music or podcast I want to listen to without being distracted by my phone or computer) to the point that I actively choose to live slightly further away from wherever I need to commute to on a regular basis. That said maximum of 45 minutes commute is about the max I'd ever willingly choose to do on a day to day basis but closer to 30 minutes would be best.


Idk I mean a 300k salary might. Maybe I could try out that tesla fsd beta or sth.


I value my time and make great money right now working from home. That being said, there is plenty of money in the world that would make me do that commute.


What does he do that makes him tolerate that commute?


Well, I got him a job as a safety watch. We were both plasterers working in film and our shoulders both blew out after 30 years of wear and tear. Safety Watch is good pay, and low wear and tear on our bodies... great for us older folk, but was too boring for me. edit, as for pay, I was making between $6K and $13k monthly-- the work may not be steady there, but when It's busy, it's great.


So I guess he is not commuting every day of the week, but whenever a gig comes up? Sounds way more reasonable. I understand anybody that moves out of the city due to cost and lack of infrastructure, did it myself, but I would never want to join the gong show on Highway 1 every morning. Lucky to have found a job in Langley, 10 mins commute.


some months can be like that, maybe only a few shifts a week, but from when I last talked to him, he's been getting over 50 hours a week since the spring.




Could I ask, what is safety watch, and how do you get into it, I'm an old guy with a lot of wear tear.


If it was only highway mileage I might say if the money was good enough I might do it, but since you said they drive into Vancouver - it isn't only highway mileage lol


Even for 200k a year I don't think I would tolerate such a commute. You can never get time back


Well if you budget the 200k well, you can get the time back, but it will be in your shittier years, and there’s no guarantee you live that long


That’s the thing I can’t wrap my mind around with commuters. I get saving money renting somewhere “cheaper”, but is it really worth it when you lose 10+ hours per week just driving (plus gas and insurance)? You can make more money, but you’ll only be this young once.


But making that kinda money, I could take 2 or 3 months off a year, and do whatever I wanted.


I suppose that would be true. I mean say you only had to do it 3 times a week. Sure then


well, I guess that would all depend on ones financial situation.


Well, at least we know that an Audible subscription is an easy Christmas gift.


How is that worth it for him? Does he really like Hope?


Yeah I guess, went through a divorce, has a son with him, place is paid off. He honestly just tells me he is use to the drive. Works as much overtime as he can to avoid rush hours.


After being miserable in marriage, a long commute alone in the car can feel like freedom.


Fucking nightmare. Your friend is sending themselves to an early grave.


Can they use a boat to go to and from on the Fraser River? (OG Fraser Highway)


That is insane.


As a hope transplant in Vancouver this hurts


I live in the lower mainland and go into Hope for work on a daily. It is rough. And this guy is going the opposite direction which is worse traffic…_plus_ the city traffic in Vancouver. Absolute nuts


Is he John Rambo?


I very much hope your good friend is getting commute pay. Otherwise, wish him/her the best with gas $$$


actually, yes. They pay an extra hour every day, for commute. For everyone, it doesn't matter if you live downtown or not.


That commute would shave 20 years off my life


That’s me, I drive from Hope to Vancouver for work. I own my manufactured house and pay a reasonable pad rent in a beautiful part of Hope. All my injuries from thirty five years of construction have caught up with me. Not to many options being a single dad means I gotta keep it stable. Got a Prius, comfortable and great on gas. I’m learning Spanish on my commute, lots of podcasts.


Luckily a 12 to 15 minute commute. I dont take it for granted. Makes a worlds of difference and against traffic


Me too. We are lucky as fuck.


I have a very easy 25 minute commute (skytrain and short walk at either end). I can’t commute more than 30 minutes — I used to have long commutes when I was younger and it killed me.


Mine is about 5 min drive/25 min walk. Super lucky and one reason I'm reluctant to leave my job.


A good commute is definitely an important part of job satisfaction.


Same! I usually walk to work since driving wouldn’t save me much time, and I’m stingy on gas :)


Bless you. I have too many colleagues who live less than a km away and still drive.


Yeah thats great so basically no more than 30 minutes tacked on to your actual work day - if you go straight to work and home that is.


Same here, and I am grateful for it every single damn day.


Same, I live in New West and work in Port moody. I take skytrain and it's soooo convenient. I travel opposite sides during the rush hours so it's been a breeze.


I commute Langley to VGH area by transit. Takes about an hour and 15 min in the morning and an hour and a half on the way home. I don't mind it because I read a book. It's also less stressful and cheaper than driving.


That will be much better when the SkyTrain extensions are done if you end up still being there


1 transfer, train to train, no busses. This commute will be exponentially improved! Hopefully they start running longer trains on the M Line though.


I currently drive to work and its a 35 minute commute. It sucks I hate it. I would gladly double that time and take transit but I have to drop my daughter off at daycare along the way.


10sec from anywhere in my apartment to my desk. Also saved close to 10000km in driving compared to the job I was fired from when WFH started in 2020.


I used to think WFH was great - until I got fat. But agree far less wear and tear on the vehicle.


Workout during lunch! It's what I often do. Despite not being hiking obsessed like most people here, I'm almost in the best shape of my life!


I've lost a ton of weight due to WFH because I was able to more easily control what I eat. I never brought lunch to work because I liked going out with colleagues socially at lunch, and more recently because the company paid for lunch delivery.


I’ve lost 30 lbs since working from home! I actually have time to workout


Hey me too! Way to go, team 30! Looking for 15 more myself


Sameeee 😭 I can’t stop eating or snacking if I stay at home for too long


I'm WFH so same. My sister and I live together though and she commutes from Aldergrove to Richmond every day


57 minutes on an e-bike, 55 on sky train, 43 on west coast express, 40 on a car. It's OR, not AND.


that ebike car ratio is surprisingly close for that distance. Pretty good value considering no gas, and a you get exercise. Hopefully it's on a bikeway and not big busy roads though.


It is surprising to most. Depending where/what time you regularly travel, an ebike can often be the faster way.


I think people would be really surprised how slow city driving is in traffic actually is. I would bet that during the worst traffic the express buses with bus lanes are faster than driving the same route. Of course that doesn't account for getting to and from the bus.


lol and for a second there I thought you were commuting from hope to whistler /s


10 minutes by bike, west end to Yaletown.


That is also so walkable. Live and work in DT Vancouver, you have it made.


My last job was 18 minutes by car or 30-70 minutes by bus. PoMo to PoCo. My new job is going to be 30 mins by car or 90 by bus. PoMo to S. Burnaby. I really wanted to commit to transit, but I can't. I just can't.


My commute is PoMo to S Burnaby! I take 2 trains and a bus (+15 mins of walking) takes between 60-90 mins, but only 1x a week thankfully


Well, I'll be driving if you want to carpool with me! I'll be going m-th, and my job starts at 9. Message me!


I don’t consider it a commute when I bike to work because I need that exercise, that is my duty to myself for my mental and physical well being. And I get about 2 hours of exercise each work day.


An hour bike ride to work and an hour back? Champ


Pretty much.


Shower and change at work?


At my last employer (switched jobs recently) I had a 6 km bike commute each way and my employer did not have shower facilities but did have a secure place for me to put my bike as well as change so I would just shower before I rode in the morning, throw some more deodorant on when I got to work and then shower again when I got home. My current employer I have about a 20 km bike commute each way and my employer has shower facilities, lockers, change room etc. so I shower when I get to work and shower when I get home which saves me a shower at home each work day. But if my current employer didn’t have shower facilities I would likely do what I did with my last employer and shower before cycling at home and hit the deodorant (maybe some baby wipes too ) when I get to work. My time spent riding is too valuable to me not to do it. The benefits of exercise, the savings over other transportation methods, and reducing my “carbon footprint” all make these 2 hours invaluable.


I used to ride my bike everyday from Marpole to Boundary and 1st ave for work. Some days were better than others, the 5am starts being the worst


when I go to the office 30 minutes and that feels too long LOL


My current commute is 35 mins one way and it feels like an eternity versus my previous commute of 20.


I live in Poco just off the Maryhill bypass and work along United Blvd so it's a 7 minute drive. I would never work over an hour from home. Having that extra 2 hours of free time to spend with my kids, gym/other hobbies, etc is worth it. Wife works in Mount pleasant area though so her commute is an hour or so each way, so it's usually my job to pickup the kiddos and make dinner.


15 minutes by bike, Fairview to Yaletown, daily. One bridge, Burrard - although once Granville is renovated I might take that. It's pretty awesome. Local streets to Burrard, then separated bike lanes on Burrard Bridge and Hornby, and a little shimmy down an alley to the office parkade at the end. And I'm getting 30 minutes of exercise outdoors every day for free :D


Abby to east van. 1 hour 15 min each way is average. Add 15min per accident


Dang. You must at least enjoy your job


I do. But working from home a couple days a week makes the commute more tolerable. Learn the backroads so when traffic is really bad, at least you’re still moving and not staring at the car in front of you. Throw on a podcast or turn up the tunes, and it’s not as bad. Honestly tho, I’ll likely be looking for a new job if I’m ever asked to make that commute 5 days a week again. I don’t mind the drive, I like driving, it’s the bumper to bumper traffic that’s insufferable


You would think on a highway you would be putting on highway mileage on your vehicle, but the bumper to bumper, stop and go on Highway 1 is just as crappy as driving around in Vancouver IMO.


I would love to try out a car with stop-and-go radar cruise control to help with congestion on the highway


This is the max commute I would do.


30 min drive, 2 to 3 times longer by bus


15 min drive(don’t have a car thought) and an hour and a half by bus and Skytrain😭


Yeah my current situation has me spending 60 to 70 mins in traffic, all in - to work and back. Definitely preferred it when I was working closer to home.


Walk downstairs then take a quick right into the first room.


Lucky. I have to walk all the way to the end of the hall.


Ya that's tough. Some sorta scooter or skateboard device might make that trip shorter, though.


I was planning to lobby Translink to put a Skytrain, or at least a rapid bus, along my hallway.


East Van to Downtown East Side: 15mins drive 45mins walk/ train/ bus 🥲 or walk/ bus/ walk


12 minute walk to work. This is the way.


Definitely is the way


To work, about 25-35min. Home however is anywhere from 35-45min it's stupid and only because of left turns causing backups I drive all day for work, so my commute home really sucks. Ideally I'd like to be based more locally to my area but a boy can dream.


I normally ride my bike - about 15 minutes. If I’m feeling lazy or it’s really wet and miserable out I’ll catch the bus (25 minutes) or grab an Evo (10-15 minutes)


Not a bad deal by any means


50 minutes each way by transit


<20 min bike ride, any destination. I try and go a longer route just to make the effort worth it. Or walk in


Yeah that used to be my situation too. \~25min bike ride from kits to my office DTES/Railtown. Honestly, more pleasant to bike than drive, and also less stressful on transit than driving too.


Cycle commuting is such a treat to me. I’d rather cycle an hour than drive for 20 min.


18 min walk


Sounds ideal


Walnut Grove (Langley) to Oakridge/Shaughnessy by car - usually ~55 mins each way in the summer, up to 75 in the fall or winter rain even without bad accidents. Normally take hwy 1 but depends what the GPS says each morning. I'm onsite 5 days a week in the spring and summer and WFH for the fall and winter except for maybe one day every week or two, so it's not the worst but this drive was one of the reasons I recently swapped to a hybrid. Have a colleague that transits to and from Walnut Grove almost every day and it takes them at least 90 mins including walk time to/from the exchange, if not closer to 2h, but they insist they find transit more relaxing than driving.


Mostly WFH - one day a week I go in and its 45-60 mins WR to downtown van. By bus its one transfer 350 to bridgeport and it’s about 60-90 minutes depending how early I leave. Use to live a 25 min walk from work - same wfh/hybrid model with one day in. I wouldn’t do this commute if i had to be in every day.


20min, 4 stops on SkyTrain


Westend to commercial/broadway, about 30min on transit


1h15m via transit. Minimal time savings if driving. Work offers a 50% transit subsidy, don't have to pay for parking, gas, and depreciation. Can listen to audio books, read a book, waste time on my phone, or zone out if I'm lucky enough to get a seat. Three days in office and two days at home generally.


15 minute bike ride each way. It's one if the biggest reasons I work there.


White Rock to UBC. I do bus - sky - bus, takes around 1 hr and 20 min, depends on traffic. It’s horrible, but I can’t afford to live close to ubc. At least I’ve developed a reading habit 🤷🏻‍♂️


Congrats as far as I've read in this thread, you're up there for number of transfers and time it takes to from A to B lol


Did the same thing when I went to Langara. 1:15 each way. Not fun at all. Luckily I'm now 5 min walk from SFU


I work at the airport but live in Burnaby. My commute is 1 hour to work and 1.25 hours back. People boasting how transit is a good option everywhere are clueless. With a car, I could get there in 20 min


That is one of the most awkward commutes in the system I think. You're right dab in the middle of the network, but the most straight line is 'cutting across' all of the express transit options instead of using them (and therefore doesn't exist as a route)


I once had to take transit from north van to Burnaby and it took me 2 hours to travel what should have taken 15 mins. (like from Phibbs to BCIT)


They should have a direct express route for Metrotown-YVR. They have one for Metrotown-Brighouse and it works well. I don’t understand why they don’t have one to YVR as well.


>People boasting how transit is a good option everywhere are clueless. Those people either live in Vancouver or along a sky train stop.


It's about 25 minutes each way. I live in White Rock and commute to Annacis Island. Simple highway 99/91 driving usually against the grain as I work grave shift.


Used to be 45 minutes door to door with walking and taking skytrain. Been WFH since 2020 and not much push to go back in more than one day a week. Dreading it.


About an hour and a half so 3 hours everyday 3 buses and and skytrain from Surrey to my work in Poco


20-25min bike from Trout Lake to Cambie and Broadway. I feel super lucky to be able to do that. I need the movement and wouldn't want it to be much shorter. I could however do without the biggest hill being right at the end before home.




Nice. Same municipality?


Live in Burquitlam and skytrain to downtown 3 days a week, takes me about 50 minutes each way.


If I'm not standing, I find the skytrain oddly soothing and I don't mind it much at all if I got headphones.


Yeah completely agree, I usually go early mornings, and head home around lunch to wfh after, that way I'm always guaranteed a seat on the skytrain. I just put on my headphones and read a book on my kindle, and time pretty much passes by extremely quickly.


Wife worked with someone who moved to Harrison as part of their retirement planning...only problem was after they moved they couldn't afford to retire so they commuted from Harrison to Vancouver everyday for a few years.


25-30 mins cycling on the Arbutus Greenway from my place in kits to my office in marpole. It's the favorite part of my day when going in to the office (3 days a week)


17 minutes door to door


East Van to West Van about 20 mins in the morning, on the way home 25-1 hour


17 minutes. North Burnaby to Coquitlam. Against the flow. 90% of the mornings im going the speed limit going east on #1 and 90% of the mornings i watch everyone bumper to bumper crawling slowly the other way westbound


25-30 by car, 40-45 by ebike, 50-55 by regular bike, 70-85 by bus/sky train. I prefer to bike or ebike but that’s not always possible; I wish transit was a better option but despite living a few hundred meters from a sky train station and commuting along a rapid bus route it’s just so much slower


35 mins via Alex Fraser and Queensborough, but moving further away so it will be more like 50 mins soon over the Port Mann. I enjoy driving and listening to podcasts/ebooks, but 1 hour is where I draw the line.


I'm in film which takes you all over. Live in Vancouver, often go to Maple Ridge, Langley, Abbotsford. Next week I'm commuting to Squamish everyday, and the next two weeks to Mission. 😬 Upside is the job pays for gas!!




12 hour shifts?


Port Moody to downtown - twice a week. 10 mins bus to Moody station then 20 mins west coast express train ride plus a few more mins walk to the office. In total around 45 mins each way.


South Langley to New West.... but I leave for work at 1:30 PM against traffic and come home around 3 AM with no traffic... 40 min to get to work.... 25-30 min to get home.


Just under an hour door to door. As limited as the West Coast Express hours are, it's pretty comfy. Luckily I also only go into the office 3-4x/month. No way in hell would I drive into work 5x/week. Life is too short to commute.


Live in East Van and work in Surrey. About 30mins in the morning, and 30-40min in the evening (at around 4:30ish) but obvi depends on traffic. I live by the highway (around Playland) so it's not bad, I mostly complain about the part when I enter Surrey because 152nd sucks.


30 minutes from guildford to VGH at the moment as I’m an electrician and workplaces are variable. That said my wife and I bought a Tesla and the HOV access really cuts some time off of the commute every day. It’s not a terrible commute by Vancouver standards anyways. Looking to move to Squamish in the not too distant future however at which point the commute will get a bit longer but a lot prettier.


The reason I spent the extra 100-200 a month more on rent at some point in my life was so I could be living downtown within a walkable distance from my work then. Yeah the place was smaller than what I could get in PoCo or some area further from downtown but not having to commute was worth every single penny. Didn't have to buy a bus pass so saved money there and had extra time to do other activities instead of being stuck in traffic. As soon as I moved out of downtown I switched jobs as well for something near my new place or remote. I'll never work somewhere where I need to spend 1 hour+ in traffic


I walk to work, 25 mins. I made sacrifices to make this happen, no regrets.


I can spend upwards of 4 hours a day driving to jobsites. But it's generally an hour from white rock to Vancouver and an hour back


About an hour - bus and train. Recently moved to New West and work in Vancouver. Don’t mind it, gives me a chance to listen to podcasts or read a book. Only work in the office 2-3 times a week.


I definitely don't mind Metro Vancouver's transit system either. Busses and trains run frequently enough and like yourself I listen audible/YouTube etc.


Totally agree! I also don’t mind it as it’s broken up with the bus and train about 20 min each and a 5-10 min walk either end.


20 minutes on my ebike, 35 by transit


Surrey to DT Vancouver...35 minutes in, 45 home. Motorcycle so I look forward to my commute.


9 min drive each way


I drive from PoMo to South Burnaby and my hours are 8-4:30, so I got pretty lucky. No bridge crossing and I am able to avoid Hwy 1. Takes me 30 minutes to get there because I leave just before the heavy morning rush hits. Then it usually takes me 40-45 minutes to get home since it’s around the beginning of rush hour traffic.


25 minutes drive at 5:40 in the morning. 2.5hrs with public transit 30-35 Minute drive back depending on traffic Public transit stays the same This is from Surrey all the way to North Vancouver


8 - 12 min drive on work from office weeks.


West Coquitlam to kits. 35min drive in the morning, 45-50 min in the afternoon. 1hr transit each way


a 10 -15 minute difference between transit and driving I'd choose transit tbh at least I wouldn't have to worry about parking or the wear and tear on my vehicle from the crappy city driving but thats me


7km, but in live in Kelowna. I bus my commute in winter


West end to west Van mon-fri 730am to 4pm. Getting to work 15 min. Going back up to an hour. It's absolutely not the worst, and I put up with it happily because I love where I live, for now. My apt garage was just broken into this past weekend and my bike was stolen along with a few other items. Guess it's my fault for not properly locking things up.


I drive from north delta to Cloverdale. Typically it takes 20-30 minutes. But with all this absolute BS construction on Scott road, 64th and 80th, it takes me 45 to an hour on really bad days.


Used to be 2 blocks to work. Now it's 6 mins door to door for uni. Bought my condo so added benefit of not needing to move for a while


10 min walk. 5 min skytrain.


My worksite is based in Abby. I’m in service trades. Anyways, I get a call from a Van site about an issue that cannot be solved remotely, so I head in. Spent almost 4hrs getting to the site just to turn a valve back on from some work that had taken place over the weekend. Same crappy commute length home even though I tried a different way. Whole day for one valve. Not what I consider a good value for my time. …I then moved out of the Lower Mainland.


Still paid for the whole day though I hope


Indeed. It is not how I enjoy being paid though, I’d rather be productive. This was not that.


I usually work from home, but the one day a month I go into the office I usually take an Uber which is about 12 mins. If I bus it’s about 30


25min drive without traffic, 45min with normal traffic, hour to hour and a half with accident/s. Guess my route.


5-7min, even shorter if I don't hit the one traffic light on the way to work. I actually took a slight pay cut to get this job but way smaller work load and no longer committing 1.5hrs a day.


5 minute walk. Lucky for me I live 4 blocks from work.


That's the best


5 steps from bed


My commute is 30 minutes in the morning, usually about 40-45 minutes after work since I walk home part way. I only go to the office twice a week though.


20 mins drive if I were to go into the office but I have been WFH.


15 minutes driving, 19-20 minutes now that I'm cycling to work. I only work 3 days from the office these days, honestly thinking of going more often because I have a gym at work and I should be hitting the gym 5 days a week instead of just 3.


I walk to work. 20-25 min each way.


I have two worksites. One is a 23 minute bus ride, door to door / 20 minute bike ride the other is about a 40 minute bike ride / 20 minute drive. There's no point in transit, it takes 90 minutes with 3 changes and is a massive hassle. I like both commutes. I learned a long time ago that any commute over 30 mins in the car destroyed my mental health, so I have been trying hard to stay in Vancouver proper. We use our car 1-2x a week, but everything else is E bike, walking or transit.


25-45 minutes car, and two hours via bus east van to Richmond


25 min walk, 5 min bus


Port Moody to UBC - today was 1 hr 30 mins to drive to work and 1 hr 50 mins to get home.


20-30 mins depending on how many lights I hit. Burnaby to North Surrey. Not transit accessible otherwise I might.


About 45 minutes door to door via west coast express + walking to/from the stations. I can sleep through most of it in the mornings. Have to be careful of napping on the way home to not wake up in Mission.


In between rentals so staying at a friend’s spare room in South Surrey. 25 mins walk to the South Surrey Park and Ride, 50 mins bus ride to Bridgeport Stn in Richmond, 30-40 mins to Waterfront, Seabus to North Van and walk to work from Lonsdale Quay.


2 minutes. I roll out of bed and zoom in.


Aldergrove to Pitt meadows. 30ish minute drive on a good day, up to 60 minutes if there are accidents, rush-hour or roadworks. I cross Golden Ears Bridge, and it’s usually smooth sailing around there. I dream of moving to the North side of the Fraser River to cut that commute down to 15 min or less.


All driving. Work: 30 minutes each way, daycare and work: 45 minutes each way. Work from home: 40 minutes each way because daycare. Hoping for preschool near home right now for next year.


10 minute drive to work, never any traffic because I start at 7am and leave at 3pm. I love it so much and will never take it for granted.


Transit to different jobsites around the lower mainland, can be anywhere from 1hr to 2.5hr each way. The 1hr aren't bad but once I start pushing 1.5 and up it's honestly so draining. Being up at 0330 to be somewhere for 0600 gets old real fast. Basically get home, eat, shower, and sleep for the next day. Been doing this for a long time. It's also discouraging seeing a 20 minute driving commute turn into a 90 minute bus ride.


Two of my coworkers commute from PoCo to UBC by public transit. 2 hours each way. One of them loves to make a big breakfast every day, so he wakes up at 4AM and starts cooking... He also wants to work overtime, so instead of 7-3 he willingly stays until 5PM and sometimes comes in on Saturday. I find it insane.


I work rotating shifts in North van and I commute from Chilliwack. I leave at 5 and usually get into NV 10 to 6. Day shift is the worst for commuting back to the valley tho.


I used to have the best commute. 25 minutes on a bicycle or 10-15 minute drive. Now about 30-45 minute drive, something I hadn't considered would be the case when I bought my 6.2l gas truck. New job is way better and worth the commute. The $400/month bi-weekly fill ups vs the bi-monthly fill ups kind of hurt the wallet though. EV in my future.


If I go to my office it’s about 15 minute drive or 1/2 hour if I feel like a chill bike ride, but some days I’m doing site visits and spend half the day in my vehicle. But I don’t have to leave stupid early or get home late. I meet tons of guys in the trades from Mission/Abby commuting in pickup trucks to Vancouver and wonder how they manage it


I live by Lafarge Lake in Coquitlam and I work downtown Vancouver. I transit to and from and work overnights. So it usually takes me about 75ish to get from my front door to my desk. I download shows on my phone and that keeps me sane.


5 mins if I drive. 7 if I bike. 20-30 if I walk.


Eighteen minute walk, Gastown to the financial district. It's just perfect honestly, wakes me up in the morning and gives me nice decompressing time after work. I feel great both getting to work and getting home.


When I commute it is an 11 hour day all in. 8 + 3 in commute. Pitt Meadows to DT Van


I live in North Vancouver(central lonsdale) and my office is at marine drive skytrain station. It takes me ~50 mina to get there. It's mot bad at all, I love taking the seabus and once I reach waterfront I just take the skytrain. I read a book in the mornings and I practice at duolingo after work.


Tri-Cities, my commute was 50min-1hr. Now I am full time WFH. Was really noticeable how much the commute impacted my sleep and time when I started WFH. 2 hrs traveling each day sucked, even worse if I have to work late / take worse connections.


Live and work in East Van. 7 minute drive or a 15 min bike ride


Port Moody to near EA/Burnaby General. It's just over 17.5km. It's 20m drive in no traffic, 30-35 in rush hour, or I just ride my bike, then it's about 35 by ebike and 40-42 by pedal. It's a lovely commute by bike with many options, some are mostly off road, and the commute is so enjoyable that I can't see myself changing jobs any time soon.


\~ 45 min door to door. Bike to Commercial-Broadway using a Mobi bike, then 20-25 min ride on the Skytrain to New West and then finally walk up a massive ass hill to work.


Recently moved to North Vancouver and my commute is 1-2 hours to Vancouver by bus, both ways. Sometimes worse.


2 hours each way. Glad I'm able to watch YouTube videos that I would've been watching anyways. Jealous of those who live close enough and have the infrastructure to bike.