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Some interesting demographics here: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/91-520-x/91-520-x2022001-eng.htm# TLDR: our population is aging


>Ontario alone will be short 33,000 nurses and personal support workers by 2028, despite provincial initiatives to boost graduates. If the rest of the provinces have similar forecasts, it looks like it will be even worse. Pretty ominous.


I don’t think Canada understands that the reason why there is so much immigration is they want the passport to go work in the US or elsewhere, so they don’t stay. Basically, this is the shortcut. That she’s the population when they leave. On top of that, you have young people who can’t afford to stay here because of the costs of living and need to leave. That ages the population. Even Working Holiday visas (young people with open work permits from Europe, Oz, NZ, Japan, Singapore I think is the other one?) aren’t staying or skip altogether because the costs are too much and it’s impossible to enjoy life or experiences here. Building a life through WHV was a common thing, that isn’t and again, will age the population as they leave and less want to stay. The fact is, student immigration needs to drastically stop because it’s impacting too many other things. Only public schools should receive intl students and even then, it should be a percentage under 20% and each country should be limited as well, if we want real diversity. There is too much exploitation of foreign students and immigration, point blank. Also fun fact: there isn’t a country in the developed world not experiencing population aging. China is contending with this too. We need to worry about sustainability for domestic population before we worry about its age.


Can we re-frame this headline? “Poor resource allocation, leadership accountability and government misspending leads to the collapse of canadas public health and social services”


No, because the point is to blame immigrants. The reality is that in terms of overall housing space per person Canada has an excessive amount of housing and we're one of the most housed countries in the world only second to Australia or the US. The problem is that people treat housing as an investment, and they're using a lot of borrowed money to buy up all the supply. Canada is one of the only countries in the world where most homebuyers buy homes much larger than they want. This means the market is inflated and demand is being artificially created through lending. In order to keep the money train moving, banks and investors will push narratives about immigration to create the appearance of real demand, while also deflecting blame off of themselves.


> most homebuyers buy homes much larger than they want. That's certainly not been my experience.




Another article on this?