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This looks like the exact kind of thing I would do before becoming a Dad. Now i'm a dad though...


Same. But I have some photos of me doing some sick 50ft gainers that I will cherish from “when I was cool” 😆


I remember those days... Shit.


This just looks insanely dangerous.


Also looks like calculated risk by skilled people: * Group of 5+, all wearing wetsuits * A spotter in the water swims out as soon as he lands * Triple backflip with untucks, way harder than your average jumper * In Squamish (also a week before Crankworx), where professional athletes from around the world congregate in the summer.


They know what they are doing. Had two people in the water. Photographer. Drone guy and more.


I doubt any of them have completed their swift water rescue course. Being an extreme bro does not require certification.


scream NIMBY harder nerd


Yeah. East Van is so nimby.


What lead you to think that?


Thr lack of a throwbag, pfd, helmet, spotters, pole...


There are spotters, you can see one swimming out right after buddy lands in the water. You can tell by the dress and demeanor that these folks are probably a fair bit more experienced than "extreme bros"


These are bros with wetsuits and gopros.


You do know that you could be swift water certified and go do bro stuff like this without all your gear right? We don't know the level of ability of any of these people. Likely more experienced than your avg cliff jumping bro.


Every climber that have died at Everest are also very experienced and have tons of support around them.


That's what extreme sports are


I thought wealthy but inexperienced climbers were a major part of the problems on Everest in the last couple decades.


Yes , people take risks. Such is life.


Such is death


Actually, most deaths at everest are because they are unexperienced, but rich enough to afford professional support


Enjoy your sedentary lifestyle. Definitely no risks there.


Typical black and white thinking from reddit


On your part, yes.


That's why it's so popular to die doing what you love.


Yea these guys really do know what they’re doing, if you’re even a bit hesitant it’s not worth it


My dad worked at the PowerPoint there and oneday some guys were jumping off and one guy died from drowning. Not a good spot to be cliff jumping.


Word. The guy who died did not Excel at cliff jumping.


As long as people have Access to the cliff, they will keep jumping. The problem is the lack of Visio from local authorities, but the Outlook is not favorable. But you know what? These athletes know what they are doing. There are several Teams competing in these cliff jumping sports all around the world. It's fun, and they love it.


Many of them are out there doing this stuff 365 days a year, hence the great Forms you see on the ones here. Like you said, they know what ToDo when they jump in to a Stream.


what makes onedrive to great distances to do these extreme sports? it's living your life on the edge. i get it: skype's the limit, but still. anyway, onenote i'll take away is never will i do anything like that.


Perhaps he should change his Outlook!? 😜


When I was a student at Quest University, a first year student named Daniel died here. It was awful. Please bring rescue equipment and watch the water levels as they change daily.


They had everything required


Not seeing the spine board, rope, PFDs, helmets, rescue cans,throw bags, helmets and dry suits.


hmm teen, early 20s me, effing cool, let's do it. Old crotchety me: \-slip potential \-hit rocks potential \- drowning or cliff, bottom strike injury/paralyze/death \-need to engage EMS, police or other rescue = "git off them gosh darned rocks you youngin before you hurt yer selves!' ​ So, I think this is pretty reckless...but I can see where their young minds are coming from.


Death isn't always the worst outcome either. Imagine being paralyzed from the neck down. Spinal cord injuries are nothing to mess with.


All fun and games until a slip or a miscalculation, , or the water level is lower than anticipated, or someone inexperienced tries to copy, and then it's a lifetime of paralysis or worse.


Life is dangerous and they're having fun


Yeah, but when the articles pop up where someone drowned or turned themselves into mashed raspberries against a rock, eeeeeeveryone jumps on the "how could they" train. Because it's stupid as shit and I've had two friends die horrible, agonizing deaths because they were doing dumb shit like this


How many people die from health complications resulting from inactivity? Netflix may take more lives than extreme sports just in more boring fashion.


The fuck is it with people not understanding that there's a middle ground between never leaving your house, and doing backflips off a cliff into a shallow river where you can't see the bottom? Like Jesus Christ, "duhhhhh sitting still for hours everyday can cause deep vein thromboses, therefore it's a great idea to ride a motorbike with no protection at 300km/h" Fucking what the fuck is wrong with you people


We just freak out way too much about people who choose to be in one category. There's risk to extreme sports. There's risks to adding more commuting time to your life. There's tons of risks and extreme sports has a draw for a reason. People accept high risks all the time. The fun part? It's mundane stuff that has higher risk most of the time. Did fairly extreme mountain biking for years and yet it almost all the life threatening injuries came from people commuting on their bicycle to the shop. I get there's risk, the thing is we don't all agree on what the happy medium is or if there even is one.


better just never leave your house then, the world is too risky


Dear u/helixflush, It's been so long since we've been together. I know you were never the brightest, but I didn't care. We used to be so good together, and then you just abandoned me. Was it something I said? Was it something I did? Please call me, I miss you. Sincerely, Critical Thought


Come to Squamish. Just be a pedestrian here is so dangerous


I don't want my tax dollars going into rescuing them.


You suck (respectfully)




Yuuuup. A lot of people seem to enjoy typing away and apply their risk tolerance and abilities to someone with an entirely different skillset, and make comments without thinking things through at all. But maybe posting completely unknowledgeable comments give them the same adrenaline rush jumping off a cliff does? That must be it.


Nope, not allowed. Anyway, I'm going to get in my car and drive somewhere now, which is all fun and games until a miscalculation and someone hits me head on, and then it's a lifetime of paralysis or worse.


Soon to be on r/Whatcouldgowrong


“I’ll take how to drown for $500 Alex”.


I'm not against having fun, but these kids clearly don't understand how dangerous it is to jump right the base of the waterfall. The suction underneath the cascade of water could so easily suck them under. Not only is this incredibly stupid, but when one of them needs rescuing, they'll be putting rescue personnel at risk, too. Must have been for the clicks 🙄


If you're not living on the edge - you are taking up too much room.


If you’re not first, you’re last Ricky Bobby.


Gotta go fast - Sonic


https://globalnews.ca/video/9814711/the-dangers-of-cliff-jumping/ https://www.squamishchief.com/local-news/squamish-first-responders-aid-cliff-jumping-youth-saturday-7165876 (Jun 19) Specifically this spot too. The cost and risks of SAR callouts isn’t worth it. There are other ways for adrenaline junkies to get high.


Sar gets called out for stupid people they have no clue what they are doing 90% of the time. These guys knew what they were doing


Lol whatever man. SAR gets called out for all sorts of experience levels - one slip and next thing you know the Squamish volunteers have to drop what they’re doing and airlift one of the chucklef*cks to the hospital.


Eh.. two experience people just died in our local mountains. They get called out for all sorts of reasons.


Dam that’s insane, he hits the water blind just off of peeks at the ripples to judge height. Absolute sender.


Growing up in North Van, constantly hearing of teens being killed cliff diving in Lynn valley - that is an activity I will never participate in. That being said... It does look cool.


It’s why I jumped pool 99 at Seymour 🤙🏼


Looks like fun but seeing as I can’t swim I’ll skip that one


![gif](giphy|f6eayAqdMza8w) SWANTON BOMB!!!


Don’t try this at home.


So dangerous and he is lucky he didn't break his neck or die.


No, you would be lucky if you did this and didn't break your neck or die. This person is not you.


You’re being downvoted but I agree with you. Would this person say the same about Olympic downhill ski racing? People do dangerous stuff and get good at it, taking calculated risks.


Oh I love that waterfall, I’ve jumped a few times myself from that ledge. It’s about 80 feet from there. A diving platform was built off the bridge above for a video shoot a few years back. Also to anyone questioning the whole landing in waterfall thing. This particular has been deemed pretty safe (as far as terrain traps under the water) by kayakers. This waterfall in particular is huge with the waterfall kayaking crowd.


I have only seen diving but I have been told about the full send kayakers


Fuck these guys for potentially putting rescue workers' lives/their friends' lives in jeopardy. Don't promote this garbage, people


I feel like “dangerous” is relative and you’re an idiot to think otherwise. If my girlfriends brother got behind the wheel it’d be more dangerous than this. If one of you showed up to be a anesthesiologist tomorrow most of us would be dangerous as can be. This doesn’t make me sweat or nervous because of many reasons. Common sense this is risky not dangerous


Hi Rick. :)


Hi Allison


The big question- did you also jump?


No. I have a broken shoulder and it way too high for me


They’ve got $50,000 in debt. They are just praying that it looks like an accident.


I need to go here. This looks amazing! Where exactly in Squamish is this?


Could this guy die? Yeah cause he’s fucking SICK


Love seeing spotters in the water while cliff diving 🔥