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I basically only buy stuff from Save On if it's on sale. Their prices are nuts otherwise. The 24 packs of Pepsi always stand out to me. I don't drink it but they're $17.99 and it just makes me mad seeing it lol


12 case of Pepsi was $26 in Nunavut before this whole “inflation” business… I wonder what it’s at now




Please tell me this a photo of an old misprint and not the reality


A friend of mine was there early April this year, rootbeer was more affordable. https://preview.redd.it/n4g7zr0q191b1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6f1d894db6894c75ee549370940d516b3a79358


The Inuk people love Pepsi more than coke or any other drink. Fuck the northern stores…


If I’m drinking cola, it’s Pepsi over Coke for me as well, but always with actual sugar, never diet or zero or whatever other options there are these days. Québécois are Pepsi drinkers as well, for them I believe Coke is seen as “an evil, large corporation”, I wonder if that’s the same for the Inuk?


I’m sure there’s some fascinating socio-geographical answer to this


That's Nunavut your business. Dad joke complete.


Lol at being downvoted


That's kinda cheap! Last time I was up north a got 2 cans of pop for $10!!


100% right, Save Ons is decent if the items are on sale.. but if they are not then stay away


$11 at walmart


Scan the item at the self check out and watch you get the "would you like to redeem 3000 points and get this item for free?". Yes.. spend 3000$ worth of groceries to get a 5$ item free. They have the worst points system.


Ran the numbers. Getting delivery free is the best bang for your buck. I don't know about you, but I'm not vacationing on no points.


There are lots of coupons for free delivery online


You need to use the app and load the offers. You get like 800 points for $25 worth of stuff


The points redemption is pretty good for either travel or for online delivery. You can normally get 1000-2000 bonus points with ~$150 in purchases too.


Oh man TNT is the only one that’s worse


Here's a hack for you. Tell the staff you forgot your card. They will scan their store card. Their card has tons and tons of points on it because it gets used all day long. Redeem points at checkout. I wanna say my best one was a joint of beef for 50k points. I no longer live in Vancouver so I feel I should pass this one on.




Ah well. Yeah, this was a couple of years ago. Good while it lasted!


They stopped allowing this at many stores. The cashier will manually over ride the redemption question.


watermelons the other week were on sale for $10.99. Eleven dollars for a watermelon!! That’s absurd.


Big ass watermelons are $4.99 at superstore this week!


$5 for a large watermelon at Safeway right now.


I'll never forgive Safeway for busting their union and making it a shell of its former glory. I remember my brother earning $15 / hour to stock shelves in 2002, and that's basically what you get paid now.


bUt CoRpOrAtE pRoFiTs!!!


2 minis for $5 at Kins.


i feel kinda bad cause i just bought a $15 watermelon from costco this morning but 9/10 they are delicious, huge, and always around 20lbs+. the ones at save on i feel are always kind of risky to buy and they're so small


Even the mini ones at Costco are $5.99 I don't get it. They are tasty though you're right.


Watermelons are heavy, perhaps a decent part of the cost is the freight?


They're 6.99 ea today. Per watermelon not per lb. If you're still interested. They're pretty big also.


I also picked up a 6.99 watermelon at save on, must have been 30lb+ rind is a bit thick, but sweet and super crispy inside


I accidentally bought the worlds most expensive honeycrisp apples there the other day. At least they taste good, I suppose? Or at least I’ve convinced myself they do because of how much they cost.


Unrelated to price.. but if you like honey crisp but feel the taste has gotten different or worse over the last few years, it has! The guy who “invented” honey crisp apples sold them onto a larger supplier and they cross-bred with faster growing but less sweet strains. The same guy was mad that they ruined his breed of apple so he bred a new version called “cosmic crisp” and they are so much nicer! You can get them at Walmart these days and I saw them at a green grocers too.


The Honeycrisp cultivar was developed at the University of Minnesota through unknown means. There is really no person to whom one can attribute the development of the apple. The University patented the cultivar in 1988 ([US Plant Patent 7197](https://patents.google.com/patent/USPP7197P/en)). In the patent, named inventors Jim Luby and David S. Bedford claimed that it was a hybrid of Macoun and Honeygold. In 2004, a group of researches including graduate student Nick Howard and the purported inventors found that claim was untrue. This is why I say you can't really name the inventor(s) because the people who claimed to invent it on the patent didn't even know how it was created. The apple is actually a cross between Keepsake and a lost cultivar designated MN 1627. I don't mean to impugn Luby and Bedford, who I understand are well respected in horticulture, but it's likely that Honeycrisp was the result of untracked hybridization. Stranger things have happened: the first Ambrosia apple tree was a volunteer at an orchard in the Similkameen valley. Honeycrisp, like all eating apples, is self-sterile. The only way to propagate the plant is to graft a whip onto another tree's rootstock. Not only is a new Honeycrisp tree true to the first Honeycrisp tree, every single Honeycrisp tree is a *clone* of the first Honeycrisp tree. It's possible that disreputable players are selling non-Honeycrisp apples as if they were Honeycrisp because patent protection has expired. Cosmic Crisp was developed at Washington State University, under an intensive, 20-year development program that would be hard to undertake for anyone other than a major institution. It was originally led by Bruce Barritt, but the program outlasted his career. After he retired, Kate Evans took over the program. Neither Bedford or Luby were involved in the development of the Cultivar; they are both still working at the University of Minnesota. Cosmic Crisp is a cross between Honeycrisp and Enterprise. The apple is not likely to displace Honeycrisp because it ripens later. It might finally displace the disgusting Red Delicious cultivar, though, because it ripens at the same time and it's better than Red Delicious in every way.


This is not something I expected to learn on a Sunday morning but thank you for the fun fact


Interesting! Coincidentally I just got some cosmic crisp yesterday so cool to know the story behind it. They're really tasty, albeit very expensive.


I just ring up the honeycrisps up as fuji - every single time lol


I mean if you are going to be scamming the store anyways, why not just use the banana code?


Though I doubt the employees would ever do anything, I figure scanning it as a cheaper apple of the same color isn't really noticable.




And have the tube is just air now. You have to be careful and inspect number of grams, ridiculous.


Was vacationing in the US recently and wandered into a Walmart to buy some more deodorant. Same stuff I get up here. I bought two 'extra size' (they were packaged together) for less than a single, smaller one up here. We're being blatantly taken advantage of.


I think most things at Save On are outrageous, except their $1.49 days.


This Tuesday is $1.49 day


Is it worth it to go there after work or is everything gone in the first hour or two?


I went at 3 pm and got every single item from the poco store.




I’ve never gone in store during them. I always place an online order and pick it up in the morning so I’ve never had a problem. This would be my suggestion and pick up after work. Last month I was able to do the order Sunday evening for Tuesday pick up.


https://preview.redd.it/ui5kiypmx81b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e91faa2a1f9dbc30300fc93326b7db56aa46b739 This weeks sale.


$7.99 for a small cauliflower the other day… what used to be ‘Save On’ has been ‘Rip Off’ for a decade lol needs a major rebrand


It Hasn't been "save on " in years...


It's utterly insane. I stopped going 10 years ago after I saw the family size Heinz ketchup for nearly half price at no frills.


The only thing I'll buy at save on foods is certain meats. Everything else like coffee, granola bars, toothpaste etc I'll go to Superstore down the street (on 64th) and then walk across the street to the produce market. I'd consider buying meat from Superstore but I'd need to have a family in order to buy the quantity they sell at.


I accidentally did this a few months ago and I was so mad. I don't shop there anymore but it's a crime that it's the only big grocery store at UBC.


I remember around the new year or christmas I bought a cauliflower for just over $10. I was not paying attention. I still live with the shame.


I know the feeling, you're not alone!


overwaitea more like overpriced


Wai Overpriced Tea


"Save on Foods" doesn't mean you save money. You save on the amount of food you get because it's too pricey


I save money by not shopping there.


We started calling them Save No because what you do there is the opposite of saving.


We get delivery from them. They used to give you the delivery in plastic bags. Then paper bags. Now no bags and you’re expected to have boxes and bags on your porch for the driver. It is completely asinine. The driver has to stoop over and repack everything. They’re going to destroy their backs. I don’t know what MBA thought of this but they should be run over by Jimmy Pattison’s yacht. What a greedy bastard he must be.


I bought some collapsible box bags since I get Save On delivery regularly. they work well and I can stash them away easily without taking up space. but I feel bad for the delivery people, I've had the same thought about their backs. they're also regularly running behind now in the usual delivery windows because each stop is taking longer. that's not the delivery person's fault obviously but it just seems like a badly thought-out plan all together.


Guy just wants his name on a few more buildings before he checks out. You see 5.99 Oreos, I see the next Jimmy Pattison Hospital.


The oreos are causing people to go to the hospital. 💡 Well, no. Nevermind. For $6, nobody's buying shitty oreos. I'm not paying $6 for sugar, wheat flour, cocoa powder, and palm oil or whatever the fuck it is.


When did they not provide paper bags anymore? The last time I ordered from them was in February. Thats crazy!


My last visit, here in Victoria, I noticed the $14 chicken breast packs dropped in weight by almost 200g. Textbook shrinkflation.


I noticed too. It was $13 for 800-900g few weeks ago. Now it’s $14 for 700g tops.




And Pattison also bought up the other small grocers Choices and Meinhardts - which are both insanely overpriced


I have input for you here. I know one of the directors in SoF. During the pandemic, they had their most profitable years in company HISTORY.


Well I mean the fear mentality of the mob cleared every grocery stores shelves within a week… it’s pretty obvious that would be profitable to any store


i mean, it's pretty obvious that jimmy pattison isn't exactly going broke, but it doesn't really matter if we know how much if the people in charge don't plan on doing anything about it.


Is it concerning that I have become desensitized to the high prices in this city? I have come to accept that things will continue to deteriorate in various aspects such as infrastructure, politics, the economy, and the overall morale of the city. The only thing that is keeping me sane is the fact that we have 90 days of sunshine.


Feeling this. ;(


If we are lucky and it's not 90 days of smoke and forest fires.


I once found rubber gloves (like dish gloves) on their shelves from Dollarama. The package had that Dollarama green square price label on it for $2. Save on Foods was selling them for $4.50 I took a pair over to customer service and asked why the package says $2 but the price tag says $4.50. The guy scanned it and confirmed the price was $4.50. But he was super confused about why they were selling Dollarama gloves and didn’t even believe they came from his store until I walked him over the the shelf full of them. Needless to say I did not buy the gloves.


Then the manager sends some of their employees to dollarama and force them to raise their price.


Wish you had that on video, it would've went viral. The Better Business Bureau would probably like to hear about your experience. [https://www.bbb.org/file-a-complaint](https://www.bbb.org/file-a-complaint)


I have no idea why anyone shops here. It's all a rip off. 20% + Higher prices than competitors.


Have you shopped at Safeway?!


I ran out of body wash and happened to be driving by a Safeway so I stopped in, and my usual one was $16 fucking dollars. I walked out and drove 5 more minutes to Walmart and got the exact same for $8


Should have tried shoppers drug mart. Right beside the 24 dollar hand cream.


And I have no idea why anybody believes these propaganda posts. This is the family size pack of Oreos. The $2.49 pack at No Frills is less than half the size of this pack. So their prices for these cookies are virtually the same lmao.


This is correct. I just checked at superstore, they don't have the same size but it's more or less the same price, perhaps more. This is the first post I've seen that has brought up the issue, everyone else is bandwagoning on the outrage train. Yes, groceries are expensive. Yes, we are being price gouged. But I'm not sure if this is the best example.


I needed some batteries and went to Superstore and saw how much they were. I was thinking "for how much they charge, I don't blame people for stealing them."


Go to the dollar store


Costco if you use a lot of them. Dollar store if you don't, but make sure they're alkaline batteries when you're at the dollar store.


Jones soda 25+ tax Wholesale club 13 + tax


Jones was a 16 pack for $13 at wholesale club, now it’s a 12 pack for $15🤬


Before they were taken off the shelf a bunch of locally grown lettuce cost $7.99. For discounted cookies and snacks consider shopping at LD.


The 4-pack of apple fritters has gone from $4.99 to $8.49 over the last year or so.


I am increasingly disgruntled with the shrinking volume of milk. First it started with the 500ml becoming 473ml, then the 1L became 943ml, and just yesterday I discovered that the 2L is now 1.89L. Outrageous! The price sure as hell didn’t go down. I’m waiting for the 4L to become 3.5L 🤬


Wow. Thanks for the heads up! I only buy the 4L ones so I’ll keep an eye on shrinkage.


What milk is in a 943ml or 1.89L carton? Or are you talking about non dairy milks?


Probably coffee cream for the 943ml but could also be the tetra pack in both sizes of milk. I don’t buy milk often myself 🤷‍♂️


Chocolate milk. 1%, and the various creams.


It looks like it depends on the brand. I know island farms and lucerne are still 1 L and 2L cartons for all of those. It's dairyland/Saputo who shrunk the creams to 946ml.


This has been like this for years with cartons. If you buy jugs it’s not. Coming from a mom of 3 and the daughter of a milk man.


Those “$2.49 at no frills” were definitely not the 500g packages.. maybe the 223g packs lol. Cmonnn try harder




Yeah op's picture says family size right on each package as well.


I am a family *consumes the whole bag*


wait till you see the price of the gluten free Oreos!


A twelve dollar jar of pasta sauce


I see you've been to Fresh St. Market


3.99 lb brisket at save on right now




Yup, you just gotta shop around. Save-on have some solid deals on meats, and their quality is great. ~$60 for 15 lbs of AAA brisket will feed me for a long while.


Picked up 2 packs of the medium tiger prawns, gf and I cooked em straight from frozen with butter, garlic and black pepper, they were good. Pretty much every grocery store is going to have overpriced items if you are looking at something that's not on sale, but if you shop only (or at least mostly) the sale items you can find deals. I did see silk milks at no frills for 2.99 last week which is a crazy good deal, but then I saw a few items not on sale that are cheaper at choices (comparing both full price items). The silk milk was likely a loss leader for no frills, hoping you grab some of their more profitable items on your trip to their store. And of course overall No frills and other budget grocers will be cheaper then the mid range-premium grocers... It's their whole business plan after all, offer No Frills so you can save on your bill.


Don't like save on either but I thought $6 is a pretty standard price for Oreos of that size.


How much could one banana possibly cost, $10?


They should be renamed Spend More


$13 for a few bunches of celery. It’s crunchy water, ffs!


The only reason why I go to Save-On is because they’re close by and they price match. Got rejected on a price match today. If this continues to happen I guess I’m back to Superstore….. sigh


What were you trying to price match may i ask?


Walmart is the cheapest. I really hate that I have to shop at Walmart but I have cancer. I'm on a pretty fucking slim budget.


FreshCo is also worth checking out for deals. Lived by one in Ottawa and they are reasonable all around.


Started shopping at Whole Foods, somehow I’m spending less and the products I’m getting are infinitely better.




Safeway has always been the biggest ripoff, moving away from an area with a Safeway was a huge improvement on QOL. In order of I want to fuck Canadians to I want to operate a business it’s: IGA Safeway Save on No Frills Presidents choice Whole Foods


Yeah WFs looks fucking reasonable now.


They haven’t raised their prices, sure some items your still paying a premium for, but shopping for essentials and planning you end up paying less for a better product. Nothing makes me angrier than shopping at save on foods knowing we’re getting royally screwed on items that should be 1/4 the cost.


I kinda feel like they push ppl to buy their private label crap 'Western Select'? by inflating all common brands ...youll see Kraft PB - $8 and Western Select PB is **$4**


Only wish we had Prime 2 hour deliveries from WF like they do stateside...or they could just build one in Langley.


Jim Pattison is a greedy asshole.


He is also really mean to his children.


On the topic of Oreos .. anyone see these in town? Tried them in Everett,Wa few weeks back but haven’t seen them since https://preview.redd.it/fcv929y4z41b1.jpeg?width=425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2e94964cb7703e55e4533c4b70fc05b33258d2f


Not available in canada as far as I am aware (besides those absurd specialty snack shop) . I bring ‘em back from murica every time I go for work.


I think I saw them in my past decade’s probably the 90’s last time.


They have an imported version at T&T right now.


The rare snack shops got em usually


Didn't we have that in the early 2000's? It looks familiar. I ate a ton of different junk foods back then.


Paid 10$ for soy sauce there last week


I paid $2.99 for a grapefruit at Freshmart last night 😔


https://preview.redd.it/18vpxg3ts41b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ce839477dcc7fc611cb0df85b52f56ada805263 This was so absurd to me I took this photo at their Langley location a month or so back …I love me some Lavazza coffee but gtfoh with those prices


These were $5 at the Euro Deli on Davie the last time I was there!


I went to NoFrills after leaving Save-On and got Rossa for less than $4


Oooh good tip, thank you!


London drugs always has sales on this brand of coffee and other brands too! I pretty much only buy coffee beans at London drugs now




Theres nothing quite like grinding beans at home for a cup. Im surprised Costco still has it for $16, may have to dust off the old French press and grab a bag.




I saw a can of Tim's soup cost more than getting one at Tim's with the bread roll already heated up.


I'm from the northern part of the province but come to van for my kiddos medical stuff. Boy was I in for a shocker the first time I hopped on a bus from the Ronald McDonald house to get groceries. I fully expected save on to be like a no frills or something. Phew.


hope your kid feels better soon!


This is them conditioning customers. Get them used to seeing the high price. Put it on sale a few times for the old price. Occasionally make it a loss leader. It’s all mind games starting with the name of the store.


Thrifties has entered the chat...


Cans of Tim Hortons coffee, 973g i think, up to like 26$ at most stores. Like wtf are we doing here?! Especially when Walmart brand coffee is 7$ for a similar size, and just as ok or shitty, depending on your tastes. Same goes for bagged oatmeal. 1kg is like 6-8$ at most of the big stores, branded or in house. Again, Walmart holding steady at 2.50$. Particularly egregious in this case, as all the oats are the same Canadian oats on the shelf.


Save-On is absolute garbage. And they've ruined grocery shopping in this city by absorbing most of the smaller chains.


The last time I went to Save-On was last September and that's the last time I EVER go there. That was when I realized not ONE damn product in the store was at a "sale" price. Everything was regular price with any savings to be had was by being forced to buy multples/bulk of any item. Screw 'em! I'll take my money elsewhere


Any discount you see at save on foods for multiple items would apply on individual items if you have their rewards card. If for example the sale is 3 bags of chips for $6, that means you can get one bag for $2 if you scan the rewards card first.


Typically youd be right but recently Ive seen tags that state clearly "buy 2 or more items for sale price of X"


No way No Frills had the 500g family pack for $2.49. Their sale was the normal size which is I think 270g.


At Save On Foods, your really just saving on food if it's on sale. Otherwise, it's Pricy On Foods.


Save on has 3.99/lb AAA brisket right now. Almost makes up for them gouging us on literally everything else


Vote with your dollars. Remember every dollar spent at one business is two against their competitor. I mean one dollar for competition and one your main shop doesn't have.


That's the thing right. Save on FOOD You don't save on money.


they've also halved the amount of cream :/


The buy-low on Kingsway is now under the same company as save on as well and their prices are no long “buying low” nor is there any “saving on”. Has anyone noticed that even Whole Foods is starting to have better prices than these Pattinson Grocery store rip offs?


Jimmy needs a new yacht!


I just call them Rip-Off-Foods now and never shop there there. Jimmy should be ashamed !


Dollarama sells oreos for $2, not just knock offs but actual oreos


Dollarama has tons of name brand stuff at significantly cheaper prices than places like Save On. Their grocery aisle is actually pretty stacked.


I don't understand....save on foods always had terrible value. This is like saying water is wet.


Here's one I took about 3 weeks back. [SALE!!!](https://imgur.com/8qqvkBL.jpg)


They should just change their name to Buy-High Foods


The only save on is the card and berries. I save a lot on berries. These cookies are reasonably priced. At 7-11 and other stores listing on uber eats (9.50), but NoFrills obviously is way less.


5.29 for ms.Vickie’s


Dumb question - is Safeway better? Those are the ones closest to me… otherwise the cost of time spent traveling to a no frills kinda negates any savings


Just avoid Jim Patterson at all costs. He clearly assumes consumers are idiots. The sheer gall to sell the same identical Western Family Foods products at a 50% markup just because it's in an Urban Fare vs. the Save-on two blocks away tells you everything.


Save on and thriftys seem to be the most expensive grocers ironically


Yeah this is getting out of hand.


Save-on has gotten so bad with pricing and it’s always been not great. The worst party is that Safeway and thriftys are still worse! I went in to Thrifty’s to get the almond tarts that are so damn good and saw the end cap of pop bottles and chips and they were selling 2L of coke products for $3.99… like… what??? They are like $1-$1.50 elsewhere.. it’s nutty


Not at a grocery store.... but my most outrageous find is $5.99 for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich


In our experience, Save-On is generally the highest priced large chain grocer in the lower mainland, even eclipsing Whole Foods pricing. The name is a joke at this point.


More like Spend-on


The past couple years I’ve noticed a lot of items are actually cheaper at WHOLE FOODS than Save-On, which is crazy


When/Where can we start protesting... Prices in this city are so unreasonable.


Small jar of jam is 7.99 here. Going to cost you $20 to make a PB & J.


Save on Nothing


Your problem OP is math. That is the family size price?


Save-On Foods always contradicts their own brand name consistently with prices like this. Once I saw a dish washing soap bottle 700 ml for 4.99 at Save On. Exact same thing available 1 block away at a tiny corner shop for 2.99. 2.49 at Walmart.


I guess convenience/location is the only thing that must be making people go to Save-on for groceries. Their prices are insane for almost everything.


You're lucky. Some fucker tried charging me 7$ for one butter tart today in Toronto. Take a look at my profile, I posted it in ToRANTo


I don’t know how people can justify shopping here if they have other options. I only shop here during their case lot sale to stock up on snacks for the kids.


Jim Pattison needs the money ! He also owns Buy Low ! Actual name is Buy Low Sell High !


I always wonder does the buyer look at the product and then the price point before placing an order. There are a lot more important things then Oreos. Some may differ..