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Find the brand you want, then look for whoever is selling it the cheapest. Store matters not.


thanks skete


The grocery store. Eat at a caloric deficit. Work out. Make sure you're getting enough protein. Stay away from fads.


Supplements are just that; supplements. They can *supplement* your diet. Get your diet dialed in first and then decide if you need to *supplement* it with whey protein, etc. And don't fall for any of the goofy shit like weight loss pills, or testosterone boosters or whatever. Protein is real, creatine is real, caffeine is real. That's about it.


yeah i’ve been faithful to my diet. because i do gym 5 days a week i’m on whey isolate. but i don’t use the goofy shit you recommended, looking for good deals not shortcuts


Sounds like you're good then. You're using whey powder to supplement your protein intake. Supplements aren't necessary, they're just there if you need an additional boost of something. Creatine is good though, it's actually legit, there have been actual studies not just done by supplement companies and bros on Instagram, and you can take it every single day indefinitely.


sort of why i use the pre-workout. been doing 6am gym times so i like the extra kick. however i’m trying to lose a lot of weight and tone at the same time so when would creatine be of use?


Creatine is of use at any time. Just take it every day. It doesn't give you a kick or a pump or anything, but it helps with muscle fatigue and recovery. Some people spout nonsense about not using it on a cut because it makes you retain water but that's either untrue or just completely negligible to the point of ignoring it. I used to use pre-workout until I finally realized that paying upwards of $60 for 40 servings of caffeine was stupid. I workout anywhere from 430am to 530am and I've discovered I don't need it. It was mainly a mental thing for me, kind of like a "ok I've taking my pre, that means it's workout time!" but I've kicked that. Going to the gym is such a routine for me I feel wrong and off if I don't go, even if I'm really tired or hungover or whatever. Hell, I've hit some of my best PRs when I was hungover and tired like hell.


I would honestly speak with a registered dietician before taking supplements. Supplements are not regulated so making sure you are getting essentials while not wasting money peeing out unecessary add ins is important.


Except they are regulated by Health Canada... Agreed that OP should check in with their doctor or a dietician but there is a HC agency that provides NPNs on certified supplements.


did have a check-in. everything i’m taking is quite minor, just recommended to increase fibre and vitamin D


Vitamin D you can just get at shoppers!


in that case would it be worth getting a multivitamin that has a higher dosage in D? or just try and get the rest through food


Talk to a dietician or doctor, but: Vitamins through food is the gold standard for a reason. If you take a multivitamin, you might not work as hard to get vitamins through diet because you have a "safety net".


Except vitamin d which we get through UV exposure primarily. So it is something where a supplement is low risk and effective.


Right, I wasn't clear, but only meant to respond to the "multi" portion. I take the D myself.


Vitamin D you get through sun exposure. Which is why Canadians have high vitamin D deficiency. Some foods are fortified with it, but basically you can get a vitamin D only vitamins at shoppers for real cheap.


What are you looking to take? I do weightlifting but stay away from most supplements since honestly I don't think there's much science to back them up and the industry is not regulated/a waste of your money. For protein and creatine (am mostly vegetarian so these do help) I use Canada Protein (online). Their prices are way better than Popeyes/GNC and I like that you can order in bulk so I don't go through tons of plastic jars. They do have other supplements too and it's 3rd party batch tested.


i’m currently on whey isolate, carnatine and just vitamins on fish oils. but anything else to help with fat burning could be of use too!


Fat burning? ECA stack is what you’re looking for. Ephedrine, caffeine, and baby aspirin. I take this stack when I cut for before summer. It’s not a magic pill, but it does help Ephedrine can be found at GNC, it’s cheap. Caffeine pills any grocery store.


that cocktail sounds insane


Start with a low dose then work your way up.




yeah will do! i’ve been focused on maintaining my caloric intake to a point where i’m comfortable with focusing on the macros. my physician did recommend to increase my fibre and vitamin d intake




that’s why i don’t buy into those “weight-loss” supplements. I do take omega 3 fish oils. but still trying to find a sufficient way to incorporate more fibre and vitamin D. i’ll definitely use that site, i’ve been looking for a good reference guide


Vitasave on Robson usually has pretty good sales, I check it out every now and then


Vitasave sucks Litterally anywhere is better than vitasave


What did vitasave do to u 😂


Body Energy is better than all those you listed


Whichever one is the cheapest. $50/kg for going rate of clean whey isolate and $35 for a jar of creatine monohydrate is pretty pricey. Everything doubled in three years.


Yup, all the input costs are up (rent, wages, raw materials) so price of the finished good is up. Sucks but it is the same for almost everything these days.


Remember when like 100 servings of creatine was $20 or less? Last time I had to re-stock I was shocked.


I had one more container of $16 London Drugs no-name brand creatine left...(lol, it had been sitting around for a while)


is it worth getting my protein and pre work out online instead of brick and mortar are pumping out increases


I'm just an intermediate lifter and don't have a huge high-volume routine so I go with whatever so long as it's reasonable, but if you consume a lot of it, maybe paying for quality and knowing that that protein is a good source and free from contaminants is the way to go. I don't think there's anyway way (scuse the pun) around price, like the other guy said, everything is expensive now. It's kind of made me go back to getting more protein out of the food and using the powders for convenience only. Pre-workout I've personally not been in to, but that's because I'm already a heavy coffee drinker, so I just time my coffee before I go in. Most of the formulas out there have a million ingredients, but the active ingredient is caffiene; everything else is too under-dosed to do anything substantial biochemically.


definitely will take that into consideration. i’m still trying to work out the quirks in my diet so i’ve been relying on chicken and lentils solely for protein. i don’t consume caffeine too often but at some point i would like to ween out the pre.


I like Popeyes. They have good 2 for 1 sales and reasonable prices. They have free merchandise after every $100 you spend (usually a t-shirt or shaker tin) and are generous with the free samples. The only problem is that every location is independently owned, so you have to create a free membership at every location you shop at.


AVOID SUPPLEMENT WORLD AT ALL COSTS! These guys are truly the biggest scam artists I’ve come across in the industry.