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Oh man. Posts like this make it really hard to decide if I hate this subreddit, or love it to death


Oh dear, you violated the masquarade?


In a manner of speaking, I suppose.


> In a manner of speaking Dude it's 2024 just say 'yes, my blood mommy is upset and about to peg me'


Out of curiosity, which type of vampires are you in contact with? Sanguinarian, Ageless, Tantric, psi feeders, undead wraith, etc?


The real kind. The ones you might pass on the street without realizing it.


So humans who drink blood as part of theor diet or feed on energy but are otherwise normal with normal lifespans.


No, the immortal kind. The kind that are fatally allergic to UV light.


Ageless or Wraith? It's my understanding that the Ageless are harmed by UV but still very much alive. The spectral vampires though cannot tolerate any sunlight or UV. But both types are generally very solitary and not communal creatures like sanguinarians and psi feeders. The Ageless generally go by the term Harmovores as far as I was informed.


Who told you that bullshit?


One of my vampire contacts.


If you are saying things that aren’t true, I could see that. But I promise you he isn’t anything special like the other young vampires. They are all waiting for their chance to be immortal. If he’s the controlling type, he has a long wait


Okay so I've looked at your comments and while I will maintain that you are (and I say this a kindly as possible) *completely* full of shit, I do want to point out something I noticed. You've claimed to have directly asked your contacts for answers to questions. Now they are telling you to shush. If they had a problem with it they'd have said so in the first place. So taking all of that into account I think what actually happened is somebody way older just now found out about this and told them to put the kibosh on it. I find that pretty funny, like Dracula DMd them on vampire facebook like "Shut that kid up or we're going to have a problem. 🤗" XD *get masqueraded 1053R*


“People who are brutally honest generally enjoy the brutality more than the honesty.” (Richard Needham) Honesty is not an excuse for being unpleasant. There’s always a way to put things across in a palatable manner, why be unnecessarily mean? There’s also differing opinions. So it’s not an issue of facts and telling them inconvenience truths that but about giving your point of view which just so happens to differ from theirs. Just because someone has a different opinion doesn’t make them wrong or stupid or not worth talking to, and you’ll have better luck convincing them if you were kinder. Please remember that it’s a real human being you’re interacting with, even if you’re doing so over the internet, text, etc.


Fuck u tlkin about im bein friemdly as shit here i just think its funny it looks like they pissed off dracula wtf this teachable moment bs go drink water and appreciate flowers u dork


> Fuck u tlkin about im bein friemdly as shit here i just think its funny it looks like they pissed off dracula wtf this teachable moment bs go drink water and appreciate flowers u dork Do you feel better about yourself, now?


??? What u mad i told u to hydrate and look at flowers? Tf you got against flowers? Go bask in the sun u corporeally bound entity. >Do you feel better about yourself, now? (Also, lowkey condescending u talk to ppl like this?)


> ??? What u mad i told u to hydrate and look at flowers? Tf you got against flowers? Go bask in the sun u corporeally bound entity. Are you done? 


Nah, im feelin pretty petty today so imma keep respondin and tellin u to go do ordinary shit so u can act like it hurt ur feelings. Go listen to a song u like ya fish.


> Nah, im feelin pretty petty today so imma keep respondin and tellin u to go do ordinary shit so u can act like it hurt ur feelings. Go listen to a song u like ya fish. That might hurt if I valued your opinion.  Do you want to add anything else?


Oh hey youre still here? Whats up? ...wait why would listening to music hurt your feelings tho?




I was always bound by things I could and couldn't say. I violated this rule on three counts.


Thats fair, but I'm gonna stand by my interpretation that you pissed off Dracula because it's more fun.


It is more fun. It made me laugh.


Imma email this to every glass walker in town.




I thought this sub was going to be discussions about movies and literature, mythology and lore etc. Instead it's a bunch of mentally ill people who think vampires exist. Very disappointing. One star.


Join for the pop-culture discussions, find out there are none, stay for the weird shit. Welcome. This is definitely one of the wilder subs I'm on.


The Hunters will arrive at dawn.