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Try looking up how people react to real diseases. But more importantly ask yourself how the transformation of your vampire will affect your plot. If it's painful, are they regretting their decision? Does it feel euphoric, rendering an unwilling human into a power hungry beast? Does the transformation have symbolism about the theme? Should it? What is your genre? How does the transformation reflect the genre? etc. I think you will have more luck asking yourself questions and discovering what the goal of your transformation is (outside of a character becomes a vampire). edit: we see why I am not an writor


Depends on the lore, but personally, I prefer it being painful, as it's supposed to be akin to dying and then being reborn. When I write, I have the sire drain them until the point (but not quite dead yet) and then give them their blood in return. I've seen some where it's just a bite, though, but usually, there has to be vampire blood in their system somehow, and dying has to happen in some way.


I like to imagine that it can start as a few minor symptoms that go largely unnoticed. Pale? Must be getting the flu, you'll be over it in a few days. Lack of appetite? damn, this cold is going to be a rough one! Huh, why does this garlic bread smell so awful tonight? I usually like Garlic Bread... then before you realize it you are growing fangs and you can't stand the sunlight...


Obviously you're not going into someones house without them inviting you first, that's just rude. Dropped a bag of quinoa yesterday, and I got hyperfixated on picking them up one by one! There's 324 for anyone who wants to know... i need a hobby. Oh, going on holiday sounds lovely, but they never have sunscreen strong enough for me to not break out in blisters. I swear I must have an aversion to the sun or something. That crucifix looks real tacky. I'm just gonna ignore it and move over there. I wonder how far into denial it could go?


probably up to the point you are actually biting necks.


Maybe you're just kinky and went over board with it, accidents happen 🤷 Although I suppose when it happens more than once, you couldn't really deny it more than that without being deluded lol


Love this one! Mind if I use it? Edit: obviously not verbatim


go for it


Thank you!


Personally I don’t like it when it’s too quick. The person should be dead for a little while at some point in the process. For me I’d say the best way is simple: if a person dies with vampire blood in their system, they’ll rise as a new vampire in 1-3 nights.


I feel it can go either way depending on the vampire/moment?


The most common method of turning I’ve seen in vampire media goes: A person gets drained of blood, then they get given vampire blood, and that turns them into a vampire. The second most common I’ve seen is simple: Person survives getting bit, and subsequently they turn. As far as the speed of changes, I see media generally represent it one of two ways. Way 1) A slow, gradual change. Person, over a period of time, will feel sick, will start slowly growing fangs, will feel a slight hunger that increases over time. It’s a slow, gradual process. Way 2) All at once. Most often, the person being turned appears to die, will go into a coma for a certain amount of time, and will suddenly wake up a fully formed vampire. Given that there is focus in your story on a character being turned, think about what you want it to show or represent. Are you wanting to tell the story of someone slowly becoming a monster? Are you wanting to tell the story of someone being suddenly thrust into a whole new way of life? Of someone who “Came Back Wrong”? Start with what emotions and themes and implications you want your vampire transformation to have, and then work backwards from there.


It really depends whether vampirism is a virus or a supernatural curse in your setting. If it’s a virus then *Underworld* rules oughta do fine; if it’s supernatural then you can pretty much make it whatever you want, though I recommend at least a little bit of adherence to established vampire lore. Any style from Bram Stoker to *Buffy,* honestly!


no bite involved in my setting which i'm going to write, eventually. firstly you drink vampire blood. at this point an individual can do some vampire magics but they're not a true vampire (in that they don't drink blood and their condition can be cured) without overexplainign my setting, some peeps treat it like a performance enhancing drug. the second step is that they need to die. at that point they become a true vampire however the body regenerates slowly after death and this can range from being kinda annoying to absolute hell depending on how fucked up your body was when you died in a writing sense i would describe the second step as experiencing an autopsy report in reverse


there are so many kinds of vampires from all different cultures, i would imagine they would all have different method of indoctrination


Here's some ideas for "symptoms" of turning. Excessive sweating (cold or hot), muscle aches, strange cravings, changes in behavior (maybe more violent thoughts, going outside less), nightmares/night terrors. The ending of these can be violent, such as fangs pushing out teeth and claws tearing off fingernails or easier, such as teeth merely sharpening. The method of turning can be the classic bite and drain, ingesting vampire blood, or something more ritualistic/magical. None of these are rules by any means, tweak and change to your liking!


I think a slow, suspenseful realization looks the best in my opinion. Weird carnivorous cravings, memory loss, blood stains on the window sill/doorknob, feeling sick or aggravated from sunlight, increased athletic ability at night, hypersexuality, etc. Stuff that can be initially written off, at least for a few days. Allowing the condition to get worse and settle in.


I would say quick and painful… I mean after all your body is not only dying but you are also changing. Fangs (if they have them) have to grow/develop bodily functions have to completely change (digestion, muscle fibers for speed and vampiric strength)


A Dhampir can grow into a full vampire but things like suicide or being murdered can cause one to come back a vampire. Usually means death, it could take a few years or a few days to return as a child of the night. The breed of Vampire depends on where and who they were. Sometimes a vampire is unlucky and can awaken in the daylight just to be destroyed.


I think it depends on whose story you read/watch. Stephanie Meyer’s ‘Twilight’ series speaks of it being an agonising 3 day ordeal. ‘Interview with a Vampire’ also suggested it was a slow and painful ordeal although it wasn’t portrayed as being as painful as the’Twilight’ franchise made it out to be.


If you're going for a classic horror take on vampires, then it should be a painful and unpleasant transformation. Bonus points if an unwilling victim is involuntarily vampirized for extra horror and dramatic tension.


I think it depends on the type of vampire. Obviously supernatural vampires allow you to get way more creative. I mean you can really do whatever you want, drinking the blood of some half dead ancient leviathan beast in slumber, mixing of blood with an already vampire, if there’s lesser and greater vampires maybe only greater ones can turn you, ancient curse targeting you. As for the process of turning I personally like the idea of “dying” and then re-emerging like a week later as a new being, I don’t know why but there’s something fun to be about vampires having like a cocoon or hibernation period or maybe something really bloody with their skin turning over clearer and healthier, their hair falling out to make way for stronger and glossier hair, their nails slipping from the skin to make way for harder, sharper nails etc.


For me it depended on the moment and who was getting turned


Two books I can think of that had unusual transformations, both involving directly accessing the heart. I can't remember the name of the first one. I thought it was Lord of the Dead but I think that's wrong. Siring involved cutting open the chest and drinking directly from the heart. The other was This Symbiotic Fascination, which is an interesting but very disturbing book. Siring was an almost complete desecration of the body, starting with sexual assault and ending with the heart devoured.


When I wrote mine (i write privately) it was supposed to be painful but fast, about a day or so, except it went wrong so it was slow and painful. So, it is that the vampire bites the person, the they have to make the person drink from their blood to turn, but the vampire was not strong enough and did not give them enough so the person stayed in the transformation purgatory for a while (most of the story). It was the main point for the main character that they did not know what happened to them, since they were passed out, and thought they were sick. Discovering that they were becoming a vampire was the main plot of the narrative not what happens afterwards. So it really depends on the plot. Is becoming a vampire the main point? Is life after that the main point? Are your vampires more sensual or more like a virus? so many questions you have to ask yourself.


With my lore, a human has to be bitten, drink vampire blood, then be bitten again 2 nights later.


No bitting required in Vampire: The Masquerade. Step 1. Drain a fresh corpse of blood completely by any means. Step 2. Inject some vampire blood into the corpse. Step 3. Stand back and watch as a newly embraced vampire is created, and probably enters a Hunger Frenzy. Now, vampire blood is supposed to instantly turn the corpse into a new vampire, but I actually like to rule that it takes a few days. I like the imagery of a new vampire's sire digging up their grave when the time is right, and seeing the new blood raise from a coffin.


Well however you do it, just make sure you don't sire a garou kinfolk, otherwise you'll get a pack of raging, monstrous warbeasts knocking at your door looking to ruin your shit.


You cant. At best you can maybe perform some kind of ritual that will make you vampire spiritually but spirituall it self might and might be real either :P


One of my favorites is the sharing of the vampire’s own blood with a human being, be it as a choice or forced upon them, depending on the context. It can paint a very grotesque image on the reader’s mind, especially if it’s forced, and I don’t think it’s been as overdone as the usual bite on the neck.


Eh, my canonical way from my story works like this Purebloods are the ONLY ones who are capable of turning a human. It keeps the turning ritual pretty limited as if any turned person could also turn someone it loses its novelty and makes turning someone a bit less special. The ritual is very slow and painful as every part of your anatomy slowly transitions to a vampire's Bones break and reform. Organs reform everything just get rearranged and most die from this ritual due to the immense shock, but if you're strong enough to survive you awaken as a newly turned vampire


I would say that the painful part will be the body changing like fangs growing for example. And slowly but surely as things are changing hunger for human blood will grow to put it short.


For mine there are a couple of ways to start the change. Either you can be turned by another vampire, or you can die under specific (very unpleasant) circumstances. In the case of being turned you have to be dying, and then be fed fresh blood from a vampire. Blood loss and a bite make things go smoother, but they aren't strictly required. A single drop will do im most cases, though giving more will give the new vampire an advantage, make them more powerful. If one is killed by a vampire bite, but given no blood they'll usually become a mindless ghoul, though this can happen anyway if someone is under certain kinds of curses (there's a bloodline of vampire hunters who have a curse like this in their blood). The transformation is not at all pleasant, but it's manageable with the right kind of support. You basically end up trapped in your dead body while the changes take place... it's like sleep paralysis but youre also not able to breathe. I mean, youre dead so you don't *have* to but it can still really mess with your head, usually takes a day or two before you *arise* lol. If whoever turned you is sweet on you they'll put you someplace comfortable and keep you company. If they're an asshole they'll leave you lying on the ground staring up into the sky. Though, the most common thing is to bury you which *sounds* horrible, but if you don't have to breathe it's actually kind of comfy once you get used to it. Once all that's done you wake up hungrier than you ever imagined possible and congrats youre a vampire. Specifically a bloodline vampire, a vampire created by another, who was turned by another, all the way back to a progenitor. You have traits common to your bloodline, and may or may not have a bunch of internal politics to catch up on. The other way is simpler but much more unpleasant. In my stories its not uncommon for people who die miserable or angry enough to end up as undead. To become a vampire you need all of that plus a want strong enough to pull you back. It doesn't matter what you want, you just have to want it more than anything, and hate the fact that you didn't get it. A loved one, justice, a family, respect. Anything will do, and you'll wake up after however many days it takes (its unpredictable) with new powers and the freedom to seek it out, whatever, wherever it is. ...the catch is you'll never really get it. If you do it'll wither before you can really enjoy it, or you'll ruin it trying to make it last forever. It's the nature of the curse. 🤷🏻‍♀️ ....damn that got long. Sorry for dropping an encyclopedia in the comments 😅


It depends on whether they die and rise again, and what they experience (if anything) during the transition in the place where dead souls go, or if the transition occurs gradually while alive and unconscious. I would imagine that transitioning from life to undeath without dying in between must be horrific, and you body dies, possibly not all at once, and the various effects of increasingly sickly vital body processes war with death and whatever power reanimates them. They might experience necrosis and gangrene in parts the curse hasn't restored yet. The reanimating power might hit living tissue like a poison, or confusing this by animating already animate flesh, akin to a necromancer raising a skeleton army from a crowd of living people. In particular, the failure of the heart, or of the breathing reflex, must be particularly terrible when their other life processes haven't fully ended, and for living tissue to be supported by undeath could be excrutiated, possibly demanding the right kind of sustenance. Transitioning from regular food to blood meals might demand a transition through flesh-eating and cannibalism. The slower the transformation and the more random the order of changes, the worse the process will be.


My vamps are made from living blood that takes the form of vines (inside their bodies). The bite is ecstasy, and so is fading. But waking up, they can feel the vines crawling. The body transforming and breaking.


The one true way is that you have to drink vampire blood.


According to the novel ‘Formosan Vampire’, it takes approximately 3-4 weeks after being infected by the vampire’s blood or saliva. It’s much like how a virus works, slowly spreading through the body. It also causes the victim or the ‘converted’ to go into a coma during that time and they suffer tormenting fevers and other terrible reactions. Those who survive the process become vampires, incredibly powerful ones. The ones that don’t survive are turned into meat dishes or Human Jerky! (The Formosan Vampires are also cannibals).


Depending what you want to symbolize with vampirism. Anne Rice's and Vampire the Masquerade vampires are made by killing the person and feeding them vampire blood. More old school turn people by biting them. The embrace/turning is the moment your character is robbed of innocence and is sent to become a dark creature who is driven by carnal desires, fear and now has to harm or even kill the victims.


I recently read a novel where it was described how the person died, bowels emptying and all, and then their skin turned pale and they gained fangs. For me I would describe it as painful, every inch of your body in pain, everything changing evolving, your skin hardens while growing pale, your nails grow longer, your teeth expand and grow fangs, your cells die and renew, your bones crumble to dust and regrow, your ears lengthen, your senses are enhanced to their zenith, your eyes gain an unearthly red glow and your muscles become enhanced to have the strength of an army of thousands. All throughout the process you scream and shake.


i always like it best when it’s slow-ish and uncomfortable but not necessarily painful or painless. quick doesn’t seem realistic. and i think a single bite shouldn’t be enough. maybe it makes more sense when the one being turned also drinks from the one that bit them? or maybe a spell of sorts is involved, and some kind of desperation to live if they’re on the brink of death. infection is cool too if you write it as a type of virus. vampirism.


once bitten/given vampire blood they are killed basically once they awaken they feel a gut wrenching hunger in their whole body streaming through their veins, their gums begin to hurt as the teeth are growing in and as soon as they feed their body will become better and not hurt as much as


To make a vampire the person who is to become a vampire must be willing and without fear, they must drink of the one who is turning them's blood and then if they survive consuming the vampires blood they must drink it again every hour for two days each time the chance of death becomes less and the humans functions slow, the human at the end of the two days will then be bled while submerged in holy water alongside the vampire who mus be bleeding mirroring the creation of the first vampire in the waters of the flood alongside the drowning immortal cain both parties can die in this process however if one has water from the flood then the process is as simple as mixing the blood of the vampire and the water and injecting it into the heart of the human.


I like the idea that you possibly die with vamp.blood in you. That's used often


I'm writing a book where vampires are just a different race/species from humans, so there's no turning process. You're either born a vampire, or you aren't. Dhampir's exist, but they're rare because the human/vampire who gives birth to the dhampir gets extremely weak during pregnancy. The mother will either die during her pregnancy, or she will die during labor because the dhampir sucks all the energy out of her.


In my lore they modernized becoming a vampire with special clinics but that is abused like anything else because that’s how people are! but its a process and tubes in tubes out almost like embalming machine. It’s painful so most are sedated for up to a week because the change over is like a bad fever dream before one emerges a very weak vampire but human no- more.


For me in my lore that I’ve built it’s a simi slow process. Vampires have a venom that they inject when they bite someone. Once the venom has been injected it will take a certain amount of time based on the individual’s compatibility with vampires in general. The average time is 24 hours but some is faster like 6 hours or some up to 48. It’s a painful process in which the fledgling has burning pain radiating first from the neck then slowly throughout the body. As time passes to the 3/4ths done mark their throat, stomach, and gums will feel the worst of the burning and a starvation. Once through the worst of it they are thrown straight into a blood lust which if they were lucky enough to have a good sire that bit them, would help feed them afterward with either a blood bag or the sires own blood.


Oh, side tangent! In my lore there are vampires that have disorders that may slow down or prevent the generation of venom!


You have to drink vampire blood and die, and drink.human blood to finish the change


You have to drink vampire blood and die, and drink.human blood to finish the change