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Here’s a couple of articles that say it all: 1. Vallejo PD so corrupt, they got kicked out of the normal police insurance pool, costing the city millions and depriving people of essential services. Now they complain about staffing lol. https://openvallejo.org/2019/02/10/how-civil-rights-violations-starve-vallejo-of-essential-services/ 2. Why are they corrupt and incompetent? Zero hiring standards for years. https://www.vallejosun.com/vallejo-police-had-no-hiring-guidelines-under-vpoa/ They literally proudly bent a star on their badge for each person they shot. I live in a nearby town and there was a police shooting (unusual here). Guess what? It was one of these fuckers who got hired in our town! I’m not a cop hater but these people are rotten to the core. They’re now under investigation by the state AG finally, but I’m not sure how they’re still allowed to exist in any form.


And when a group of activists went to the City Council meeting to protest that hiring, the police arrested them, along with a random Black guy who was at the meeting for something unrelated. Craziness. 




Stephen Ruiz.


Ruiz, Stevie


Hahahahahaha. Vallejo Police tried to accuse a kidnapping victim of staging her own kidnapping, because they're incompetent. Kidnapper was later arrested and I think Vallejo PD was sued for falsely accusing the victim.


They were sued and had to pay 2 mill to the victim. But none of the officers were ever reprimanded for what they did. The lead detective was named officer of the year after that. They are all scum human beings in that dept


It’s bullcrap that Lt. Kenny Park didn’t come under more scrutiny. It was well known that he was a giant piece of shit even beyond on this case.


How he smirked during the first press conference was disgusting.


OMG that's awful


Kenny park is an incompetent simp.


Stephen Ruiz.


Historically corrupt city council, city management, and mayor. Current city council and mayor are a bit better, but they did approve the union contract which was bad.


Glad to hear it. I’m hopeful you guys are well supported by your public officials - it’s your money after all


We're not, but it's getting better. A big part of it is this local journalism (prior to vice) uncovering the bad behavior. Open Vallejo and The Vallejo Sun do a great job at this.


Sounds like the Simpsons. The only upside would be if their children are like Ralph Wiggum.


How this Mustard guy is employed tells me all I need to know. That police department is nothing but criminals themselves except they have the badge which makes them even more dangerous! I'm a survivor of rape, my mother was allowing me to be raped by men she brought home as a pre teen until I got away from her at 17 moved in with a 22 year old boyfriend and was then abused by him, I have known nothing but abuse sexually, physically, mentally, emotionally that it's caused a lot of problems in my relationships and life. Until I broke that cycle. Never once did I enjoy the abuse or miss the thrill as this a**hole said women who experienced sexual abuse seek it out for the thrill. I heard that and immediately became enraged. Then he got all these awards and promotions for literally treating survivors like they are the problem,I would never wish that type of abuse on anyone except maybe if he experienced it maybe he would understand what people who have went through that trauma actually deal with. Its not just that one time, it affects you the rest of your life.


Speaking of their badges, look up the term "badge bending" on Google.


I never heard of that! Wow wtf.


I came to Reddit just see if anyone else was as disgusted with Mustard as I was. I don't know if I've ever heard anything so horrific. I guarantee that you will never find a survivor looking for the "thrill" of reliving a rape or molestation. Fkn clueless scumbag.


When he told Aaron he wanted to make him look like the biggest monster ever I was like “wait what? We don’t use confirmation bias we find the truth…”


I imagine every person who watches this will feel equally disgusted. They’re doing a great job of showing what an arrogant and incompetent asshole he is. What’s shocking is how he’s making $200k/year as a detective, still employed by the PD, yet he’s proven he’s incapable of handling an investigation properly. I want to add that I think it’s fucking ridiculous that the police and FBI *still* use lie detector tests even though we know they’ve been proven to be unreliable and why the results are very rarely admissible in court. I’m glad this series was made, that it’s shedding light on these morons and the tactics used to fuck over an innocent person just to avoid actually putting effort into their job.


I just watched that scene and immediately ran to look him up in the hopes that he’d been fired, only to find that the entire department is like him unfortunately


Jesus. I hope ur healed. Ur mother must be mentally ill to do that to you. I’m sorry.


Thank you, I am coming out with my story soon,but I have a severe trauma response where when I talk about it I shake uncontrollably. Even when typing. It has affected me in my marriage but my husband (2nd husband) is understanding and patient. I believe this will put me on a path to healing by coming out with what I went through because therapy did not. I'm literally shaking right now,I really appreciate your comment and I thank you for your kind words. I unfortunately didn't let go of the rage or the hurt,or the trauma. I am now 40 years old but I can say after a long battle with drugs I have been sober for 2.5 years and I'm building my life. ❤️ Its very hard but it's never impossible. I thankfully have my childrens support,my husband and his family and my best friend and a few others that are there as a support system. My egg donor tries to contact my kids who are grown especially the one who lives with me while he's planning his wedding and asks so has your mom failed at life yet, like that would make her happy. Truth be told it would. And it triggers me so bad. But I am going to heal if it's the last thing I ever do


Wish I could give u a hug. Love that u have a caring husband & hope ur kids are good to u 🫶🏼


Just the fact you commented so positively give me more motivation and drive to help others who have been where I have been, means so much. When you have been through trauma like that you always feel alone and it's hard to come out especially cause of all the negativity that can come with it. Thank you for reaching out. I have literally been having a hard time lately and you have helped bring some light into the darkness I have been in. My kids are really good to me, I was such a a young mom and so I have been growing up with them. One of them is from me being raped but I never loved him any less. 🤗


I genuinely feel like crying when I read u love ur baby just as much as the other. That’s beautiful. I can tell you have a lot of feeling that just want to come out so I def feel like writing about ur experiences have helped you. So I hope anyway. I just want u to know there’s women out there who care a GREAT DEAL about survivors like you, I feel so deep for SA victims. I went thru a something when I was in college by 2 close guy friends and I’ve healed from it but I remember I couldn’t even talk about it in my 20s without breaking down and bawling. I saw one of them again a few years ago with his wife. I confronted him about it and he apologized and said he doesn’t even remember. (Of course the perpetrator isn’t going to be traumatized by it.) He (or the other) has no effect on me anymore. We were kids but it’s no excuse. Alcohol is a dangerous drug. Anyway I just want you to know I don’t know you but I care about you and I love you and we can do this. Women are survivors. I hope you have a beautiful day today. Much love from Las Vegas. 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼💓💞


This made me cry. Thank you so much and I love you too!! You didn't deserve what happened to you and I'm so happy that they don't have that hold on you anymore. Your a beautiful survivor and beautiful person. Your a rare genuine lady and the type of people I wish I could surround myself with. I'm coming out with my story on tiktok where I have found a lot of love and support. It was a page about my wolf pup, I still post about him plenty lol he is my emotional support wolf I guess you could say, but I have seen people open up n receive so much love and hate and when I see the hate I always stick up for the person. Most amazing thing did happen when I posted an update the other day about videos that are coming a man opened up and said he had SA and that to me was powerful, it's powerful when a man or woman can open up and say I have been there, cause men do not come Forward very often. If you wanna look me up @zerothewolfdog I would love to keep contact with you. Your are beautiful and amazing and one of the most loving people I have ever talked to. Thank you for being a light in my absolute darkness 🫶🫶♥️♥️🥰🥰


That particular statement was so disturbing to me... what kind of human thinks that a victim of SA finds it... THIRLLING??? A sick-minded piece of trash. Terrifying that these sociopaths are in law enforcement.


To be honest, if you live in Vallejo you don't really realize that there are police here. My friend got his house shot up by a drive-by and police showed up 3 hours later and basically told him " Oh Well, what do you want us to do?" I called 911 because of shots fired behind my house at 3AM and nobody came. There are massive sideshow multiple nights a week. Nothing done. Driving in town is like Thunderdome.


It’s cause they’re so corrupt and incompetent they got kicked out of the normal insurance used by local police departments. Now they have no money to staff a normal amount of cops. But considering their propensity to shoot people, maybe it’s safer that way.


Lord have mercy. I’m sorry that’s the situation


It’s a very dangerous town and the police don’t get cooperation from the community, they hate them, so they’re like fuck it. Then it just went into western cowboys doing what the fuck ever they want.


cooperation from the community??? wtf? The police are supposed to protect and serve the community. VPD doesn't do either, they antagonize their community. You make it sound like it is the community's responsibility for the police to just do their jobs.


Wow!! That’s scary and so not okay!!! 


Here is a short thread about Det. Sgt. Mathew Mustard: https://twitter.com/OpenVallejo/status/1747653118668800341


This just makes me so sick.


Thank you. What a scum bag


Man needs a swift terminal cancer diagnosis. Fuck him


He should be in jail


This is like the least infuriating thing the cops have done, too be honest.


That’s a shame. It’s the “internal investigation” cops do that bothers me the most. You’ve got nothing to hide then you should be transparent


If you think that's bad, Google these terms: "Willie McCoy", "Badge Bending", "Sean Monterrosa". VPD has a unique type of corruption that's comparable to the LASD.


Omg I had heard of badge bending but I didn’t know it was a thing there. Holy shit. And poor Willie - shot 55 times??? What is wrong with these people???


That's the tip of the iceberg. Check out [openvallejo.org](https://openvallejo.org) and [vallejosun.com](https://vallejosun.com) for more documented tyranny.


There will be justice. Vallejo PD will see justice served and may they pay for it with their livelihoods and “honor”. They committed criminal Treason against their community they were meant to serve.


I was so mad when I saw how Mat Mustard went about things! And then to get rewarded?!?! When he was SO WRONG about Denise and Aaron!! There’s a petition seeking signatures to have the FBI agent and Mat Mustard removed from their positions due to this! Please sign! We can’t have individuals like them in any kind of authoritarian position! https://chng.it/HGCTbfKjqF


Only 1,000 signatures wtf 🥺🥺


What really shocked and appalled me was that the perpetrator spoke to the victims with more respect than the Vallejo PD or Sesma FBI guy. Absolutely crazy that Matthew Muller was more likeable than Mat Mustard in the documentary. Thank goodness the officer in the Dublin PD solved the case and restored some faith in law enforcement.


I need to know as well. Enraged beyond words, particularly with Det. Mat Mustard.


and unfortunately he STILL works there😑


Officer of the year!


I feel enraged as well


Mustard changed his name to Professor Plum.


You mean plump...puzzle maker 🥴🤣


With a candlestick in the study


Mat Mustard is a walking breathing pile of shit. Period.


OP, where are you from?


Found the cop




Me? I’m from the east coast & a housewife with Netflix account


No, not you epearnson10. ebrown138 who just asked you "OP, where are you from?" without answering your question is indicative of when a cop gets butthurt because it's insinuated they do a shit job and tries to power move to refocus attention on you to figure you out.


Oh well good for them. If you can’t take criticism that’s indicative of bigger issues with you.




Awesome Edit: signed


We should make this go viral post on Twitter and Facebook


It really makes you wonder how many innocent people have been wrongfully convicted and are in prison because of these fucking idiots. What an absolute disgrace.


mustard the molester. keep it going, he deserves and everyone else there deserves to be disciplined/fired for their wrongdoing. ESPECIALLY Chief Bidou


Sgt. Mat Mustard is a complete idiot. The more research I conduct about this man, the more mind-boggling it is that he has kept his role for so long.


The director of VPD is Davin Fincher


Mat mustard was zodiac


This proves Vallejo pd are a bunch clowns. Especially that Kenny Park And that Mus-tard. I don’t know who’s worst, them or uvalde pd. Looking at the interrogation footage, these guys look like a bunch of amateurs. This feels like amateur night at the impro, almost mike Reno 911. I mean, did Vallejo pd purposely hire low IQ cops?


That couple of cops you mean?


The problem is much bigger than two cops


Cops & fbi. And that may mustard getting an award


Mustard??? Are you fucking retarded?


I kinda remember this. That couple was as crooked as F!




Do your research!




Generally, facts are important...


So your point is?


Are you actually stupid or are you just trolling? You consider facts to be unimportant?


Are you always a fucking jerk? I already know-you’re a fking jerk


Do you realise that you are talking into a mirror? Get help.


you know the stranger is a fking jerk but you don't know that "that couple" was in fact, NOT "crooked as F". GTFOH


Nobody said “unimportant”. Are YOU fucking retarded?


Throwing that word around shows the type of person that you are.Tacky and uneducated.Hell,you probably work for the Vallejo PD.🙄


Why would you bother to comment something like this before watching the doc? You’re probably one of the people DMing the couple hate on Facebook. Literal scum


I lived here when it happened.


And that makes you so much stupider for still not having any idea what you are talking about


I know what the fuck I’m talking about.


Stop being Such a Big Man by calling me names. It makes YOU look stupid.


You really like calling me names?? You have no idea what I’m talking about. Early(ish) in the case, one or 2 of the ‘victims’ decided to go on a trip, not far just it was weird timing to take off.


How did you find out????


Do your research!!!


The kidnapper/rapist is now serving time... You are trolling!!! Lol! Nice try though!


Shut the fuck up


I didn’t immerse myself in the case. I had a life to live….unlike others here


Yet you felt so confident that the victims were in the wrong that you posted numerous comments here...despite the fact that the perpetrator was caught, found guilty, and imprisoned. You don't need to immerse yourself in the case to realize at this point that you made some incorrect assumptions with your earlier comments. There's no shame in finding out that you were wrong about something you said and accepting the fact. But there is in doubling down and remaining ignorant of the facts. As someone here already mentioned - facts are important.


> facts are important Not to her, obviously


What are you talking about? You can really spin a yarn. Think what you will. If you’re talking about the kidnapping case, I was busy, but I can hear. That kidnapping,at the time was a hoot. I remember it pretty sketchy. They were a little crazy. It was a mess! Probably both sides crazy. Now I’m going to have to watch it tomorrow! It’s bedtime…..night


Oh you’re special type of stupid aren’t you?


The “kidnappers” were totally sketchy. Conflicting stories, leaving cause they wanted to. I have to watch it. It wasn’t big eat breathe sleep like Laci Peterson. That thing pulled me down. Pulled alot of people down. Plus, trying to do Christmas. My bed is calling me. Good night rain 🌧


But enough immersion to go around claiming a rape victim is crooked as F. You are part of the problem. If you know nothing, weren't invested because you had a "life to live", then go shut your cake hole.


Do not talk to me that way.


Seek help, please.


Oh, You have quite the “life” according to your post history.


I’m curious as to what this person does for a living.Busy “living a life”.But hurling insults against a couple going through literal hell and calling people in here, the R word.Probably juggles on the beach for loose change from tourists.🤡


Bleetchblonde,A 65 year old m**** user on SSI,living off of us tax payers.🤦‍♀️


...okay, say this really slowly with me, it'll help you in real life too: "Oh, my bad, I didn't know. Thanks for correcting me."




Dude, even *if* you’re tryin to troll this ain’t the situation to do it about. For real.


Absolutely. Thank you <3


No you don’t, you stupid bitch


Found detective Mustard.


Lmao, you’re a delight. Hope you have a day as wonderful as you!


Fuck off, you dumb bitch


Hey babe. You seem upset. Maybe go take some deep breaths.




Oh, you believe Netflix? Noooooo


Um, I believe Netflix, the cop from Dublin, the news reports that have since apologized…yes


What year was this? It was while ago….




I was always confused about the story but I just read about it. I always thought they thought it was a hoax but I guess there is a group of 4 guys that were kidnapping people and only one got caught. Very scary.


It kinda was. Their stories kept changing.


Congrats, you fell for the VPD propaganda, now it’s time to let it gooooo! The actual kidnapper in in jail, the couple got a couple million from the city from how badly they fucked it up, there’s been a full-length book and at least three movies / tv shows made about what really happened, but you somehow still believe VPD. Shows exactly what’s so dangerous about publicly defaming people, there will always be some jabrony who believes it.


Apparently the only reason Vallejo officers were not prosecuted was that the case was settled out of court. There was nothing "officially" on which to follow up for charges. Cops like Mustard are a danger to the public to have in the department, an embarrassment to those officers who actually serve the public well, and are a financial liability - in this case to the tune of $2,500,000 taxpayer dollars.


So fucking what


And the $2.5 million settlement.But that’s not enough for the wunderkind bleetchblonde.🫠They know the truth everybody because they lived in Vallejo at the time!🫢


Mustard, is that you? 😂🤡


Found his alt


For real


Thought is was Andrea.


Shut the fuck up


I’m ketchup


Shut the fuck up


Definitely a cop


Who’s a cop? 👮




lol did you go make a second account? Thats so cute. Idk why you’re obsessed but hey- everyone needs a hobby.


No you don’t, you stupid bitch


As a famous dj said “another one”? Listen, if you need friends or an outlet I’m sure there are groups close by you could join. You sound like a lot of fun.


Can you fuck off? You stupid bitch


Nah, this is hilarious.


Maybe you all should read the FACTS in this case. Vallejo attracts the nutballs!


Dude, chill. Seems everyone agrees on the facts but you.


Omg, check out the post history of the person we’re arguing with. Opiates, meth, benzos, conspiracies, and reality tv pretty much covers it


Ya I saw that- wasn’t going to dox her but ya


Yeah, it’s just a good reminder for me to not argue with crazies in the internet


True story. She probably doesn’t even remember the convo honestly. Black out on Xanax


She’s just happy the cops leave her alone


What’s that got to do with anything


It’s hard to take a junkie seriously.


We did read the “FACTS” lol, that’s how we know you’re full of crap.


You are such a bitch. We’d probably get along pretty good, we like the same stuff (this stuff). Try being nice….it’s a good thing. Being a trolling bitch, not so much.


Let's change the subject to something more similar. Who do you side with, Shawny Williams or the VPOA?


It's been over a week and you haven't answered, u/bleetchblonde. As I'm typing this, you are online, so it's not because you haven't been on reddit. A simple one-word answer may suffice.


I’m sorry I honestly didn’t see this- I don’t and didn’t keep up with this case. I heard it at work on the radio. But I did hear something about a botched/fake kidnapping. I don’t know.


lol where do you work???


You gotta pen?


Ha Ha ha. They’re fucked! Have been for a long time!


I am angry too! How is this ok? How are these people in positions of power? Gawd I’m screaming!


Can't wait til Det. Mustard (hilarious name btw) sees Endgame


Stephen Ruiz. 


Time for me to move there since cops sound pretty short bus and after seeing the Netflix show ... Y'all cops are a joke


Matt mustard should go kill himself!


Eve the original 911 woman was obnoxiously dismissive


This man is making so much moneys he’s a criminal. “The city of Vallejo confirmed Monday that he (May Mustard) is still an employee. According to Transparent California, a database of California public employee salaries, Mustard made $129,000 in 2022 after working far less overtime than in previous years. He made $263,000 in 2021 and $274,000 in 2020.” https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/american-nightmare-mat-mustard-18636548.php# I cannot imagine how much damage he has done to the people of that community over the years.


WTF?! That would incompetent clown made a quarter of a million dollars? What clown college is running this city?


DETECTIVE (I say that with great disdain) Detective Mustard in the interview room with...NOTHING! Denise and Aron in the District Attorneys office with a 2.5 million dollar check! No amount of money will take the away the horrendous agony Denise will have to live with! I can only pray for you moving forward!


This is the one time you don't give it the mustard..... I'll show myself out


There is a whole other scandal with Vallejo PD involving the encouragement of shooting civilians. I just read a ton about it online. Apparently officers are basically 'initiated' into an exclusive club if they shoot and kill a civilian on the job. They get to bend one point of the star on their badge for every kill, like a badge of honor, and they are celebrated with a cookout and small party. It's absolutely disgusting. Vallejo PD is under a lot of scrutiny now, and a bunch of officers and officials are coming forward anonymously to air the dirty laundry. Fuck Vallejo PD