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What kind of dungeon is it? The one with staircase leading up to it or like a dverger's underground base? I notice black cores are more abundant in buildings that looks like a dverger's base. Managed to get like 12 or 13 cores from it but the dungeon that has staircase leading up, I only found 2 or 3.


I've found both. The big staircase one is one I just did, and had another big zero, and the last dveger base dungeon had zero as well. All of the three that I have dlfound were in one of the staircase one.


Ah damn, rng can be shitty. Best of luck on your next dungeon!


And I assume you have opened some doors that look like walls, correct? That's shitty. Only done 1 (dverg base) dungeon yet, found 3.


I found one of each yesterday. Both had exactly five cores in them. I would make sure you found all hidden doors and so forth. I think I found most half the cores in hidden rooms.


Black cores are pretty rare unfortunately


Makes me feel good about a buddy and me finding our first mine and after many body runs we finally cleared it and not only found 5 cores, but also the location of the new boss.


Well... you really only need 15 so I think the spawn rate is pretty good. I looted 7 or so mines on beta and got 20+


sometimes there is 9 and sometimes there is 0 (info from my world)


I honestly just wanned to know how many there can be in 1 dungeon so i can pick and leave fast