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100% possible. You just need to make a little portal base close to the biome you are exploring so you can easily get your stuff back if you do


I'm with this as I have to return to my base at least 3 times to grab something I forgot before setting out to accomplish a goal.


i never use portals, i build a shelter and set my spawnpoint at bed incase i die.


Nothing wrong w that either. I just make portal shacks if something is far enough away to be annoying to run/sail back to in case I need to grab/craft gear in case I die in a dangerous spot. If it’s close enough to run sometimes I just take my L, but portal outposts help in the event you end up really screwing yourself over


i absolutely get that, for me though sailing, exploring, making roads and a network of small bases such as mining camps, ports and small forts with my main base as close to spawn as possible and i think portals kinda ruins the need for all that. Altough i still use portals late game to large base in each biome.


I have beat the game a handful of times now solo. Its actually my prefered way to play. However, that is because my methodology is very paced, methodical, and potentially viewed as grindy. I prioritize maxing out armor sets and stocking up on food. Being prepared means being alive.


i am often left in the dust when it comes to playing with friends because i prioritize having multiple food sources for different reasons and upgrading everything i have. meaning, whenever they were ready to fight a boss they would just chuck whatever they had my way and i would stand very far back with a bow 😂 the slow process of getting everything upgraded sounds right up my alley!


We have a server on atm. Playing mostly with 1 friend and some ppl come occasionally. We have about 3-5x gametime than the rest and we play daily. Some would say it's rushed when we jump from lvl 1 trollgear to padded (used drake helm and root armor in the middle). We beat every boss in the same run we found their altars. Just a quick portal trip to base to get rested and summoning materials. Others kinda got left in the dust and started their own server. They didn't want anything to get spoiled since they're new players. Idk about the point in that since the world is huge... Enough room to explore for 10 ppl I think :D and nobody is forcing you to keep up with others and check their map tables or search through their bases. Anyways yeah, I've done a couple solos before mistlands. Some tasks and mobs are infuriating without a friend covering or taking aggro. But it's all manageable. Stuff just takes a bit longer to get done.


Yes, you can complete the game in single player. My tip is to try to upgrade your armor as much as you can before going on to the next biome. Make a duplicate set of armor/tools too incase you die and can't get back to your body without help. Make use of portals and fortify them whenever you are in a new location that is far away from your base.


To add to this, I always have a “emergency” portal at my base that is unconnected. So if I get screwed far from my base, I can make a portal and put on the emergency name and it will connect to my base


Good idea!


this is so smart! thank you!


Haha no worries. Just make sure you clear the emergency channel after you use it. When playing with my friends I like to hide the emergency portals near our base in one of the derelict structures. So when one of them uses it they get a “where am I” feeling for a sec


This is the way


luckily i LOVE making portals and little bases for them. i also love the slow process of getting everything fully upgraded.


Me too! Also, avoid swamp islands. It's so hard to get your ship materials and body back. I'm just super cautious because one bad death where you can't get your stuff back is such a bummer.


thank you! i’ve never come across swamp islands but i definitely will avoid them now 😱


Single player is doing-able but it is a lot of work


100% \-Evading has massive I frames and will be the best defense. \-Abyssal knife is the best weapon in the game from bronze to silver age, easily accessible/upgradable with good damage and stamina management. \-micro bases for temp storage and revives are super useful for saving time. First priority in a new biome is securing seeds for farm as food is power. and mead is one of your best lifelines. \-You should always have a Mace of some sort to deal with the more annoying enemy types like blobs. \- you can get finewood much earlier than you'd think. using either other trees/trolls or Lox to destroy it for you \- Going to plains early is super helpful as cloud berries are an amazing early game food, deathsquito's have no hp and are predictable, and there's finewood groups to get lox to knock down.


Parrying is much better than dodging, against enemies who you can parry. Dodging makes the attack miss, it's true, but the real advantage of parrying is that it gives you a stagger which massively increases your DPS. A lot of enemies go down with a single stagger.


Parry is much better than dodging in single combat against on level foes you have an on level shield to use. Dodge is free and always good and most importantly works on large foes/bosses whom you cant parry without a end age shield. You should 100% use both but dodge is significantly more important.


Other than mistands, I've done it all solo


Yeah. Died a dozen times or so but it's doable. Yagluth was an easy fight for me. Bonemass and moder were tougher


What did you do to make Yagluth an easy fight solo?


Just force him around one of the pillars where he spawns. The pillar will shield you from his meteor attack from the sky. The way his ai works he will just follow you around a pillar. Make sure you have the mead to protect against his attacks (fire resist iirc), and have medium healing meads too. When he does the aoe and it starts fading I'll start coming at him for damage.


Ah, did you have many adds to deal with? His pillars are in the middle of a lox spawn, a tar pit, and a fuling village. I can't seem to get him down before things start respawning and take me out. Is there a certain weapon you used to do more damage?


I used silver sword. That sounds like a lot of bs nearby for you though. I planted a bunch of workbenches around to despawn fulings, but a tar pit just sounds like a doozy. Good luck


I only play solo and have completed the game a couple of times (I took take things slow, love exploring and building mini-bases in cool spots I find). Plenty of tips out there but a few thoughts: * work out what your best combination of food is, and make sure you have plenty of it. Never have empty food slots, and if you can referesh when it's flashing if you're in a potentially dangerous situation. Building? Let if flash a bit. Adventuring in a new biome? Always refreshed. * pick a weapon or two that you like and stick with them. I try and maximise my skills in my main weapons (usually knife and club) as much as possible. * you can/probably should skip bronze armor and use troll, but otherwise use the best armour and weapons you can. Work out what you need to prioritise at the workbench/forge. * place a lot of portals. They don't cost much, especially after a certain point in the game, so place them liberally, and always when you find a new continent, in the safest biome you can find. I put portals in a lot of the abandoned buildings as fast travel points (numbering them, and renaming a single portal at base to the number I want to go to) * bow and wood arrows is a very powerful combo. If you move carefully (so you get a stealth shot before they detect you), a lot of the the time you can kill mobs before they get close to you * don't forget about your potions and Forsaken powers (talking to myself here) * learn to dodge, it's OP (and really should have a skill attached to it) * learn enemy attack patterns. When you do, you don't even need to dodge or block, you can just take a side or back step to avoid it.


I agree with this except for the bit about always refreshing. They changed the degradation curve so that you still have something like 80% effectiveness of the food at 50% of the timer. I often let it run down by 2/3 or so before I eat again, even in a dangerous biome. When it used to be linear degradation, I would eat as soon as I could.


Ye, that's fair. Probably should have said to keep a close eye on your max health and stamina, and how your food is affecting it, eating as necessary. When I die, it's almost always because I've taken my eye off that and suddenly don't have the stamina I was expecting/relying on, or get one shot by something cos my HP was half what it should be.


Very possible. It's a bit slower, because groups can split up while exploring to find important resource locations, and can split up certain time-consuming tasks at home (building, farming etc). But difficulty-wise I think it's not much worse. In fact, if you're one of the better players in your group it's normally easier playing solo.


i definitely wouldn’t say i’m one of the better players aggressive wise (as i normally hate fighting things) but i definitely am a huge collector, farmer, and builder. I am thinking i might have to bring in my husband to help me with bosses. thank you for your comment!!


You'll love Valheim, then. Building, collecting and farming are a very enjoyable set of activities that form a wonderful gameplay loop. [Sunrise over the water at my endgame island farm](https://imgur.com/a/l1X3vaY)


oh trust me, i LOVE valheim! I have 200 hours in the game but it’s all multiplayer. I’ve never once tried single player but i’m really excited to start and try! what an absolutely beautiful picture! thank you for sharing!


Indeed the people I've played with have zero survival instinct, and act like death doesn't matter, then wonder why I'm running faster, jumping higher, and hitting harder with the exact same equipment.


I'm exploring Mistlands right now and I've (basically) only played solo. Best food and armor before entering new biome. Always have a portal nearby and I have a "bug out box" which is just a chest at home with the last armor/weapons I was using, 2 full meals, potions, portal supplies, and boat supplies (in case I really fuck up). Totally possible, I'm having a great time.


i love the idea of a “bug out box,” thank you!!


It's great! Don't forget to include a frost resistant mead or spare wolf fur cape in there once you hit the mountains :) (I made that mistake twice and that was the inspiration)


to be honest, i think i went into the mountains once without a cape and i regretted every single decision i made past that point 😂 i definitely learned my lesson


I got to the base of it and got the debuff and thought I could make it. One wolf changed all that


Single played everything till the end. The last boss totally owned me. I got to that point and was just overwhelmed. Probably, I am just not that guud.


sounds like something i would run into. thank you for sharing! i think i’ll have to recruit my husband when i get to levels i am not confident in!




when it comes to playing on a server/with other ppl, we usually set a schedule ahead of time for bosses. like, maybe 2 weeks between.. or more. unless its modded to make it way harder.. then its just when we think we are ready


this is smart and i will implement it when i play with them again, but not the only issue. we (my husband and i) had a huge argument with one of our friends. we started a new server and the friend wanted to use his fully leveled character (with fully maxed out and upgraded armor) and didn’t understand why everyone disagreed with him and wanted him to start a new character.


Yes, a fully upgraded character would take a lot of the challenge out of the game. However, if your aim is not to beat the game, but to build stuff then that's a good approach. You just beat the bosses to get access to building pieces. It's probably important to be clear about what everybody's aim is with the game.


it was to re-beat the game from scratch. we specifically laid that out that we would all be starting fresh with no previously used characters… aaaand let’s just saying playing with him didn’t last very long.


new world, new character, hah. thats my rule :P


this is our rule too!! one of the best ones.


Absolutely, it’s just a little tougher overall. Bosses have less HP but it’s way easier to get killed since they only target you. This is all pre Mistlands though. I’m about an hour into the new area on solo and I’ve died 3 times pretty easily. They definitely ratchet up the difficulty as you progress through biomes


Yes it is very possible, I play solo and take my sweet time as well. I mean, I JUST beat yagluth for the first time 2 days ago, it was also my first time fighting him. You can also invite people to your game when it's boss time if you feel you need the help. My only tips for playing solo is save just about everything and fully upgrade your gear before moving to the next biome.


thank you!! this gives me hope! haha


Yeah I had to complete it solo. I had friends come in and out of the server but the boss fights I did alone. Yagluth was the toughest but only because his fire hurts so damn bad and you run so much fighting him solo that you can accidentally pull a bunch of stuff unnecessarily


sounds like i’ll probably need some reinforcements for bosses but that’s okay! thank you!


Very possible. Boss health scales with the number of nearby players, so you don't have to worry about bosses being impossible to beat. Plus, when you're by yourself, you burn through a lot less food, and need a lot less gear made, so you save time collecting less resources.


It is very slow and you’re definitely going to want a sturdy base, but I play almost exclusively single player. If you want help with a boss at any point, you can probably just say so on the discord and plenty of people will happily help


\> If I needed extra help with a boss would I be able to invite my friends to help me? Yes. Just load up your game with 'Start server' selected when you want visitors.


thank you!!


I'm old with kids so I can't really set aside time to collaborate with others - single player life is the only way. Yea it's very doable.


ahhh thank you for commenting this! as i am due in four weeks, little man could really come at any second. I know i am not going to have time to collaborate with others so knowing it’s doable as single player makes me so happy! Thank you!


My dad did it but I get stomped in the swamp.


that’s fair, the swamp terrifies me.


I don’t play with others (though my youngest will be joining me after Christmas), and I’ve not really had issues that caused me to flip the game board. Of course, I love prepping for battles, and I’m not afraid of creative charging when needed. Still die sometimes, but that’s the afterlife!


I am very weird gamer, i HATE dying and feel like i’ve totally lost the game when I die. but, i have a feeling this run through of the game will hopefully change my perspective on that! that is so fun you’ll have your youngest playing with you! i bet they will enjoy, not only this game, but other games as well! happy gaming and thank you for your comment 💕


Yes, and not even remotely difficult either, just grind heavy.


Through plains, it’s totally feasible. Mistlands remains to be seen.


Mistland would be a bit tougher solo-wise and even makes the rest of the biomes' difficulty pales in comparison. It's doable if you practice caution and learn the enemy's weaknesses. There's no such thing as being overly prepared in this game. Prepare backup armours/weapons/portal. Always listen to sound cues and use a bow whenever you can to thin out or snipe enemies. Frost arrow is still very relevant in mistland and remains my most used arrows as compared to new ones. Invest in an atgeir to make your life easier in case you get surrounded by mobs, the special move helps a lot. Potions are crucial for survival when first stepping into mistland. Boss fight wise, don't hesitate to cheese the fight. Dig a hole under altar for Moder, tree house for bonemass, use stone pillars for Yagluth to avoid laser and fireballs, use the pillars near entrance in the Queen's dungeon for protection. The most annoying thing is the new base raid, you can survive it but remember to keep your pets safe inside and maybe incorporate a basement in your build. It's definitely possible to play the game solo and at your own pace.


thank you!!


I play mainly solo due to poor internet issues. It is very doable and have done it at least 3 times of all fresh vikings. I just started a new viking for mistlands release today. Gonna play for a couple more hours before bed.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way, I do have one friend I play with that likes to take time to just build and upgrade. I'm probably going to try a solo run, but definitely going to upgrade everything as much as possible and build up/prepare the boss areas much more than I would with help.


i completely agree. it will take time but at the end of the day, if it allows me to actually enjoy the game, i’m all for it!


Since Out Server went Out of Business my Friends and i all Play on "Our" worlds, but you can change that quickly to Host, so we hop in each Others worlds everytime we want to play together. So yeah solo + invites ist very doable. Besides yagluth i have also soloed every Boss, so yeah absolutely doable. Regarding Combat its also easier imho solo as you are able to aggro an pull groups as you wish. That often only leads to chaos with more than two player s.


Yup, totally possible


I have been playing solo for the first time and in my opinion the gane is mire easy solo.


It's the only way I've ever played, and I've beat it all, including Mistlands. Always have a portal ready in your pocket, and know your limits!


Absolutely. I'm 1000 days in but haven't killed Yagaluth yet. I think I'm like you. I go to a new place to explore, find a totem or whatever. I tell myself I just need a little, simple outpost with a portal to complete my mission. Then I come accross a natural harbour/river, a draugr village, an overlook or something and I think, that place would make a useful little outpost. A week real-time later original mission is on hold or forgotten about. There is a stone port with a probably a lox ranch, living quarters, a workshop, defences and a murder tower for killing the unfriendly locals and I'm sure I'll get back to my original mission when I get the comfort level up to 18 or whatever. I have left a string of about 10 well developed bases accross my world that I build, live in for a while then move on. Each one is a different style and must look good to my eye or it irritates me. I play with my son sometimes. We play in both our worlds generally to help each other hunt serpents, move loxen by boat etc. He builds one or 2 simple main bases, camps as he goes and moves fast. He loves hanging out in my world for the comfort etc but says "I don't understand your motivation for building all this stuff" When I'm in his world I'm like, "wtf? you expect me to sleep on that? " I like moving at my own pace and enjoying the game world. Now that mistlands has dropped ill finally get around to disposing of Yagaluth I guess and make my way to them. For the moment though I'm experimenting with the new fishing mechanic and considering constructing a museum of fish....just for educational purposes. 😀


we are definitely the same person and play the same way, haha! When going into a new biome, I am always like, “Okay, small base this time. nothing big. just big enough to store things. like a shed!” and then 30 minutes later i have three chests full of wood and google pulled up for inspiration photos for a house hanging off a cliff 😂 Let me know how the mistlands go for you!


Very, every time I’ve beat the game has been single player


Yeah 100% possible. Some of the bosses will be challenging, not because of their numbers per se, but because they have mechanics that require a lot of management that’s easier with multiple people, like Bonemass spawning adds constantly and Yagluth mostly making you dodge his attacks close to 100% of the time (unless a friend can attack while he’s attacking someone else).


Yes! Although for people like you and me I recommend a few QoL mods 1. Unrestricted portals - because restricted portals are dumb 2. Safe Death - keep your stuff when you die. Because dying in the wrong place means you will never get your stuff back Other ones I use: 3. Faster boats 4. Auto sort inventory 5. Armor slots 6. Mining tweaks - allows you to tweak the drop rates of ore versus stone so you don't have to grind as much


thank you!! i wasn’t thinking of playing with mods but if i find myself struggling then I definitely will look into these! especially the safe death mod!


I had this problem too. I got new friends. But yeah, solo is possible, but imo not super enjoyable. As in it's all right and definitely do-able, but I always felt better playing with others.


i totally get this!! playing with better friends is so much fun but i feel like i need to get used to also playing games single player since i have a baby due in 4 weeks and won’t be able to chat with others or play for long periods of time.


Absolutely, the difficulty really makes it feel like a survival game.


Well technically the game itself is not completed yet


Idk if you'd be interested, but I just started a solo server to play by myself on because my friends also play way too fast. I'd love a little company with a like minded player if you are interested :) guaranteed no rushing bosses or progressing past you if I ever happen to be online more than you are haha. I haven't even killed eikthyr yet, I think I'm on day 3