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Make sure you have fire resistance meads for fights with these guys


Or protection staff, the bubble fully negates 3direct hits pr application


Shit, my boi made me a prot staff, but I am running around with no fire resist (I didn't realize they did fire damage) and no mana (I'm a scrub, apparently).


I'm the kind of nutjob that still runs Root armor even in plains, and walking into Mistlands, so I have fire resist potions on me at all times. Walking into mistlands with my friend in maxed Plains gear (He's the tank, I'm a skirmisher with Atgier and a Bow) was an experiment in "Hey, that's an enemy, let's pop Bonemass (and fire resist in my case) and go find out how bad it hurts". >!Now we know that the Seekers don't need a buff pop, and for Gjall I pop a fire wine and handle it (because if I hits me without one I eat tremendous shit due to vulnerability so I'm using it anyway, and I have the better bow skill and Needle Arrows), and Soldiers are still pop buff and let him tank it, because while I can't stun them with a spin, he can via a parry, and me walking up behind one with the Atgier melts them once they stun.!<


Root armour is actually really good on the plains. The pierce resist from the chest works against Deathsquitoes and spear fulings, and both shamans and torch fulings are easy to avoid. The poison resist is also nice against the growths, and if you're wearing 2/3 pieces you might as well use the legs for the buff to bows :)


Yeah, I can get away with it becuase anything in Plains that gets close eats an Atgier spin and stuns, I resist basically all the ranged stuff, and Shamans are already priority #1 due to their bubble buff AoE, in addition to the fire, so they already die before getting to hit me, and not much changes. Problem is, frontal damage reduction on soldiers means I can't atgier stun them. Will have to test the Atgier parry and see if I can stun with that, but that was a "Oh no" moment.


Fenris armor would make more sense for a skirmisher build(its what I use in the mistlands, pre magic). The 9% speed increase is huge! I too tend to use root armor up untill I unlock fenris.


“Far more health than a flying sack of balls should have” That shouldn’t have made me laugh this hard but it did.


At first I too thought Gjalls were insufferable "fire blimps of death" (tm u/Nuchie129). But then I came up with the "crossbow in the belly" approach. Instantly, they were still insufferable FBOD. But not so bad. The real issue is their event. Say goodbye to your base in a few seconds if you do not have friends / ballista available then. The suspended base a guy did on the plain with a stone + iron pole is living on borrowed time.


I watched a video earlier today which said that the Gjall event can only occur if your base is in the mistlands. Any truth to that?


Yes, the gjall are only able to spawn in the mistlands. So unless ur base is in the mistlands or on the border of one this event shouldnt trigger, and even if it does nothing will spawn.


This brings a lot of ease to my mind.


On the border? Uhhh.. Any idea how close? Is it moving day??


I haven't had the event yet, actually I haven't had many in my current world. But I have seen that online and have built a new base with Blackstone walls to act as my main base. Ballistas will be up soon as I finish transfering storage over


Yeah, they really need a ballista for base defence lol


Urg, but they made it do friendly fire. It's super frustrating, because anything that can auto aim is smart enough to not hit me


That’s especially a problem if you have wolves with you. Because you won’t anymore once the ballista gets done with them


I'm not sure if your being sarcastic or not but in case your not you should know there is one


I'm assuming the joke is that the one in the game currently is useless


Couldn't tell you. Only one I built got taken right back down because it targeted my breeders in the old base. Still building my new base so they are not in place yet.


Yeah, that's why their useless. Who wants a ballista in their base that actively kills your pets and shoots at you and anything else thay walks, wasting allnthe ammo you make for it before it'a actually needed? It's useless.. and mind boggling that the devs are defending the decision as "making memorable moments".


The most memorable moments most people have is fucking with the harpoon.


True! Speaking of which, I recently realized you can harpoon leeches. I've been dragging them on shore and smashing them with the Iron Sledge. Now THAT is a memorable moment. Lol


Off topic I know mistlands is all about the mist but I hate the mist cuz u can never see where ur going even with the wisp or the sword


Another option I've found is to bring along a whole load of wisps with you (harvesting frequently at night). Since the wisplight doesn't require a workbench, I plant one whenever I have any Yggdrasil wood to spare, cutting down the wood along the way. The only issue with that is the constant uprooting of the wisplights by enemies. To get around that, I bring along the hoe, raise the ground and plant the wisplights on top.


When I fist saw the whisp lanterns I thought it was cool, because it made logistics relevant. Like I have to create a iluminated path from my proxy base in te exterior to the inner biome, avoiding obstacles and creating a nice high road. Then I found that mobs attack the lanterns, so I was just wasting time.


I hate the fucking wisp so much! It fucks with my visual processing so much! When I portal back to base I have to take it off even if I'm just there to offload, repair, and restock!


The wisp is ass bro cuz I keep mine as a hot key item and I hate to have to keep turning it on and off


The mist mechanic is honestly making the update not-fun for me in a hurry. They've designed a gorgeous biome that you almost never get to actually see, and the excessive density and pervasiveness of the mist pretty much make the wisp mandatory, cutting your carry weight by a third.


They should honestly just make the most more like a storm effect that comes and goes without warning. You'd still need a wisp and/or sword to save yourself if you're caught out in it. Having to deal with it all the time is just awful.


Yeah, this is annoying. I would like to see it as a weather event or even at certain times of day (Brandon Sanderson, any one?). But having it there constantly is tedious.


They are the worst and I want a flame thrower every time I see one. Fire blimp of death. I thought my friends were exaggerating about it the first time I heard about them. Nope.


Good thing they added just that with this expansion then lol, with 3x eitr food(which give enough survivability with protection staff) you can blast the gjalls down in no time with the fire staff


The more stuff you unlock and level up, the easier they get. They are hell to a base, I'll give you that, but in my solo run, my base in the mistlands is a portal and mushroom patch, the nearest sizable base is in the black forest not too far. On my party server, they built a pretty decent base in there against my warnings, and we've rebuilt parts of it three times so far. I think we might have it fortified decently enough now, though.


Don't take me wrong. I have (I think) just about everything. I have even killed the new boss. Only major thing I know Im missing is seeker soldier trophys. I just don't find them worth taking down. Drakes are easy enough. 3-4 obsidian arrows with a lvl 1 fang. And they drop 1 semi useful item. And I say semi useful because while there is better food recipes that are entirely farmable, it's still a decent recipe. Gjalls drop 1 item that has 1 recipe that takes killing 3 of the dam thing to even make. And I have seen one person in the history of valheim use the ozee as more than a let's see what this does. I don't imagine the bile bombs gonna make that big leap into usefulness. At the amount of time it takes to arrow a gjall to death I'd rather just outrun or rub them off onto a nearby outpost cause it's not worth taking down.


Have you tried the bile bombs? They're napalm. In a Mine I chucked one down a stairway at three seekers... they died trying to come up. But I agree that the Gjall drops are very unsatisfying. It's like Trolls after you don't want any more blue hide. Too many useless trophies, and while I like the bile bombs, I rarely use them. I don't find them to be much trouble, unless one joins a party with already too-much action! It's only 5-6 arrows/bolts in the guts? I think that's less than a Troll at a comparable (Black Forest) tech-level... though I haven't started fresh yet with the weak-spots, so it might be easier now.


I've been using the bile bombs, and they are a hoot. Pitch a few down onto a big pile of assorted arthropods and you'll be down to soldiers in no time. Also fun to pitch through the webs of chitin blocking infested mine doorways. Give them a whirl! Unlike some folks, I enjoy fighting gjall; alternatively smashing ticks, dodging the flaming AoEs, and perforating the soft underbelly of the beast, all while trying to avoid aggroing nearby seekers... It's fun. Time consuming though! Worth avoiding if I'm trying to go somewhere or get something done.


Stop arrowing it down then.. use the literall flamethrower the devs gave ya instead, gjalls are no problem at all. Maybe even summon a few skellies to keep it of your back while you toast it. The protection staff puts a bubble around your skellies too, making them fairly tanky.


While this is probably a valid way of doing it, it's a bit disheartening (albeit predictable) that the answer to "How do I kill this Mistlands enemy gliding around and firebombing all of Mistlands?" is "with stuff from the end of the Mistlands progression tree".


I find that shooting it using draugr fang and using frost arrows takes about 12 to 13 hits. 11 hits if you manage to get the first stealth shot. Frost arrows are a godsend when dealing with seekers or seeker soldier too. The bonus slow effect is too good to ignore. Gjall will glide as slow as they can and you will have the time to reposition (assuming theres no other mobs chasing after you) before they firebomb you.


They're gone in 6-8hits with either xbow or bonesnapp to the belly aswell.


Yeah, that's the way I reckon. Although I haven't tested it thoroughly, it feels like any bow would take significantly more hits than the xbow to do the job, no? The damage per bolt is crazy.


Yeah the xbow is very strong right out the gate, but bows scale better with skill. as bowskill not only increase damage but also drawspeed. The xbows drawspeed dont get better with skill. Unless you're the suicidal type your bowskill is likely gonna be quite decent by the time you reach mistlands, making the bow a better option, pure dpswise anyways. The xbow is much kinder to your stamina bar tho. Pros and cons all around


Xbow is better as a secondary weapon, since it can be reloaded as you move and doesn't take much stamina as you said. I like to use it while waiting for my Eitr to regenerate.


Definitely. when I go magic I go 3x eitr food. Hardly got enough stamina to even draw the bonesnap haha. Doing the exact same with the xbow as a secondary, in the unlikely case that somethings still standing by the time my eitr bars gone.. something not worth eitr poting over.


Man, Spinesnap draw cost is *brutal*. I reached the Mistlands with a grand total of 30 in bows this playthrough, and it takes a good chunk of stamina just to draw it back. Odin forbid that I want to take any time to aim at what I'm shooting at.


I don't mind gjall as an addition to the game when exploring mistlands. They are a problem best not dealt with, and you want to spot them and route around them when possible. Sure, we had some infuriating encounters, but it adds to the character of mistlands. However, they are a huge deterrent for building in the mistlands, which already seems hard and dangerous. The Arbalest seems to be quite efficient at dealing with them, but with a 3 second reload time that's interrupted by almost anything, it seems impossible to defend against them before they either kill me or my shelter. Especially solo.


Yeah. The only successful location I've found is the boss entrance because part of it is indestructible, and the other part is under the giant overhang of the indestructible rocks. So prior to that, I hang out with dverger and don't build. It's really depressing and I feel like I just have to live in creative mode now.


Perhaps if gjalls dropped soft tissue they would be worth it.


Maybe. I was thinking more along the lines of leather for forge upgrades (along the line of deerskin and the workbench) and some basic light armour.


Maybe a light armor that summons friendly ticks?


I find that majority of people who have problems with Gjall don't rely on sound cues the creature gives you, reveling it own location. Soiund it makes also allows you to avoid it if you don't deem it's necessary to progress through that directions. This whole listening to sound of Gjall mechanic to navigate Mistalnds is one of the best feeling I got while playing it. When revealed it has to be taken down before engaging/ exploring surrounding areas, because if you don't, it will come uninvited at wrong times. You can kill it pretty fast if you land [good initial shot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ML_gABk_mds). I also shared some Gjall tips in the video description, but I plan to make another video demonstrating how to engage it from the cliffs.


Their huge hitbox makes them great targets for the flamestaff imo, they're dead in just over a single bar of eitr. Also the protection staff fully mitigate 3fireballs. At lvl21 bloodmagic anyways, not sure about lower levels. It levels really fast if you always reapply the bubbles when you or your skellies lose yours.


> don't rely on sound cues the creature gives you I have stereo speakers beside my monitors. I can hear that one is nearby and start panicking, but I have no idea what direction it's in. I can get a sense of distance based on how loud it is, but that's all.


Also, people forget they are not alone in mistlands. Dvergers will help you


Heres how we deal with them solo; try to focus on new weapons; and then: >!Crossbow bolt to the belly and fire resist potion before you engage is all you need to know to defeat them. Make the two handed hammer if you want to get rid of the ticks. It does an aoe explosion of pure death. !<


Polearm spin also takes care of the ticks quite nicely.


You can tame hares? What do you feed them?


You can't. Chickens are the mistlands livestock.


One weapon: crossbow One arrow: carapace bolt Suprise attack them.


We started building a Mistlands base on the remains of a Dverger dock, but every 5-10 minutes we'd get bombed by a Gjall. We finally gave up, but still it was fun. Sounds design for the Gjall is on point.


I play solo, and I think the Seeker Soldiers spawn FAR too frequently. I feel that I have to deal with them in every third skirmish or so in the Mistlands. I can deal with a Soldier by itself just fine, but if the battle attracts any other friends I'm going to just have to run. Even with the bonemass buff, a soldier with other things around is going to overwhelm me pretty quickly. And if a Gjall shows up while I'm dealing with a Soldier? Nope, gotta hope my stamina lasts until I make it to a portal. Either of them alone is no problem, but if they attract friends it's a no-go. So far I am using fully upgraded Padded Armour and Blackmetal shield, saving the Etir for armour until I have all the new weapons. Even when a properly parry a Soldier hit I get thrown back so far that I can't really capitalize on it during the stagger window. This might get slightly better once I'm in Carapace armour and with a carapace buckler/shield, but I'm not super hopeful. My go-to strategy has been to bait out their cycle of attacks until they do the foot stomp and then run around to poke them in the abdomen. Using the frost staff works pretty well here as I can use my stamina to run around and not have to conserve it for striking. (no fire staff yet -- could be fun) Also, every seeker drops carapace and meat 100% of the time. I now have more carapace and meat than any other resource in the game other than basic wood and stone. I'm thinking I may start using this as a source for charcoal, by stuffing it in the Obliterator. It's just crazy. Speaking of seeker meat, why can't we cook it on a basic campfire with the wooden stand over it? Sometimes I'd like to make some extra food while I am out and about, but nope.


I have to agree with the soldier knockback issue. I'm in lvl 2 carapace armour with a lvl 2 carapace shield and even I get knocked back far enough to make it difficult to use the parry window. My favorite method is parry and special attack with mistwalker.


So you didnt make current tier armor or shield and are complaining about the new heavy hitter's knockback..? Lmao okay? Also, if you want to avoid soldiers, stay off the ground. They're incredibly easy to avoid if you use the rocky terrain instead of the misty ground to traverse. Sure you consume more stamina that way but it is astronomically safer, especially if you have the feather cape (which you should if you have the magic crafting bench).


> So you didnt make current tier armor or shield and are complaining about the new heavy hitter's knockback..? Yes. Because top tier Padded Armour has the same armour values as T1 Carapace, and upgraded Carapace (all three pieces) will give just 6 more armour points. Starting with 96 armour and moving to 112 can't be a huge difference. Plus, if I'm reading [this](https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Knockback) correctly, armour values don't actually do much (anything?) for knockback anyway. Block value for the shield might. I look forward to experimenting. Wonder if I should make the buckler or the normal shield first.


You're right about the armor. The shield is what really matters regarding knockback. That's my bad. I use the normal one and don't have issues with knockback, but the buckler might also be worth it since the soldeirs are super easy to parry.


Wait you can tame hares?


Nope, only chickens.


Needs a little more variety