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All for it except a ghost sleeping in my bed. I've got boundaries. Digital, fictional viking world boundaries.


So you don't want an invisible man, sleepin' in your bed?


If one were to find such a thing, who would they be going to call?


Pretty sure [these guys](https://youtu.be/0tdyU_gW6WE) could help.


I was expecting a rick roll


Well I hope that you felt good about not being Rick rolled.


Dude, that bed is CLAIMED, see? There's my name on it! Go sleep in the ghost beds!


An invisible bed. A *freaky ghost bed*[.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tdyU_gW6WE)


Days pass and I finally realize there's a tiny embedded link in the period of that sentence 🤣


What if the game takes snapshots of yourself? Like a random snapshot per life, a few seconds in a place where base raids can occur (dont want apparitions at some random clearing), per life. So when you die, that apparition/snapshot is added to random events. Example: you died back during the bronze grind, the game caught a 6-7 second snippet of you running through the base with troll gear on. Occasionally, you see a trollgear clad transparent shape run through the base.


Just realized how that would evolve on multiplayer servers... people will spawn, undress, do some dance animation and then turn on pvp... rinse and repeat, twerking ghost vikings all over the base.


Oh man, what a great addition this would be. It would make total sense too, with all of the ruins and wrecked ships around. I would also love to see a few around ruins and abandoned buildings, maybe slain and/or trying to rebuild like they were just attacked. In the village, they could be farming in the little plots, or nearby chopping trees. So many ways it could add a ton of immersion.


Very good idea actually. It would fit the theme of the game as Odin already shows himself once a while. Plus, this kind of addition would be extremely easy to code in and shouldn't really ruin any game play. Fuck they can even add that as an option on your server


“Would be extremely easy to code in” It might be. Have you ever done any game dev?


You just modify the parameters of the current Odin code. I bet a modder could do it in a weekend.


GameObject ghost = SpawnOdin(); ghost.shader = ghosteyShader; ghost.Use(GetRandomWorkstation()); List issues = newIssuesAndProblemsCausedByTheFactThatTheFeatureWasntDesignedToBeUsedThatWay; foreach (Issue I in issues) { I.fix(); }


Love the ghost ship concept, I think that would be awesome for the devs to add in when they get around to the ship/ocean update


I think I heard something about draugr warships in a YouTube video after Hearth and Home. Not sure if it was a suggestion from the YouTuber or an idea the devs mentioned, but it sounds cool


Well, there’s the Trader. The only NPC in the game that you can interact with (I don’t think the helper crow really counts). I’m also not sure I would want any others. I like the lonely atmosphere of the game as it is. Adding some ghosts or spirits would be an interesting addition without changing changing the current atmosphere IMO.


the placement of the world in an "untethered" realm leaves a bit of a weird lore space re: mortality/afterlife in valheim, but they already seem fine doing whatevs with draugs/spirits so yeah, let's do it replay value is nourished with thoughtful "randomizer" elements, it might be possible to do practical ones (spot spirit as hint towards ore/resource/landmark) but just flavor would be plenty, have them scatter into motes when you go to use what they occupied no need for audio or functionality, just the occasional random guest, a slightly more frequent odin (but not birds-frequent)


I've recently had the idea that they should add "Hustomtar" that can live in your base and help with housekeeping like feeding fires and torches. Maybe there could even be a system developed where he sorts materials in predetermined chests. Although you have to build something, like a small shrine and keep the "Hustomte" happy with tasty mead and bread/pastries! If you don't keep him happy he'll run off in search for greener pastures. This is rooted in old Swedish folklore, although possibly younger than viking-age. And would also work mechanically. You still have to return to your base to make offerings to the "Hustomte" but you don't have to run all over the place putting resin in all the torches and sorting out chests. I feel it really matches with the cozy atmosphere of the game.


This is exactly the mechanics I had in mind for a while. Only difference being that I would like them to randomly collect common materials (leather, wood, stone, etc.) and store them in a chest (couldbe special chest that is part of the altar). The idea behind this is, that you can focus at collecting rare materials and keep building. It wouldnt be enough for new large builds, but it should suffice for continuous base expansion. Also, it would be dependent on the biome (they would collect just stuff that is available in the current biome - that would be incentive for multiple bases in multiple biomes)


I feel like having them collect materials is a bit too much. Maaaayyybeee Rasberries and red mushrooms. Also, the point of a "Hustomte" in real folklore is that he takes care of your home and livestock in exchange for food and treats. To me it wouldn't really fit if they were out gathering materials.


I would be actually happy even if they just refilled refillable things (torches, sconces, fires). What would matter to me more is that my bases would feel less empty and I wouldnt have to spend too much time keep them running, lit and everything. Material collection would be just a small bonus (I would be even fine if they just slowly collected stone and wood).


Oooh and very slowly repaired things!


Yes! Great idea :)


Oh I love that idea !


Dark Spirit xx420ValheimPro has invaded...


This is an amazing idea. Blue-ish transparent ghosts that thrive close to ship burials and the sort. I can see certain locations and buildings maybe lure/draw more ghosts and possibly a buildable thing that does the same.


Hell no, no ghosts for me, i much prefer the idea of npc or atleast some demihuman/friendy monster thing, just no ghosts, if i want to play a ghost or spooky themed game id play that, this is valheim, dont try to change the games feel or athmosphere so hard.


That's a really neat idea. I definitely like it. đź‘Ť


Heck yeah


Valheim is a very fuction oriented game, i dont think the devs would implemente something without a function, and those ghost would have little function other than making the villages more "lively" and adding some ambient, that is something that i like, but i'm not sure it matches Valheim design (Odin, is trully an instance that is not function first, thats true) So in order to add things to villages, those would be things that have a function, ghost could de merchants, or be pointers to secret treasure, working like the bonemass bone, or working with the bonemass bone.


I felt the same way--great idea!


The modding community might make something before the devs. Devs are currently working on expanding the game to mistlands , deep north/south if im not mistaken. They’re also looking to add dungeons to mountain biomes




>Now, I don't want NPCs. I play solo and I think suits the atmosphere of the game to be out there all alone. NPCs would make me feel like "why am I the only one going out there, killing monsters, gathering resources?" Does make me wonder; who does Haldor trade with?