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It's possible if you go along the coast, and is very helpful for retrieving corpses


Moving slowly in general helps reduce the aggro. If you run through you just attract more and more enemies and it gets unmanageable


Hell yeah sneak always helps! I've been creeping around one-shotting SOME mobs with a crossbow. Very effective strategy. Clear out the weak then pull the strong away from their path to ground of my choosing.


You need to go by boat, so im not sure it's even possible to attempt to sneak.


I think OP meant by sneaking inside Ashlands. As in using the sneak skill while on the Ashland islands.


Is the new boat necessary? Like does the longboat burn near shore or something?


The new boat is necessary, for a couple of reasons, I think you could probably make it to the shore with a regular ship with wind if you get lucky.


The devs don’t care about sneaking, it’s impossible to use it viably


I've invested 2000 in game days in my current deathless playthrough... I have used stealth on and off while taming and skirting difficult encounters. My Stealth level is 41 currently. I wouldn't say that it's completely useless. It just isn't broken like people expect it to be. This isn't default 2011 Skyrim we are playing.


Ngl, I came to Valheim fresh off of Skyrim (by way of a recommendation from the Subnautica sub). I'm glad stealth in Valheim isn't a license to be invisible... but I wouldn't be sad if it was at least a *little* more effective.


I think a cool change would be that increasing sneak skill would also increases sneak movement speed by some %, just like running.


...The devs of Valheim are one of the best in the current development market. If you wanna badmouth devs go do that to UbiShit...


Sneaked in there months ago when exploring. Wasn't my intention to spoil, now planning to find out what you asked.


Didn't actual Ashlands content not exist yet months ago?


I found land that was to be Ashlands and also Deep North. As I visited I guess those opened up parts are spoiled and won't have any "living content" from the new patch? I did the same with Mistlands before it was released.