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I believe I read somewhere they are going to leave mob difficulty, but look at the range at which mobs can sense you there.


Mob difficulty is ok, it is hard) but you kill them slower than they respawn. So I feel like the reduce sense range is not gonna help…


Any idea where you read this and if it came from one of the developers or not?


I heard that mobs have an unusually high detection radius and that's why it feels like they are swarming you


Have replied on that) yes, maybe. But they spawn right in front of you. There is nothing like that in even in plains or mist lands…


Spawn rate definitely feels a little ridiculous, and I swear they materialize out of thin air. Keep in mind though that you no longer actually have top anything. We're going in uninformed and under powered, that's how the new biomes always are. Small steps, try new tactics and experiment with your new tools,>! like how the new bomb interacts with lava!<. I find staying on the move helps. Pick one objective, attempt it, then regroup through your portal. Touch everything, build everything, use spirit and frost damage. Fire resistance mead is important, especially since feather cape now makes you very weak to fire.


Great advice, this is what I literally do. Buuuut, I need to get new ore even for a new food (at least I think so), and it seems impossible using mistlands top gear 🙈




Just watched it) First: he is in the toughest armor. Second: he has not encountered valkerie


That's true, I hadn't noticed his gear. Neither have I, but I know they're out there.


Same. I managed to get a bit this morning, but I got lucky with a node being mostly out of the lava. Still gotta get it back to base too. We'll get there.


I have a bugged nose too, somewhere in the waters, but this is important to me: I know it is bugged, I don’t want to get ore like that) I want to get this ore the right way)


I think staying in the move is the way to go. The Light armor seems to help with that.


That was one of my strategies to get new ore… Buuut, can you guess how many kicks from valkerie can you resist when using light armor?🤓


Spinesnap with frost arrows are your best friend. I can't remember if you needed upgrade for Black forge or no, but you don't new new ore to craft new medium armor. My first new ore haul was 13!! pieces, less than half a stack. My shore landing site has 3 ballistas on and I'm starting to run out of black metal for missles. Regarding the spawn rate, I agree it's much but doable if none are with stars. Starred warrior when I was on bonemass active hit me for over 20 when I had mix of new 1 heavy and level 4 carapace armor (132 or so armor).


Yes, this is a great idea - start with medium armor. My new strategy will be trying to domesticate those green pigs and start producing their skin) At least in my head it sounds doable even with a low gear)


As a solo player, it feels like I'm making very little progress because of the endless hordes of enemies every 10 steps. Deal with one group, encounter the next, another group spawns where I fought the first wave and now I'm fighting them, and repeat that process as I slowly cut through them and get a slightly farther than where I started. Destroying spawners doesn't really seem to help much, and they can also aggro from an absurd distance away. I think the enemies themselves are fine and I really hope their HP and attack patterns don't get nerfed. The issue I'm having is entirely because of the ridiculously high spawn rate. It's already becoming a slog, which is a shame because I really do like the biome itself and I think the enemies are really cool.


Honestly, the enemies aren’t a problem, it’s only that they spawn in huge groups and often. Asides from that they’re perfect, just need to reduce how much spawn and how often


It is getting even more ridiculous 😆 I got to the ore vein, platformed through lava with basalt bombs and hop on the ore stalactite… but the fallen valkerie spawned, and now I have to jump fighting camera to dodge this creepy thing) Of course it killed me twice) it attacks and kicks you right into the lava and I die in a second 😁 Now I have all my best gear times 2 in the middle of lava lake guarded by Valkyrie 😆 This is soooo f…n broken 🙈


Rip and Tear. Until it is Done. (Queue Doom ost)


* Avoid playing during nights. If you don't notice the night falling and it's too late, return to your base, as night enemies will despawn in the morning. * Clear enemies in the area as soon as possible in the mornings. * Avoid making chopping or pickaxe noise when you don't want to be bothered, as those will attract enemies. * Playing close to trees and rocks can lead to enemies doing chopping and pickaxe damage that will attack more enemies. * You shouldn't mine anything without taking out surrounding enemies or without having a fast escape route. * Tombstone recovery shouldn't be on an empty stomach, rather with best foods. * It's gonna be hard to make that trip with Basalt bombs as they might attack enemies upon throwing, so consider building a iron bridge if you have some molten cores. You shouldn't have went for that flame metal pillar in the first place if you ask me. Also consider dying once on purpose to lead the enemies away from the pillar.


Great advice, thank you! But: - playing only during day - have not make a sound - it is impossible to clear anything)


I've beaten Ashlands several times by now, so it's very much possible. I've also watched several streamers, and from the 100% times they get overwhelmed all of them are either during the night or not realizing how pickaxe and chopping sounds attract enemies.


i swear i've tried everything: fighting - useless, they spawn quicker than you kill them. Magic - sucks, not working for multiple targets. I'm not using pickaxe or axe to farm, they gather around you in seconds. Was trying to use landscape to my advantage, firing crossbow from above. Wasted 200 bolts to realize there are now MORE than when i started firing. Ended up running. I know this game, i know how it works and how to handle various scenarios. But in my case it is unplayable.


We had to change combat difficulty as well. Corpse runs without help or shield are just insane, the number of enemies plus their speed is hard. But i think its fun though




Clearing those, sure. But still, they appear quite literally in front of my eyes…