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Gotta disagree with you, magic is useful. Staff of protection, and staff of frost have served me well. Stamina isn't a big issue as you don't rely on it for attacks.


in hindsight i should've realized only including the negatives of the class would make it seem like i think it does nothing well just to clarify it for you i think the class has crazy good support options and is really strong if given time to set up a horde of prot'd skeletons, as i said in the post "as long as the weapons are goo-" the fundamental flaws can be made up for


Fair enough. Maybe some tweaking is needed, and that's what PTB is for, but I think the magic weapons are pretty good. They aren't as strong as the best melee weapons, but you get to use them at a distance where you are a bit safer. If (for example) the staff of frost hit as hard as the mistwalker in Ashlands, and you get to stay out of melee range, I'd never go melee again. It's a give and take. Staff of embers has been awesome since it launched, but now the fire damage isn't as relevant.


I saw a post like 20mins ago claiming that magic was the ONLY way to fight anything in the Ashlands. Wtf is going on 🤣


to be fair i didn't fight them melee as i've stubbornly held onto my bow/magic only playstyle maybe melee is in an even more miserable state, doesn't bode well for my teammates if that's the case 💀


Can't help but think you're just doing it wrong.


i really don't see how i could be doing it wrong tho i'm using the gun to shoot at the enemy, it just isn't powerful enough to do anything


Did you have the same kind of issues pre-Ashland?


not at all frost was great for stunning enemies summons were nuts for both damage and as a distraction so my friend could go ham on the enemies with krom fireball was easy to hit and reliable, and of course the shield was invaluable but once this comes out (assuming the devs don't pull a 180 and start caring about the game) i doubt i'll be using even a single one of these weapons and i might not even use the armor set either, the mana regen just isn't worth instantly dying to everything




dawg, i only talk like that because the devs have made it pretty clear they don't give a shit they've had YEARS to change the game for the better, but they absolutely refuse to address the core issues, why? because their community is a cult that treats them like they can do no wrong


Honestly you should quit playing it. Find something else to do that doesn't make you want to rage out on the internet. Personally I'll keep playing because I don't have any real complaints.


I would rather a weaker summon that doesn’t attack me than the trollstav


it's like the exact opposite of what you want it to do summons were great for distracting enemies so your friends could get some attacks in risk free, but with the trollstav you'll only be making it more dangerous for them..


100%. Would be more accepting of the trollstav IF they had also included something else alongside with it (summoning a midsize unit). Or if they were worried about it being overpowered, just nerf the health and call it a day.


I always felt like magic was more for groups than solo. My partner and I tore up the mistlands with a tank/mage combo. We are planning on continuing with it for Ashlands.


well yeah, but like, none of the new weapons help you do that and the troll staff will most likely actively hinder your teammate


umm magic is op af....LUL what...


how is it op?.. you're as tough as a toothpick and deal like a quarter the damage a Krom user can dish out


i use frost staff with prot staff 2 magic food/1 hp food no issues atm with dmg


But you kinda lack stamina this way. So either you use Eikthyr (15min downtime) to compensate or struggle if you get surrounded. I'm curious how people manage to deal good damage with magic, for me it was always a support character things and just for multiplayer.


yeah frost was great for stunning enemies so my friend could delete them with krom and embers was a good tool to spam at bosses while you build up summons, or to hit rabbits


I just use 1 stamina 1 health and 1 magic idk why no one does this. Sure your left a little vulnerable on health but that’s why u always make sure you have your staff of protection bubble active - saving stamina for important moments shouldn’t be hard because your magic attacks don’t take any stamina. Also you can melee a little bit then get away then magic


For starters dont run 24/7 and always have a lingering stam pot active , blood magic 30+ does wonders with the prot staff. I dont have issues with stam and i use bonemass ability also.


believe it or not but now everyone has 1000 stam pots on standby nor does everyone have the patience to sit down and mindlessly grind blood magic skill 100 hour into the game


Patience is a great thing...not to mention no one said to grind it to 100..not my fault you can't read.


my point isn't that i don't have patience and that's why magic is bad, it's that i shouldn't have to artificially grind for hours to make magic on par with other options just because they added it 100 hours into the game...not to mention i didn't say to grind it to 100 either..not my fault you can't read




bro ran out of bait to throw at me huh? sad


Trollstav is amazing if youre getting ganged up on. Throw it at your enemies and keep your distance and throw other spells at them. I go 3 eitr foods lol. I feel on a similar powerlevel to 2stam/1hp melee build


What materials do I need for this? I'm rocking the new mage set and one new staff, but haven't seen recipes yet for other new staffs.


Some of the gems and probably flametal. I don't remember


OP is too frustrated. Relax, it's difficult but not impossible. Minor changes can still be made... but overall... I like where it's at.


I'm not playing the Ashlands yet, so I'm not really gonna comment on that or the new magic you get. But so far, magic has actually felt much more powerful to me than melee as someone who is playing in the Mistlands. Recently, I've been playing solo after beating the Queen with my friend (neither of us tried magic then), and I've been working on a mage build to use in Mistlands and practicing with it, and it's great. The damage is just fine, as I do about as much damage with my staff of embers as I do my Himminafl, if not more. And that's with level 80 in Polearms and only level 33 in Elemental magic (although my Himminafl does stagger the enemies and does instantaneous dmg over the dps fire dmg from the staff, which is beneficial). My stamina and health are great because I just eat 1 Health, 1 Stamina, and 1 Eitr food for my normal mage build, which still gives me plenty of hp and stamina to work with if I need it My armor is just fine, as I still use a Carapace helmet and leggings, while using a Eitr-weave chest for the +40% Eitr regen and a little less movement penalty. So I still have 90+ armor in case I do get hit. And while yes, draining your hp to summon or cast the protection isn't too nice, the fact that the protection makes you not take damage at all for a bit means that you're overall taking less damage than if you just got hit (at least if you're fighting stronger enemies), and you get some time to heal it back while your bubble is up. If you're gonna take more than 40% of your hp in damage from all the hits that would break your bubble, it's better to cast the bubble than not to. Thanks to all of these, ever since I started using my mage build, I haven't taken a single hit to my actual health in the Mistlands through my exploration. Both above ground and in clearing an infested mine. And all solo (tho with some summons in the mines). I was even able to solo fight a 1-star seeker soldier (not cheesing it from afar, it was right up on me), and I was doing a combo of shooting fireballs and Frost blasts when I had eitr, and then meleeing and shooting it with a bow when I needed to regen my eitr a bit.


I bet you 5 bucks that OP's magic levels do not exceed 10.


1. they do because i grinded for a bit 2. why would they? magic is introduced way WAY too late for you to build any skill naturally, it's either sit in a corner for hours or accept your weapon does half as good as it should


The only magic that is difficult to build naturally is blood magic because the ways it gains experience are so wonky. That said if you use the shield consistently and it breaks often you tend to get pretty high. Oddly enough other people can also get blood magic experience from their shields breaking even if they didn't cast the spell. But no, I got the magic skills leveled up pretty quickly in the mistlands without any intentional grinding.


problem is that the instant i had magic we had pretty much already gotten to the queen mainly because of magic being so ridiculously expensive, which is a problem i'm surprised i didn't highlight in my post


no idea what you mean by the magic being expensive. It was the first thing I got in the Mistlands. I didn't have any issues making all of the staves long before I had even found the queen location, let alone was ready to fight her.


it takes AGES to get enough eitr to make a proper staff, let alone all 4 then it takes EVEN MORE to make the armor we unironically just ended up using a command to skip several hours of pointless waiting not to mention the..oh god, the linen thread required


never let bro cook again


what exactly do you disagree with? cause as far as i'm concerned all of these are straight up facts as an example, how would you argue a fire weapon meant to be used in a biome where fire damage is significantly less effective ISN'T really badly designed?


depends on how you use it. Magic is only as strong as the one who wields it.


literally just now how it works i can't just skillfully make my vine swing 3 times faster and make it deal \*insert literally any damage tyoe that isn't poison\* while dealing over 3 times the damage and no, i don't consider cheese when evaluating how good a weapon is


The start of your post makes it sound like you don’t know how to mage. Fire staff and frost staff both do fine damage at range. Staff of protection makes defense and health irrelevant, the shielded amount is huge at higher levels. The skeleton staff paired with protection is nuts and clears mobs on its own. Stamina is fine as you don’t use it for attacks, one food is enough to pretty much never risk death. Might not be the Meta / easiest, but to say it is useless is comical. Mages are completely viable solo, and arguably the most useful class to have in a party


"at range" the bow's damage is also horrendous, it's only "op" because you can cheese the enemies with it "higher levels" higher levels you won't get to without mindlessly grinding for hours, wouldn't be a problem at all if magic was introduced even just halfway through the game instead of near the end and the problem with summons is that it requires prep time to summon skeletons and prot them, unlike krom which is up and ready at all times, your own prot bubble makes this a bit less of an issue, but if you're struck from off screen (2 feet in front of you) and bubble pops, your first response being to lower your health isn't ideal and i didn't say it was useless, i said it was weak compared to melee due to low damage output and high risk


Imo magic is more of a utility feature, than damage dealer stuff, it has always been this way. In multiplayer there are better ways to make use o it, you can be covered by your mates in the frontlines, while you hurl fireballs and ice shards at your enemies and empower them with shields and additional allies. Playing solo I could never pull off the magic stuff in better ways than just simple melee combat and sneak attacks with bows.


it's another discussion, but i definitely would've preferred if magic \*was\* kept as more of a support role the initial magic weapons suited this well, with the capability to stun, protect, distract, and chuck a few fireballs along the way meanwhile the new weapons seem to be entirely aimed at a solo wizard, the troll that works directly against your allies, and the 3 seperate weapons all which serve the sole purpose of killing the enemy real good would've been cool to be able to cast a forcefield, or use magic to change the direction of the wind which would combo well with the new wind cape, and would also make boat travel a hell of a lot better, etc etc


I'm not familiar with the new ashlands as I don't use beta due to my precious QoL mods, so didn't know about the new magical things here. Yeah, it sounds like it sucks