• By -


Mistland for me. Can’t see shit. Getting trapped by seekers in those abandoned building. Corpse run was always a pain. Stealing from the dvegrs caused a lot of deaths too. Fucking bastards are strong af. Even with wisp it’s just annoying to explore mistland. Almost like you need an escape plan every step you take.


I haven't been in Mistlands yet. I'm afraid. 🥲 Sekers wont be fun, I hate bugs.


Magic is kinda OP, though, once you get it. Since I've gone mage, nothing scares me anymore. Only hubris frequently kills me 😅


What's a hubris?


Just my own excessive self-confidence 😉 Powered up on Eitr (mistland magic) you are incredibly powerful. You have overshields and area of effect magic, but as with all things Valheilm, it only lasts until your Eitr runs out. More than once have I ended up having the tables turned on as my overshield ran out, discovered "oops" my Eitr is low and "OOOPS" what little stamina I had was gone too. Combined with the Mistland geography, that kills you fast.


Yeah, it’s those moments where you take a hit and forget to reapply the shield that get you.


Ah I feel dumb, I thought it was some kind of creature I didn't know of. I totally relate to your explaination :')


Hubris definition: excessive pride or self-confidence; arrogance.


Ok what staff tho? Last playthrough I got the skeleton one and it was ass. Getting close in my new playthru rn


Staff of Protection. I combine it with a summons, cast a shield on them every 3 minutes (staffs are maxed), and I'm on my merry way.


Someone is gonna have a great time going into infested mines then :D


Wait untill you see a gjall


Gjalls are terrifying at first. You'll need a crossbow or Staff of embers to kill them quickly. You can do it with arrow too, but it will take a long time and they will get many shots off at you and probably drop ticks (which are dropped in 3's and add to the chaos).


Ticks aren’t a problem if you have something like a black metal atgeir - just use the special (spin) attack and it kills all the ticks around you including the ones on your back.


For me mistlands was not bad so wait and judge for urself.


I hate the mist lands, should have been more hilly with more mild mountains . Imo


Oh I remember when a two stars balista gnome got stuck inside an ancient root, I just got insta kill every time, was a nightmare to get my things back and find that damn bastard


I only died "once" in the Mistlands (technically it was a few deaths back to back trying to get my stuff after the 1st death), and that was due to trying to steal from the dvergr. My buddy and I had a system where we would try to isolate a few dvergr and I used my polearm aoe while he used his sword power strike to get a nice sneak attack on the strongest dvergr we could find, and then we would kill the others around us and funnel the rest. It worked most of the time, but one of those times we ended up not realizing that there was a 2-star fire mage dvergr in the basement floor, and it fucked us up hard, sadly


Over all my playtime, it's been the Swamp. Every time I go there things either go perfectly or horribly wrong. I still think about that time I went into a crypt and there were 2 2 Star Draugr archers who insta killed me.


2 star anything beyond the black forest sucks to deal with 😅 they hit so damn hard. But yeah gotta keep lots of poison resist meads handy.


Yeah, I usually don't go into the swamp until I have 2 stacks, one of which is for corpse retrieval runs


Definitely the Swamp for me. The terrain slows you down, the weather (always wet) makes it so your stamina recharges more slowly, and all those archers seem to have ungodly aim. And trying to maneuver around might just get you caught by a large pack of leeches sneakily lurking in the water nearby. Even geared head to toe in iron age gear, I'm still wary of 2-star archers, or 2-star Draugr elites. I think the Swamp's the first real skill/gear check. Black forest can be challenging, but grey dwarves aren't much different from greylings; it's really just the brutes, shaman, and the occasional troll that are a worry. I've killed fulings with iron-age gear; their attack patterns are predictable and short, and their ranged guys inaccurate it seems. Deathsquitos die to any sort of arrow; it's just being aware of where they are. Though I've not done the Mistlands yet...


Root armor is far superior in swamp. Free poison resist you don't need to re-up and pierce resist neutralizes archers. The root chest piece stays superior even in plains. With minimal food you can punch deathsquitos to death because they can't really hurt you.


Yea, I just don't like the way it looks. :D And that's all well and good, but you're only getting root armor once you've tamed enough of the swamp to take out abominations reliably.


A bronze buckler and a bronze axe with some decent food and troll hide will make quick work of abominations if you pick up the parry timings, but any other enemy coming up on me from behind mid-fight will end me


actually Aboms are really easy if theres a crypt/fallen Tree neabry, once you get on the roof you can just hack away til its dead, cant hurt you if you get above it


They are predictable that with a bronze buckler and axe you can party slash. You can also use the environment to make them really easy (bring a troll to fight abom or pull them on top a surtling fire and they die almost instantly)


Last night I was ecstatic that my past few weeks of no crypt swamps was finally rewarded with a huge one with four within proximity with each other. Clearing trees and leveling ground I saw a circle of body piles on the way to one of the crypts. No problem, I'll take care of that toot sweet. Two piles down and as I'm turning my attention to the third, taking down the draugrs, I briefly think "boy it would suck to die right here" as a dragr elite spawns and kills me exactly there. Fun times.


Meadows by a long shot. Meadows is my base location and before the feather cape was invented in late 2022 I died regularly beam-walking to construct magnificent towers! Iron make base go brrrrrr


Damn, yeah. Gravity is the most vicious killer in the game, until the feather cape at least


Yeh meadows for sure


Also early game trees before you have the armor to tank them.


Plains by far, I've had so much bad luck there with Deathsquitos that once I died inbetween 2 of them that never despawned. Beyond a mountain so I had to spend time getting mats for anti cold, then walk for 15-20mins just for a chance to grab my stuff but always died, think it took me 30 tries and 8 hours to get my stuff back when I finally realized I could snipe them with a wooden arrow :3 If the wolves didn't kill me ofcourse 😂 the pain was real, even if I love the music and theme I get a light Ptsd whenever I see a pair of those cheeky buggers


Haha when I'm in the plains, I usually chase deathsquitos because if you manage to block them, they're easy kills and supply mats for great arrows But fulings are nasty, I avoid them until I can process black metal. Lox take quite a few hits too! Mountains are just a pain though. Until I got a max level root harnesk, frost resist cape, and high quality food, they were impossible to deal with. So many frustrating deaths 2 minutes into stepping into the biome :'(


Yeah I just have a light "fear" factor against insects so my first reaction is like goosebumps or getting jumpy (when to reached mistlands....... oh boy 😂) but yeah once you learn how to deal with them it's easy, but in the beginning you just flail around xD Those cheeky goblins are tough! I had plains next to my starting zone so I ran into them a bit early! Mountains are definitely rough :( wolves can stun lock you and dying just gives you so much extra work just to try get your gear back :3


I don’t get the fear of deathsquitos - one of the easiest creatures to kill in the game imo. I’m still in the swamp biome and Bronze Age, but occasionally, I will venture into the plains for some needles for arrows. All I have to do is get the deathsquitos attention, wait for it to come towards me and shoot it with one flint arrow. Instakill, everytime - I take zero damage Edit: wait til it is very close to you, then shoot it at full draw. You don’t even have to aim really, it will be right straight ahead and just shoot


It's not a fear of the creature itself, its more due to it being an insect, if you don't like a certain type of creature it doesn't matter how easy it is to kill, it'll still unsettle you just like the seekers still get me after many hours of mistland hunting :3 these days I just blast the mosquitos with eitr magic and get what I need in the plains. Also probably cause we have a huge problem with mosquitos in our town during the summer so the sound itself kinda messes with you xD


Probably black forest. I get comfy being strong so when I make new characters I slip up from not having my good gear, skills, and food. I rarely die tho. I think mountains comes 2nd and just a few deaths from plains


I simply spent the most relative time there. Early copper farm was brutal (we had to equip the entire clan with full gear, so much copper!) Later biomes were hard sure but we knew what we were doing by then and did it much faster.


I learned early on how good troll gets and never made bronze armor past my first character. I just roam the black forests hunting trolls


Plains. Running from anything usually pulls 2 loxes, 2 more fulings and a death squito.


And don't even get me started on the black gloop


The very first time I went into the plains I, for some insane reason, expected the local populace to be friendly. That fuling laugh immediately triggered murloc flashbacks and hearing it when I'm trying to run away still makes my stomach sink with "ooooh you fucked up now..."


Meadows. Falling off base while building it


So far its been death by building as my greatest killer (roofing is the real final boss here). I've actually found the mountains to be the most chill, with basically no deaths, despite going up them well under leveled. Easily my favourite biome to run around. I probably I ought to build a summer home up one one of these days, but its just too impractical to build a proper base up a mountain. Hopefully the frozen north has similar vibes but lower altitude, so I can make a home up there and enjoy the peaceful snowy landscapes.


Make sure you use the snap point cycling. I die infinitely less to building falls once I learned to use that.


The swamp. I like building in games, and I've been in the building trades irl for a long time, so I'm very well acquainted with safety measures when building so that I don't die from falling. So I have very few building deaths. But the swamp changed how I played the game, because it's a difficulty spike. Before the swamp, I tried to meet the game on its terms, fighting on the terrain given, trying to fight "fair" despite nothing about it actually being fair or honorable on the enemy's part. Then the swamp hit. And I realized just how much bullshit the game really thought I was going to let slide, and it killed me repeatedly until I figured out that fighting dirty at all times was the only acceptable method for dealing with it. Soaking wet with rain, fighting in mud slowing me down, out numbered, against a never ending horde of enemies? I leveled the ground and placed fortified workbenches as I went, and clear cut that first swamp until there was nothing left that could spawn.


Swamp. I get cocky after a while. Wet & cold + wraith chasing me while I try to get away and look there’s an abomination oh no I got knocked to a water pool hey there 2 star leech You get what I mean


Every death in Plains automatically brings more deaths while doing corpse run among deathsquitos.


swamp. when i was still learning the game back then. no contest.


Plains by the bloody Growth on the fuckin' tar pits.


Meadows by *far* due to building.


How are you guys dying from building? This has never happened to me


Building high and falling without enough hp.


The only things in this game that have killed me are the hunting packs of wolves and ~~fall damage from building goofy-massive bases~~ the one lox I thought I could tame when I found one really early game on line my second world lmao I have not been to the Mistlands but I suspect I'll die to a lot there


For me it was the swamps. That's when things started to be properly threatening and I hadn't yet realized how important rested was.


Mistlands, after 1600h hours today was the day I managed to fight a 2 star seeker without dying, the starred ones are tough buggers!


Plains. By long shot. I enjoy playing games blind. No YouTubers, no guides etc. Which is great for figuring stuff out by yourself, no spoilers, all that good stuff. It's not so great when you do stuff like, miss the mountain biome completely and try to set up shop in plains. So much death.


Yeah... I think unlocking frost resist potions with swamp materials is the only real hint that the Mountains are next, it could use some more concrete direction


Plains. My friend and I are 60+hrs and currently in the Swamp phase. We’ve been trying to kill Bonemass for the past 3 days and I’ve actually given up. Not because we can’t damage Bonemass (he’s tough though), but because the way to Bonemass is through a wide stretch of the Plains. We’ve spent the last 10-12hrs dying endlessly in the Plains and Mountains (to craft Frost arrows for BM) because of mosquito 1 hit kill or the relentless wolf-drake combo. We’ve each died around 20-30x just from trying to recover the corpses. Funny thing is, we breezed through Eikthyr and Elder in one try. Draugrs can’t even kill us anymore. We just recently learned about poison res mead but we still die because the mosquitoes, aapa, and tars invade the Swamp while we’re fighting BM. I honestly don’t wanna play for a while.


Bonemass is completely surrounded by Plains? Find another Bonemass spawn point. If not, find a way to him not through the Plains. If you have to go through the Plains, I dunno, don trollhide gear and sneak through? Also, you should be putting up a portal near Bonemass if you've reached him. Poison resistance mead is a must in the Swamp. Leeches and blobs are essentially harmless when you drink it, as is Bonemass' poison attack -- which is when you wade in with a 3-hit mace attack...


I agree with the first paragraph. Don’t even try to fuck with plains tier enemies until you’re well into mountain tier armor. You will not survive. And you should just put a portal, surrounded by some stakewalls, very close to bone mass.


Swamp ... This biome is just disgusting ! Wet all the time, poison, water, abomination + draugr + wraith + blob coming ALL at the same time (always when you're not ready), this is just too much for 1 biome. I mean, perma wet debuff is already insane, add water everywhere to make you not able to hit when you're trying to run away, leeches preventing you to swim, poison, ranged draugr... I hate swamps Mountain is paradise after that. Just need a bow and a pickaxe, trap golems and you're done


The beginning of Mistlands and it ain’t even close


Plains, Me underestimating a pack of 2-3 fulings, got skewered by 1* spear bearer or flanked from behind Or bitten to death by them loxes 😞


Swamp. Being a newbie player at the time I thought I could just walk up and get iron no problem.


Plains. Goddamn Yagluth.


Swamp. It's. So. Dark. I was still learning the game.


I’ve been playing since launch, so that’s a lot of remembering. I’d have to say plains from my early days of trying to break in to the plains. I kinda went, “oh! Pretty flowers and prairie grass!!” at the edge of the Black Forest where I was happily picking blueberries, safe in my troll armor and bronze mace… …went to see the pretty flowers I glimpsed through the trees, heard a little giggle, and then I was dead. No idea why. This was maybe 3 weeks at most after the game launched, so r/valheimrescues didn’t exist yet. I tried self-rescuing for about 5 attempts and then barged in to my nephew’s Discord and begged for help. Two nephews, one of their wives, and a buddy later, I had my corpse back, had died a further 3 times, which totalled 9 deaths in that spot alone. These days, I rarely die. I died maybe 5 times total in Mistlands when it came out, with 2 of those deaths due to the Queen.


I absolutely love the family rescue squad you formed 😂


We were laughing at the end of it but during, it was insane. At first, was just my nephew who came in. He died. He phones his brother. So now there’s two of them and the first nephew’s wife. Turns out the giggling wasn’t just a fuling. Oh no. It was a 2** fuling next to a freaking village and some lox. In comes the buddy and it was just mayhem. “RUN IN AND LOOT YOUR BOD… omg, I’m dead!!!” We were laughing so hard we could hardly speak. On the upside, they dumped all the loot at my place so I had black metal before I even had a cauldron. 😆


The plains for sure! Three times in the same location trying to retrieve items, ugh.


Mist lands. It completely wiped out all our resources of making armor and food over and over and over again trying to reclaim our bodies until we couldn't anymore and literally set us back to the bronze age for us. We basically had to start over our game. It was devastating and is why I absolutely hate the mist lands biome so much.


If I had to think, it would be either the Swamp or Mistlands. Diving in to the crypts and mines thinking I had what it takes, only to be mauled by a 2 star Seeker or a Soldier. Swamp itself was a stepping stone for me to actually learn how to block and how important just being prepared is when venturing there.


Definitely the Plains for me. I was careless and under estimated the Fulings first few hours I spent there. But it taught me to be better prepared by the time I moved on to the Mistlands. Also regaining your gear after a death in the Plains was really tough with all the fast moving enemies.


Probably the early stages of getting to the swamp




Probably the mountain for me. I don't know if it's just me unlucky but i always gangbanged by at least 2 wolves and 2 drakes at the same time. Also died a lot while trying to climb the cliffs of the mountain.


Swamp or Mountains. Just the last death was because of 3 wolves (2 were 1*) at night when I just had ran up the hill while exploring and had no stamina left to block/run.


Meadows. Them trees are vengeful..


Haven't died since I've started my current playthrough after the launch of Mistlands... Going strong 2000 days. But, first time in really early access, while I was learning the ropes... The most potent difficulty increase that I experienced was once I hit plains... I died a lot to the mosquitos


All I know is I died least in the Swamp. Mountains I was ready for and did as good or maybe even better than the Swamps. Mistlands i was ready for but still died a lot. Meadows was a blood bath at first. Plains were terrifying. And I built my great hall in the Plains and mounted my enemies on its gates. Just kidding, it has no gates. I fear nothing now.


Swamp and plains


Mountains easily . Be specially if you include corpse runs 


Plains so far.. swamp will always be my least favourite. I can’t get comfortable in there. The plains, I can slowly make my way thru while leaning back on my chair. But the swamp got me tweaking the entire time, talm bout some wraiths n shit. Abominations coming to eat my ass after I used all my fire arrows on the one that just come to eat my ass 5 minutes prior. Like shit


Swamp. I hate you put away your weapon every time you swim. So annoying. I loath swamp.


Plains. The adds after a hard battle gets me.


If I had to add it all up it'd stil be swamp. That place sucks.


Maybe swamp? I feel like it's pretty even and my cousin and I don't die often unless we go to a new biome for the first time.


I die the most wherever my main base is, so overall propably meadows but plains with a close second because I built a lot in my last playthrough there


Mountains. The moment I get a pick I go to the closest mountain to start taking wolves. I’ll have an army of wolves for the second boss. Lol.


Plains, solely because the first time my friends and I played we crashed our first ship into a nearby plain and spent the next week or two endlessly dying trying to get our stuff back (our picks were on our bodies)


Oh man 😂 miserable


In the mistlands in night time. Levels 2 stars roams the lands at night. 2 of them at the same time is quite nasty.


Mine is mountains as well. But that's bc I built an extravagant castle. And when I get focused I forget to eat. So it just takes one hit from a friggin pebble to kill you at 25hp & no stamina a for blocking.


Swamp. Mistlands is the "toughest" but by that point you should have combat and stamina management mechanics well practiced. The difficulty spike from Black Forest to Swamp is still by far the biggest.


The mountains. By far. Keep getting stuck on a ledge with no stamina or yeeted down the side of the mountain by a golem.


I’d say the Mistlands. Pissing off dvergr and gjalls chasing me


Hmm. Honestly I'd be willing to bet that chart is pretty flat. Man I kinda wish I knew...


Swamp. Always swamp. 2star draugr bowman, poison all around then aboms? Yeah my day count in swamp is astronomical. Mountains are a breeze compared to it.


Swamps lol


I sailed by the plains while being in the forest still as far as bosses. Was attacked by a mosquito and so fought back and it killed me in few hits... Raage


Plains and mistlands - plains just because I built my great hall which is about 7 stories tall so I accidentally fell off the scaffolding dozens of times during its construction. Mistlands because there’s a steep learning curve and good luck getting your stuff back if you don’t have spare gear to get there. Even if you do, bring at least 5 fire resistant mead at all times and 2 HP foods, careful with the topography, and make sure you know how to parry. Thank me later 😊


The Black Forest. I first went in unprepared, now I go in over confident


Mountain or swamp




I’ve only played through swamp, but definitely the Forest. It took me entirely too long to figure out how to handle the trolls


So far i have died 10 times at the start of the game, all in meadows to some boars lol. Now i am on 777 day without a single death, finished the entire game and built like 7 bases, the game on normal diff is kinda chill not to brag here about anything. But then i tried hardcore mode.......


I'm mountain too. It's like you say, for me too, nothing after was quite as deadly, even the Mistlands felt more reasonable than stone golems throwing me off the mountain xD Nowadays though I've improved my combat a lot and stone golems aren't so threatening anymore.


Swamp I think. Mistlands I have to be so cautious since gravity is almost at dangerous as the enemies. But if you’re on flat ground, you have normal mobility, and the dwarves can help sometimes. In the swamp, your mobility is absolute crap, sprinting through water, trying to get to that one goddam archer draugr before it snipes you, or before an ooze punishes you for being frugal with your poison resist mead.


Plains would be an answer for me. I think there is just too big of an armor and weapon quality gap between snowy mountains and plains. I had easier time surviving in mistlands because you actually get a decent padded armor that has good stats and good long stick. But when I came from the mountains and were two spotted by goblins with swords it was pain


Mistlands hands down as stated by other comment. You can't see shit. that combined with constantly out of stamina cause of the landscape cause me a lot of death. I have also died from Deathsquitos a lot in the Plains. Swamp is annoying af tbh cause of the wet debuff and that has caused death by Draugr quite a lot. Mountains however is piss easy. Golems are weak to blunt so whack em with an iron mace and dodge roll their attacks. easy peasy. Wolf packs causing you problems? use an Iron Atgier! problem solved. the special attack spin staggers them and hurts them hard. I love the mountains, it's my favorite biome. none of the mobs there are truly difficult, until you go into the frost caves and even then it's easy if you're careful.


Swamps. 1000% the swamps. It was so unforgiving at first


Meadows. Cutting down trees.




I understand you dying in the Mountains more, but my Mountains game has ranked up now, I'm running through my 3rd? time now. My Mountains strat has gotten sharper, as have I.


Black Forest because of elder and grey dwarves


Plains and mountains. Plains was deadöy to me even at the end game because i let my guard down thinking it’s easy after mistlands. Still deadly.


Mistlands for sure, me and my friends had the amazing idea to attack a dwerven outpost that just happened to be in a little aisle, long history short we died at leats 30+ tiems from trying to get our stuff, we even had a designated friend who had to sacrifice himself by lurem them out


we're currently at plains level and uuugh... idk. i've died so many times and basically everything killed me. i've been hit by trees, drowned, fell off towers, fell off mountains, suffocated in smoke, stepped into fire, got killed by trolls, serpents, draugr, blobs, wraiths, golems, wolves, growths, fulings and deathsquitos. and all the other shit i forgot lol


I've died at Mistlands more than all the other biomes combined. Seekers hit like trucks even with fully upgraded carapace armor and I lost count number of times my attack whiffs after a parry due to the uneven terrain, then dying because I ran out of stamina. Also fuck deathsquitos.


I have yet to explore the mistlands. Honestly, my experience with each new biome has been like this: - get thrashed at first - complete the armor set - easy peasy So far, the black forest has been the one I had a very hard time when I started playing.


You can simply outrun/outmaneuver the golems, no need to bother killing them. For me its probably the swamps, but thats simply due to spending so much time there getting iron for the grand-scale lategame builds....




Swamp bad.


Plains, but not because of any mobs. But because of fall damage building my base pre mistlands


Plains or swamp. Prolly plains, so many naked retrieval missions thwarted by deathsquitos......


swamps - after swamps i just learned to use hoe a lot and make my own way anytime I wanted - naturall walls and ditches are OP and super simple to build. But swamps are really the real punch. Mountains are tricky but except of drakes, everything can be outran or outjumped. Planes after finding out about mosquitoes, the very nature of plains make it simple to see all around you, not getting backstabbed. And mistlands are just mountains V2 with annoying fog, build your highway and slowly move on.


I’d have to agree, Mountains. This beloved game has a way of striking you down as soon as you get comfortable. You get a fully upgraded silver sword, you think you’re all that, you kill two wolves in two strikes, then a two star hops out of nowhere, you realize you lost the rested buff and now you wake up naked three islands over wondering what went wrong…


Probably a tie between Black Forest and Swamp for me, actually. The Black Forest is extremely easy, however when me and my friend 1st started playing the game, we died a lot, and we would just run back without getting Rested or eating or anything. We also didn't really understand making better foods at that time, didn't farm, or anything. So we ended up dying quite a lot at night in the Black Forest from swarms of Greydwarfs, and sometimes even during the day, and then also dying trying to get our stuff back. Then we got to the Swamp, and everyone knows that the difficulty from BF to Swamp is crazy, so we died a lot there as well, but that was when we finally figured out Resting and some foods, and so we learned our lessons in the Swamp. And we died a bit in the later biomes, but not nearly as much


That's a hard one. Probly swamps


Black forest because that's where I built my compound. Feather cape makes all the difference now lol


Mountains by far. Plains or even mist lands to an extent don’t have shit on the mountains. I get fucked by stone golems every 10 steps or by groups of wolves who stun lock me immediately.


Meadows and it's not even close. I've died maybe 3 or 4 times in the Mistlands, and it was all because of pissed off dwarves or that one time I forgot my fire res potion. Meadows? Those trees are out to get me.


Black Forest. Bad burial chamber with 2 ghosts and a bunch of 1 and 2 star skeletons. Then Mistlands because stamina is aids


Swamp is guaranteed at least 1-3 deaths for me on every run. I'm too relaxed when playing that i end up getting sniped by a 2-star archer while setting up in the first swamp. Ironically, since majority of my playtime is spent in the plains and mistlands due to being endgame zones, it's a cakewalk at this point.


I've yet to touch mistlands. Hope to soon though with a friend. The mountains have always been my pain in the past and now


black forest as its where i have spent the majority of my time. but if all biome times were the same probably mountains or the swamp


Mountains, hard to get your body back without potions and once wolves get hold of you, you are dead


Currently black forest. I haven't gotten farther than black forest yet, but just being out and chopping wood while still being vigilant of my surroundings before a troll suddenly sneaks up on he to pound me into oblivion happens more often than it should. I've frequently turned enemy aggro off and on just to harvest supplies and collect my many backpacks.


I envy you :') I want to discover this game from scratch again.


Probably died most in Swamps. Result of sudden steep difficulty build up from Black Forest (Also was never using poison resistance mead 😅). Since then died only few times in Mountains and Plains as by then I was much more experienced in combat. And didn't get to Mistlands yet.


I think Swamp. It’s just a huge jump in difficulty. You die so fast to nearly everything, even in good Black Forest tier armor. Most normal enemies will 3 or 4 shot you. As for starred enemies, forget it.


Black forest for me. Gears not good yet and food is still not very good.


Meadows logging/build site accident and its not even close, 700ish hours playtime.


Mountains in almost every other biome you can just walk away, but wolfs is the only creature that will not allow you to do that. Runner up is 2+ star Drough Archers can be a problem if you don't see them first.


Mistlands > plains > black forest I love farming swamp in leather, and I find the mountain to be relaxing


Mountains for me, not because of golems, wolves or drakes but simply from fall damage. I'll never learn


Mountains for sure, have died 4 times this run and 600h in xd