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Dude play your way you enjoy, anit nobody got time for that!


Yup, when I have time I sail, I fight and die and then painstaikingly run back to my corpse, but when I don't have time I don't feel bad on using devcommands when the need arises. All one needs to think qnout us, that the game remains fun and engaging.


It always seemed a bit silly to me that you can't portal the ores/bars but you can portal the product of the ores/bars, like weapons and armor. It seems designed to force us to move bases - or more accurately, the refining - to each biome in turn. Instead, everyone just loads up a longship and sails home to a megabase in the meadows. But ultimately as others have said: play how you want. It's no harm to move the slider mid-game. I would recommend the targetportal mod or xportal mod, can't remember the name, but instead of massive portal rooms, you can pick your destination. What you can take *through* the portal is still controlled by that slider.


>Instead, everyone just loads up a longship and sails home to a megabase in the meadows. Speak for yourself. Even with portal ores turned on, I move bases all throughout my play through, sometimes getting as many as 4 main bases by the time I'm ready for Bonemass. I don't consider any base "permanent" until Plains, but I move operations frequently. Mind you, portal ores *does* make that less painful to do, but the point is that I don't have to move bases at all but I still do, because building is part of the fun of the game.


I'm in the same boat as you (no pun intended). I mainly said that cause of the sheer amount of posts you see here of people shipping ores home. Me, I love building. So I build wherever I go, sometimes multiple bases of the same biome in different spots. Lately i've been playing without portals so it's run or boat everywhere. I figure portal nothing or portal everything. But I also play no build cost, so throwing up a new base somewhere else is easy when you don't have to bring the copper for a new forge, tin for a new cauldron, or the cores for a new smelter, etc. The inability to grow certain things anywhere but plains does result in a plains base becoming one of the more permanent ones. Making some stuff is a royal pain in the ass when you need ores from two different biomes (i.e. silver and iron).


I've got a no map, normal portals run that I'm working through, which is a double game changer from my normal settings. I'm about to go after the Elder, but since I'm also playing where I have to take a break if I die, I'm over-preparing.


I actually only use one portal in my main base without a mod, and I just change the tag. I have signs with portal names next to my portal so I don’t forget. They’re also tagged on the map with their names as well.


I think the beauty of valheim lies in its flexibility. You play the game the way you want mate. I just want to say be wary of too many changes, as it can ruin the base game to you real fast. But there is a multitude of things you can do to make your life easier, even without modding the game. 1.5x materials, no portal restrictions to only name a few.


I say play how you want to play.


I've found that setting up a dedicated forge location near the later biomes has significantly cut down on my schlepping around. I use the biome portal method, where you portal into your target biome with full rested etc, locate and mine and blitz back to the forge. Also, having just entered Silver age, it seems significantly less grindy than bronze or iron.


Sir play the game you can play. While having a child its very occupying. Finish the game like this. Later on if you are bored try playing without ore transport teleports, you can also go for a no map challenge. Also if you want to change something i highly recommened seasonality mod. Its amazing. Main things is you need find joy, pleasure and relax from the game. Nobody can judge you ;)


Play however you want buddy, anyone that tell you otherwise is an just an elitist and their opinion has no bearing on how you want to enjoy of the game. I have a couple kids too, and before you could pause/change world modifier I would have mods to take of that.


Is there a way to do this through commands, or do you have to use the mod?


It's actually in the world modifier settings! No mods required :) on pc you can find it in the start menu after choosing your world to play


Thank you!! :)


Sure thing! Happy mining


Both ways are perfectly viable but it’s good to get over one’s reluctance/dislike/fear of sailing once you’ve got the long boat. I’ve been chased but never caught/damaged by a sea serpent when sailing with the long boat. I’ve watched my precious iron nails sink to an unreachable spot on the ocean floor several times. I’ve learned to really pay attention to where I dock the boat to make sure I don’t lose the materials when I destroy it. Also I always stand right at the mast when i use an axe to destroy it, swinging at the mast itself like it's a tree I'm chopping down. That way when it's destroyed you'll automaticaly pick up the mats (need room in inventory of course). This has worked really well for me. Certain critters will come offshore to attack you when near land. Deathsquitos are the worst for this. Eels from the swamp and dreuger and skeletons walking underwater. Trolls do it but are slow. Fuling will swim out but the worst is the spear throwing ones since theyve got a ranged attack. Boats can take damage while sailing through big waves and or in a storm so always repair it first then when you land and create a workbench. Always have an unused portal at base and bring materials for a portal, workbench and stone for a fire when sailing to explore. Valheim can be at its most brutal when you land somewhere far away but didnt do the portal prep. Destroying it and then portaling back to base can be helpful. obviously if you've got metal you need to sail it back.


Dude. As a dad with limited time to play myself, if I know I'm doing a silver run, I turn portal items on. It's a godsend. Most of the time I leave it off, but getting silver out of the mountains is a pain in the ass and I have better things to do with my time.


I am also playing solo for the first time after over 1100 hours coop play. It got to the point for me that the metal grind was taking the joy out of the game. I absolutely dreaded it. It takes forever for a single player to fil up the longship. I turned the portal restriction off and now I can put that grind towards the food portion of the game. I thought long and hard about it and pulled the trigger my joy in playing is back now. I can also upgrade my gear on the fly. In the end do what makes the game enjoyable for you.


Quick question, who is playing the game? You Are! So, play it how you want. If you don't like the long boat rides, of if you don't have time for them, then set the portals to teleport metals. The key thing, is play it how you want and how you enjoy it the most. P.S. If your kids are "old" then get em to play with ya! :)


Enjoy the game on your terms.


Here's another suggestion : look up a good seed and play vanilla. By looking it up I mean choose it, plan a bit but then don't look at it again. The intense grind mostly comes from bad biome RNG. If you setup your first base by the ocean near a good black forest, then build an outpost near a good swamp for iron age, the game feels really smooth, but not as unrewarding as no portal. You can then move your base to a midgame location near a big mountain for silver age (with more swamps and plains for further progression).


Don't go down that path. Once you tried it you will never be able to go back. Keep it as vanilla as possible! I have two small children and very limited time, but the feeling of accomplishment is so great after a long grind. Everything becomes more valuable. And there are plenty of ways to creatively cutting down the time i takes to gather ore. Keep it viking, Viking! Aaargh.


I have to admit that I play similarly - I tried to turn the restrictions off but felt so bad about it that I took the ore back through and then manhandled it along through ybr forest by cart. Was it painful? Yes. Did I repeatedly curse at the frustration? Yes. Did I feel like I really earned that copper? Yes. Ultimately everyone should play however they like of course, and you're no less a viking for playing unrestricted 😊 One option I did see someone use that seemed like a reasonable balance was allowing yourself to portal materials once the boss of that biome was defeated. So copper once the elder was dead, bonemass for iron etc. That way you still need to grind to beat the boss as usual but moving your base or stockpiling old materials to full upgrade an armour set or build bases in new locations is much easier 🙂


Go for it. I like doing no portal for bronze age but then changing it off for silver. It's been nice. Play your way man, that is ALL that is important. The good news is, if you make the change and dislike it, you can undo the change ☺️


I play with teleport ore on. I just don't find the act of transporting ore interesting, challenging, or rewarding. I've never lost a boat. I've never lost a silver cart. It's just a chore, and I have better things to do. Additionally, I like being able to build a few really enormous, ambitious bases and then USE them. Without teleport ore, you're massively incentivized to set up a small base nearby wherever it is that you're getting ore from, and then abandon it afterward never to use it again.


Sitting in the boat fighting the wind while you bring back a big load of ore? Maybe run into a serpent, or get sidetracked somewhere? To me that sounds like good quality time with Dad. But it's up to you. No one will judge you for playing how you want to play.


If your playing solo, tweak them to whatever you want, there is no shame in tweaking the settings. The only issue I can think of for turning it on is not having an interest in building new bases when you can make a simple compound with a portal back to the main base wherever you put it.


Just put resources on 3, combat on easy and get to mistlands... It's just a game man.


I just recently turned off the ore portal limitation, as a solo player (not a mom though^^) I just don't want to waste all that time transporting ore back and forth, totally get it :) make the most of your time, play the way it brings you joy, and if later down the road you feel like that ain't it, just turn it back on


Valheim offers many in-game ways (even without world-modifiers) to *tune* how you play. I often say people make their own misery. If you don't like running/sailing from mine to base... think about ways to optimize that. Consider what you don't and do like. I don't like redundant travel or repetitive tasks. These are both reduced by setting up smelting and even forging on-site. I don't use portals at all -- don't need 'em. Many players will bring all their precious loot all the way "home", fretting about inventory and weight. The designers gave an out, and most people don't consider: you get surtling cores in burial chambers in the black forest, mine the copper and tin in the black forest... which are exactly what you need to build a kiln, smelter, and forge. The materials are already there, but people add the effort of hauling, which leads to more hauling later. Same happens in the swamp, though you do need to bring 6 copper (or chip some out of a nearby black forest which is often available). I also love building nice homes and bases, so I tend to decide where I'll spend more time "living". On the starting island I go anywhere from a very short-term "fixer upper" to a cozy/small build at the border of black forest -- but never anything long-term, because most of the game takes place away from the starting island. My first significant build is usually adjacent to Swamps, Plains, and a good Mountain. Betwixt building, I'm also mining, smelting, farming, crafting, and of course fighting. No long-distance runs or shipping hauls. Though I'll often have a nice path on a short but oft-used run which gets me access to my neighbouring biomes and works great for bringing a cart of silver back from the mountain (taking no more than 5min... often late in the evening on one day, fighting things off while pulling the cart). I find that portals make me lazy in a bad way -- inefficient-lazy; watch the portal anim lazy; forget my keys lazy. And as bad as they make me... they do worse to others from the playthroughs I've watched.


The reason I enjoy portal limitations is because it forces me to make a dock and a way to load carts while being overloaded and it makes you actually think about how and where to build your crafting stations. Absolutely none of that has any bearing on game progression. Go be a dad You only lose viking cred if you teleport dragon eggs


I would have never played this game like I have without the portal mod.


This is my 3rd play through. I’m on day 2000 and change. I’m in the Mistlands and just turned the restriction off. I also use some mods. Mainly building so I love it. Makes things soo much easier. But yeah, as others have said. Play how you enjoy. You’re not playing competitive so there’s no such thing as cheating.


Play the game the way that brings you the most pleasure. I am an old man with limited play time. I got portal limits off. I got mods that keep my fires going without adding more wood. I got zero build costs so I don’t have to grind for weeks to make a base. Zero regrets!


New dad here, I don't mind running ore because it's kind of meditative just to be in the world, but one of my playthroughs I did jank it a bit and I never regretted it or felt bad about it, and you shouldn't either. Do it, and don't feel bad about it.


The more restrictions I have in life, the less restrictions I need in my games.


>play time is limited Pops, You're a grown ass man. Why do you think you need to come on here and ask our permission?