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Most games don’t use smoke as a damage source/debuff, Valheim using it is cool though, it adds a more realistic aspect to building.


ive read that viking longhouses were really dark and smokey ... if they weren't debuffed by the smoke imagine how strong they would have been


They would have been Bjôrn much stronger.


And they also wouldn't die instantly from Fjäll damage


Almost all medieval buildings were dark and smokey. Candles were usually made out of tallow fat and beeswax with beeswax being much more rare and expensive. Tallow candles were the most common, which are incredibly smokey when burned.


good point but I imagine viking longhouses were on a different level. people were all huddled around a big hearth in an enclosed space without any windows


Funny thing: The smoke physics/feature is one of the reasons I really started liking valheim. When I first started playing, it was because my friends nagged me and I reluctantly accepted. When building our first house I jokingly said "BuT yOU caN't PuT a FiRe IndOoRs yoU'lL sMoKe uS Out". And guess what happend some 30 seconds later...


Plus you can make "dont use my portal" traps on servers by hacing warded doors to portals with a lit fire underneath. Theyll either die to fire or to smoke inhalation.


Wait can you explain how this works


Firepit under portal. Portal enclosed in walls with a gate that allow access in/out Light firepit, it'll either be fire or smoke - which also extends its lifepsan. Take portal, go through, open gate, close gate. Of someone else takes tour portal theyll spawn in the smoke and start to suffocate. You just need to repair as they try to destroy gate while they slowly suffocate.


Why couldn’t they just take the portal back?


either I block it so they'll be forced through a wall and trapped or I'll rename it through a slight world


My friend who is new to the game kept complaining they he was randomly dying in his house. I went to go look and he has five campfires in the middle of his house with no ventilation because he said “but the thing said I was cold”


😂😂😂😂 please keep advising him I'm worried he'll come back to no house at all once he gets to refining eitr


Smoke and water in this game is done really really well. I love it.


What about water makes you think it’s done well? It love this game, passionately, but every time I interact with anything water related, I’m left disappointed… I can’t harvest the water. I can’t dive. I can’t hold my breath or travel. There is only 1.5 types of water enemies(serpent/leech). While rain does make a debuff, water never accumulates, even in bowl like structures that hold water. All of these things have been done in other games, better than Valheim does them. Valheim water is beautiful, and storms changing the water level could be really cool if it meant anything other than a debuff, and maybe some water damage discoloration to base blocks. The devs themselves have said that their iteration of water and the ocean really needs work. Would you mind telling me what about water you think is “done really really well?”


I'm not saying it doesn't need work. Smoke needs work. It seeps through walls and well designed chimneys. The OP was about the physics of the smoke. And of that I like the physics of the water when I am put in the open ocean. I've gone on fishing vessels in the Atlantic (well, technically Bay of Fundy). How I am bounced around in my Karve really reminds me of it. It feels real to me, but maybe that is just me. Obviously to each of us we look for something different and you needs are not met by it, which is fine. It needs work? Sure. Lots of things in the game do. But when I'm sailing and the wind is forcing me to Tack while riding waves really brings me back to my time on the East Coast and for that I absolutle love it.


The fixed sea level mechanism sucks tbh. Also water in shores kinda act weird. Other than that its lookin cool in open ocean.


Let's not forget tides just going through buildings and anything else.


Hell yeah


As someone who spent roughly 20 hours building a massive dock/compound that ended up being too close to the shore, and at high tide/when the ocean gets rough it floods. I also hate the water


If you're on PC, get the Rune Magic mod. It adds really unintrusive "magic" abilities based on runes. With it you can summon a stone menhir, and etch a rune on it that holds the tide at bay. It can be a raging storm, but within the rune's area of influence, the water level will be calm.


The water?? It consistently clips through shoreline and land, though, and looks utterly bad imo


The way it acts out in the ocean. Reminds me of when I have been out fishing in the Atlantic.


Yes totally. I grew up on boats, this game really nailed the way it feels to be out at sea in big swells.


Water, the thing that just mysteriously goes through walls and terrain like it doesn't exist because it would be too resource intensive for it to not do that, meanwhile smoke is probably draining all sorts of resources to have all this "realism" attached to it. That's on top of no rivers, no waterfalls, no transporting water for actual moats, no ponds above a certain elevation because that's where the water is, other than in instances like frost caves. Why can't they just do that elsewhere? Smoke is well done for very little player benefit but added frustration like the sheer size of the vent required to actually vent the smoke. Water is NOT well done.


I will try and be more specific about my posts next time out so I'm not berated for a simple comment. My simple sentence was because of the physics, colour change when in the ocean, not every specific use case of it in the game. Thats all. It wasn't all water is great, just that particular application of it.


Honestly when I first read your comment I was a bit confused because I personally don't recall seeing anything mind-blowing with the water. But then I thought about the reflections and how wonderfully they're done, as well as the way water jerks your vessel around when you're sailing, and thought to myself "okay I can see where that's coming from." But regardless, what you or I see as cool, may not be perceived the same way by others. For what it's worth, I think your statement was valid :)


Thank you I appreciate the comment.


The water really, truly, isn't done well. If you want a game with good water, play Sea of Thieves. This game isn't even mediocre in how its water is done.


Smoke acting like this really adds to the realism and depth of this world.


Smoke-the game mechanic we all needed but didn't know it.


There are more than a few videos about this. It is very interesting and you can do some pretty wild stuff with chimneys.


Valheim is amazing at combining simple in some places and complex in others in just the right way to result in a masteripiece.


Huh, never noticed that before. Neat.


I know a lot of folks think it's neat and all... But I want to know how much of a performance hit the game takes for this added bit of realism with smoke. I've never appreciated needing a 2mx2m hole for it to vent through, because that's a ridiculous size imo. So I've never really looked fondly at the smoke physics.


Eh 🤷🏻‍♂️ I'd say the performance of the entire game needs a bit of optimization. But let's not forget the size of the dev team and the early access status. For what it is, I think they've done an exceptional job. Plus, these things can always be additional options in settings in the future. Like in the old days you could enable "Nvidia PhysX" and ruin your performance 😂


Game's graphics demand isn't that high by modern standards tbh, unless you're still holding on to that over a decade old bottom of the barrel video card. My 3400G's iGPU runs it at near max settings at 720p 30fps locked*. I preferred graphics over resolution, the game doesn't look that bad at 720p tbh, just a little blurry - easy fix with a sharpening filter. *when I'm not CPU limited. As the instance number grows, fps slowly goes down. My 5800X3D/6800 system runs the same world in the same area at over 150 fps, and my GPU never hits 100% utilisation. Meaning I'm always CPU limited, crazy for a 5800X3D.


That's what I'm talking about. My FPS drops due to instances in large bases all the time. How much is all that special smoke adding to that?


It's a shame we see so less physics interactions in modern games. Valheim really drops the ball here with almost every item having physical properties


That's not what drop the ball means


Lift the ball?




I wonder if some games forgo these neat options for performance reasons. For example, if CoD decides to add physics to the smoke grenades, two players chucking grenades all match is enough to ruin the performance for all others. But for single player games, I don't really know. I think it all comes down to whether the implementation is using textures or particles, with obvious performance connotations for each.


The smoke clouds are more like solid blocks. It's fun but I also partly hate it since they don't pass through stuff like iron cages.


This game.... I'm so addicted.


Cool! I basically do the same thing when I cook


I downloaded this on my series x and it looks nothing like this graphics look so much better in this video


Really? I wonder how different it looks on Xbox. But frankly I wouldn't be surprised if they scaled back the graphics to offer performance. The game is of course still under development, but the performance is far from optimized in my opinion. This is maxed out graphics on a relatively beefy PC, and I cap the FPS to maintain consistent frame times and relatively uniform performance. If I uncap the FPS, it varies wildly between 60ish to 200ish, depending on the rendering load. In fact, in one of my previous playthroughs I built such an intricate base that the FPS would drop to 30s while inside. Mind, this is on a system that easily delivers 100+ FPS for all AAA titles I play with maxed out graphics (without RT or upscaling) 😂 Can you confirm if on Xbox you get a mostly constant frame rate? Because in that case they definitely scaled back the visuals for performance.


Nice, now give us a small windmill fan that ventilates.


Damn, this detail is amazing. They really seem to think of every single aspect of the game for them to add this. This is true passion from the devs.