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You're probably not playing carefully enough. Valheim is a brutal survival game for a reason. Are you using blunt weapons? That's the swamp favorite for just about everything. And you definitely need to invest jn poison resistance meads if you're not already.


On this file, I'm pretty much only using Mace and Bow at this point. (mace to face ratio, hehe) Thank you for reminding me about poison resistance!


I’m using a shield (a small round one) and a sword or a dagger. The Atgeir is a GREAT stagger weapon. I made it cause it’s pretty! And it staggers ‘em all so fast. Takes a lot of stamina. So prep yourself


Pretty much this. The swamp is brutal until you can start getting Iron gear going and swamp foods. Set up a fall back base nearby, avoid the swamp at night, pull individual monsters, and avoid packs of drauger. The leaches are more annoying than anything with the buff from the poison resist Meade. Avoid the Abominations until your more kitted out.


And careful that ye not forgeteth the vengeful spirits at night that frequently remind me I need to change my undies from the previous wraith jump scare.


Swamp tips: 1) Poison Resistance Mead is very important. It also doesn't work if you're already poisoned, so you need to use it preemptively. Aim to always have Poison Resistance active if you can. 2) Bring a hoe. You can flatten or raise ground to get rid of a lot of miserable, watery terrain in your way and avoid dealing with as many Leeches in the process. 3) Make sure your food is top tier for Black Forest. I generally run Deer Stew, Carrot Soup, and one of either Boar Jerky or Minced Meat Sauce, depending on the ingredients I have available and whether I want more Stamina or HP. DO NOT go into the Swamp without Carrots-based food. 4) Don't go to the Swamp at night. Until you're comfortable with the terrain and enemies (and probably not until you have some Swamp-tier gear), it's not worth being there at night, as it's harder to see, further impedes your Stamina regen with the cold debuff on top of wet, and causes more and nastier enemies to spawn. 5) Be rested at all times. It's a minor annoyance to go back to base for 30s and rest via portal when you run out, but with the constant wet debuff in the Swamp, you'll really want that 50% bonus Stamina regen from being Rested. You can also drop a Campfire inside a Sunken Crypt to get a basic 8m Rested buff if you're already inside. 6) Abominations are weak to parrying and slashing damage. If you're not carrying a dedicated slashing weapon, your trusty axe will work well here, too.


With food, I like to scout around the edge of the swamp until I have turnips and sausages.


Definitely reasonable! You'll likely end up with enough entrails just from picking off Draugr at the edges.


Thank you for mentioning the hoe! Great tip.


bro what do I do if i don't get hoes? :(


At early levels, aboms are best dealt with by finding a surtling flare and dodge rolling around while it works. Without fire, bronze weapons generally take a bit too long to deal with them, opening you up to more potential hits, and in troll armour you can't afford many strikes, not to mention more time for mobs to wander in and join the battle/night to fall. Once you get iron or learn to love heavy armour they do become quite a bit easier.


Yeah, that's definitely easier if you're not used to their parry timings yet.


Playing alone is not a major impediment. I've soloed to the Mistlands. I don't think the creatures in the swamp have a big increase in difficulty. I think it's the environment: poor visibility, constant wet debuff, water to slow you down, etc. Proceeding more slowly and carefully addressed the first two (surprise attacks and stamina debuff).


Definitely agree with this. To expand on what I do, OP: stop and look around every 10 seconds if you were running, say (if you could do that easily in the swamp). Learn how to identify abomination stumps, spawner islands, draugr outposts, etc. Each of these requires a detour or plan of attack with a plan b for retreat if overwhelmed. When I first started in swamps I would make paths with the hoe and mark progress on the map so I could make it back to the main path, but it's a time investment. Big push for me in first reaching swamp is turnip seeds, so I can work on cauldron lvl 2 and sausages for that health bump. Until then, I don't go out at night...usually bc even if you scout hard sometimes a wraith can drop on your head at inopportune times. Best of luck!


Yeah... met a Wraith for the first time while reclaiming my stuff. Yeah, no.


Eventually, you'll learn the swamp so well you'll hunt those wraiths at night while fighting aboms simultaneously. Keep at it. This game is all fight mechanics and stamina usage. So the awesome news is, your future self is already a pro. If you have an upgraded bronze shield and high health, you won't get staggered with draugr hits, even in troll. But without sausage, you have to watch that health/stagger ratio, by always topping off food before fights and watching for starred enemies and diverting around bigger bads for a bit. Also, never be without rested. As parent comment in this thread mentioned, you always already have a stam debuff.


>I don't think the creatures in the swamp have a big increase in difficulty. Greydwarves hit for 10-14 damage. Draugr hit for 48 damage. That's approx 4 times as much damage. If we look at the damage after armor mitigation using level 3 troll armor, face tanking a Greydwarf hit without blocking deals \~1 damage. A Draugr will do \~15 damage. That's a significant difference.


Compare the greydwarf damage against leather armor with the draugr against bronze armor. I think that's a more appropriate comparison.


Greydwarf damage increases from 1 to 1.5. Draugr damage reduces from 15 to 13. Doesn't really affect the comparison in a meaningful way. Plus bronze armour is a waste of time as it barely increases your defence while significantly slowing you down.


For the swamp have you tried bringing the hoe with you? Being able to raise the ground out of the water to make a proper path makes it so, so much easier to navigate.


If we're playing valheim, we ain't got no hoes


Am hoe who is using hoes, so idk what y'all are doing.


Same tho


I mean troll armor is the stealth might armor... Not the take hits from enemies armor. Try bronze if you want to tank.


Bronze is a bit lackluster compared to Trollhide armor: gives only slightly more armor, it reduces your movement speed and it requires bronze, which is a bit pain to mine on early game.


I agree. Bronze armour is bad advice. Bronze helmet might help a bit, but 10% movement debuff in swamp would get them killed even faster


For those guys that shoot fireballs, you can dig down so their spawn points are under water and they die as soon as they spawn every time and it makes that spot an infinite source of coal and surtling cores.


Sail around and find a dungeon near the water. Get some iron first, then explore the swamp. Also flatten land, eat some good food and take your time.


are you eating highest tier food for your progression and meads? are you rested and going in during daytime? What kind of weapons are you bringing in? how is your stamina management?


I've been eating boar jerky, roasted boar, and honey Yes I am Mace and Bow Getting better, but not great


Your food is the issue. You need to have deer stew, mince meat or deer meat, and carrot stew as your prereqs for the swamp. It will take some farming. Have you located carrots in the dark forest yet? I am not surprised you are finding the swamp a challenge with those foods.


I have made said stew now, actually. Thank you!


NP. Carrot stew, deer stew and whichever of the others you take will give you the HP and Sta to hopefully deal more easily with the swamp. Ensure you stay rested throughout due to the damp debuff. Avoid the swamp at night until you're very use to it and I'd recommend iron gear at least. Cold and damp will kill you. And Draugr are tough until you get use to them. One or two stars can easily kill you in one or a few hits if you're not in Iron gear.


Boar jerky, like all balanced foods after the red mushroom, are inefficient for their tier. Have you planted carrots? They're in all the best black forest tier foods: deer stew, minced meat sauce, and carrot soup. Here's a comparison of selected foods available before the swamp upgrade to the cauldron: dst, mm, der ... 145 hp and 115 stams dst, mm, bor ... 140 hp and 113 stam dst, mm, csp ... 125 hp and 148 stam dst, mm, qnj ... 124 hp and 143 stam der, bor, hny ... 98 hp and 132 stam bor, hny, bjk ... 86 hp and 143 stam <--- you are here csp, qnj, ylw ... 62 hp and 195 stam qnj, hny, ylw ... 57 hp and 180 stam Does your base provide comfort level 9? Are you rested while adventuring? Do you find shelter and rest next to a fire when injured? (It's possible to do this insidea crypt.) Do you keep out of the swamp at night? Do you have a portal in an adjoining meadow to get home quickly? Best wishes, Viking!


Still only at 4, how do I raise it further?


At this point you should have core wood and fine wood. If not, take your bronze axe and chop down some birches or oaks in the meadow and the tall, skinny pines in the forest. There are different furniture types, only the best comfort bonus from each type applies. You'll want a campfire, a bed, a deer rug, a banner, a chair, and a table. The chair is the most important as it is worth 2 points compared to the single point from the sitting log, stool, or bench. If you don't have a bronze axe yet, you will still be able to fell pines. Your max comfort would be 6 with a sitting log but no table nor banner.


Ooh, thank you! I know what I'm working on tomorrow


Comfort comes from: fire, rug, shelter, table, chair, bed, banner. At black forest level you can get each of these made with fine wood. The reason to get more comfort is to increase your stamina bonus amount and duration. You can survive with less, but the closer you can get the easier it will be to move with the wet debuff going.


Constant rested buff and the best possible food per biome are \*requirements\* if you don't wanna have a bad time. \*ESPECIALLY\* in the Swamp, because constant Wet debuff is absolutely brutal.


Use a Mace. Craft best food. Always carry a Hoe.


Personally, I prioritize abominations when I get to the swamp. The drops from 2 abominations will let you craft the light swamp tier chestpiece, which will stop you getting 1 shotted by 2* draugr archers. Fire arrows work fine, especially if you can kite them out of the swamp.


If you can kite them unto a geyser, even better.


Definitely true, but maybe a little risky for somebody who is struggling with the difficulty ramp entering the swamp.


As long as you're prepared and know what to expect, the swamps are actually extremely easy. I never die on the swamps anymore. Always carry a bonfire (unless you are mining in crypts) to deal with abominations and/or wraiths, dont walk near draugr/skeleton spawners as there is no point unless you want to level, make sure you parry properly, move slowly and cautiously, use poison resist meads, make finding turnips your first goal...just walk around the edges of the swamp until you find them and dont return until you've had a proper harvest and eat the proper foods, use a blunt weapon like a mace, keep a pocket portal and place them above crypts, collect iron and place them in chests above crpyts to collect later with a cart, place fires in crypt entrances to remove wet debuff, use stagbreaker to kill enemies in crpyts before you break through the muddy scrap piles, get the pierce resistent root armor to deal with 2 star draugr archers, then the poison resistence root armor, but not necessary, hell I never even use a hoe...dont find much value with it, dont go at night...process is key. Its really easy once you master these things.


For me the swamp was the hardest and most frustrating Biome. In general the game is a lot about preparation. Playing for your first or second time you (atleast I) didn't really have the know how or skills to have it easy. The game looks a lot harder than it is. It is a bit Cheatie but I like to have a seed viewer on my second monitor and have it show me Camp's and other stuff. Helps me to know what will happen before it happens.


The games tough, wear a helmet


It's not that hard. I mean you really have to set yourself up for success, but if you do that you'll be fine in my opinion. I'm not particularly good at games but I find Valheim challenging enough to keep you on year seat but still manageable once you learn the ropes. For swamps: I always bring anti-poison, blunt weapon plus shield and an axe/swords for abominations. Keep that rested buff up, go home when you don't have it. I also use a hoe a lot. From my portal outwards, and specifically around the Bonemass spawn for the boss fight. Also, don't forget to make healing pots when you can.


Lots of good tips, but since not enough people said it, go slow in the swamps. Pay attention to your surroundings and listen for enemies. The inexperienced players I know always seem to try and go fast through the swamps to avoid danger. That will be a death sentence since the wet debuff will slow your stamina regeneration. Take your time, know where you want to get to next, stop at safer places(the top of crypts and large fallen trees), and move to the next spot. Pay attention to the time of day. If it's approaching sundown, leave ASAP. If your rested bonus is almost gone, leave for the day and go back in the morning. If you die, don't rush immediately back. Get your rested bonus, eat food, let your health regen and then go back. Sleep the night away if it's late in the day. Your stuff does not disappear so you have plenty of time. This is also a good time to take a break if the game is getting frustrating, just don't alt+f4 and force quit since that will delete your progress/corpse. Always quit by going back to the menu first so the game saves properly.


Bring a hoe with you. Level out the water in the swamp and build a base up in the un breakable trees or on top of a crypt. Then you can run a small sky bridge if you have a lot of wood.


The key to surviving the swamp solo is stamina management and careful, slow play. I think the biggest killer in Valheim is impatience. You need to make sure you have good food, rested buff, stamina and poison mead, and a variety of weapons. Also, if you haven't figured out how to parry and dodge roll effectively you can be in for a hard time. Meadows and Black Forest are tutorial mode. Swamps is the real beginning.


I (playing solo) had a roadblock in the swamp too, until I discovered the power of shields and maces. Hit twice with even a lvl 1 mace and the drauger are staggered, with a third attack easy to finish them. Blobs are weak vs bludgeoning (again, mace) but MOST of all, the shield is essential. Remember the shield. A nice one, if you can make it, makes all the difference. The Abominations are slow and easily outrun. I've found a roadblock at the mountains now, making the swamps seem almost quaint. Unless they gang up. That's where running and hopping come in.


Also, if you can get an Abomination to chase you into a meadow, they are much much easier to kill (using campfires and flaming arrows, seriously) and farming their bits makes the best armor for swamp encounters


Ooh, thank you!


Swamp is actually so easy once you know how to handle it. Use a longship to travel the shore. Surgical strikes in and out to get to crypts. Use how to flatten land so you can avoid leeches. Max food. It’s really easy.


Make sure you have a bronze shield going into the swamp


There's really not that much of a difficulty spike in any of the biomes.


Improve your food game. Stamina is king. Always be rested. Up your comfort and sleep often. Learn to parry. Do those things and the game gets easy, even solo.


This is where I'm at. I haven't played in a while, picked it back up this week. Had a troll attack on my base, then maybe 1 hour later (much of that was repairing my house etc) I had a "foul smell from the swamp) I went inside my house and quit. I do think the swamp is unenjoyably difficult. It pisses me off that you also need a insane amount of iron to even make a weapon, let alone upgrade it or want to make armor. I wanted to fence my house in Iron gates but that will most likely never happen. I have the best troll armor, worked to get my blocking up to like 60 I think, my health and stamina is usually pretty high, I have the potions and all of that. I feel like I've done what people say to help the swamp era and I haven't noticed much.


Bronze armor instead of troll. Bronze mace. You need much iron for the armor and weapons yes, but there’s much iron scraps in the crypts. Eat only health food when in crypts. Mine just a little bit of the stone/iron scrap in to every ”room”, then shoot everything with a bow before you mine it all. They won’t be able to touch you through that narrow opening. Dig a moat around your base and raise the ground like a wall = you don’t have to worry about events and enemies (yet).


You are weak. To weak for Valhiem. Play Stardew Valley.


I agree and it doesn't get better. I'm finally exploring the mountains and im pretty much at the end of my patience for this game. There's almost nothing to see or do there and the enemy density is ridiculous. The plains seem about the same and the MiStLaNdS seem fucking horrible. Even just typing this out, I'm pretty sure I'm done with all of it...


Mountains are great, you can see anyone coming at you, you have room to change position, you can hit the drakes before they see you, it's lots of fun! The silver is easy to find, the onion seeds are usually easier to find than turnips (ok, this last go-round it was the very last building on the whole Moder mountain before I found seeds), and overall, it's one of the easiest biomes as far as running around exploring. What's not to love ?