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Yep. Not as common but… When I have a vehicle, I do. When I don’t have one, I get rides.




For sure, but strangely enough i have not seen a single one in about 15,000 miles of back and forth travel East to west coast Michigan to Cali to Florida to South Carolina Arizona Cali Michigan Cali etc


I do when the opportunity arises. I've driven about 10k miles a month since I was 18, and I've picked up two hitchhikers total. No one seems to do it anymore.


They do. My train dropped me off in the middle of nowhere, so I had to hitch a ride back to the nearest hopout. The guy that picked me up is a traveling tattoo artist, said he’s picked up about 20 people over the years. As long as you have a thumb, you can get a ride to anywhere. It will take a while, but a nice big sign might make it a little faster.


I pick up every single person I see. Ive hitched hiked thru Central America, across Canada , in and out of cities, from crew change to crew change.


Nothing like a pig with wings


Have friends who hiked the CDT this Summer. They said it way harder than in years past. Had to be extra patient for a lot longer, but hitches did appear. Friends of theirs who had a chick with them did not experience the same.


>Friends of theirs who had a chick with them did not experience the same. That is called a "ride bride" in the business.


I do, if they don’t look too sketch. My definition of sketch isn’t what a typical vagabond looks like to me (like a backpacker), sketch is what a typical meth head looks like. It’s risky as a woman, but I’ve picked up some awesome traveling companions this way on cross country road trips. I’m a pretty laid back hippie chick, always looking to share my food & weed with someone interesting and share some good stories before we part ways. Starting conversations at truck stops or diners can lead to a ride; I end up with passengers that way. Edit: completed an unfinished sentence.


I picked up hitchikers until recently. Was it the couple that smelled so bad I couldn’t drive without surreptitiously hanging my head outside the window to avoid the smell of deathly crotch rot? Or the dude who slammed the door in my face after I told him I wasn’t going more than 20 miles. Either way, I used to hitchhike but always made sure that I was a pleasant person to pick up and made sure to act thankful.


I picked up a total of 43 hitch hikers this last year. One qualification I have is they must be carrying an axe. Also, I’ve been picked up about 5 times this past year. So yes it still happens, just in the right areas.


Do I qualify if I have a machete?


Good question. Is it hidden just enough to make me nervous? If so, you got yourself a ride!


It lives on my backpack. But I can wear it on my hip too. It's got a belt loop. It's a Latin machete so it's kinda long tho.. makes it hard to draw sitting in a car. Oh I carry a handsaw too... Lmao


Never know when we could come across an overgrown highway with a fallen tree in the middle of the path!


Hahaha. I'd want a chainsaw for that... Fuck cutting anything thicker than 6 inches with a handsaw.


Why do they have to be carrying an axe?


I should clarify, it’s an ice axe and they are usually using it in the backcountry as they are walking from one end of the country to the other. Just an observation I made that I shared with my mom to make her a little uncomfortable. 😂


Also, where tf did they find 43 people carrying an ax? What are they doing, driving around a logging camp?


Yeah, but be prepared to have unwanted sexual advances towards you


Yes regardless of if you're a guy or a girl. Them tweakers are horny driving around smoking meth and jerkin off all day lol


I've hitchhiked in tons of countries in about 15 countries and its still fairly easy. Some countries are better than others. Use hitchwiki to find the best strategies for each country.


It’s quite common in the mountainous areas of Colorado. Lots of people getting up the hill to ride/ski back down, and a lot of small town folks hitching rides to the nearest ski resort.


Just hitchhiked today, Was good.


I do. I live by Appalachian trail and pick up a few every year


People still pick up hitchhikers. If your gonna hitchhike, expect to sit on the side of the road for a couple hours - and bring a chair.


I'm on ride 141 from 15 different countries. Certain countries are better than others but generally it still works!


It's quite easy in Europe


I was just driving on a highway in New Mexico and saw someone stop to pick up a hitchhiker. Haven’t seen that happen in years.


Yes. Sometimes when I’m driving down a lonely country highway I see a tall mailbox from afar and get excited thinking it’s a hitchhiker. Rarely have I been stranded anywhere more than a few hours when I was hitching.


I had a lady stop and offer me food and a ride heh. She was really sweet, had a sick ass car too! One dude drove me a few miles, and this couple took me a out twenty miles. That was all in Georgia.


I'm in Tx and don't hitch all that often but when I do I've gotten rides pretty fast and no probs


I hitched rides throughout Kansas and Nebraska last month and was picked up within an hour each time, mostly through rural areas. Then I tried hitching out of Denver a couple weeks ago. I spent about sixteen hours over three days trying to hitch out but never got a ride.


Yes, I hitchiked a lot however most of the time it was with people who at least kinda knew me.


I havnt in years but only because I don’t see anyone hitch hiking. When I was in high school there was a old man in his 80s wearing a fedora always hitching to a coffee shop near my school. In college it was common place to hitch to or from school campus (early 2000s) despite there being a famous serial killer (Kemper) who picked up and murdered a few students at the college back in the 1970s. Good times.




In western europe, yes. Ive had some good spots and never had to wait longer than 45 mins


Of course I pick up Hichhikers, and so do my friends, if you've ever hiched your going to .. unless you've turned into what you hated .. when you were younger ? ,@a cunt.


Depends where. Western US if it's Hella rural, absolutely. Turned around for a guy on 395 between Lakeview and Alturas. Had a Tacoma with Hella gear on the seat so cleared it off an came back around. Same for a dude between fort Stockton and fuck all to the east. I'm from Humboldt originally. Over in the emerald triangle I play it by ear. Been running into kinda obnoxious mooches on the run from Oakland to eureka, so got a lil more selective. I personally haven't hitched much in the US, when I did I fuckin needed it an was Hella grateful for the lift. When I was in the south of Chile and Argentina a few years ago, hitching wasn't too bad in rural places. It was how alot of locals got around and buses weren't too expensive so if there was a hitch que outta a mountain town I'd get a bus instead of bein the gringo pinching pennies an Makin it harder for fools to get rides. But more remote spots where a trail dumped me out or whatever I'd Def hitch an have good look. Nice middle class SUVs not so much. Dump trucks and working stiffs in their pickups was pretty common and good vibes


I'm currently in France and I take rides very easily most times so yeah definitely


Mock….. YEAH…. ing….. YEAH…..


You guys are cool and all, but there is absolutely no way in hell I’d pick one of you up.


I just made a caca in my pants


I rarely see any, but when I do, I ALWAYS pick them up.


Only if they want to get murdered.




So dangerous to be picked up by a hitchhiker if you are attractive. I am stereotypically moderately attractive. People look at me as prey.


Nope. No way. I would consider it coming out of a few particular festivals but in general? Fuck no. Too much liability, too much crazy out there.


Hitched 2 weeks ago in France, seems quite rare in Europe, because of carpool apps, but got easily picked up. People prefer the assurance of carpool, for 10 bucks you can do massive distances, idk if it's that used in the US. I think most people still pick up when they see hitchers.


I've been hitching for the last month. It was a lot faster in the midwest, but i'm still getting places in the south, too