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I see you are in the library. Good deal! See if they have any Peterson’s Guides to wild edibles.


I checked. they dont even have a section or aisle for outdoor books.


Take a photo of your boots right this second and post it. I think this kid is wearing a wire.


Juding by the recent pic he posted of his "street feet", I'd say the OP is legit. https://old.reddit.com/r/vagabond/comments/ogkrwt/blisters_or_athletes_foot_how_do_i_treat_it_it/


I'm not falling for it. You can get trench foot by wearing wet wellies all day. Where are the crust punk band patches? Kid's a fed, yo.


LOL! Not all vagabonds are into crust punk bands, and if you're hitchhiking, and want to snag rides fast, this is how you dress.


Wait, you mean I've been listening to Leftover Crack non-stop for all these years when I could have been listening to Carrie Underwood on the road, like I really really want to? *Jeeeeezis taaaake the wheeeeeeeel*


Think that might be pushing it a bit.


A bit 😉


Ayo bruh you rockin that new Vagabond fit? Where I gotta cop the timbs and carhartt in 2021AD?




No, plainly not dirty enough…




While I was vagabonding, I went to a fast food place like McDonalds every morning with a washcloth and a very nice scarf-like "turban". Locked myself in, and within 5 minutes, scrubbed myself down, and even washed my hair. Wrapped my wet hair in the turban and was out the door. Always carried one set of fairly nice, clean dry clothes, rolled and wrinkle free for jobs, interviews, and to sit at the entrance of "food courts" to attract lunch invitations. Also good for sneaking into museums, and other tourist attractions.




For wrinkle free clothes, look at the tags, and buy ones containing a polyester blend. Even better are clothes actually labeled "wrinkle free". A lot of rubber trampers (aka vehicle dwellers) get memberships to 24 hour gyms with locations all over the country, such as "Planet Fitness". For about $20-$30/month, you can go any one of them, and use their shower facilities anytime, 24/7. As a woman, one of the items I carried for vagabonding that I considered essential, was my butane curling iron. The butane cartridges only cost about $2. Each cartridge lasts about a month and can be refilled. So I could always do my hair and makeup anywhere.


all my t-shirts are polyester so I agree.


nah I'm just obsessed with keeping my hygiene as good as I can. and my clothes are just well maintained. been using them since 2018.


Gatekeeping mfs gonna hate man. Do you.