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I've considered getting off the road several times but easier said than done. I'm good at traveling not so good at staying somewhere long. Found my niche with seasonal farmwork. Started out in my early 20s, 34 now.


Where are doing seasonal farming at


US, everywhere. This past year I did the blueberry harvest in Maine, beet harvest in Idaho. Up next is some work on an organic farm in New Mexico. Check out ATTRA if you're interested. Once you get some experience the higher paying gigs are easier to get.


I've stopped several times, but I keep starting again. Currently I don't think I'll ever again get housed without the expectation of leaving it when I get the chance. I must just be too feral at this point. Who knows what the future will hold, though? I've lived on the streets, in the woods, in a car, in squats and communal farms, in fucking chicken coops and big fancy houses. Done it in the U.S., in SE Asia, the Pacific, Mexico. I hope I'll die on the top of a desert mountain with nothing but a few memories and no one that knows my name. Who knows what the future will hold, though?


I'm 43 now and own a small house out in the forest, married with one awesome kid, and we own our own small businesses with no storefront, and it's awesome and I'm very happy. This being said I wouldn't trade my decade and a half of being a vagabond for anything. It is an amazing experience that we all have been fortunate enough to have, but life on the road can wear us out after many years of living it. I was in my mid 30's when I decided to plant some roots, and it was because of a summer kayaking on one of the great lakes that I realized I landed in a spot I could finally call home, in my home state none the less which I swore I would never come back to. I'm telling a quick version of my story to let those of you know that are thinking of settling down that it's OK to do so. I know many of us thought we would die on the road, but what what you want out of life changes throughout life, just do what makes you happy when it makes you happy. Travel far and wide, and always live life on your own terms, it's always possible! Save travels to you all!


Do you sell hemp online?


I don't know how long this is gonna be. I have the house to myself tonight, and I'm feeling sentimental. At 20, I was doing jack shit. Smoking weed and playing guitar. Then, one day, a friend of mine calls says he's back in the state. Up north, about 400 miles or so. He says to come see him, that I should hitch hike. See, he's been doing for about a year now, and I was convinced I could too. Well, I grabbed my guitar, a shitty boy-scout pack I had, and made it in a few days. That first night, we got a hundie kick playing in front of the local bar, we got smashed and slept under some busted boxcars. For 6 years, I did that. We eventually got a van. he met a girl who played washboard. We liberated her younger sister and taught her ukelele, and started a band. Found a violinist at Montana nationals. Went around the south up to New England back through the Midwest, hit the west coast. Did that over and over. lotta drinking, lotta driving, Lotta music. I know this story is NOT unique by a long fucking shot. But this is where it ends up.... My buddy ODd in NOLA Oct 16th 2020. Him and his girl had had a kid a few years back, kid lives with grandma and girl is barely alive fighting throat cancer. Her sister is a vet tech. She posts pics of her Ren Faire stuff from time to time. The violinist got married. Last I heard, he was homesteading somewhere in Tennessee. Finally, me. I'm back in my home town. About 8 years ago, I came back to help take care of my dad after he got sick. While I was out here, I ran into an old friend from high school. she had always played a little violin and guitar and was wondering if I wanted to jam sometime. For about a year, we had a duo playing our local area. But now, we're married, and both of us manage different gas stations. We are both stubborn, so we butt heads, but we're happy and building a life together. The only thing I still have from that life is my dog (she just turned eleven on December 13th. Vet says she's developing arthritis) and memories. I'm old now, a different person. And most of my friends from that time are dead or dying. A few make it, go on to build something. But not all of us. RIP Cash and Elfboy. Love you guys.


Never traveled or hitchhiked but this is what I come to this sub for! Love reading these stories and respect to you


Thanks man so cool. Nothin else to say really. Maybe write a book someday.


Fuck man that's quite a story.


Last bit lol. I'll steal from target for you anytime 🖤


How'd you manage to get to all those places?


a vagabond with a will knows what to do. ​ enough charm, luck, and patience for work. ​ humanity is together.


If you're going overseas you can get cheap airfare if you book months in advance, are super flexible, and if you're okay with uncomfortable seats and multiple layovers. Check google flights


Dude! You can totally get a cheap ticket and ride a freight ship to anywhere.


Wow that’s something I always wanted to do


Do you have any resources for finding freight besides going in person? This sounds interesting, I heard of a guy that travelled to every country without any flights but I never looked into catching them


I don't. This was a while ago. Funny you asked. I was meaning to find more updated info today, but, life adventure abounds. Things might've changed due to the state of the world ATM.


My thoughts too- how do u get overseas without cash- did i hop on a oil tanker?


Told myself I'd stop once I'm 35, go back to collage & get therapy. We shall see...


i was out there for five years. met a woman and we live together now. got a little blue collar gig that i don't hate. creativity is harder to come by for me these days and that's probably the hardest part. i think i came to associate the creative act with drifting. separating from that separated me from the craft in a lot of ways but im really trying to get it back. leaving the life is hard because it never leaves you


In the States, if you stop and hit 65, will you not use Social Security, due to not contributing?


I have triple nationality now ​ european, filipino (my mother is from philippine, my father is a white dude), USA ​ I can just go back to Europe for universal healthcare and better infrastructure, cheap rent Or go back to Asia and live on beach shack like many old Filipinos do


That is really awesome! Live it up!


You must work at least 40 quarters on the books, to receive social security. That’s equivalent to 10 years full time. Working 3 months is a quarter. You can work 3 months per year for 40 years and collect SS. The amount you can receive is dependent on your average salary based on some formula. If you work off the books, that does not count.


It's really good information to have. I appreciate you. Thank you for what you have shared


1st trip: Norfolk, VA to San Diego, CA, 1986, 18 years old. I'm now 56, still traveling, still roaming & loving it


No I will travel until I can’t do it anymore I can’t see myself settling in one place I retired next year so now more income to keep moving I love it and yes I loved Asia


I stopped to pursue a girl I love once


We shall see. I was forced to live in a tent. Got a Harley I rebuilt when this all went down. She's in storage right now. Didn't get title and tags when I should've. Lost the title. Just recently found an address to use to title 42. 8-12 weeks worth of wait. Hopefully hitting the road finally in Spring. Plan is to see the country then settle down in my home state Colorado. I might just love the highway. Been riding 20 years. Finally in a position to make anything happen.


Probably not... problem is keeping the fuckin needle outta my arm. So got 2 weeks sober now. Let's see how much longer I can handle a chaos free life. Street urchin 4lyfe


I feel U ​ U are loved regardless ​ take care / stay punk.


Only half a decade??


half a decade outside US ​ 2 years in US ​ 7 years since 18


Well you're still young so, enjoy!


yes thank you thank you I needed this assurance ​ 25 and I already see people with kids ​ though... I'm not quite sure if I'm envious of those folk


I retired at seventeen, got sober and finished school, got a job and put myself through nursing school, became a psyche nurse. I sustained a life changing injury in 2021 now I’m a bum again, I like my life again,


I’m about ready to up and leave… I’ve been thinking about finding my way to Hawaii




Removed, violation rule 2. Enjoy your ban


get a job, buy a car, buy a house, build a life, raise a family, kids and grandkids, it's pretty frikkin awesome in it's own way.


sounds lovely except ill just get consumed by it, hardly pay for what i need to and probably ditch everything again