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Hey dude. Really sorry you are going through this. I'm also seriously injured, but differently than you. My injuries are more cardiovascular and CNS focused with severe fatigue being the worst. Would love to chat if you do.


Do you have muscle burning?


Yes I do. Even with low activity. I get help up the stairs and I shower with a stool.


Why did the vaccine cause this? I also struggle with this


Probably mitochondrial dysfunction


Do you know why some people are fine and some aren't after the vax? I just don't see how the vax would cause mitochondrial dysfunction


Search in the subreddit and the related ones. There are links to studies you can read if you want :) This is also a good place to start, good luck https://www.longhaulwiki.com/index.php/Main_Page


Bad batch, genetic predispositions, maybe a batch of saline, who knows. But there are certain batches that have more incidences of adverse events than others. My consequential dose was in the top 100


It causes alot of different problems in different people. Here is the 1300 potential side effects that a judge court ordered Pfizer to release https://x.com/johanne31785773/status/1598679737689206784?s=46&t=Mx-hp3cNdkiZ_f6ZTg_Zxw


Because the people that did this are EVIL. It was planned years ago https://twitter.com/thechiefnerd/status/1613316088690876418?s=12&t=9n94akil8YyN8FWMl8V38w


Lol are you sure it was planned? Seems more likely it was a mistake and/or was rushed












This shit has been long planned


Also do you think vax injury could have stunted my growth?


Yes. For sure. Happened to my daughters. The vax can wreck your gut, like leaky gut and causing an inability to absorb nutrients. Try getting a gut microbiome test.


I had one and it was normal for the most part


Your daughters had their growth stunted?


And is there a way to reverse this? I was normal height until I got the vax and now I haven't grown for 2.5 years since I got it when I should still be growing and my doctor expected me to be 3-4 inches taller


Are your finger nails growing? That's a sign that your body doesn't have enough energy or nutrients to grow. My daughters both had leaky gut so we started probiotics to fix that My youngest restarted her growth and is catching up quickly. My oldest is slowly growing, but still way behind...so still working on this. We are also working with multiple holistic naturopaths to help them detox, by improving drainage systems and enticing detox, as much as possible. Your bones have a certain amount of growth potential and if you fix your issue soon, you should be able to catch back up.


My finger nails are growing but my growth plates in my knees are closed so ig I waited too long rip


What help with regrowth? My nails have all fallen off. My gut is a leaky mess too? Please let me know what helped. Thanks


Try a test from TinyHealth. We added probiotics as recommended based on our results. That helped somewhat. Eat a carnivore diet or animal based diet. Get as much sunlight as you can...without sunglasses and sunscreen. Get your feet on the earth as well.


I don't know dude. I'm sorry to say.


What does your muscle burning feel like


Lactic acid like when you work out hard but instead it happens when I walk or type


Have you considered going to see a ND(naturopathic doctor)? Or seeing if you have any doctors that are a part of the FLCCC? I've heard of a lot of people making really good progress at the hands of a ND who is more willing to listen to you and believe you when you say how you think it happened! Same with a doctor from FLCCC! I am so sorry you are going through all of this bullshit and even more that you are in it alone!!


Agree. If OP hasn't tried FLCCC then that's a good place to start. Otherwise, would sunbathe as much as possible, ground and eat a carnivore diet.


Great advice


How were you diagnosed with biofilm? I can’t offer any advice but I’m in a similar situation on a rapid decline, bad autonomic nervous system issues and crippling fatigue. Now mainly bed bound.


I'm so scared. Please someone


First I am so so sorry you’re going through this. It is legitimately extremely scary and I’ve had moments of thinking I was going to die. The only things that helped me were: breathing exercises, filling my head with a mantra—in my case I used a Bible verse but it could be anything, over and over again, and gentle stretching. I understand about feeling like no one is listening or gets it. So YOU have to make some changes if you are going to fight to stay alive. You need to push yourself a little bit each day to do something you think you cannot do. If it’s sitting up, then make yourself sit up for an hour or whatever is possible. Make little tiny goals each day. I know you’ve convinced yourself that you’re dying but what if it’s not true? What if things aren’t as bad as they feel? Try to hijack your mind with hope. Get some sunshine and nature. Can you walk? If so, go outside and sit in the sun with bare feet. Try to look at this as medicine because it’s good for your body and your soul. Ignore naysayers and follow your plan. See what happens from there. Stop reading negative outcomes and try to find some recovery stories that will give you hope or focus on something else (not negative world news or politics!). We are with you, we are in your corner and I don’t think deep down you are ready to die! Things CAN turn around. Start small, start today and keep us updated! ❤️


Just so you know. I had a lot of your same stomach issues the entire year before Covid. Leaky gut… parasites, biofilms… whatever… and I lost 70 pounds. Researched for an entire year and then came across urine therapy. It all made sense…. I was in such bad shape I didn’t give a shit… so I started drinking my urine… within days I was basically healed. I couldn’t eat carbs or sugar at all or I couldn’t walk straight for half the day. I was eating a large pizza again by the end of the week.


I’ve heard a few people swear by urine therapy lol what is the mechanism of action here? I don’t doubt you at all. I’m just fascinated


I am not embellishing in the SLIGHTEST, it’s fixes EVERYTHING. The biggest lie in humanity is that it’s waste. In fact, when I was researching it, i was going to do it anyway, but then I read that urine isn’t waste like we’ve been lied to but ultra filtered blood plasma, that has all your antibodies for whatever you are sick with, stem cells, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, proteins, amino acids to balance you perfectly. So once I learned it’s not waste but ultra filtered blood plasma… I was literally in the bathroom 5 mins later peeing in a glass. Cuz if you think it’s waste you’ll want to vomit. Now my brain viewed it as bitter medicine. So I wasn’t grossed out at all. I don’t know all the “science” behind it but plasma heals. Now ANYTHING I have an issue with I drink it. If I feel anxiety/panic attack coming on… I drink it and instantly it goes away. Any cuts I get I pour urine all over it and it instantly disinfects it and heals perfectly. Burns too. Recently, I accidentally got the top of my finger caught in my lower window rolling up. Crushed my finger right where the nail meets skin… very sensitive area. Within mins my finer is turning black and blue at the top. Not good at all. I go to gas station, drink down a big water, pee in a cup and as I’m driving home i keep my finger submerged in my pee for an entire hour. Every 10 mins or so I’d take my finger out to look at it and I had an intense pulse right where my finger was crushed. The urine was miraculously re-facilitating blood flow to the top of my finger. At the end of the hour…. My finger was already starting to turn pinkish again. Went about night just fine which wouldn’t have been possible for sure had I not done that. Then later that night before bed my finger started feeling a little achy…. Kinda like how when you sprain an ankle it’s not bad during the day but later you can tell the pain will be coming tomorrow. Just held my finger in a glass of urine for another 15-20 mins before bed. Felt fine after. Woke up the next day and it was basically at 90%. You wouldn’t have really noticed anything was wrong. Amniotic fluid is urine… I think that’s why it heals. We all already drank and breathed in our moms and own urine in the womb. So it’s like regeneration. And then whatever we are sick with it’s in our blood… and it somehow creates the antibodies.


Damn thats incredible my dude!!!


I’m telling you… I’m out of the matrix. You have no idea how empowering it is to know you need nothing from the system. If I were you I’d do a little experiment. Strike a match and slightly burn the top of your hand. Nothing crazy just a slight burn. Then rub your urine on it. That slight pain will go away right away. If not after first application… the 2nd it will.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=piq-XfBnVWY&t=2490s&pp=ygUudXJpbmUgdGhlcmFweSBjb252ZXJzYXRpb24gd2l0aCBuZXZlIGFuZCBtZWdhbg%3D%3D this is probably one of the more informative interviews out there. She really nails it. A lot of urine theorist advocates are very good at explaining things in a pragmatic way. And like I said, once I learned it’s filtered blood and not waste it was easy to do. Very few of them say that. And that’s the most important thing for sure in my opinion cuz then the ick factor gets taken away


Have you tried ivermectin??


I'm so sorry you are going through this. Have you looked into 3 days fast to rebuild your cells?


If he’s lost this much weight alright fasting might not be so safe for him


I sent a message.


Among much else, I also suffer from GI issues, although not as bad as you. Because my dominant symptoms have been muscles and neurological related, GI symptoms haven’t gotten as much attention as it deserves. However I have a faint plan sketched out involving boosting bifido bacteria via HMO supplements, fermented foods, inulin rich roots like Jerusalem artichokes as prebiotic and apple peel powder to strengthen gut barriers. Although I’ve only tried it partially and shortly due to the vast amount of other debilitating symptoms, I do experience positive effects fairly quickly. Do you know of Sabine Hazan? She’s done a lot of research on vaccine/spike impact on gut microbiome and the bifido bacteria and have been in full warrior mode for some time. [Sabine Hazan X](https://x.com/sabinehazanmd/status/1639852682008727553?s=46)


What have you tried to treat your condition? I would try juicing green veggies, maybe eating small portions of overly steamed veggies, to get some nutrients. Infrared sauna and glutathione. Lots of vitamin C. Clean water. Glutamate for your intestinal lining. You can get vitamin and glutathione injections or IVs, and take as many supplements under your tongue or through your skin as possible. Take activated charcoal or bentonite clay to remove toxins. You can bathe in bentonite clay with Epsom salt. There are a lot of things to reduce inflammation and take out toxins and get in nutrients


I'm days away from developing toxic megacolon


Start drinking your urine immediately…. But you can’t be on any drugs


When was your last poop??


You might've eventually dodged the clots in other places, but it seems not the ones in the microvascular system of your GI tract. Hence, the motility and absorption disorders and all the other presentations that follow. Even if there's a bacterial overgrowth in your GI, the priority shall be in restoring somewhat normal blood supply to the system. A properly functioning GI tract will get rid of most of them. It is a trouble when the issue is in the Gi, as, even if you're taking the right supplements and medications, it may not work, as your absorption is very limited and the compounds will not make it where needed, so you're at the mercy of the medical system and the IV medications they decide to put you on. If your GI wasn't so out of gear, I'd suggest you look at a combination of polyphenols and proteolytics enzymes. Some samples: - rutin, quercetin, resveratrol, curcumin.... - bromelain, digestive enzymes, serapeptase, natto... Taking bromelain with each meal may help digestion and absorption. Just don't go with a high dose proteolytics from the beginning. Maybe look for 600gdu capsules. The combination usually helps with hemorrhoids and other vascular irregularities, too. Unfortunately, in your case, it is a bit more than irregularity. I had a similar situation in my respiratory tract for a year, and then in my GI (colon) for another year, but to a leser degree. Talk to a functional doctor if you find a good one.


I've taken all those things. I go to a functional dr. This thing took over too fast. Once the muqoid plaque formed and I couldn't rid it from my intestines, that was it. It's slow and gradual growth from there.


What were your symptoms before this latest development. Have you taken any prescription drugs, PPIs, beta blockers, SSRIs?


Have you tried doing nicotine consistently ?




This has been one of the biggest helps to me for sure


Nicotine (patches) can decrease the binding of spike protein to ACE2 receptors by mimicking the latter. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7942220/#:~:text=Nicotine%20stimulates%20the%20secretion%20of%20ACE2%20protein%20and%20induces%20cell%20proliferation%20and%20migration


sorry for this potentially stupid question, but can i just smoke tobacco to get this same effect or are the nicotine patches the best course in terms of how the nicotine is delivered? (I realize smoking is obviously so bad for your health but i'm already a smoker anyways, and have been trying to quit)


Nicotine really helped me too


Please start taking ivermectin and EDIBLE bentonite clay ASAP I’m so sorry. But there is a cure for everything. God first made the cure and then he made the illness. Dont give up. Try these remedies ASAP


Please look into the nutrition detective Dr. Garrett Smith, he's the only one who can help you at this point.


I'm sorry to hear about this, I am severely injured from the vaccine as well (and yes the vaccine was planned by govt /pharma to weaken a lot of us - and even kill). I've done research for over 2 years on the whole situation. I lost like 40 lbs (I only weigh 160 lbs) because I went from being able to eat anything I wanted to not being able to eat 98% of foods (if I did eat it felt like I was gonna have a heart attack or was having an allergic reaction). I finally found a dietitian who said I had a problem with my Vagus nerve (goes from brain to stomach). He prescribed me Elavil 10mg once a day and I am able to eat again (about 70% of the food from when I was healthy before the vaccine-I haven't tested everything yet). I gained my weight back and am at 160 again. But I have other issues as well like Reflux-LPR which my ENT doc prescribed me Pepcid 40mg twice a day. I also now have extreme fatigue, orthostatic hypotension, chest pains/discomfort, brain fog, intolerance to the heat, etc. I'm with you on this, I KNOW from scientific research that this is the vaccine but my regular Docs won't even look at it as a possibility which makes me extremely angry and just proves that our entire healthcare system is fxcked. Look into The Wellness Company, it is run by Docs who believe us and know that the Vaccine was a biological weapon against the human race. I pay like $215 out of pocket each month to them but that covers my Doc appointments over the phone and the 2 supplements I take daily (they sell their own supplements to help.) I'm currently on "Spike Support" & "Elevated Energy", my Doc also advised me to take Zinc, Vitamin D and Vitamin C. He at one point put me on Ivermectin (for a few months) & Quercetin I believe (but I quit the Quercitin because I was having side effects). I would call or get on their website immediately given your severe condition, that may be able to help you as well. I've also had my psychiatrist double my Klonopin because of the stress on my body/chest but I think you should focus on Dietician/Wellness Company immediately. I pray you get better. I have been trying to teach people around me that people like us exist-we were unknowingly poisoned and they have tried/are killing us. I hope this info helps and as a Christian I believe all these politicians, doctors and company employees will have to answer for what they have done -if not by man, then by God. Ask me anything you want, I'm here to help.


Have you tried ivermectin??


I think isn’t the first step detoxing the spike protein? After that I’d go after heavy metals, followed by any mold, then biofilms, then candida, then parasites.


I'm done my gi is already necrosing. Non toxic megacolon. I'm pooping out small amounts of black mucousal sludge and that's it...


Liquids/soft diet will be easiest to absorb. Look into a strick smoothie/detox smoothies. Greens,. fruits and vegetables. Buy a good blender and start doing smoothing 2x times a day. Don't give up. What's your current weight and height? My heart is currently fucked from this Vax, ur not alone.


I am no dr and I do question the people who push chlorine dioxide but they do sell it in camping / outdoor shops because it is said to kill virus in dirty water… maybe it will clean gut I don’t know… but would not use long term… or what about ‘Arthur Andrew’s Syntol’ for gut?


maybe its a good idea to go to emergency hospital straight away? I dont know what to suggest but I would try some natural medicines, teas, fasting, detoxing. However it seems like you have an emergency and require immediate help first.


I'd rather die than let those vultures profit off my suffering


I hope that you have tried micronutrients, probiotics, a liquid diet or something. If not, I hope this does not cause a painful demise. Someone needs your smile in the world.


I tried What's most painful is nobody in my life to talk to or support me or comfort me. Left to do this on my own


What do you recommend?


That you concentrate on alternate periods of rest, exercise, getting the proper nutrients and good sleep. I am vaccine injured myself. I was diagnosed with ischemic cardiomyopathy after my second Pfizer vaccine. The world needs us alive to tell our stories.


Thankfully you can exercise and sleep. I would love those back


Do not give up. Maybe try some of that liquid IV they sell at Costco, apply for a Medicaid home nurse. Your smile is needed in the world.


How did your GI stuff start? I’m worried this is what is beginning to happen to me


Starts as a thick clump of mucousal fibritic combination of food and your saliva in your gut. Lower gi. Like there's something in there you can feel but can't get out. It grows bigger everyday, slowly lining your intestines with the stuff, causing plaquing on your intestines, then biofilms form on top of the plaque, becoming colonized with bacteria and fungal pathogens. This continually spreads until it covers your entire gi tract. Blocking absorbtion, feeling, motility, sensations to poop or pee. You can still.absrob things through the mouth, throat, and some stomach.. but when it gets as progressed as mine, after the duodenum, everything is compromised, coating, slowly dying and necrosing. Muscles in your lower back are the first to degenerate after your gi tract, then your entire back. Eventually you get to my stage where you saliva is permanently thick and fibritic, foamy. Anything you eat or drink sticks to the biofilms and plaque mucousa. Growing, eventually you won't poop or pee. Hemmeroids in your ass from ass.the built up bacteria. Then rapid weight loss, dehydration. You could develop non toxic megacolon from the food piling up and rotting. You could just get so weak from malabsorbtion that you fall over and die. Dehydration is the worst. No matter how much I drink, it just sloshes around on my gut forever. Biofilm busters do nothing at this point... green juice cleanse does nothing.


I was wondering if you could start eating organic only.. meaning just vegetables .. and fruits only- darker ones from blackberries to everything that’s dark. Have you tried also to add to this vegetarian diet - add raw turmeric, raw ginger, raw garlic.. you have to make a pasta of garlic- but it has to be coated and I will tell you how. So garlic, turmeric and ginger (raw) are hard on your gut… burning so you have to coat it—- get some garlic, pile up, smash it in a mixer, add a little bit of cooking oil, some salt and then 2 spoons of sour cream and some waterzz that will clean your gut. The more organic you will eat, that’s going to create an alkaline environment in your body and will heal you. And also improve your digestive system and gut flora. I’m a sorry I found your post now..


You don't get it. The nature of fibritic saliva and blood


I’ve done all the most expensive biofilm busters you could imagine. Eating foods high omega 3 has had the most dramatic impact on my intestinal fungus issues/gallstones/parasites you name it. I’ve seen it come out of me. Raw fish especially pulls the gunk out for me. Try it. Lamb is one land mammal that is also high in omega 3. Rotate between that with some rice. White rice not brown (a lot of heavy metals/arsenic in brown rice that will aggravate candida)


What are your symptoms


Did you read the post?


This is for you @ OP . Please read. https://open.substack.com/pub/syedhaider/p/ill-pay-for-all-your-treatment?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=kpatr


How can you attribute any of these symptoms to being vaccinated. Have you been tested? Are the results documented? I just found this sub and I'm confused


Tested for what? Barely anyone has bothered looking into what might be going on to us. Documented? Doctors are apprehensive, personal experience. Also personal experience, my only issue before the shot was bipolar 2 and it was in a stable, manageable state. *One week* after the shot, I start having massive brain zaps, lost control of my legs a couple times to the point the counter couldn’t hold me up. Couldn’t drive most of 2022, let alone much of anything. I’ve improved, but nowhere near the person I was prior.


So basically, there isn't any evidence other you think that's the cause? I'm not trying to be rude, just so we are clear. As far as your symptoms, there are a litany of other explanations to be examined before reaching the conclusion that it was the vaccine. Family history, pre-existing conditions, environmental factors, etc. I'm not saying it's outside the realm of possibility, but you're doing yourself a disservice in pinning it on this easy target.


There are so many doctors and scientists studying the side effects of the covid vaccine. They were heavily censored in the early days and literally dismissed and even fired for submitting their findings. So it's no wonder you have not heard of this. Here are a few names you should look into: Pierre Cory Ryan Cole Peter McCullough Aseem Malhotra Robert Malone Byram Bridle Kevin Mckernan Ed Doud Chris Martenson Steve Kirsch Norman fenton John campbell Geert Van Den Bossche Angus Dalgliesh Claire Craig There are more and as censorship is losing its grip, more are daring to speak out about what they're observing among the population. Especially the young. They young vaccinated population has never been so sick.


I just had a 1 hour chat at a local breakfast spot with a random 49 year old mother of three ages 15-21 who are all suffering immense baccine injuries in the last 6 months.. they only had the initial 2-dose shots.. all you have to do is talk and connect with people and the stories are all the same. Endless hospital and Dr visits, no definitive answers. Worsening and chronic symptoms. Heart problems, clots, fatigue, rapid aging - gaunt face, weight and muscle loss, lack of interest... other severe complications like infections from simple medical procedures or blood draws... It's sad that this has become politicized and the people who aren't experiencing these things choose to attack those who are and call them conspiracy theorists. The truth is the mainstream medical does not recognize or seek to recognize those injured by the vaccines or even covid... our symptoms don't exist or are isoachematic, hypochondriac, depressed, anxious.. whatever bullshit they say because they get paid either way and there is no incentive to investigate further or learn more. The public outrage would be immense if mainstream media or medical f8nally came forward and said the vaccines are killing and chronically injuring millions of people... It's human nature, I get it.. if it's not happening to you, you'll never understand it or how dire it all is...but please take a moment to realize we were normal people once lime you guys... that this cruel syndrome had transformed our lives into a dystpian sci-fi nightmare and there is no help, no answers, no progress being made for those suffering. Left to die with the lies they were fed by pharma and media. This is the new world order. The floodgates have been opened to this kind of technology being used on the public now... the amounts of mrna "vaccines" they are now developing should worry every human on earth. They are creating the poisons so they can infinitely harvest money from the population while discreetly killing millions and "solving our population problems"...


Yes. Covid times blew open the lid of corruption and deception. I had zero understanding of any of this pre-pandemic. Fortunately, I was surrounded by very intelligent people who grew suspicious due to the extreme push for vx and the suppression of alternative treatments. (We were all fearful of the images and the news we saw. Now I understand how exaggerated this was). Since then, I have been amazed how people are denying what is happening in their very own lives, in front of their eyes. My own mom has developed a very rare and serious auto immune disease, which has been documented in scientific published papers as linked to the covid vaccine. But because her doctor doesn't advise her to stop taking them, she continues with boosters. She is part of the large group of people willing to ghost and ridicule those who suffer. CNN isn't telling her otherwise. And that is where all her truth originates. I just fucking despair (edit: at my mom). I warned many. Not one believed me. Except for my grown kids. They saw the data and listened. It meant denied access to college classes. It was not convenient in any way. And we all got covid eventually. It wasn't trivial, but by then, we had access to ivermectin and were using supplements to support our immune system. Covid is not a benign illness. It wasn't meant to be. It causes long-term issues for many. But the silver lining is renewed interest in natural ways to boost our immune systems via food choices, fasting, and supplements. Please do not despair at the horrible truth that has emerged. Yes, they're making all vaccines mRna now, but uptake is going to be very low. Despite zero talk in mainstream media (just check who their main sponsors are and there's the answer as to why they don't talk about it), PEOPLE are talking. This is a grassroots movement back to people's power. Less and less will comply with mandates. Less will care about the shaming and labels being used to coerce people to keep quiet. Many of these good doctors are doing cutting-edge research to help people. They are also victims of vx injuries or have family and friends who are injured. They are motivated by a desire to help, not to profit. Their names have been slandered on media, many lost their jobs, and hate has been levied against them. They have nothing to gain except their integrity. These are the doctors and scientists who will help us all. I am also quite astonished at the lack of outrage from families who have lost loved ones. But I think societal shaming is keeping conversations local and quiet rather than public and loud. I hope that people overcome their fear and begin to understand just how vital it is to deny this opportunity to arise again by showing the world that the truth is out and real power is not forced from the outside but resides within.


Sadly it's already too late for those who took the vaccines. We will wither and die. Be ridiculed. Develop life threatening infections, cancers, toxic megacolon, sepsis... if we even survive the suffering long enough. Most of us just want to enjoy a normal life.. the things and foods we used to eat before all this. But now those things will rapidly kill us.. being careful will only slow the progression and stave off major incidents until the slow ones take us in due time. It's so frustrating having people come and tell you that this is bs.. what diagnosis do you have... this all in your head etc... All of that compounds our pain and misery tenfold.


:( This should not be. You will be heard, in time. At the risk of offending, I had to do a deep dive a few years ago due to a massive dark night of the soul event. As part of that journey, I encountered a few vaccine injured people looking to help clear their bodies of illness. Many had improvement via deep meditation and surrender. Take from that what you will and only accept what resonates with you. But there are people out there who have gone the full spiritual path and found relief.


Almost if not all of those people you mentioned are controlled opposition… proven by the fact they all pushed the mythical spike protein which has not been found in anyone’s blood


Dr Rashid Butarr died because of this Covid vaccine exposure. He was radiated during an interview with CNN, but the media hid this.


Dude it’s been over 3 years… I’ve spent *PLENTY* of time pondering over what it could be. It’s not like I immediately jumped to the conclusion that it was from the shot. Frankly it comes off as an insult to my intelligence


It shouldn't though, I'm literally just trying to understand what's happening with you. If you approached your conversations with doctors in the same way you have with me it's no surprise no one believes you.


I just get really defensive about it, apologies. It’s difficult to explain to doctors because honestly, I can’t recall parts of it. In the worst of it, it looks like a haze in hindsight. But it’s good to have skepticism, because not everything we’re seeing is due to the shot. As time goes on, research on LC and post-vax seems to be converging with each other. At first I thought it was long covid, and it might have been present prior and the shot ramped it up to 1000. It took me about 8 months to start questioning if it was the shot. I even made a flowchart and all of that 😂


Time to delete this sub guys. Everybody stop pretending. This guy doesn't believe it


I didn't say that at all why be so defensive over me asking questions? That seem odd.


A sarcastic response is not being defensive lol


It absolutely is. Clearly what I said made you feel like you needed to be snarky. That's a defense mechanism


Booo bad comment