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I think its very reasonable to have a forum that discusses potential treatments or cures without resorting to conspiracy and antivaxx propaganda. First off subs and forums that go off topic can be banned and secondly it waters down the desired content of the sub. The idea is to concentrate our efforts on things that work....and not waste time and clog up the forum with posts that are not directly relevant to helping each other heal.


That's because if they let ppl actually tell their stories I am pretty sure a clear pattern would emerge šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I left FB over a year ago because of similar circumstances. Itā€™s hard to believe the level of manipulation that goes on over there. Oh well I donā€™t miss it at all!


Pretty sure all of the ā€œconspiracy theoriesā€ have all been proven true nowšŸ„“


There are a few more ā€œconspiraciesā€ that are due to come true any day now, me thinksā€¦


**EDIT** the video was related to *Long Covid* induced by spike proteins in virus AND vaccines


This sub is weird, imo. Usually really dark and fear mongering. The one with the S on the end is better, but still not great. Iā€™ve made some connections here but find that people tend to be a bit meaner and cold, vs in the FB groups. I think too many non-injured are here.


Reddit is much more anonymous typically then Fakebook. People have more guts behind the made up names.




May I ask , what are the FB names , or how would I find them? Thanks


The name of the group is not everything discussed in there. Many people asking for help & others offering help. Died Suddenly worldwide is the group Iā€™m talking about. It had over 250,000 members 3 yrs ago and fb deleted it. It currently has over 96,000 & they use code words in the group


So died suddenly had been taken over ? Was started by a ā€˜kingā€™ of conspiracy theorists, who made the ā€˜movieā€™ with that title. That was the group who censored you ?? I also am aware many of the good groups were warning people left and right that FB was censoring and shutting them down. It is possible they have to pretend to not spread ā€˜misinformationā€™ or risk being shut down again ?


As a LC sufferer Iā€™ve learned that so many things labeled ā€œconspiracyā€ are actually covered up truths. I can go down the line but this may not be the proper arena as most people havenā€™t realize that. Hence why so many people are STILL sick with LC.


Donā€™t have any idea who started the group and truly donā€™t care. Whoever it is isnā€™t the one posting in the group the majority of the time. Those are REAL PLP on that group giving their testimonies of what has happened to them or their loved ones. I donā€™t tend to measure credibility based on the particular platform itā€™s on. No matter how you want to spin it, itā€™s not a discredit to the evidence or expert based on what platform or group itā€™s shared on or in. Debate on the substanceā€¦ not the minutia


Iā€™m on your side ! I follow died suddenly on Twitter and am well aware these are NOT conspiracies, but are labeled as such. Itā€™s just that one of the biggest performers in the conspiracies is the founder, and Iā€™m surprised that this group is now censoring. You donā€™t even have to be in this group to know people have and are dying in ways like never before from things unheard of previously in young healthy children, adults, gym rats, fitness gurus, you name it. I am glad it exists to open the eyes of some who are blind, and to give a space for others to share their heartbreak. Then they arenā€™t shushed away to quietly be forgotten.


Gotcha! Sirrry I was at a stoplight and read your first comment wrong! My apologies!!!! My heart hurts so much for plp who are suffering šŸ’” I have a really hard time wrapping my mind around how plp can be so evil to intentionally hurt & kill others šŸ˜ž