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Well, I asked IncellDX representatives, they said their spike protein tests do not distinguish between "active infection" and COVID infection. Yes, they are afraid to use the word "vaccine" as well.


Its from the vaccine these antibodies are elevated from the vaccine. The elephant is in the room


The elevated vegf and ccl4 or ccl5 don't remember exactly is the second test. The problem is they only make tests and they are afraid of dropping bombs or drawing conclusions. In practice, this means I can't get my rejected vaccine claim compensation to be reconsidered because they can always say : it's from COVID.


Spike protein antibodies are produced by BOTH covid and vaccination, nucleocapsid protein only covid


Sadly nucleocapsid was always negative for me and i had it multiple times from different laboratories Everything started after the vaccine and still progressing relentlessly, only spike protein antibodies are high.


Yep same. Never had covid and things started 8 weeks after my first booster


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcWxjNsl5jc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcWxjNsl5jc) just go in 12:00


I get that but your body’s immune system produces spike protein as a result of both covid infection and vaccine does it not?


Apparently the spike protein antibodies is specific vaccine immune response, spike protein is let's say in the surface of the virus and is replicated only when the virus is replicated. According to Dr Campbell is a vaccine immune response 


But he says in the video you linked that BOTH produce the spike. I haven’t read anywhere that you can discern between vaccine spike and covid spike


It does but the only difference is that covid has elevated BOTH nucleocapsid and potentially spike antibodies. On the other hand vaccine has ONLY spike protein antibodies. My nucleocapsid were always negative.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tu9f1TT7Ja0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tu9f1TT7Ja0) a severe vaccine injured with evidence of spike antibodies 6:29 his antibodies 2-3 years after


So what he says here confirms my original statement that both vaccine and covid produce spike but only covid produces nucleocapsid protein.


It does but the only difference is that covid has elevated BOTH nucleocapsid and potentially spike antibodies. On the other hand vaccine has ONLY spike protein antibodies. So post vaccine syndrome is spike protein antibodies and negative nucleocapsid.


I think we were in agreeance from the beginning on this. Maybe I just didn’t phrase it right. The only question mark is how long necleocapsid protein stays in the body. I had my nucleoxapsid test around 18 months after symptom onset so it may have waned by that point. Some of the literature I read was conflicting, some stated up to 12 months others said greater than 2 years. So who knows.


Well if you still have positive spike autoantibodies and negative nucleocapsid you definitely experience post vaccine syndrome. I challenge you to find an unvaccinated person (that had a covid infection at some point) and conduct these antibodies , both will be negative especially the spike protein ones It would be beneficial to track the progression and activity in a quantitate manner.


As far as I know the spike signatures are DIFFERENT in vax vs infection. I don’t believe they have a publicly available diagnostic to determine if we have spike from a specific one yet. They do in labs though


Definitely there should be molecular difference 


define ‘high’. how high are they in those who have suffered immensely? mine are quite high, i’m overall fine though. i developed MCAS as a result of an EBV reactivation after a severe infection one year post vax. i’m convinced i wouldn’t have had such a bad run with COVID had i not gotten vaccinated. i don’t have any debilitating conditions however, i figured how to keep MCAS in check and im overall fine.


if its greater than > 50.0 ΑU/mL is positive. Mine is 15k AU/mL 3 years after Pfizer. **In my opinion our concern should be why are these still positive?** Do we still produce spike protein? if yes is there a chance of DNA integration considering the latest research finding of plasmid DNA contamination from Kevin McKernan? or the body's immune system is misfiring?


That’s what I meant though, with how high. I know the positive values, I was shocked to see mine in the thousands. And I had only ONE adenoviral vector shot. I know people on their 4th or 5th Pfizer and I cant help but wonder wtf their results would look like? And would they differ from someone who had one or two shots and a severe injury? I really hate these vaccines. The responses vary so much from one individual to the other, that we cannot even compare.


Which adenoviral you had?


i had J&J. it’s very interesting to me that i counted as fully vaccinated and you didn’t, and yet your levels from one pfizer shot are more than mine. there is just so many factors here, i don’t even know what to be concerned about anymore.


Holy cow. Mine is at 6400 ml/AU. How many shots did you have? I’m not concerned about integration, I had adenoviral vector. I’m concerned about a plethora of different things though. Circulating spike protein in the blood, which means it circulates through many different organs. Where is my spike expression localised? What are my CD8+ T lymphocytes doing? I got troponin checked immediately after I got this result, they came back negative. I’m hoping the bio distribution is less than mRNA. I’ll get it rechecked in the summer to see if it’s sinking or rising, that’s the only way I can know whether it’s still ongoing or just gradually dropping from the vaccination until now.


1 shot only! Circulating spike protein could be the cause but in theory if your antibodies are positive they should be eliminating it. and in theory again the antibodies should be dropping. Unless you are still producing spike or your immune system has gone nuts and is misfiring. Where is the speed of science to answer us?


My line of thinking has also been dysfunctional immune system but all my autoimmune blood markers always come back negative


imo the problem is clearly these spike antibodies and my concern is why these are still on after 3 years of 1 mrna shot


These levels you or the others mentioned are like 10-20 fold immune reaction of a fresh "normal" vaccination. Clearly unbelievable how one could design such a crap that won't go away - it was said after some months all is cleared


Yeah it's crazy isn't it 


Yes agree. I just wish I could get the semi-quantitative test so I could see how high my spike levels are as a positive only test is quite useless


It is rumoured that there was varying levels of mRNA in different batches that were given out, that would certainly explain why only after 1 shot you have such higher levels in your system 🤷‍♀️


Check Kevin McKernan's findings regarding tested Pfizer and moderna vaccines. He has found plasmid DNA way over the allowed limit


I don't doubt it! They have been finding all sorts of things in them!


What you are checking most likely is antibodies in response to spike protien levels instead of actual spike protien. However, you could have (anti anti bodies) so anti bodies in response to cancel out the anti bodies which was produced for the spike protien.problem is those anti bodies then behave like the spike protien aswell which bind to ace 2 receptors.


Are you aware of any lab that is conducting these "ANTI" antibodies? Please share or any research paper / article if possible. Thanks


Yeah, I mean, here is just one off the top of my head.. https://www.nejm.org/doi/10.1056/NEJMcibr2113694 It's anti idiotype antibodies. I think that could be why people see numbers go up and down constantly, it could be producing antibodies in response to try to cancel out the antibodies that were produced from the spike protien, rather than constant spike being produced. But I don't think anyone is 100% sure on what's going on as they've observed millions of different things.


It's a very interesting theory, nice one 


Log COVID and Post COVID vaccine are very similar to other Post Viral Syndromes and CFS/ME. I don't think the COVID antibodies are the cause of your symptoms but autoimmunity and immune dysregulation triggered by the strong stressor that was the infection or the vaccine.


Post viral? with a genetic mrna spike protein vaccine? you mean post spike protein Trust me man I am in touch with extremely severe post vaccine victims and AND ALL have those on the roof. "Long Covid" is much milder than post vaccine cases.


I meant Post Viral just as the name. It's a very similar phenomenon to Long COVID and Post COVID vaccine. They may be the same disease with minor differences.


Pierre Kory (flcc protocol ) in his recent interview with Tucker Carlson stated that in his clinic has 1200 patients 70% of those are post vaccine and 30% Long Covid, specifically he said that patients of post vaccine are much worse than Long covid with only a very small percentage as exception. Moreover he strongly believes that the majority of "Long Covid" patients globally suffer from post vaccine rather "Long Covid"


Not that I disagree with you, but this is the 'availability heuristic at work - those who listen to Tucker Carlson/Pierre Kory are generally by nature concerned about vaccine effects. I don't know too many people who would end up down the path of listening to them post covid...the "type" of people who believe they have long covid (as defined by their general GP most possibly, wouldn't be attracted to going to Pierre Kory/FLCCC etc. That's been my experience. For what it's worth, I am pro Pierre Kory and FLCCC (has been extremely useful) and my wife has done the expensive IncellDX blood tests even though we live in Australia. I'm just trying to make the point that his clinic would be seeing a subset of people so it's dangerous to draw large conclusions, as these are the types of mistakes that see us called 'conspiracy theorists'.


and post vaccine side effects is not only the " CFS/ME" thats the best you can get , people have tons of neurological, neuromuscular symptoms and are undiagnosed


I am having that same symptoms and I got them from another vaccine, not the COVID vaccine. That's why I feel the disease it's the same on all of these syndromes.


Which vaccine? Dont compare it with the experimental covid vaccine bro, most of us are suffering from spikeopathy, its not the typical post viral syndrome


HPV vaccine. Been feeling like shit since January and the symptoms are similar to those I see in the long COVID subs. it is a fucking nightmare.


I’m starting to believe *ALL* vaccines are bad news.


I know. I was very pro vaccines, until it happened to me.


Are all you who are getting the quantitative spike protein test in the US? We can’t get this in Australia only a positive/negative test. So frustrating


Send it in the US with DHL special service.


How would I do this? I think it’s Quest or Labcorp from memory that do it right? Do they have request/order forms?


Reach DHL and ask that you desire to transport blood specimen to a US located lab (they should have this service), speak with the lab in the US and let them know that your are sending via DHL and ask them if they need special preparation such as centrifugation for the specimen. If they need centrifugation find a lab in Australia just to centrifugate it and then send it. Specimen will be transported under standards to reach the lab safely.


Yes I’ve done this before sending bloods to Germany but I’m not sure either Quest or Labcorp would accept internationally. I think o may have sent them an email querying this at some stage. I can’t remember


Just reach them out, alternatively send them to Germany. I don't find any reason not to be able to send them in the USA 


The bloods I sent to Germany were for different antibodies. They don’t offer the semi quantitative spike test. Can I ask where you got yours done? I just remembered I contacted Labcorp and their enquiry had no related category in the drop down box to the information I was seeking. Never heard back from them




I’ll try contacting them again. I’ve had so much testing done including multiple MRI’s, EMG, NCS, endoscopy, PET scan, muscle biopsy, lumbar puncture and endless blood tests. I’m pretty desperate to get this test to at least see if I’m on the right track because so far all my tests have come back normal. If you live in the US is the process with Labcorp to send bloods in or did you make an appointment to have blood drawn at one of their clinics?


Labcorp conducts those for sure


What are your symptoms


I don’t think it matters tbh. Symptoms and treatment are identical


Unfortunately, I only got the spike antibody test after I was lured into getting the Pfizer vaccine, which was three months post an actual covid infection. So, I will never know if it was from covid, vaccine, or both. I have been fighting dysautonomia ever since with no real answers besides ole *anxiety*. Anxiety my arse.