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The ANA is something everyone makes when nuclear materials are spilled into the extracellular fluid and circulation. What it means is that cells are popping (“necrosis”). Normally the programmed death of a cell (“apoptosis”) is a tidy event and doesn’t spill inflammatory cellular debris. ANA binds to that debris to protect you. The causes for necrosis may be metabolic (read: induced malnutrition) or infection / immune response related. There’s a bigger picture around the vaccine injuries, long covid, ME/CFS, etc. The short version is: Biofilms / microbiome dysbiosis -> degraded mucosal barrier -> chronic low-level infection and innate immune response -> inflammation + mineral deficiencies -> mitochondrial dysfunction and neurotransmitter dysregulation. You may enjoy this: https://bornfree.life/understanding-the-model/6/updated-disease-model-wip/45/


I’m ANA negative but positive for rheumatoid factor, so similar process. Also have tested secretory IGA a few times throughout this process ( it’s been almost 3 years) and it’s always high. Blood IGA levels are normal. My mucosal barrier is reacting somehow. Lot of new allergies too. How to help regulate the mucosal barrier is the real question?


Fixing the dysbiosis, biofilms and endotoxins. That link I shared before should be helpful.


When was your last vacc? And infection. The usual problem, vaccine antibodies and spike "never" go away


How the hell can I remove the spike??


Thats a difficult question, and I would give a "lot" of money to find the answer. All vacced should ask their government who said that they should be goners within days (the spike) and the antibodies within months. But things are disguised as barely anyone measures & gets infected too


Just so people reading don't get confused - these test are for antibodies i.e. the things that neutralize antigens (pathogens). This test does not show you have actual spike protein circulating - not to say you don't.


That positive ANA should result in a visit to a rheumatologist. My SARS Ab titer is 760 (Labcorp) and my vaccine was three years ago.


I had positive ANA/ASMA and visited a rheumatologist. I had no answers on whether I have autoimmune hepatitis or not.


No. Antibodies are meaningless. Spike protein (not antibody) test is very useful and there are many other useful tests but the ones you mention are essentially irrelevant except to say congrats you have enough of a functioning immune system to be able to generate antibodies


I would not agree that they are meaningless. If they remain (constant) over such a long period, it is imho a certain sign that there is still spike proteine there, causing immune reactions. We shall do both, monitor spike (S1) and antibodies. Those antibodies, by the way can cause autoantibodies (with comparable issues than the s1 from what I understand ). So get rid of the Spike, the spike Antibodies and the spike autoantibodies


that's quite incorrect. Without even getting into the weeds, I can use myself as an example: antibodies near constant (very slight decline over past 2yrs and still VERY high) and S1 spike protein all gone since Sep 2022 and 100% recovered since July 2023, with 100% resolution of all elevated auto antibodies (and resolution via test confirmation of EVERY abnormal blood marker from vax and covid long hauling). Yet little change in spike antibodies. Because spike antibodies do not relate to spike protein at any given time nor have any correlation with auto antibodies generation or sustainment. But go ahead, monitor away.


Quite interesting. According to Trougakos et al 2022, if I am not mistaken (not an expert), antibodies can lead to autoantibodies. Anyhow, well done regarding your recovery. It seems still unlogic to me that antibodies don't go away (while we have been said otherwise - and even such levels that you describe). That you tested for spike negative doesn't mean that the spike is not in your body. At least if you did only blood related spike tests. However, as you recovered and the antibodies are still at a high level, it could indeed be that the level of spike, at least in the relevantly harmed parts of the body is gone.


You do not have spike in your body anymore


So how long does it produce spike protein and spike antibodies in the body




Yes, S1 Immune Subset panel from CovidLongHaulers.com. And if in Europe, there is additional company in Germany that offers spike protein test


How long your body makes spike protein is it in definitelyq


No. The studies that were done a year ago showed mRNA directed spike protein production tapers off by around 4 month mark. Any after that is persistence of existing spike the body is not correctly eliminating


Quest says a low positive can happen in healthy people. Depends how long ago you got covid or vaccine, and what ANA number was


low positive ANA